Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 5, Document 37
Text Item Type Metadata
Ho Fe Zinnernan
de He Lespold
_ October 14, 1968
Atlanta Housing, Jonesboro Road Project
J 17, 1963
Developer received telephone advice from AHA that tentative approval of
site had been granted by HUD3 but that formal cllotment of dwelling units
for this project has net yet come throughe Developer advised that he
would procced with preparation of formal proposal ineluding cost estimates
pursuant to instructions contained in the HUD Turnkey Mamval, plus previous
suggestions made by AHA in April, 1968 in connection with documents sub-
mitted by Developer May 6, 1968 to the Zoning Committee.
J 2h, 1968
Option and sales agreements for purchase of property (3 parcels) executed
by Devolover and property owners. Options expire December 138, 1968.
Aueust 29, 1968
Meoting with Developer and Mre Jesse T. Collins, Assistant Vice Prosident,
Fulton National Bank, concerning availability of financing for project. Ko
problem was forscene Applicable percent imterest and discount rates would
be subject to money market conditions at time commitmont is made. Current
rates are & percent and 2 percent per year, respectively.
September 26, 1968
Architect and Developer attended conference at AHA to go over proposed
designse Comments received will be incorporated into basis for proposal
which will be submitted as soon as chocked construction cost estimates are
available from contractor, Abco Builders, Ince Cther costs have already
been estimated.
October 2, 1968
Forwarded drawings to Abco Builders for construction cost estinates
Architectural - All billdings Storm Sewer
Pluxbing (Dwelling units only) Outside Sanitary Sewer
- Hoating w Outside Gas & Water
Electrical % % %
Atlanta Housing (comtimied - Page 2)
October 1968
Visited city fire marshal!s office and submitted proposed fire water
system layout. Written approval received from fire marshal subject to
slight shifting of hydrants from positions showme Drawing pelng changede
October 12, 1963
Forwarded to Abco Duilders Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Electrical drawv-~
ings for Community Building and Adeiniotration and Maintenance Buildings
also rovised outsice water drawing showing approved fire protection layoute
Although those and the drawings sent October 2 are not entirely complete,
they do show sufficient information to illustrate vxincipal cesicn cencents
and provide a basis for realistic preliminary construction cost estimates.
October 14, 1963
Advised AHA by telephone of current status of proposal, including expectation
that construction cost estimates should be availabie by next wocek, and thet
formal proposal should be ready a few days thereaster. Developer will kes
AHA posted on progress until proposal is submitted.
Checked with Contractore He expects to be ready with estimate October 23.
Drawings are in hinds of various specialty subcontractors ror quotations.
Date given allows for reviewing and assembling the estinates.
de He Lespold
_ October 14, 1968
Atlanta Housing, Jonesboro Road Project
J 17, 1963
Developer received telephone advice from AHA that tentative approval of
site had been granted by HUD3 but that formal cllotment of dwelling units
for this project has net yet come throughe Developer advised that he
would procced with preparation of formal proposal ineluding cost estimates
pursuant to instructions contained in the HUD Turnkey Mamval, plus previous
suggestions made by AHA in April, 1968 in connection with documents sub-
mitted by Developer May 6, 1968 to the Zoning Committee.
J 2h, 1968
Option and sales agreements for purchase of property (3 parcels) executed
by Devolover and property owners. Options expire December 138, 1968.
Aueust 29, 1968
Meoting with Developer and Mre Jesse T. Collins, Assistant Vice Prosident,
Fulton National Bank, concerning availability of financing for project. Ko
problem was forscene Applicable percent imterest and discount rates would
be subject to money market conditions at time commitmont is made. Current
rates are & percent and 2 percent per year, respectively.
September 26, 1968
Architect and Developer attended conference at AHA to go over proposed
designse Comments received will be incorporated into basis for proposal
which will be submitted as soon as chocked construction cost estimates are
available from contractor, Abco Builders, Ince Cther costs have already
been estimated.
October 2, 1968
Forwarded drawings to Abco Builders for construction cost estinates
Architectural - All billdings Storm Sewer
Pluxbing (Dwelling units only) Outside Sanitary Sewer
- Hoating w Outside Gas & Water
Electrical % % %
Atlanta Housing (comtimied - Page 2)
October 1968
Visited city fire marshal!s office and submitted proposed fire water
system layout. Written approval received from fire marshal subject to
slight shifting of hydrants from positions showme Drawing pelng changede
October 12, 1963
Forwarded to Abco Duilders Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Electrical drawv-~
ings for Community Building and Adeiniotration and Maintenance Buildings
also rovised outsice water drawing showing approved fire protection layoute
Although those and the drawings sent October 2 are not entirely complete,
they do show sufficient information to illustrate vxincipal cesicn cencents
and provide a basis for realistic preliminary construction cost estimates.
October 14, 1963
Advised AHA by telephone of current status of proposal, including expectation
that construction cost estimates should be availabie by next wocek, and thet
formal proposal should be ready a few days thereaster. Developer will kes
AHA posted on progress until proposal is submitted.
Checked with Contractore He expects to be ready with estimate October 23.
Drawings are in hinds of various specialty subcontractors ror quotations.
Date given allows for reviewing and assembling the estinates.