Box 5, Folder 5, Document 43

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Box 5, Folder 5, Document 43

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| : By or AELES POU ° de wr oon compet tition between | As one of the pre ters
At ie ay i otat Alt " ;
| . a se ‘mal f nf if Hei “fC and fede ral covernme nts 5. | for th e first format 5 ctaeiah: of
Ik nee La ichigen sv _Rearge | He similarly called for rere co-; the lJegistators, Maddox said
omney, Secretary of Housing) operation between locsl and|slates must “nat fall prey to
5 mont Tt ntha enuaen 1 ai .
| and Urben B nent, “hurs-| slate governmerss. jihe idea that the best way to

j day le “aA bri
minisipation s
irving te attr
President's ‘

lative leaders.

In remarks
Jivery at a lu:
the National Cor
islative Leaders,

prepared for de-
“On Ss ession of
prence of Leg-

‘INSTEAD OF relying on
complicated and restrictive
in-aid programs to filter

a litte money back from Wash-
ington,’ Roniney, “the
+ President would s a per:
centage of the federal om
tax base annually, no
strings attached, for st and

local gave
see fit in mecting their

..The same no-strings-gitached
theme was stressed by an ear-


administration, former
Dakota Gov. Nils Boe. now head
of the Department cf Intergov-
ernmental Affairs.

He said Nixon already is mov-
ing toward ‘ ‘decentralization of
government” and cited designa-
tion of Atlanta as onc of 10
decision-making headquarters
for regional federai offices as
“one milestone” in that endea-

“Over many years,” said Boe,
“this has been talked about. No

{one before has had the political

fortitude to put it inte effect.”

But at the same time, the
former governor, who is alsoa

former tegislator, ur ‘ged a a slow-

program from the nation’s legis. |

lier speaker from the Nixon!
South ;

re |

Aod Romney.
the day met with Mayor Ivan
Allen, got int a lick or two for his

he future of thi
“is the confray
states and cities, bety
r and minority groups

said (are Concentrated in preat num.

one of the chief clem tix-'[bers in the central core of our
on's “Mew Pederalism’ pro- ipcities. and the middle-income |
gram is sharing federal taxes Jand, wffluent families who live in |
with state and Jocal gevern-}the surrounding and separate |
ments. i communities,”

* 2lling the canfr ation |

“divisive” and ‘explosive,’
Ramnev said the situation musl

be resolved.

ernments to use as they:

*T am also convinced that
Winmerica’s greatest miwsical
need is housing,” he
Millions of Americans
if fram decent hou
ver half our families cannot ale
‘ord to live in new housing built

cjal said the “shortage of ciccent |
housing’ is even greater in|
rural areas and small towns

than it is in central cities.
“Shortage in ihe cities is con-|

centrated and therefore wore;
explosive,” said Romney. “But
failure {o deal with the sh ort |

age in nenurban areas as weil
as in the cifies will only rake
the citics more explosive.”

Gov, Lester Maddox, a com-
mittee of one among the na-
tion’s governors in opposition to
full federal payment of the wel-
fare bill, was taking his stand
again among legislative leaders
gathered here from across the

Presumably he will have a
slightly more receptive audience
than among his stale chief ex-
ecutive colleagues — bul not
noticeably so.

Legislative representatives of
the 10 most populous states met
privately here Wednesday after-
noon and about came to agree-
ment to do what the National
Governors’ Conference, except-
ing Maddox, did earlier in the
fall in Colorado Springs: Say
let Washington pick up the tab
on welfare and Medicaid.

who cerher in|

-| BUT ON THE TOPIC at hand

pn fo j

n offi. |

stlve a problem is io turn it
;over fo the federal govern-
| meni.”

Be added: “We can buy free:

u from our responsibilities as
stats Jenders only by selling
fsome of cur freedom and some
of our strength.”

Indianapolis Mavor Richard
'C. Lugar, an aflemoon speaker,
jealled reverue-sharing befween
t states and eilies as imporiant
fas the federal program. ‘The
Indianapolis mayor earlier held
ha press conference at which he
told how his city accornplshed
| sows ermmental consolidation with
outlying areas.



j—-money-dividing—he said:
| “Phe 1967 Indiana General As-
sembly voled to share & per cent
of stute sales and income tax
| revenues with Indiana counties
jlo afford a degree of preperty
; tax velief, but this reventte shar-
ling was not renewed in ihe 1969
iGeneral Assembly,

“indiana cilies have never!

been in more difficult straiis,
| be it they share this condition
wilh other Ai nerican cilies, gen-
He said, though, revenue-
sharing alone will not correct!
what he called “serious struc- |
fural deficiencies in staie and,
local governments.”

“As local leaders,” he went:
on, ‘we have demanded money i
but have shown much less vigor
in demanding reform. Our cities
are an assorted mixture of 22,-
600 corporations with half occu--
pving less than one-sauare mile
of territory, with almest all’
claiming ability to solve each
and every crisis on a local.

MAYOR LUGAR suggested to
the Jegislaters the Indi: anapolis
move of taking “ihe hard road
of structural reform to obtain

Ne described Indianapolis as
“a united city of 800,000 Ameri-
cans oceupying almost 402-
square miles of Marion Coun-
ty.” He added:

“We are rich and poor, black
and white, oid and young work-
ing together and tooled up ia do
a great job of self-government
al the local level wilh tax funds
which we have generated.

“We want our share of reve-
nué froin the United States and:
from the State of Indiana lo per- j
form those functions which fed-
feral and state authorities have
| AETeed we could do best.” y



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