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Box 5, Folder 5, Document 44
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G-A WHE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, Nov. 21, 1959 i .
| a va uy ING. ans to Vv. Romney Says
iaies Must Sh Lap pe Up ij uy LNixo m Plans to Work, om
By ALEX COFFIN annual meeting of the National dorsed Nixon's priorities of end. | = but from within, net without. Ws in rural than in urban! tion is moving to meet the crisis } ef governmental programs and, of the administration stand a
He said the problem is | caused by gevernment becom- | neglect of policies.” chance. He said Congressmen
explosive in concentrated | : ses too complicated and central-; He said state, cily and county | would be reluctant fo give un
areas, however. toa much reliance on gov- | leaders must forma coalition if} the say-so in where federai
ie paid the Nixon a ens) ae ernmental action and “spawning | {he revenue sharing programs | morey goes in their districts.
Me cited housing as the num
dior one domestic prehlieny, but Ur
Isaid the problom is proportion. | Ur
ately two-and-a-half times more |,
Nixon administration support-{ Conference of State Legislative }ing te Vietnam War, stopping
ers boosted the President's reve- Leaders that President Richard ; inflation and solying urban prob-
gue sharing and welfare reform M. Nixon's “New Federalism’ kms and said the nation faces
programs Fhucsday and called | Me#ns 2 greater piece of the ac-| the gravest crisis in its histery
5 on state legislators from across | #!02 for the states. Se tin Sine ae a ; faa . 4
the nation meeting in Atlantato| Romney said in a luncheon . :
, accept new responsibilities. speech, state government must f f . a
| Secretary of Housing and| ¥¢ Modernized, states must re-
Urban Development George build their relationships with / at :
F “ '
Romney, Sen. Howard Baker, local governments, state govern-
R-Tenn.. and others told the 1ith | Mints must move away from
pie rural-suburban domination not
Pe eee => ae. erie nt in the best interest of central
fron cities and states must “devise
iable metropolitan mechanisms
for meeting metropolitan
needs. 7
Baker, who introduced and
will guide the Nixon administra-
iion’s revenue sharing legisla-
tion, admitted that the preposals
are inadequate to meet the
needs of state anl local govern-
ments, but are a move away
from centralization, with vir-
tually no strings attached and
would provide greater flexibility
and a better delivery system
than complete reliance on the
grant-in-aid approach. ;
Baker defended the program
as better than one including tax
credits, which ke said weuld
cause confusion.
in answer to a question from
State Rep. Hames Farnsworth
of Michigan, Baker said he be-
é lieves the federal government is
; $ the best revenue collector and
7 - states best revenue spend-
Toa State Rep. William
Bowen of Ohio asked what prov-
isions are in the legislation to
event states from discriminat-
against minorities in spend- ‘
ay the tax funds including spe- ,%y
od ce clauses on this, but deter- oh
oe rT- he 1964 Civil Rights Act
i | hs he i, on
- a ae J
5) He
and thot s' help
e nation’s probins
is a ote in the
eee +
G-A WHE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, Nov. 21, 1959 i .
| a va uy ING. ans to Vv. Romney Says
iaies Must Sh Lap pe Up ij uy LNixo m Plans to Work, om
By ALEX COFFIN annual meeting of the National dorsed Nixon's priorities of end. | = but from within, net without. Ws in rural than in urban! tion is moving to meet the crisis } ef governmental programs and, of the administration stand a
He said the problem is | caused by gevernment becom- | neglect of policies.” chance. He said Congressmen
explosive in concentrated | : ses too complicated and central-; He said state, cily and county | would be reluctant fo give un
areas, however. toa much reliance on gov- | leaders must forma coalition if} the say-so in where federai
ie paid the Nixon a ens) ae ernmental action and “spawning | {he revenue sharing programs | morey goes in their districts.
Me cited housing as the num
dior one domestic prehlieny, but Ur
Isaid the problom is proportion. | Ur
ately two-and-a-half times more |,
Nixon administration support-{ Conference of State Legislative }ing te Vietnam War, stopping
ers boosted the President's reve- Leaders that President Richard ; inflation and solying urban prob-
gue sharing and welfare reform M. Nixon's “New Federalism’ kms and said the nation faces
programs Fhucsday and called | Me#ns 2 greater piece of the ac-| the gravest crisis in its histery
5 on state legislators from across | #!02 for the states. Se tin Sine ae a ; faa . 4
the nation meeting in Atlantato| Romney said in a luncheon . :
, accept new responsibilities. speech, state government must f f . a
| Secretary of Housing and| ¥¢ Modernized, states must re-
Urban Development George build their relationships with / at :
F “ '
Romney, Sen. Howard Baker, local governments, state govern-
R-Tenn.. and others told the 1ith | Mints must move away from
pie rural-suburban domination not
Pe eee => ae. erie nt in the best interest of central
fron cities and states must “devise
iable metropolitan mechanisms
for meeting metropolitan
needs. 7
Baker, who introduced and
will guide the Nixon administra-
iion’s revenue sharing legisla-
tion, admitted that the preposals
are inadequate to meet the
needs of state anl local govern-
ments, but are a move away
from centralization, with vir-
tually no strings attached and
would provide greater flexibility
and a better delivery system
than complete reliance on the
grant-in-aid approach. ;
Baker defended the program
as better than one including tax
credits, which ke said weuld
cause confusion.
in answer to a question from
State Rep. Hames Farnsworth
of Michigan, Baker said he be-
é lieves the federal government is
; $ the best revenue collector and
7 - states best revenue spend-
Toa State Rep. William
Bowen of Ohio asked what prov-
isions are in the legislation to
event states from discriminat-
against minorities in spend- ‘
ay the tax funds including spe- ,%y
od ce clauses on this, but deter- oh
oe rT- he 1964 Civil Rights Act
i | hs he i, on
- a ae J
5) He
and thot s' help
e nation’s probins
is a ote in the