Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 5, Document 75
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Dear Mr. :
As you know, our city has a large and growing demand for housing for all income
groups. I am aware of the needs of all of the citizens for adequate housing at a
price proportional to their ability to pay. My program to increase the supply of
housing with this goal in mind is just now bearing fruit. I most earnestly recom-
mend its continuance under your administration.
The iouslig Rexdonces.Commattees made up of many volunteers who have unselfishly
given me their time and effort, has been my method of keeping track of progress in
the housing program. Since many of the members of the committee are free of political
bias, I have found it useful to have them investigate and report to me on matters too
politically delicate for my personal intervention. The committee has developed a.
technique for accomplishing these delicate tasks that I would hate to see the city
lose. I strongly recommend that you consider continuing this method of operating
when this type of problem arises.
But, specifically, I recommend that the city sonilnde to be receptive to new
ideas in design and construction of houses so that we may benefit from the technology
which is available from many sources. We have architects and engineers on the
committee who can advise you impartially on these matters. The problem of codes and
restrictive trade practices has been minimized in Atlanta, but we are still troubled
by the lack of uniformity between our codes and those of surrounding areas, This
often prevents us from obtaining maximum participation in housing contracts because
the contractors who might bid are unfamiliar with or won't work with Atlanta codes.
I am satisfied that Mr. Wofford;once he has a firm hand on his staff of building
inspectors,will be able to assist you in relieving this problem. It is not nearly
as severe now as it would be in a period of frantic home building like that which has
occurred in other administrations.
The Model Cities program must move ahead faster than it is presently going.
You have an experienced staff in the Model Cities program and I recommend that
you insist on performance from it. Many studies have been on the area's needs.
It is essential that action be taken now to satisfy them,
Atlanta Housing Authority has received a great deal of criticism, much of
it from people who are unaware of the total job which the authority has done.
The use of relocatable homes in Bedford-Pine and the planned use of mobile homes
to further ease the shortage of low income housing during redevelopment are but
two of the ideas which typify the work of this group. I recommend that you
continue to urge them to consider new ideas on speeding up the job of providing
a decent home to everyone under their jurisdiction.
I have enjoyed the opportunity of creating a better environment for our
citizens, When I look at an area like Thomasville and contrast it with Cabbage-
town I cannot help but feel that we are on right track. All we need is more speed.
Even though I shall be out of office, I don't expect to stop being concerned
for our citizens. If there is any in which I can be of assistance to you in
providing better housing, please feel free to call upon me.
Ivan Allen
As you know, our city has a large and growing demand for housing for all income
groups. I am aware of the needs of all of the citizens for adequate housing at a
price proportional to their ability to pay. My program to increase the supply of
housing with this goal in mind is just now bearing fruit. I most earnestly recom-
mend its continuance under your administration.
The iouslig Rexdonces.Commattees made up of many volunteers who have unselfishly
given me their time and effort, has been my method of keeping track of progress in
the housing program. Since many of the members of the committee are free of political
bias, I have found it useful to have them investigate and report to me on matters too
politically delicate for my personal intervention. The committee has developed a.
technique for accomplishing these delicate tasks that I would hate to see the city
lose. I strongly recommend that you consider continuing this method of operating
when this type of problem arises.
But, specifically, I recommend that the city sonilnde to be receptive to new
ideas in design and construction of houses so that we may benefit from the technology
which is available from many sources. We have architects and engineers on the
committee who can advise you impartially on these matters. The problem of codes and
restrictive trade practices has been minimized in Atlanta, but we are still troubled
by the lack of uniformity between our codes and those of surrounding areas, This
often prevents us from obtaining maximum participation in housing contracts because
the contractors who might bid are unfamiliar with or won't work with Atlanta codes.
I am satisfied that Mr. Wofford;once he has a firm hand on his staff of building
inspectors,will be able to assist you in relieving this problem. It is not nearly
as severe now as it would be in a period of frantic home building like that which has
occurred in other administrations.
The Model Cities program must move ahead faster than it is presently going.
You have an experienced staff in the Model Cities program and I recommend that
you insist on performance from it. Many studies have been on the area's needs.
It is essential that action be taken now to satisfy them,
Atlanta Housing Authority has received a great deal of criticism, much of
it from people who are unaware of the total job which the authority has done.
The use of relocatable homes in Bedford-Pine and the planned use of mobile homes
to further ease the shortage of low income housing during redevelopment are but
two of the ideas which typify the work of this group. I recommend that you
continue to urge them to consider new ideas on speeding up the job of providing
a decent home to everyone under their jurisdiction.
I have enjoyed the opportunity of creating a better environment for our
citizens, When I look at an area like Thomasville and contrast it with Cabbage-
town I cannot help but feel that we are on right track. All we need is more speed.
Even though I shall be out of office, I don't expect to stop being concerned
for our citizens. If there is any in which I can be of assistance to you in
providing better housing, please feel free to call upon me.
Ivan Allen