Box 5, Folder 5, Document 78

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Box 5, Folder 5, Document 78

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June 6, 1968

' The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Executive
Committee and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held in
Committee Room 2; City Hall, June G, at 10:00 a.m,

Copies of the invitational notices, agenda, record of those invited
and attending and reference documents are attached to the file copy of
these minutes.

Chairman Cecil A. Alexander presided.

Mr. Alexander opened the meeting by welcoming Mr. Richard D,
Harvey to the Committee (assigned to the Business Participation Panel).

Mr. Alexander expressed thanks to the Board of Aldermen on their
support of rezoning the East Lake Golf Course No. 2 Site, proposed for
800 units of Public Housing to be constructed on the site,

Mr. Alexander discussed the Conference on May 29 of the Atlanta
Metropolitan Committee on Equal Opportunity in Housing, stating that
1800 were reported to have attended and that Dr. Weaver stated at the
Conference that the Federal Government hoped that Atlanta, State and
Local Governments would voluntarily comply and come up with local Open
Housing Laws and Ordinances.

Mr. Jones announced that letters had been written by Mayor Allen
to developers of low-income housing projects, which have not yet broken
ground, urging them to get stagted as soon as possible, These included
the two Fairburn Rd. Sites, Rockdale U. R. Project, Gilbert Rd. Site,
Rawson-Washington U. R. Project Site, and Hollyweod Rd. Site of the
Butler St. Y.M.C.A.

Mr. Alexander recommended that all members try to attend the Zoning
Committing meeting of the Board of Aldermen that afternoon, if at all
possible. This was done to try to get the Jonesboro Rd. Site rezoned.
He also asked Mr. Jones to try to get the H. R. C. Co-Chairmen and
Chairmen of Panels not represented, to attend the meeting.

Mr. Alexander appointed the following people to compose an Ad Hoc
committee to coordinate support efforts at the Public Nearing for the
package rezoning proposal: James L. Townsend, Dr, Benjamin E, Mays,
Dale Clark, Richard D. Harvey, Herman Russeil, Archer D. Smith, III,
George W. Kennedy, Mrs, Sujette Crank, Lee Burge and Augustus 8, Sterne,

Mr. Alexander appointed the following people to work with the
Planning Department on selection of specific sites for low-income
housing: Dr. Edwin Harrison, Dr. Vivian Henderson, Moreland Smith,
Dean Harding B. Young, Clarence D. Coleman, Charles F. Palmer,
Hamilton Douglas, J. A. Alston and Lewis Cenker.

Mr. Alexander thanked Alderman Redney M. Cook for his support on
the Jonesboro Rd. Site. :

Mr. Jim Wright gave a report on Model Cities and suggested how
we might get financial aid for low-income housing. He suggested that
the City of Atlanta could contribu® to the Model Cities, private
organizations could participate and the Citizens at large could them-
selves contribute. Mr. Alexander asked Mr. Wright to send a copy of the
proposal to Mr. Frank Carter of the Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. J. C. Johnson commented that to get more mong to meet the
Mayor's requirement for Low-income Housing, the program will have to
have more impact; that the impact could be great at one time. Mr.
Alexander suggested that some of the proposed money be put in an
emergency fund; that in this way when money is needed in an emergency
then it could be used from that particular fund.

Mr. Alexander commented on the recent Ground Breakings. On May
9, 202 units under Turnkey on Hollywood Rd; on May 27, 500 units under
Turnkey on Bankhead Hwy.; and Gn May 30, 15 single family units on the
Honor Farm No. 1 Site (four and a fraction acres of land of the expanded
Thomasville Area was dedicated for single family sales housing that
range from $13,500 to $15,200.)

Mr. Jones reported on the revised Housing Resources Committee
Summary 6£ the Low-income Housing program as of May 15, 1968, Copies
were passed out to all in attendance. Low-income Housing program:
Completed 2,031 units; Under Construction 5,108 units; and in Planning
7,151, The latter figure includes proposed projects such as the
Browntown Rd. Site, DeKalb Ave. Site, Bankhead Hwy. Site, Gilbert Rd.
Site, and Thomasville U. R. Project. Mr. Alexander stated that the
Committee should concentrate support on the Public Housing portion of
the Low-income Mousing Program. Mir. Satterfield stated that to meet the
requirement’ indicated, we will be going/our current reservation. Mr.
Alexander then turned this matter over to the Public Housing Panel for
further consideration and resolution. It was brought out in discussion
that one problem of Public Housing is, are we resettling in it the
people of Atlanta who need Public Housing the most, or are we bringing
more people in to the City to occupy it?

Mr, Alexander stated thet the Business Participation Panel should
talk to the Insurance companies to see that we are going to get
financial help in getting the housing built.

Mr. Alexander proposed a tour of different slum areas, by taking
a bus to certain locations and then getting out and walking through the
areas. Mr. Jones and Mr. Parham are assigned to make arrangements for
this tour.

Mr. Alexander and lir, Jones commented on the Experimental Housing
Survey Team from HUD. A total of 75 cities have been surveyed and only
20 cities will be selected. The survey team that was here was surveying
25 cities and two other teams have 25 cities each. The teams have to
report with recommendations to HUD by June 15. HUD then plans to set
up a $60,000,000 Experimental Housing program in selected cities,
particularly in cities that have a.Model Cities area. Plans contemplate
that ta the cities that are selected, work will begin as soon as possible,
but no later than spring of 1969, The program contemplates 2 years for
completion. it is anticipated that the results of this program will
guide direction of the Presidents program for 6,000,000 low-income
housing units over a 1@-year period, for which the Senate has recently
approved & billion dollars.

Mr. Dale Clark asked Mr. Alexander to explain what Experimental
Eousing is. Mr. Alexander explained that Experimental Nousing is
different types of buildings, different types of building materials,
innovations in techniques, etc., designed to produce standard housing
at a lower price, for low-income families,

Mr, Alexander then stated that we need to settle the problems in
the Nash=-Bans area, Mr. Collier Gladin stated that one of the key
elements is to settle the problem of getting the Junior High School.
It was brought out that Mr. Thomas of the local Citizens Committee, is
trying to alleviate sone of the problems in the Nash-Bans area.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon,
Respectfully submitted,

Malcolm D. Jods
Housing Coordinator

Encl: As stated (with file copy only)


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