Box 5, Folder 6, Document 43

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Box 5, Folder 6, Document 43

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Attachment C to
RFP H-.22-68

A. Definition. For the purpose of this Clause, "publication" includes

any document containing information intended for public consumption or
the act of, or any act which may result in, disclosing inforrration to
the public. ey ‘ :

General. The results of the research and studies conducted under this
contract are to be made available to the public through dedication,
assignment to the Government, or such other.means as the Secretary of
Housing and Uroan Development shall determine, as required under Title
III of the Housing Act of 1918, as amended (12 U.S.C. 170le).

Reports Furnished the Government. All intermediate and final reports
of the research and studies conducted hereunder shall indicate on the:
cover or other initial page that the research and studies forming the
basis for the report were conducted pursuant to a contract with the

‘Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban , DEveLOpienys

Such reports are official. Government property and may not be published
or reproduced (in toto, in verbatim excerpt, or in form sperocaakine
either of these) as an unofficial paper or article. Unless such reports
are placed in the public domain by Government publication, written
permission to publish or reproduce them in whole or in part in a non-
Governmental publication shall be obtained from the Contracting Officer.

Publication by Government. The Office of the Secretary, Department

of Housing and Urtan Develovment, shall have full right to puolish all
o 3

information, data, and findings developed as a result or the research
and studies conducted hereunder. Such publication will, at the optica
of the Contractor (except in the case of quoted excerpts from the
Contractor's report), eredit the Contractor and its principal personnel
involved by foreword or initial footnote to the publication in fora
substantially as follows:

The research and studies forming the basis for this veport
were conducted through contraet with (iame of Contractcr)

by (Name or names of principal personnel). Except as other-
wise indicated, the Denartment of Housing and Urhen Bevelop-
ment accepts responsibility for tne conclusions herein stated.

Attachment C to *
RFP H- 22-68

E. Sensitive Information. The Contractor shall not publish or other-
wise disclose, except to the Government and except matters of public
record, any information or data obtained hereunder from private
individuals, organizations, ox public agencies, in a publication
whereby the information or data furnished by any particular person or
establishnent can be identified, except with the consent of such
person or establishment, or if the publication of such information
or data by, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development except with
the consent of such person or establishment would be prohibited under

section 602 (ad) 7 of the Housing Act of 1956, 12 U.S.C. 1701d-3(4),

F. Inclusion of Provisions in Contractor's Rent nents . The Contractor
shaj.l include provisions appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this
Clause in all contracts of employment with persons who perform any
part of the research or study under this contract and any consultant's
agreements involving research or study hereunder.


The patentable results of research and development conducted under the

contract and all information, designs, specifications, know-how, data,
and findings developed in the performance of this contract shall be nade
available to the public through dedication, assignment to the Government,
publication, or such other means as the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development shall determine. The Contractor agrees (1) to cooperate in
the preparation and prosecution of any domestic or foreign patent appli-
cations which the Government may decide to undertake covering the sudject
matter above described, (2) to execute all papers requisite in the eis
cution of such patent applications, including assignments to the Uni
States and dedications, and (3) to secure the cooperation of Pechitea),
Personnel (each employce or consultant working under the direction of
Contractor or subcontractor hereunder) in the preparation and the execution
of all such papers as may be required in the prosecution of such patént
applications or in order to vest title in the subject matter involved in
the United States, or to secure the right to free use in the public.

The Contractor shall disclose in the f.11 final report all inventions,
improvements, and discoveries developed in the performance of this con-
tract, and shall certify on the last page of such report that to the best

‘of his knowledge and belief such disclosure has been made therein.

The Coutractor shall include provisions appropriate to effectuate the
purposes of this Clause in all contracts of employment with persons wno
perform any part pt the research or developsent under this contract and
in any consultant's agreements or subcontracts involving research or
development hereunder.

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