Box 5, Folder 6, Document 44

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Box 5, Folder 6, Document 44

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A, Soe a

May 23, 1968


Mr. John M. Flanigen
Mr. G. Everett Millican
Mr. Richard C. Freeman

Mr. Rodney M. Cook

Urgently request your support on the Jonesboro Road site and East Lake
Golf Course No. 2 site as a vital part of the city's housing program.
You will recall that at the public hearing on East Lake No. 2 there
was no opposition expressed except in the form of two persons

who asked questions regarding public facilities. The developer

has agreed to dedicate a 25 acre park on the site. Since the

cost of entire tract for park use would run 1.8 million this approach
appears unrealistic and the present proposal will serve to Preserve
considerable open land in addition to the park.

Our Committee has voted unanimously to support these two projects
since they have both been judged in accordance with the city's new
land use plan.

I repeat we need your help and are relying on your favorable action.


Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Housing Resources Committee


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