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Box 5, Folder 6, Document 45
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NTT TT VE OAT ITT OAM 1A, Nees eee y
Ica wha 'sdloe, i le A ae wnt ed lire the WS cae
Tel, 522-4463 Area Code 404
Housing Resources Committee
May 22, 1968 . Housing Coordinator
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
FROM: Malcolm D. Jones
(1) Zoning Petition # Z-68-33-S
West side of Jonesboro Road, S. E.,
South of McWilliams Street; and
(2) Zoning Petition # Z-68-30-S
East Lake Golf Course No. 2
following factual data pertaining to re-zoning applications on the two °
above indicated sites for low-income housing developments is submitted
for your information and consideration.
Application for re-zoning of this 15 acre tract was filed February
26, 1968, by a local developer for a well-planned 160 unit Turnkey
project for public housing.
The site has the approval of the Housing Authority, tentative
approval of HUD and formal written endorsement of the Housing
Resources Committee. The proposed development is consistent
with the City's recently adopted Land Use Plan and meets all
physical requirements for low income housing developments and
has the favorable recommendation of both the Joint Planning Board
and the Planning staff.
Community facilities are adequate, or can be made so simultaneously
with development of the housing. Favorable letters as to community
facilities have been obtained from the Water, Parks, Construction
(Sewer Division) and School Departments and from the Atlanta
Transit System.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. - Page 2
(d) At the Public Hearing April 4th, only about six to eight people
appeared in opposition. However, certain members of the Zoning
Committee requested the developer to submit a more detailed plan
site, elevation and specifications, which has been done. Copies
attached (Enclosure l),
(e) In the interim, the Zoning Committee initially denied the petition,
subsequently reconsidered it and on May 9th formally approved
the. petition. It was scheduled to be presented by the Zoning
Committee May 2lst, with motion for adoption, to the Board of
Aldermen, but instead was pulled out on the request of an
Alderman and referred back to the Zoning Committee for further
(a) Re-zoning of the 99 acre City of Atlanta portion of the East Lake
Golf Course No. 2 site was requested for a very well planned 800
unit low and medium income housing development of mixed type
construction, under the Turnkey (2) and (3) & 221d (2) and (3); ;
(b) This site also has the approval of the Housing Authority, tentative
approval of HUD and formal written endorsement of the Housing
Resources Committee. The requested re-zoning has been interpreted
by the Planning Director as consistent with the intended application
of the City's recently adopted Land Use Plan and meets all physical
requirements for a low and medium income housing development.
(c) It received an unfavorable recommendation by the Joint Planning
Board March 13th, but received a favorable recommendation by the
Planning Staff on April 3rd, subject to certain changes in the original
proposed plan, which the developers have agreed to make. Developer's
revised proposal, site plan, and specifications are attached,
(Enclosure 2).
(d) Community Facilities have been reported by the responsible Depart-
ments as adequate or capable of being made so simultaneously with
development of the housing.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Page 3
(e) The Developers have agreed to dedicate 25 acres to the City of
Atlanta as a park and to make an elementary school site available
to the School Department at nominal cost.
(f) There was no opposition raised at the Public Hearing, April 4th,
on which date the Zoning Committee deferred action on the petition
and has not acted on it since.
(g) On May 20th during the Aldermanic Board meeting, the Chairman
of the Zoning Committee (who had previously been out of the country)
expressed his personal opposition to the proposed re-zoning. No
official action was taken by the Board of Aldermen.
Both of the above indicated sites meet all the prescribed requirements
for housing developments and are badly needed in Atlanta's current low
and medium income housing program. Unless these sites can be utilized
in the program, there appears little chance of getting other sites approved
which, together with these, are essential to the success of the program.
Respectfully submitted,
Malcolm D. Jones .
Housing Coordinator
1. Basic Information on Jonesboro Road Site
2. Basic Information on East Lake Golf Course No. 2 site
LS Semetas Sre a e
a ee ae a a a a a le a ee
Corn gf 5HaL i
€0,, Ine.
Ica wha 'sdloe, i le A ae wnt ed lire the WS cae
Tel, 522-4463 Area Code 404
Housing Resources Committee
May 22, 1968 . Housing Coordinator
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
FROM: Malcolm D. Jones
(1) Zoning Petition # Z-68-33-S
West side of Jonesboro Road, S. E.,
South of McWilliams Street; and
(2) Zoning Petition # Z-68-30-S
East Lake Golf Course No. 2
following factual data pertaining to re-zoning applications on the two °
above indicated sites for low-income housing developments is submitted
for your information and consideration.
Application for re-zoning of this 15 acre tract was filed February
26, 1968, by a local developer for a well-planned 160 unit Turnkey
project for public housing.
The site has the approval of the Housing Authority, tentative
approval of HUD and formal written endorsement of the Housing
Resources Committee. The proposed development is consistent
with the City's recently adopted Land Use Plan and meets all
physical requirements for low income housing developments and
has the favorable recommendation of both the Joint Planning Board
and the Planning staff.
Community facilities are adequate, or can be made so simultaneously
with development of the housing. Favorable letters as to community
facilities have been obtained from the Water, Parks, Construction
(Sewer Division) and School Departments and from the Atlanta
Transit System.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. - Page 2
(d) At the Public Hearing April 4th, only about six to eight people
appeared in opposition. However, certain members of the Zoning
Committee requested the developer to submit a more detailed plan
site, elevation and specifications, which has been done. Copies
attached (Enclosure l),
(e) In the interim, the Zoning Committee initially denied the petition,
subsequently reconsidered it and on May 9th formally approved
the. petition. It was scheduled to be presented by the Zoning
Committee May 2lst, with motion for adoption, to the Board of
Aldermen, but instead was pulled out on the request of an
Alderman and referred back to the Zoning Committee for further
(a) Re-zoning of the 99 acre City of Atlanta portion of the East Lake
Golf Course No. 2 site was requested for a very well planned 800
unit low and medium income housing development of mixed type
construction, under the Turnkey (2) and (3) & 221d (2) and (3); ;
(b) This site also has the approval of the Housing Authority, tentative
approval of HUD and formal written endorsement of the Housing
Resources Committee. The requested re-zoning has been interpreted
by the Planning Director as consistent with the intended application
of the City's recently adopted Land Use Plan and meets all physical
requirements for a low and medium income housing development.
(c) It received an unfavorable recommendation by the Joint Planning
Board March 13th, but received a favorable recommendation by the
Planning Staff on April 3rd, subject to certain changes in the original
proposed plan, which the developers have agreed to make. Developer's
revised proposal, site plan, and specifications are attached,
(Enclosure 2).
(d) Community Facilities have been reported by the responsible Depart-
ments as adequate or capable of being made so simultaneously with
development of the housing.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Page 3
(e) The Developers have agreed to dedicate 25 acres to the City of
Atlanta as a park and to make an elementary school site available
to the School Department at nominal cost.
(f) There was no opposition raised at the Public Hearing, April 4th,
on which date the Zoning Committee deferred action on the petition
and has not acted on it since.
(g) On May 20th during the Aldermanic Board meeting, the Chairman
of the Zoning Committee (who had previously been out of the country)
expressed his personal opposition to the proposed re-zoning. No
official action was taken by the Board of Aldermen.
Both of the above indicated sites meet all the prescribed requirements
for housing developments and are badly needed in Atlanta's current low
and medium income housing program. Unless these sites can be utilized
in the program, there appears little chance of getting other sites approved
which, together with these, are essential to the success of the program.
Respectfully submitted,
Malcolm D. Jones .
Housing Coordinator
1. Basic Information on Jonesboro Road Site
2. Basic Information on East Lake Golf Course No. 2 site
LS Semetas Sre a e
a ee ae a a a a a le a ee
Corn gf 5HaL i
€0,, Ine.