Box 5, Folder 8, Document 7

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Box 5, Folder 8, Document 7

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September 20, 1968

Mr. R. Earl Landers
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Mayor
City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Landers:

Recently I have been reliably informed of a Very Low Cost
Experimential Housing Project which is being developed in Ashburn,
Georgia under the special sponsorship of HUD; and which would be
well worth looking into in connection with Atlanta's Low-Income
Housing Program.

It is reported that the principal features of this poject
areasingle-fanily, sales houses, equipped with major appliances,
on 1/5 acre of land designed to sell for not to exceed $8,000.

It is understood that the initial concept was for a $4,500 selling
price, which proved to be impractical; and that the concept has

now been changed to en increased price of $8,000; that the house
is designed to sell under F.H.A. Insured Mortgage for monthly
payments of $55.00 including taxes and insurance.

Also, that another low-income housing project which is also
under the special sponsorship of HUD is being developed in Pinellas
County, Dundee, Florida. The developer is Arnold Smith of Arnold
Smith Associates, This project is apparently a type of park develop-
ment designed as a Golden Age Rent Supplement project, built in
accordance with national standards and which is 100% insured by
F.H.A., with minimum rent payments of $21.00 per month and $70,00
monthly subsidy per unit,

Upon completion, it is contemplated that a Federal lease will
be placed on the project for 10 years, after which a clear title to
the project will be turned over to the developer, which he may
contine to own and operate free of any additional payment of Federal
restrictions what so ever. This is supposed to be an incentive to
developers to initiate this type of low-income housing projects,

Both of these projects are reported to be under the direct
supervision of Mr. Chuck Dieman, Director of Technical Services,
HUD-FHA in Washington. I understand that both of these projects
are experimenting with so called “Manufactured Mobile Homes" and
if successful are intended as the forerunners of a substantial portion
Mr. R. Earl Landers
September 20, 1968
Page 2

of HUD's 10 year, $6 billion low-income housing program to get under
way early in 1969.
Request that I be authorized to visit these projects by private
eee aa City expense for not to exceed four (4) days, including
rave °


Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coodinator


cc: “Mr. Dan E. Sweat, dr.
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander


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