Box 5, Folder 8, Document 8

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 8, Document 8

Text Item Type Metadata


September 13, 1968

TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.

Reference is made to my Memorandum of August 7, 1968, pertaining
to the need for an Out Fall Sewer in the vicinity of County Line Road,
North of Campbellton Road, to serve LL 64, 14th District (FF) to
permit development of low-income housing in the general area; and
recommending that the Construction Department of the City and Public
Works Department of Fulton County be requested to formulate an
agreement as to cost participation and to commence construction of
such sanitary sewer line as soon as possible.

This office was informed September 9 by a representative of a
local construction company that he has recently filed a rezoning
petition to rezone a 16 acre tract in the southwest corner of LL 44
from R-5 to A-1 for a low-income housing development project.

Again, the key to development of this and other tracts in this
general area for low-income housing is construction of proposed
Out Fall Sewers: West Kimberly Road Out Fall (an extension of Niskey
oem Out Fall) to serve LL 44; and the County Line Out Fall, to serve
LL 64.

Representatives of the City’s Water Pollution Control Division
have advised that the City has had plans for the West Kimberly Road
Out Fall and the County Line Road Out Fall since 1962 and could probably
start on these when an agreement can be reached with Fulton County
as to its share of cost participation. (The major portion of both
Out Falls would be in Fulton County); and that this is necessary
before the City of Atlanta's Comptroller will authorize expenditure
of the necessary funds for the City’s portion of this project.
Furthermore, that in order for the City to start its portion of these
important projects during 1969, the deadline for requesting inclusion
ef funds for this purpose in the 1969 Budget, is October 1, 1968.

The Fulton County Health Department has advised that it will not
approve installation of septic tanks in this area for apartments; or
even on single-family lots as small as 7,500 sq. ft. (R-5, for which
the area is now zoned); and that the minimum sige lot for which it
will approve installation of septic tank’ in the City of Atlanta for
single-family houses is 15,000 sq. ft. Thus, the development of this
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.

Page 2

September 13, 1968

area for housing, single-family and or muiti-family is prohibited
until the Out Fall Sewers can be provided.

This date I have been approached by a Builder, Home Manufacturer,
and Landscape Architect who are seriously interested and ready to go
in purchasing and developing the 112 acre tract in LL 64, to which
my Memorandum of August 7 pertained; this development would be under
a complete pre-planned mixed-type housing development for the entire
112 acre tract, to be worked out in advance with the Planning Department

As brought out in my previous Memorandum, installation of these
Out Fall Sewers should open up several hundred acres of undeveloped
land for low-income housing, for whichpurpose the major portion of
LL 64 and LL 44 was reserved several years ago when 25 land lots
of the 7th Ward were rezoned from R-5 to R-4 to keep out 221 housing

I have also been reliably informed that the Director of F.H.A.
has stated that F.H.A. will entertain now proposals for development
of F.H.A. insured low-income housing in this area, whereas, several
years ago F.H.A. considered this area too far out.

In addition, Dr. Womack of the School Department has informed
me that the Schocl Board is currently considering construction of
a High School on a 48 acre tract in LL 44, now zoned R-4 and adjacent,
on the East, to the 16 acre tract mentioned above on which Zoning
Petition has already be filed; that an Out Fall Sewer in this area
will be necessary before the proposed new High School can be
operational. The Planning Department has recently recommended against
proposed use of this particular site (which is also on the market) for

low-income housing, because its being reserved for the School:
Department. '

All in all it appears that prompt initiation of these Out Fall
Sanitary Sewers is so important, particularly to the low-income
housing program as well as to the school program, that every possible
effort should be made to start then as soon as possible.

Recommend that I be authorized to contact the Chief of Construction,

City of Atlanta, and Director of Public Works, Fulton County, with the
City’s Administration's blessing and support, in an effort to get an
agreement on cost participation worked out between the City of Atienta
and Fulton County in time for these Out Fall Sewer Projects to be
included in the 1969 Budgets.


Maleolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator

ce: Mr. Dan E, Sweat, Jr.
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander


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