Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 8, Document 9
Text Item Type Metadata
September 5, 1968
The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee
Executive Group and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held
at 10:00 a.m,, this date, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall.
Fifteen (15) members of the Housing Resources Committee Executive
Group; Zleven (11) key individuals concerned with Low-income Housing;
Seven (7) other invited guests and members of the Press attended the
meeting. List of those invited, with attendance indicated, agenda,
end other related documents are attached to the file copy of the minutes.
Chairman Alexander presided,
My. Alexander opened the meeting by Stating the following six
proposals that were submitted by the HRC to the Planning and Develop-
ment Committee and the Zoning Committee of the Board of Aldermen at
the August 2 Special Meeting:
1. Establishment of 2 Committee of Aldermen tc be
responsibie for housing.
2, Kevise the Building Codes to permit innovations
in new techniques and materials, particularly in
Experimental Housing in the Model Cities area.
3, Revise the Non-Conforming Use Ordinance to permit
structural changes in residential units, to meet
requirements of the Housing Code,
4, Stepped-up Urban Renewal program in existing
slum areas.
5, 2,906 more Public Housing units.
6, Updated District Zoning Map, including adequate
areas for low-income housing,
The Chairman expressed disappointment that two meetings of the
Board of Aldermen have been held since the August 2 meeting with no
apparent action taken on any of the HRC proposals. He then stated
that there was going to be a meeting of the Planning and Development
Committee on September 13 to consider the Housing Resources Committee's
proposals, and the next meeting of the whole Board of Aldermen would
be held on the 16th of September,
The Chairman asked that the Construction and Design Panel of the
Housing Resources Committee arrange a meeting with Mr. William Wofford,
Building Official, to discuss the "Codes", and to offer any help to the
Building Department in proposing appropriate specific changes and
report back to the Committee, :
Mr. Alexander stated that there were three Sources by which the
Committee couid find out about the Codes: (1) Mr. Wofford, Building
Official, (2) Metropolitan Planning Commission - has a complete study
of the Building Codes throughout the City of #Atlanta and Metropolitan
Atlanta and, (3) Mx. Johnny Johnson, Director of Model Cities.
The Chairman then introduced fttorney Freeman Hutton, Attorney
Hutton, speaking for the Legal Panel of the Committee, made a present-
ation in brief of the principal features contained in the National
Housing Act of 1968. A copy of his presentation is attached to the
file copy of these minutes,
Mr. Cary Hooks, Director of Federal Housing Administration stated
that the 221 (h) program is funded and that it may have interest rates
as low aS 1, 2 or 3% on the mortgage; that the minimum number of units
has now been reduced from 5 to 4 and may include duplexes, if the
owner lives in one Side. He also stated that Atlanta is now .operating
under Section 235 and that maximum mortgages have been increased in
the Atlanta area to $15,000 and in high cost areas to $17,500. He
stated the 221 d(2) applications can be transferred to 235. Wr. Hooks
Stated, however, that the program is in need of counselors. Ilifr.
Alexander suggested that Interfaith, Inc. be contacted.
Mr. William Howland, Executive Director of CACUR, stated that
construction would start Monday on CACUR'sS 221 (h) project in Lindwood
Dr. Benjamin E, Mays stated that 6,000,000 dwelling units out of
a total of 26,000,000 in the President's ten year Housing Program is
insufficient for low-income housing, He also asked if people making
$3,000 could bvy single-family housing?
Mr. Hooks explained that the program is designed to accomplish
this under certain situtations and that this is where the need for
counseling comes in.
Dr. Mays suggested that all members of the Housing Resources
Committee be furnished a copy of the Housing Act of 1968,
Mx. flexander suggested that a long-range Planning Committee
Should be set up to work with the Legal Panel, He also called
attention to the financial impact of the low-income housing program
on the City and stated that this has not been adequately emphasized;
that at an average cost of $12(600 per unit, this program alone, money
wise, amounts to the equivalent of five First National Bank Buildings,
Mr. J. E. Giblin, representing lir, Wells of the Business
Participation Panel, informed the group that Sylvia Porter had just
started 4 series of articles in the Atlanta Journal on the impact of
the changes in the National Housing Act of 1968,
liv, Alexander suggest that Mr. Archer Smith, Legal Panel, work
With Mr. W. W. Gates, HRC Consultant, in preparing for the Committee
and the Public high lights of principal changes in the National
Gousing Act of 1958,
liv, Robert C. Watkins explained the general purpose of Atlanta's
newly formed Housing Development Cerporation and commented on a
project on which the Corporation is working involving the houses being
moved from Atlanta firport Expansicn area; that a local nonprof#t
organization proposes buying the houses; moving them and rehabilitat-
ing them under the FEA 221 (h) program.
Me. Alexander commented on the lederal Pen Site proposals,
submission of which to the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta
has been changed from September 5 to October 14, to enable adequate
consideration of the new features contained in the Housing ‘ct of 1968.
in the absence of comment from the Planning Department, Mr.
fiexander called on Hr. Johnny Robinson, Community Development
Coordinator, to comment on the progress being made on improvement
plans for the IJASH-BANS area.
lir. Robinson stated that Mr. Bob Weymer of EOA is working with the
people in Vine City. He stated that the people should be involved in
the planning and in discussion of development plans with City Officials,
He also stated that the area has been divided into four sectors and
that the tentative officers of Vine City are; Chairman - Mrs, Helien
moward and Co-Chairman - Mr. John Brown,
Mr. flexander suggested that the City ought to have a time
Scheduie for improvement plans and development of the different
proposed Urban Renewal areas and thet after due notice and ample time
for citizen participation, the City should go ahead and act if the
Situation is deemed critical.
There was general assent from Committce members,
Mir. JLobinson stated that
NASH-BANS only on organizational
already been Lost.
time table has been established for
Structure and that 18 months have
ffter considerable discussion, iir. Archer Smith made a motion
that the HRC protest to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and request
consideration of rescinding, of an Aidermanic Resolution intreduced
September 3 and approved September 4, calling on the Atlanta Housing
Authority to notify the Board of /idermen at least 30 days in advance
of any lease agreements which it proposes making for Public Housing,
The motion was seconded by Mr. Harvey and duly adopted without any
dissenting votes.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m,
Respectfully submitted,
OV urease n yi 50 is
Malcolm D. Jonés
Housing Coordinator
Encls: Invitational notice
List of those invited and in attendance
Brief of Mr. Freeman Hutton's presentation of the
National Housing Act (411 with file copy only)
September 5, 1968
The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee
Executive Group and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held
at 10:00 a.m,, this date, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall.
Fifteen (15) members of the Housing Resources Committee Executive
Group; Zleven (11) key individuals concerned with Low-income Housing;
Seven (7) other invited guests and members of the Press attended the
meeting. List of those invited, with attendance indicated, agenda,
end other related documents are attached to the file copy of the minutes.
Chairman Alexander presided,
My. Alexander opened the meeting by Stating the following six
proposals that were submitted by the HRC to the Planning and Develop-
ment Committee and the Zoning Committee of the Board of Aldermen at
the August 2 Special Meeting:
1. Establishment of 2 Committee of Aldermen tc be
responsibie for housing.
2, Kevise the Building Codes to permit innovations
in new techniques and materials, particularly in
Experimental Housing in the Model Cities area.
3, Revise the Non-Conforming Use Ordinance to permit
structural changes in residential units, to meet
requirements of the Housing Code,
4, Stepped-up Urban Renewal program in existing
slum areas.
5, 2,906 more Public Housing units.
6, Updated District Zoning Map, including adequate
areas for low-income housing,
The Chairman expressed disappointment that two meetings of the
Board of Aldermen have been held since the August 2 meeting with no
apparent action taken on any of the HRC proposals. He then stated
that there was going to be a meeting of the Planning and Development
Committee on September 13 to consider the Housing Resources Committee's
proposals, and the next meeting of the whole Board of Aldermen would
be held on the 16th of September,
The Chairman asked that the Construction and Design Panel of the
Housing Resources Committee arrange a meeting with Mr. William Wofford,
Building Official, to discuss the "Codes", and to offer any help to the
Building Department in proposing appropriate specific changes and
report back to the Committee, :
Mr. Alexander stated that there were three Sources by which the
Committee couid find out about the Codes: (1) Mr. Wofford, Building
Official, (2) Metropolitan Planning Commission - has a complete study
of the Building Codes throughout the City of #Atlanta and Metropolitan
Atlanta and, (3) Mx. Johnny Johnson, Director of Model Cities.
The Chairman then introduced fttorney Freeman Hutton, Attorney
Hutton, speaking for the Legal Panel of the Committee, made a present-
ation in brief of the principal features contained in the National
Housing Act of 1968. A copy of his presentation is attached to the
file copy of these minutes,
Mr. Cary Hooks, Director of Federal Housing Administration stated
that the 221 (h) program is funded and that it may have interest rates
as low aS 1, 2 or 3% on the mortgage; that the minimum number of units
has now been reduced from 5 to 4 and may include duplexes, if the
owner lives in one Side. He also stated that Atlanta is now .operating
under Section 235 and that maximum mortgages have been increased in
the Atlanta area to $15,000 and in high cost areas to $17,500. He
stated the 221 d(2) applications can be transferred to 235. Wr. Hooks
Stated, however, that the program is in need of counselors. Ilifr.
Alexander suggested that Interfaith, Inc. be contacted.
Mr. William Howland, Executive Director of CACUR, stated that
construction would start Monday on CACUR'sS 221 (h) project in Lindwood
Dr. Benjamin E, Mays stated that 6,000,000 dwelling units out of
a total of 26,000,000 in the President's ten year Housing Program is
insufficient for low-income housing, He also asked if people making
$3,000 could bvy single-family housing?
Mr. Hooks explained that the program is designed to accomplish
this under certain situtations and that this is where the need for
counseling comes in.
Dr. Mays suggested that all members of the Housing Resources
Committee be furnished a copy of the Housing Act of 1968,
Mx. flexander suggested that a long-range Planning Committee
Should be set up to work with the Legal Panel, He also called
attention to the financial impact of the low-income housing program
on the City and stated that this has not been adequately emphasized;
that at an average cost of $12(600 per unit, this program alone, money
wise, amounts to the equivalent of five First National Bank Buildings,
Mr. J. E. Giblin, representing lir, Wells of the Business
Participation Panel, informed the group that Sylvia Porter had just
started 4 series of articles in the Atlanta Journal on the impact of
the changes in the National Housing Act of 1968,
liv, Alexander suggest that Mr. Archer Smith, Legal Panel, work
With Mr. W. W. Gates, HRC Consultant, in preparing for the Committee
and the Public high lights of principal changes in the National
Gousing Act of 1958,
liv, Robert C. Watkins explained the general purpose of Atlanta's
newly formed Housing Development Cerporation and commented on a
project on which the Corporation is working involving the houses being
moved from Atlanta firport Expansicn area; that a local nonprof#t
organization proposes buying the houses; moving them and rehabilitat-
ing them under the FEA 221 (h) program.
Me. Alexander commented on the lederal Pen Site proposals,
submission of which to the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta
has been changed from September 5 to October 14, to enable adequate
consideration of the new features contained in the Housing ‘ct of 1968.
in the absence of comment from the Planning Department, Mr.
fiexander called on Hr. Johnny Robinson, Community Development
Coordinator, to comment on the progress being made on improvement
plans for the IJASH-BANS area.
lir. Robinson stated that Mr. Bob Weymer of EOA is working with the
people in Vine City. He stated that the people should be involved in
the planning and in discussion of development plans with City Officials,
He also stated that the area has been divided into four sectors and
that the tentative officers of Vine City are; Chairman - Mrs, Helien
moward and Co-Chairman - Mr. John Brown,
Mr. flexander suggested that the City ought to have a time
Scheduie for improvement plans and development of the different
proposed Urban Renewal areas and thet after due notice and ample time
for citizen participation, the City should go ahead and act if the
Situation is deemed critical.
There was general assent from Committce members,
Mir. JLobinson stated that
NASH-BANS only on organizational
already been Lost.
time table has been established for
Structure and that 18 months have
ffter considerable discussion, iir. Archer Smith made a motion
that the HRC protest to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and request
consideration of rescinding, of an Aidermanic Resolution intreduced
September 3 and approved September 4, calling on the Atlanta Housing
Authority to notify the Board of /idermen at least 30 days in advance
of any lease agreements which it proposes making for Public Housing,
The motion was seconded by Mr. Harvey and duly adopted without any
dissenting votes.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m,
Respectfully submitted,
OV urease n yi 50 is
Malcolm D. Jonés
Housing Coordinator
Encls: Invitational notice
List of those invited and in attendance
Brief of Mr. Freeman Hutton's presentation of the
National Housing Act (411 with file copy only)