Box 5, Folder 10, Document 3

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 3

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“ousing Resources Executive Committee and
Low-income Yousing Coordinating Group Meeting

November i2, 1966

The reeular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Executive
Committee and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held at
10:00 a,m., Tuesday, November 12, 1960, as a joint meeting with the
;Model Cities Executive Board,

Invitational notices, list of those invited, with attendance
indicated, and other related documents are attached to the file
copy of these minutes only.

Mayor Allen opened the meeting by greeting the Housing
Resources Committee, related Department Heads and Technical
Advisory Committee,

Mr. Jd. C. Johnson, Model Cities Director, referred to the
comments from SUD on the Administrative Report of the previous
session and distributed cepvies to his Executive Board members. Mr.
Johnson stated that the following are the three administrative sSub-
committees cf the Model Cities; 1. Physical Planners, 2. Social
Planners, ang 3, Financial and Community Affairs.

He also talked about the unemployment for the City as a whole
aS compared with the Model Cities area and pointed out that the
unemployment rate for the City is 3-5% and in the Modei Cities area
the unemployment rate is about 15%,

Mr, Johnson then passed out te members of the Executive
Board and explained copies of the Funding Analysis for the 1269
implementation Year, composed of the following Program Components:
(A copy of which, with breakdown and detailed explanation, is attached
to the file copy of these minutes,)

i, Employment $ 3,389,323
a. Education 3,282,750
=, Community Affairs 345,100
4. Public Yransvortation

a, Exverimental Bus Route & 266,000

other Transportation

b, Street and Gidewalk Improvements 684,000
§, Housing

a, iM? 10,000,000

b, Other Housing Programs 609,005
G, Crime and Deliquency 1,599,551
¢@. Recreation 603,200
Cc. Health 3,018,345
&. Satisfactory Community sgnvironment

a. Water 246 , 199
b, Sewer 422,940
18, Social Services 2,202,283
11. Economic Development 210,000
12, Evaluation 200 , 000
13. Administrative Budget 503 , 953

The total proposed funding of $28,393,684, consists of Supplemental,
City and Other funds. ,

Aiter consideration and discussion of various elements by
Model Cities Executive Board members, motion was made, seconded, and
carried that the Draft of the proposed Funding Analysis be accepted
ang forwarded to HUD for consideration,

After consideration of several other relatively minor matters,
the Model Cities Executive Board was then adjourned by the Chairman
and the Housing Resources Committee moved to Committee Room 4 for
continuation of its meeting and was shown a film, ora Street",
produced by ACTION-Housing, Inc. of Pittsburgh, Penasylvania.

The film featured dilapidation of dwellings and the practibility
of rehabilitation. It was typical of the many housing problems faced
by most cities throughout the Nation and which we have in Atlanta.

& Group of Business, Civic and Religious men in Pittsburgh
formed a Nonprofit organization, started and performed rehabilitation
of 20 badiy dilapidated units in one block of apartments on Cora
Street in Pittsburgh, The plumbing, lighting, heating, floors,
walis and ceilings were much below standard and had to be completely
redone. The dilapidated units cost $4,000 each; $6,000 was spent
on rehabilitation; and when completed the units were rented for
$59.00 per month, plus electricity, thus proving that rchabilitation
is feasibie and well worth doing, since it is virtually impossibie
to replace with new units, all of the dilapidated dwelling units
in America.

Mr. Jones then introduced Mr, Jim Wright, Physical Planning
Coordinator, Model Cities, who explained the Land Use Plan for the
Model Cities area.

The 5 year pian for the Model Cities area involves concentration
on improvements by yearly imerements in the low, medium and high
density areas. The main approach is to maintain the current

neighborhoods and provide overall improved gervices for the neigh-

Mr, Wright said that there are now about 10,900 dwelling units
in the Model Cifies area, but when completed there should be
approximately 13,000 units,

Mr, Wright stated that in the Model Cities area, approximately
2/3 of the families have incomes of about $3,300 or below, which
Will require considerabie Public Housing,
Mr. Persells advised that Public Housng rentals are roughly
20% of the families' income.

Mr. Wright then explained the Housing Plan for the first year.
There are proposed three rehabilitation areas (126A) and 13
clearance areas, including 5 major and @ small (386A).

The first year's program (1962) of the Model Cities area
calls for clearance of 456 structures, relocation of 531 families
and rehabilitation of 403 dwelling units,

A map of the Model Céies area showing clearance and rehabilitation
Sites for the 1959 program is available in the Housing Resources
Committee office.

Under present allocation of land for temporary housing sites
there will be land awilable for 200-225 units, for which construction
Shouid get well under way during 1969.

New construction contemplated for the first year is 476 dwelling

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

gp Ga. a

Malcoim B, Jones
Housing Coordinator



Encl: As stated (with file copy)


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