Box 5, Folder 10, Document 59

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 59

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re aS SS TE es

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Secretary Taylor
Page Three
May 15, 1968

Programs prior to expanding this sort of malaise. With laborious

and time consuming procedures necessary for obtaining CRP and 701
grant funds for Model Neighborhood Program planning purposes;

with indications that the HUD agencies are not cooperating with each
other to change procedures to adequately accommodate Model Cities
planning needs; with no guarantee that the processing of applications

has been given the highest priority other than the normal procedure; with
the inequitable local non-cash matching requirements we have suffered
under; we, therefore, appeal to HUD to reconsider our current financial
arrangements relative to the preparation and undertaking of the Atlanta
Model Neighborhood Program.

The City of Atlanta requests that HUD reserve and approppiate

$150, 000 in Model Neighborhood Program grant funds in lieu of the
701 and CRP Federal grant funds to be used for planning purposes in
the Atlanta Model Neighborhood Program. This additional $150, 000
in Federal grant funds would bring our base Model Neighborhood
Program grant up from $152, 000 to $302,000. The formidable
obstacles we have faced to date and those that remain will be sub-
stantially reduced by favorable action on this matter on the part of

We respectfully request that this appeal be given your immediate and
sincere consideration in order that sufficient funds might be made
available for us to do a competent job and to improve the possibilities
of achieving the goals of Model Neighborhood planning in Atlanta.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.

IAI rify



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