Box 5, Folder 11, Document 96

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Box 5, Folder 11, Document 96

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— ee ee

Jamuary 15, 1968

Dr. Edwin Harrison, Chairman

Construction and Design Panel

Housing Resources Committee |

Office of the President
Institute of Technology : |

225 North Avenue, NeWe

Atlanta, Georgia 30313

Dear Eds

A team from Savannah, composed of Mr. Leon J. Moyer, Architect, Aslees
and Mr. John 0. MeNamara, Jr., Consulting Engineer, made a presentation last
Friday afternoon to a small group at City Hall of a proposed new method of
constructing low cost housing on which they have applied for a patent.

The process consists essentially of pre-cast angle shaped concrete slabs
which can be poured on the site and then fitted together to form dwelling unite,
which in turn can be assembled laterally, longitudinally, and or
(in a somewhat "habitat" concept) stepped either up or down to fit topography
of the terrain, to form apartment complexes of any desired size.

This team claims that by using this method, almost instant housing can be
oped, using to a large extent local untrained labor and at a savings
to 15% over conventional construction.

This procedure appears to have merit and if considered feasible, a
pilot proj be attempted soon in the Model Cities area as an
experimental housing project with Federal financial assistance. .

the Mayor's Office is anxious that this proposal be given
due consideration and would like ea report from this Committee as to what your
Construction and Design Panel thinks about the idea.

Page 2
Jemary 15, 1968
To: Dr. Edwin Harrison

I hope that you and your Panel can meet with this teas at such time
and place as you may designate on Monday, January 22, Thursday, Jamary 25,
or Friday, January 26, which are dates I could also meet with youe

Please advise Malcolm D. JONCS»y Room 120k, Clty Hall, Telephone 522-1635
Extension 430, if your Panel can meet with this team and if so where and


Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Housing Resources Committee

“ect Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jre ‘i


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