Box 5, Folder 11, Document 97

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Box 5, Folder 11, Document 97

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January 2, 1968

Special meeting sponsored by the Housi Resources Committee of key
individuals involved in low-income housing, (in accordance with Item 1 of
Chairman Alexander's proposals at the Annual Housing Resources Committee
Meeting of December 1), 1967) was held at 11:00 a.m. this date, in Committee
Room 2, Second Floor, City Hall.

The following invited participants attended the meeting:

Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman

Alderman John M. Flanigen, Chairman, Zoning Committee

Mr. Collier B. Gladin, Director of Planning

Mr. Howard Op».enshaw, Director of Redevelopment, Housing Authority,
representing Mr. Lester A. Persells

Mr. Gilbert Boggs, Director of Public Housing, Housing Authority,
representing Mr. Edwin L. Sterne

Mr. Ralph Johnson, Chief Underwriter, FHA, representing Mr. John
A. Thigpen

Mr. Robert L. Sommerville, Chairman, CACUR

Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Director of Governmental Liaison

Alderman Rodney M. Cook, Chairman, Planning and Development Committee,
Mr. Jim Crawford, Chairman, Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning Board, and
Dr. Vivian Henderson, Acting Chairman, Land Acquisition Panel, Housing
Resources Committee, did not attend.

Additional guests included Mr. William §S. Howland, Executive Director,
Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal, Mr. Al Roland, Chief Appraiser,
FHA, and several members of the presse

Chairman Alexander presided.

Mr. Alexander opened the meeting by explaining its general purpose ives
to provide an opportunity for key individuals involved with low-income housing
in the City to get together, compare notes, and exchange ideas with view to
accomplishing more effective coordination.

He advised that over all prospects are good for finalizing establishment
of a City of Atlanta non-profit Housing Development Corporation, being sponsored
by Mr. Lee Burge's committee, which, among other things, might:
(1) Provide seed money to local neighborhood non-profit

(2) Bank land for future low-income housing developments,
(3) Assist in sustaining neighborhoods; and

(4) Although officially limited to housing activities within
the City limits, we hope eventually to involve the metro-
politan area.

Mr, Alexander then told about a non-profit organization that had
recently formed, called Interfaith Inc., consisting of Catholic, Episcopal,
Presbyterian and Unitarian churches, in which John Steinichen is the moving
force. He urged that this group be given full cooperation by all concerned
with low-income housing.

Mr. Alexander then referred to the ten points he had specifically
mentioned at the December 1), Annual Meeting of the Housing Resources
Committee (included in the minutes) and announced that the Housing Resources
Committee is interested in getting housing in all sections of the City. He
then proceeded to raise a variety of points for discussion and called upon
various participants for their views and comments on specific items.

The discussion which followed was healthy and tended to pinpoint some
of the under-lying features which contribute to the difficulty encountered
in meeting the City's goals for low-income housing, These all seemed to
stem from the following factors, which evolved as the essence of the meeting:

(a) Lack of any one body or individual empowered to make top level
policy decisions essential to the program and to see that they
are carried out effectively, (The structural organization of
the yr in this as in other fields, appears to be the primary

(b) Breakdown in conmunications and inadequate coordination of
efforts of various Departments and Agencies involved in the
program for carrying out a general plan to meet a specific
time schedule.

{c) The necessity for establishment of definite time schedules
for matters essential to the low-income housing program, For
example: establishment of supporting community facilities;
sadditional proposed Urban Renewal Projects; initiation of
development of some units in areas already known to require
low=income housing, such as in Vine City and the Model Cities
area, even though. complete requirements and all specific
locations may not yet be determined,
Mr. Gladin was called upon to comment on the Model Cities Project. He
discussed how his Department is trying to tie in housing requirements for
five years with the Bedford-Pine and Model Cities areas; that exact housing
requirements for the Model Cities area are not yet known; that planning funds
in the amount of $172,000 have been made available, whereas $500,000 was
requested; that new housing in the Model Cities area is several years off,
with the possible exception of the proposed Stadium site; that we have always
had to wait until we could get into an area before any actual new housing
could be built; that if we could get someone interested in the Stadium site,
four decks of parking could be built between Capitol and Frazier Streets,
South of Fulton, and development of a platform for housing above this;° that
the Zoning Committee has suggested that applications for re-zoning in the
Model Cities area be held up for six months; that "we" are trying to work
out Housing Code enforcement policy in the area during the next six months;
that the planning stage covers twelve months from November 15, 1967; that a
revised work program proposal is being considered today; that the next dead-
line is May 1 for determining of types of treatment needed; the time from
then to September 15 will be devoted to detailing (application due in to
HUD then); HUD to review by October 153 that November 1 is the deadline for
utilization of the first year's allocation of planning funds; that we should
have an indication by the first of March of what our first year's development
allocation will be; that initial development should be in areas similar to
Hill Street and Grant Park that are substantial and which are not likely to
change very much; that citizen participation is being emphasized; that
citizens shouldn't feel that a plan has already been developed before they
have a chance to indicate their desires,

Mr. Alexander expressed hope that there will be a positive effort mada
in accordance with the plans developed by the project Executive Committee, to
invite developers to see the land that is to be used for apartments, etc.

Mr. Alexander then explained the proposal of attempting to locate Turnkey
developments in several areas of the City and expressed hove that the Housing
Authority would make a positive effort toward locating some of the Public
Housing required.

Mr. Gladin stated that his Department is trying to come up with a
proposal of perhaps ten sites for Turnkey to meet our total requirements
and on which to get allocations for the remainder of the five-year program.
He pointed out that we need a package proposal for getting our total require-


Mr, Boggs stated that Public Housing may be placed in Urban Renewal
projects, in those areas which the Housing Authority owns the land.

Mr. Jones stated that in order to get started early on additional
housing in the Model Cities area we could assume that there is need for
some Public Housing in the area and that perhaps some areas could be selected

now and started on, even if we do not yet know the total requiremmts; that
it can be anticipated when so many people are to be dislocated, a certain
percentage of them would need Public Housing.

Mr. Alexander stated that there is apparently little use being made
of Limited Dividend.

Mr. Johnson said FHA has several projects under construction and others
being considered. He cited Gartrell Court, College Plaza, and Park West
1, 2, and 3, as examples. He also stated that there is a $32 million unused
allotment in the Rent Supplement program plus $10 million additional and
also.a $1 billion fund has been allocated by insurance companies for Rent
Supplement and similar loans; that several Rent Supplements are under
consideration in the area (one is in Marietta and four in Metropolitan
Atlanta). One Atlanta Rent Supplement project is now under construction.

Mr. Johnson said that FHA will consider row-type housing under 221 d (2)
mortgages, if separate real estate entities exist.

With respect to a suggestion that "Economix" be used, Mr. Sommerville
said he feels that "Economix" will not work except in certain residential

Mr» Jones stated that an example of what he thought would work is
townhouses which might be built in certain residential areas and cited as
an example a 12-1) acre tract in rear of existing single family houses
constructed on very deep lots in an Re5 area, on which he suggested townhouses
might be built; and that there are many other similar areas in the City which
are not now serving any useful purpose and might be developed in this manner.

Mr. Johnson said this is what he was talking about when he mentioned
that FHA would insure row-housing under 221d (2); that the two main problems
are getting the neighbors to agree to apartments being built and getting the
land re-zoned for higher density.

Mr. Alexander asked if FHA foreclosure properties could be obtained
and whether the Housing Authorities could run ads for such?

Mr. Boggs said this could be done, but hasn't been tried here; that the
Housing Authority is negotiating for leasing; 162 units have already been
leased and that an additional 175 units are about to be leased.

Mr. Alexander stated that some way should be set up whereby the
developers could build public facilities such as schools, outfall sewers,
etCes if needed to serve proposed developments, and lease them to the City ..
until such time as the City is in a position to acquire them.

Mr. Sommerville commerited that School Superintendent Letson said this
is not legal in Georgia.

Mr. Alexander stated that if this a good approach, perhaps the Georgia
law should be modified; that if neighborhoods and cities could become
interested in getting schools built, inadequate schools would not be a
problem when new housing developments are built.

Mr. Alexander cxpressed a desire for the School Department to be
represented at the next meeting.

Mr, Jones advised that Dr. Womack of the School Department gets a copy
of the Low-income Housing Inventory reports every 60 days, but the problem
is that by the time the proposed locations get on the report, if the
facilities are not already provided for, it is usually too late.

Mr. Sommerville asked if Georgia school funds could not be used? The
answer was not readily available.

Mr. Alexander said that Federal funds may be available for leases in
these situations, as an encouragement to builders, and have been used in
other parts of the country; that the School Department would eventually buy
the schools,

Mr. Alexander then asked where Vine City now stands in terms of the
effort to get the Vine City Urban Renewal Project under way and if funds
are available?

Mr, Gladin said they have organized a community group recognized by
the City. A report is being made by the City along with the group; that
an Urban Renewal Project is required to alleviate problems in the Vine City
area; that the school which is under development there would give the City
the largest capital improvement credit to be used in meeting the City's
one-third share of the cost of an Urban Renewal Project; that we have only
about three years left in which to take credit for this facility.

Mr. Alexander expressed the opinion that the City needs a time-table
to get rid of the worst areas throughout the City.

Mr, Gladin admitted that the Nash-Bans Project is dragging; that 50%
of his staff will soon go to the Model Cities Project; that the Planning
and Development Committee should come back and ask the citizens what they
want, or tell them that they should be willing to go along with an Urban
Renewal plan to be developed by the City.

Mr. Alexander then asked if this did not essentially resolve itself
to responsibility of Mr, Cook's Committee? Mr. Gladin agreed that it did.

Mr. Flanigen then asked why is there so much. delay on all Urban
Renewal Projects?

Mri Gladin explained that delay in the Vine City area was caused by
an attempt to involve people in the community; that we are waiting for them
to decide what they want.

Mr. Alexander again emphasized the necessity for deadlines in planning
and stated that he felt the City should move on its principal proposed
projects in accordance with a time schedule; that it is well to involve
people in the area, but they should be given a time limit for coming up
with their proposals and if they did not meet that schedule, the City should
go ahead and develop plans and submit its own plan for the Urban Renewal
Project; that if we are to eliminate slums, at some point the City must
move into its worst areas,

Mr. Boggs said authorizations by City government for Public Housing
4s another problem; and that federal funds can now only be used in an area
if there is housing and employment for the poor.

Mr. Oppenshaw said that Federal funds are limited and that timing of
submittal of project, applications is all, important; that every Urban Renewal
Project in Atlanta has been amended and that takes additional time. He
then quoted figures as to the number of Public Housing units under construc-
tion and planned for Urban Renewal Projects,

Mr.« Johnson said that the Rockdale project now has an FHA commitment
for 600 units; that FHA has reviewed the (Central) Methodist Church plan md
is ready to approve it; that the Ebenezer Church program is dragging; that
according to the Housing Resources Committee Annual Report, the FHA 221
program is the furtherest advanced in meeting the City's goals. Mr. Jones
confirmed this.

The question was raised about the slowness in getting housing startéd
on some of the Renewal land sites. Mr. Oppenshaw said he had recently written
to Mr. Rosen about this with respect to the Rockdale Project. Mr. Alexander
agreed to write a letter to Mr. Robinson about the Ebenezer Church project
and also Mr. Rosen.

Mr. Alexander proposed a Workshop to which developers and involved
groups would be invited, to explain how we suggest developing this program,
what we have available, etc. and that key Department Heads should also be
invited, Ha asked for opinions as to this idea. Mr. Jones responded that
he thought this might be very benificial.
In summary, the necessityfor over-all decision making; timing; and
authority and responsibility for following through to get things done was
the essence of the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Lz - “peridurrOny wy Ss Ugh ee

Malcolm D. Jones ~. .
Supervisor of Inspeetion Services


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