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December 30, 1966 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS, ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
Mr. Ray Moore
News Director
1601 West Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Dear Mr. Moore:
A Housing Resources Committee is being established in Atlanta to
work closely with and as an adjunct to the Mayor's Office in a
special effort to provide through private enterprise, non-profit
organizations and public housing sufficient housing units for all ‘
those in low and medium income brackets in Atlanta to be housed
in decent, safe and sanitary housing and to eliminate existing
slums in our city.
Sub=-committees of the Housing Resources Committee will soon be
appointed in various fields of endeavor to serve on the Committee
for accomplishing this momentous objective.
You have been nominated to serve with several others on the
Public Information Sub-Committee, It is anticipated that at its
first meeting each Sub-Committee will elect its own Chairman,
. who will also be the Sub-Committee's representative on the
Executive Group of the Housing Resources Committee as a whole.
It is also expected that each Sub-Committee, in addition to
supplying "know how" in its particular field, will also be
influential at all levels to gain acceptance for and promotion
of the program and would select at least two young men from
firms which can afford to devote part of their time for intensive
work with the Sub-Committee,
It would also be helpful if each Sub-Committee could form an
advisory panel of people active in the field of housing who would
Mr. Moore
Page Two
December 30, 1966
remain free to pursue their active business without conflict of
We hope that you will be able to serve on this Sub-Committee.
Please advise Col, Malcolm Jones (telephone 522-4463, Ext. 432
or 437).
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
Sanford S. Atwood, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
Benjamin E. Mays, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
SS 2A 3S
i. eT
December 28, 1966
Honorable Charles L. Weltner
Member of Congress
House of Representatives
Old Post Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Congressman Weltner:
A Housing Resources Committee is being established in Atlanta
to work closely with and as an adjunct to the Mayor's Office in a
special effort to provide through private enterprise, non-profit
organizations and public housing sufficient housing units for all
those in low and medium income brackets in Atlanta to be housed
in decent, safe and sanitary housing and to eliminate existing
slums in our city.
Sub=sommittees of the Housing Resources Committee will soon
be appointed in various fields of endeavor to serve on the
Committee for accomplishing this momentous objective.
You have been nominated to serve with several others on the
Legal Sub-Committee. It is anticipated that at tts first meeting
each Sub-Committee will elect its own Chairman, who will also be
the Sub-Committee's representative on the Executive Group”
of the Housing Resources Committee as a whole.
It is also expected that each Sub-Committee, in addition to
supplying ''know how" in its particular field, will also be
influential at all levels to gain acceptance for and promotion
of the program and would select at least two young men from
firms which can afford to devote part of their time for intensive
work with the Sub-Committee.
Congressman Weltner
Page Two
December 28, 1966
It would also be helpful if each Sub-Committee could form an
advisory panel of people active in the field of housing, who would
remain free to pursue their active business without conflict of
We hope that you will be able to serve on this Sub-Committee.
Please advise Col. Malcolm Jones (telephone 522-4463, Ext. 432
or 437). :
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
Sanford S. Atwood, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
Benjamin E. Mays, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
Housing “Resources Commidlee
}- CRKankes K. Wustter , President
Claes kK. Yi rtQs Compan nek
b. ©. Rox IN
Qos Goro, Cronyn
ANZ - 7833
QA, Charkes Parmer
Por men, Src.
4. Gene Bargass
AB1- 1Aaa7
WHEREAS, the State Highway Department of Georgia has proposed
the construction of a highway in Atlanta and Fulton County, Georgia as Project
1-485, known locally as Line "B' which extends northerly from the vicinity |
of Ponce de Leon Avenue to 1-85 and F-056 in the vicinity of Lindberg Drive,
WHEREAS, the proposed project has long been an approved part
of the development plan for Atlanta and Fulton County, and
WHEREAS, the proposed project will provide traffic service to a
heavily developed area, will provide for continuity of other freeways, and
will provide relief to the traffic songestion occurring at the Brookwood
Station Interchange and the North Freeway (Jct. 1-75 and I-85), and
WHEREAS, the proposed project is the key to other proposed highway
improvement projects in the area, and
WHEREAS, there is a critical need for this project: z
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the location of this
proposed project along Line 'B" ie concurred in by the Board of Aldermen
of the City of Atlanta, and is recommended for approval te the State Highway
Board of Georgia and the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
furnished to the State Highway Beard of Georgia along with the request
that the proposed project be constructed at the earliest practicable date.
WHEREAS, the State Highway Department of Georgia has proposed
the construction of a highway in Atlanta and Fulton County, Georgia as Project
1-485, known locally as Line "B' which extends northerly from the vicinity
of Ponce de Leon Avenue to 1-85 and F-056 in the vicinity of Lindberg Drive,
WHEREAS, the proposed project has long been an approved part
of the development plan for Atlanta and Fulton County, and
WHEREAS, the proposed project will provide traffic service to a
heavily developed area, will provide for continuity of other freeways, and
will provide relief to the traffic eongestion occurring at the Brookwood
Station Interchange and the North Freeway (Jct. 1-75 and 1-85), and
WHEREAS, the proposed project is the key to other proposed highway
improvement projects in the area, and
WHEREAS, there is a critical need for this project: |
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the location of this
proposed project along Line ''B" is concurred in by the Board of Aldermen
of the City of Atlanta, and is recommended for approval to the State Highway
Board of Georgia and the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
furnished to the State Highway Board of Georgia along with the request
that the proposed project be constructed at the earliest practicable date.
s A
June 16, 1966 _ )
Honorable Jack Summers, Chairman
Public Works Committee Number 1
Board of Aldermen ;
City of Atlanta
City Hail
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Alderman Summers:
The U. S. Bureau of Public Roads has requested that the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen concur in the State Highway Department
of Georgia recommended location of Interstate Route 485 (1-485),
Line "B",
You are well aware of all the arguments in support of and in
opposition to the location of this road along the route recommended
as well as other routes which were thoroughly investigated and
I am confident the Highway Department concerned itself not only
with the engineering requisites, but with all the other factors
to minimize residential dislocation and community disorganization,
The City of Atlanta cannot afford further delay in seeing this project
started. Besides the critical need of [1-485 for the relief of north-
side Atlanta traffic congestion, the approval of several other
major highway projects for the benefit of Atlanta motorists is
contingent upon the construction of 1-485.
The construction of that portion of F-056 from the northern limits
of 1-485 near Marian Road to the junction of the Appalachian
Developmental Highway at the Circumferential Route (1-285) is
directly dependent upon the approval of 1-485. If approval is not
en ee
Alderman Summers
Page Two
June 16, 1966
gained on the above numbered project, this section would probably
lose Federal Participation and revert to the local governmental
bodies to complete. There would be some question as to whether
F-056 south of 1-485 would ever be constructed, particularly the
section within the Circumferential Route (1-285), if 1-485 is not
approved, :
The improvement of the Northeast Freeway (I-85) which consists of
widening to six lanes from the interchange with I-485 near Cheshire
Bridge Road to the Circumferential Route (I-285) would be long
delayed if not stoppt = entirely if I-485 is not approved.
The possibility of F-120, the easterly extension of Lakewood
Avenue, becoming a traveling reality is dependent upon the
approval of 1-485,
I, therefore, recommend that the Board of Aldermen adopt the
attached resolution concurring in Line 'B" of 1-485 and that
we urge the State Highway Department to give top priority to its
Ivan Allen, Jr.
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