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Sk'lls Trai
uca o ,
and Area evelo men
Experience and capability in innovative programs
with people, government, and industry
�Training and
To respond to opportunity, opportunity must exist. For many Americans the lack of opportunity has
been an awesome reality. Economic
deve lopment of our depressed
areas and natural resources is important; development of our people
is mandatory.
Thiokol has grown in depth of
knowledge and experience through
early commitment of our total
Corporate resources to America's
socioeconomic struggle. Through
an innovative social engineering
system, Thiokol helps convert the
unemployed to motivated taxpayers with a future. Our nation's
growth will be greater tomorrow by
creating employment today.
sk·1 s
Ed calion,a d
ea e . _____ eI
Program experience
demonstrates Thiokol's
unique capabilities
Thiokol training programs are, for the
most part, job placement-oriented. In
some instances, such as the tenant
management training program in Gulfport, Mississippi, jobs are not the
end result. But regardless of the objective , all Thiokol training is based on
the following principles:
1. Every trainee has individual
capabilities and learning rates.
2. Each training program has unique
objectives, trainee population ,
and organization structure.
3. Each training program is a complete system since it is an
assembly of people and materials
unified to meet a common goal.
Programs, designed and conducted
by application of syste ms anal ys is,
provide individ ual ized instructi o n leading to specific objecti ves and invol vin g
all components of the EDO training
Educational Products
Robert L. Marquardt
Vice President
Economic Development
Th iokol Chemical
national socio-economic problems.
The EDO technique of total area
development includes:
1. A thorough systems analysis of
the community or area to be developed or redeveloped.
2. Preparation of a detailed technical plan outlining the tasks required to achieve the objectives
of the program .
3. Implementation and operation of
the program .
Emphasis is placed by the company
on industrial plant location , including
product market analysis and housing
and recreation development . Complete training programs offered in this
total development concept include
curriculum development , housi ng
occupancy, basic educational , vocational , and-social skills training .
Necessary rapport also is established with other private companies,
and with local and federal governmental agencies to coordinate efforts
needed to solve problems.
Area oevelopment
Thiokol's successfu l systems management experience gain ed by Thi okol as
a lead ing aerospace syste ms producer
gives t he compa ny an unmatched
capab ili ty to def ine a nd help so lve
loca l, state , national , and even inter-
Because of the growing general need
for vocational and basic educational
materials, EDO established its Educat io nal Pr oducts organ ization . It i s
staffed by c urric ul um experts from
many academic and technical disci plines. These highl y qualified educators
have ex perience in bot h traditional
and unu sual t raining-educat ion situations . The Educati o nal Pro du ct s
fac il ity , located ,n Ogden , Utah. produces educational material for use in
Th iokol programs an d for distr ibution
through publ ish ers an d ot her marketing fi rms.
�• Basic Education
Basic education must impart to
trainees the academic skills req ui red
for successful job training and placement. The content of Thiokol basic
education courses is geared to individual vocational courses. Both
remedial and advanced courses are
offered, dependent on the needs of
the trainees. Courses currently being
conducted in the various programs
include read ing, mathematics, communication skills, personal development, high school equivalency (GED),
and driver education
vocational Training
Training and
The Components
Thiokol vocational training prepares
trainees for entry level positi ons
within a cluster of job skills. Specific
courses offered in each of Thiokol 's1
many programs are based on the
projected manpower needs in those
fields for the following ten years.
Specific job positions provide the
basis for organization and operation
of the vocational training course. As
a contingency, "step-off" achievement levels are built into each course
to facilitate placement of trai nees
who do not com plete the program. Individualized courses currently being
offered in the various company programs include electronics assembly,
weld ing , surveying, hospital services,
clerical , baking, meatcutting, cooking, farm equipment operation, sheet
metal processing, refrigeration, air
conditioning , plastics patternmaking,
plastics molding, plastics reinforcement, machine shop operation, and
automotive services.
• counseling and
social Skills
Counseling and social ski ll s developme nt are vital compone nts of Th iokol
training . Accep t ab le behav iors
are reinforced and the new attitudes
and perce ptions required for a welladjusted life are developed . Group
counseling techniques are used to
all ow trainees to test their views and
behaviors and to receive critical react ion or su ppo rt from th e i r pee r s.
Wh ere the nee d e x ists , ind ivid ua l
counsel ing procedures are implemented.
Tec hni ques utilized include the use of
ro le playing and simul at io n games
and problem-s o lv in g situations to
provide trai nees with models of real
life experiences.
on-The-Job Training
In addition to the vocational training
component, EDO also can offer t raining in actual job situations. Thiokol
training emphasis is given by demonstration, appl ication , and practice.
On-the-job training avail able includes
such positions as cabinet assembler,
medical assistant, machine shop
operator, teaching aide, metals and
welding technician , offset press
operator, air condition ing and refrigeration technician.
Home Management
Th iokol t rains entire families in the
procedures and skills needed to maintain a home. Subjects taught include
maintenance, housekeeping, landscaping , budgeting, and pu rchasing .
This content provides instruction for
individuals and famil ies experiencing
life in a new home for the first time .
Add itional remedial and en richment
courses also are offered those
trainees having a need or interest in
a particular subject.
• Placement
Several thousand graduates of
Thiokol programs, have been placed
in jobs related to thei r training. Many
others have gone back to high school
or col lege; or have entered the armed
services, for which they had not been
educati o n ally qua lif ied be f ore
train ing .
Thiokol is placing more t han 250
men and women in productive jobs
each month throug h its prog ram graduations and the operation of its job
placement ce nters.
Curric ula and objecti ves of
each Thioko l v ocational tra ining
program have been prepared to
conform to the job descripti o ns
found in th e Department o f Labor
Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
Graduation requirements meet
these descripti o ns, assuri ng jobs
to those who successfully co m p le te the train ing .
Job corns
Urban center
Clearfield, Utah
The Clearfield Job Corps Urban Center
provides a residential program of total
trainin g for economically disadvantaged yo un g men 16-1 / 2 to 2 1 years
of age. The Operation was established
April 1, 1966. Cu rrent trainee e nrol lment at Clearfield is 1,350, 200 of
whom are designated as stu dents of
t he Advanced Corpsman Institute for
Para-Professi onal Train ing.
Academic, basic educatio n, classes
are geared to the vocati onal t rain ing
e ntry level of each indi vidual and include read ing , mathematics, personal
developme nt, language arts, and drive r
ed ucation. Each corpsman is assigned
to a dormitory with 31 othe r corpsmen
and a resident counselor. There he
re cei ve s g roup and i ndividua li zed
counsel ing. Avocational activities are
co nd ucted d uring w ee kdays afte r
classwork and on weekends and holidays.
The average corpsman is enroll ed at
the Ce nter for a peri od of eight to ten
months. While the re, he earns $30 a
month. The federal government sets
aside an additional $50 a month to
provi de the corpsman an adj ustment
allowance betwee n the time he completes his train ing and until he earn s
hi s first regu lar paycheck.
More than 2,500 former unem ployables have completed the program
and have taken jobs, gone back to high
school, or gone into the armed forces.
Many also have gone on to coll ege
Du ring the first two years of operat ion, more than 50 enrollees graduated
from hi gh school wh ile at the Ce nter.
More than 300 earned GED certi ficates and 200 enrolled in college.
Automotive -Automotive and smal l
engine repair and maintenance.
Plastics- Courses in plastics molding, reinforcement, and patternmaking.
Food Services-Complete meatcutti ng, baking, and cooking skills training.
Metals and Welding -Training in gas,
arc, and tungsten inert gas welding
techn iques.
Medical-Personal health, sanitation
and safety , fi r st aid, and hospital
attendant t rainiog.
Agriculture- Training in farm equipment operation and maintenance;
farm landscaping, constructio n, and
maintenance ; and livest ock f arm
Air Conditioning/ Refri gerationSheet metal, refrigeration , and ai r
cond it ioning skills training .
�Trainees get practical experie n ce as para-professio n al teachers , counse lors and recreational assistants.
corpsman 1nsmu1e
for Para-Professional
A need tor well-trained para-professional recreation, teaching, and counsel ing assistants became evident early
in the Clearfield Job Corps Program.
This need, fo und to exist also throughout the ed ucation industry, led directly
to establ ishm e nt of the Clearfield
Advanced Corpsman Institute tor ParaProfessional Training.
Teaching Technique
Th ioko l's systems analysis techn ique
couples social ski ll s developme nt with
job-related skills train ing. Trainees are
c hallenged to develop their potential
by systematically looking inward, assessing their aspirations and goals,
and experime nting with new behaviors.
Simul ated interpersonal confronta6
tions typical of real-life situations force
the trainees to react. These reactions
then are reviewed for their effectiveness in coping with the situation . New
reactions and patterns of behavior are
ex plored and practiced . Thus , enrollees are involved in training that
emphasizes creative ways of solving
problems. This small, group-oriented
program provides a supportive atmosphere in which both social skills exposure and theory are integrated .
Such training techniques as microteaching, closed c irc uit te levision , and
role playing are introduced to the Institute trainees. On-the-job exposure
also offers them the oppo rtun ity to
practice their newly developed ski ll s
in public school c lassrooms and in
other work situati ons. Awareness of
se lf, concern tor others, and helping
others lea rn to d eve lop their ow n
potential are all f oca l points of th e
training .
Several hundred corpsmen have completed the para-professional train ing
at the Clearfi e ld Job Corps Ce nter.
Approximately sixty-five percent of
these young men graduated with high
school diplomas or general equivalency certi ficates. Twenty perce nt of
the graduates have gone on to college,
while another fifteen percent complete
mil itary obli gatio ns before resuming
social services caree rs.
Graduates from Thiokol 's Institute
have been placed as counsel ing, personnel , teaching, and recreati o n aides
in Job Corps, Peace Corps, VISTA
programs, and in other projects and
programs sponsored by the Office of
Economic Opportunity. They also have
accepted employment with t he Utah
State Employment Commission, the
Washington State Social Services
Office, the New York State Board of
Education, Thi okol 's GATE H ouse
(Job Corps p l acement office), th e
Dall as and St. Louis Em ployment
Security. Offices, the Seattle Publ ic
Schools, the Newark Public School
System , the Bellevue Mental Hospital
in New York (chil dren 's recreational
therapy), and the Juvenil e Detention
Office in New York City
Co u nter cl ockwise : N ewly arri ved st udent.and fami ly, gets f i rst m e al at Cente r . S tuden t g overni n g body d isc u sses student projects . T rainees learn w e ld i ng . o the r t rades .
Program concept
Training cenrer
Roswell, New Mexico
A lack of vocational and social skills
has prevented many American Indians
from attain ing proper levels of productivity and social standing . Their
training and adjustment from inadequate or primit ive housing and a state
of unemployment to permanent employabi I ity is th e basic goal at the
Roswell EmploymentTrai ning Center,
where the train ing period averages
nine months. No rmally more than 500
trainees are enrol led continual ly.
An outstanding feature is the moving
of total famil ies for t he fi rst time from
the hogan, pueblo, o r igloo to a single
family house on the Center following
training in how to occupy and maintain
a home.
The Cente r provides vocational, related basic ed ucational. home livi ng
and soc ial skills training to volunteer
sing le adults and entire fami lies from
all the nation 's Indian t ribes. As many
as 3 7 such t ribes from a dozen states
have been represe nted there. We ll
equipped nu rse rie s and structured
train ing are included for pre-schoo l
age ch ild ren.
Training Clusters
The vocational training classes, supported by exten si ve classroom work in
the related basic educational subjects,
inc lude automobi le mechanics, welding , e lectron ic s asse mbly, cl e ri cal
duties, survey ing, high school GED,
drive r trai ning , nu rsing, and personal
�·hiO I exas, Inc
San Antonio, Texas
President's Test Program
Thiokol joined the President's Test program to provide manpower training and new jobs for the hard core unemployed of
San Antonio , Texas. This was one of the five "target" cities
chosen to pilot-test the program that would provide jobs for
individuals economically handicapped by inadequate education or other problems. Thiokol responded by acquiring two San
Antonio businesses, Tex-Wood Cabinet Company and Empress .
Brick Company, with which to establish its training-employment operation.
Thiokol Texas produces kitchen cabinets and manufactures
decorative ceramictile . The two operations have been relocated
at a single 3-1 /2 acre plant site, where training and production
efforts are proceeding.
Training the Hard core unemployed
Thiokol 's Operation Turnkey trains
disadvantaged in normal living
arts and home making .
At least 100 new jobs are being created at Thiokol Texas , Inc.
Thefirstphaseoftraining is designed to build self-confidence.
Trainees are taught to think positively and as winners, attitudes
completely foreign to most. In directed group seminars, the
trainees discuss their thoughts, expectations, and fears . They
define for themselves the meaning of success.
Language laboratories equipped with audio tape recorders
improve the reading and speaking abilities of the trainees ,
many of whom speak mostly Spanish.
Basic job skills training is designed to build further confidence. Trainees visualize, verbalize, and apply what they have
learned during the lesson.
Peace Corp s v o lunteer survey ing for new farm road in Iran .
Training tor Other companies
Gulfport, Mississippi
The Center also will design and conduct similar training programs for other companies and government agencies.
scope 01 Program
Photo : Peace Corps .
Thiokol initiated this first-of-kind training and research projectto help the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in a program designed to assist lower income families
become successful homeowners. Many such families now
occupy homes in Gulfport and have lease pu rchase righ ts to
these structures.
The objective of the training program is to provide tenants
with the organizational and social skills needed to maintai n
the housing . Intensive pre-occupancy and occupancy trai ni ng
designed to meet specific needs of the homeowners incl udes
counseling, budgeting , and financial management. This training increases the likelihood of later successful homeownership. Thiokol research from this pilot prog ram will enable HUD
to institute similar training th roughout the co un try
Manual skills training class leads to
Peace corps
Thiokol 's highly successful Peace
Corps training prepares volunteer
trainees to live and work effectively
in other cultures. Volunteers have
been trained for service in Iran and
The Thiokol training creates immediate and sustained trainee involvement,
presents highly individualized instruction, gives the trainee the responsibility for his own learning , and provides
him with an underlying methodology
that serves to help relate and interrelate all aspects of training .
Language training is based on an
audi o-lingu al technique that also includes ro le playing , sit uational exe rcises, an d cultural simulation . Many of
t he geographi cal reg io n and crosscultural studies also co nsist of role
Thiokol 6UIIPOrl
Tenant Management Irainino
playing and situational exercises. In
addition , the studies include group
discussions or problem solving activitives involving the role, requirements,
expectations, and problems of the
Peace Corps volunteer in his job, his
assigned country , and community .
Training takes place in small group
settings where learning is creative and
participative. Interaction, self-analyses, evaluation of experiences, and
problem solving behaviors of the group
all stress the importance of each member's role as a resource . Each member
compares his reaction to various experiences with the reactions of others
of the group . He also gauges his
understanding of material and concepts, ideas, and opinions with those
of the other members.
Homeowner Association
A Homeowne r Assoc iatio n orga nization will be organized
during the Thiokol training to stress se lf-government of the
tenants of housing develo pme nt as a sig nificant phase of the
prog ram.
�changes necessary to' provide a c lean
Economic Development
computer Technology
The back cover of this booklet locates
Th iokol 's c urre nt ope rati ons and
service lo ca t io ns , devoted to aerosp ace , c he m ic al , indu stria l , and
econom ic developme nt o pe rations. Its
Corporate Headquarters are in Bristol ,
Pennsylvania. Due to remote locales
of some of the pl ant sites, it was necessary to uti li ze systems engin ee ring
techniques in area developme nt.
An example is Thi okol 's Wasatch
Di v i sion (cap it al asset s exceed ing
$1 00,000,000) located 30 mil es west
of Brigham City, Utah , in valleys of
the Promo ntory Mountains and B lue
Sprin gs Hills. Complete area development requ ired techniques identical to
those needed in urban area deve lopment. These incl ude bu ildings, roads,
power transmission sys t ems , potable
wate r supplies, ai r qu ali ty , waste water
treatment an d renovation , disposal of
solid waste s and garbage, neutralizatio n of che mi cal and other industrial
wastes, sanitation , heal th, and safety
Advanced computer pro.grams and
computer capability facilitate the
effectiveness and efficiency of every
training , research , business, and technical service operation under EDO.
Student accountability and progress
data are retrievable on a daily basis.
Statistical programs prov ide rapidly
analyzed data to aid in behavi oral research and training evaluat io n. Employee payroll, accounting , inventory,
and other business operations assist
management in every department.
Computer system s, including the
IBM System / 350 Model 50 , that meet
the needs of varied organizations,
ex pand the capability offered to our
customers. These computerized se rvicesand numerous others are available
and are recomm ended because of
proven valu e in design , impl e mentat ion , and e valuat io n o f any EDO
se rvice .
Environmental Research
Thiokol co nducts research in material
and method systems technology to
provide low-cost h o using m ee ting
essential health an d safety standards.
This techn o logy includes th e important ho usi ng-related social concerns
of lower-in co me famili es. Studi es of
possibl e structural systems utilizing
nat ive reso urces for remote area
housing for Indi ans and Eskimos are
being co ndu cted.
Thi oko l also is participating in researc h studies to develo p improved
eq uipment and syste ms necessary to
m e et t he r eq uire m e nts o f f e d e r al ,
state, and loca l gove rnm e nts in the
co rrectio n of sani tatio n and health
defic ienc ies resul tin g from wate r and
air po llu tio n.
Primari ly , Th iokol promotes the deve lopment and uti li zation of improved
equipment, more effecti ve chemica ls,
and a co mplete systems approac h in
Thiokol 's di rect approach to solving
socioeconomic problems and utilizing
systems techniques in area development has been successful in stimulating economic development in both
urban and rural areas of persistent
unemployment. An e x perienced
Thiokol team works cooperatively
with governmental agencies and community groups in con d ucting market
research , natural resource studies,
personnel and plant location surveys,
transportation studies , financial and
training studies, organizational surveys, and schedules for implementation.
Model Cities Planning
Ec~ omic Development Operations
is consulting with the various levels
of federal , state, and local governments in the application of systems
management and computerized techniques in Model Cities planning programs. The broad aims and objectives
of the Model Cities program are :
1. Rebuild or revitalize large slums
and blighted areas.
2. Expand housing , job, and income
3. Reduce dependency on welfare
4 . Imp rove educ at io nal facilities
and programs.
5. Combat disease and ill health.
6. Reduce incidence of crime and
delinqu ency.
7. Enhan ce recreati o nal and cultu ral
opportun ities.
8. Establi sh better access between
homes and jobs.
9 . Gen e rall y impro ve living condition s fo r peopl e w ho live in such
are as.
Custome rs of EDO
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Dept. of Commerce
Dept. of Labor
Dept. of Health , Education,
and Welfare
Housing and Urban
Office of Economic
State and Municipal
Governments Abroad
Other Industries
of chronic unemployment. Trainees
were placed in group situations where
they tested new behaviors, received
immediate critical reaction or support
from their peers , and planned for
needed change .
Early successes led to the i ncorporation of a social skills development concept in all of Thiokol 's training programs . The resultant increases in
successful training and placement
prompted Thiokol to offer the Social
Skills Development Kit to other companies engaged in training the hard
core for employment.
curriculum oevelooment
Curricula and related teaching materialsdeveloped by EDOand formulated
through the systems approach emphasize and utilize the latest learning
theories and technology. Any of the
following services can be provided by
Thiokol :
• Task analysis to determine curriculum co ntent.
• Curri culum o ut lines.
• Linear prog rams.
• Training kits .
• Models.
• Audio-visual materials designed
for specific applicati ons.
In-service instruction training programs and curriculum implementation .
All curriculum materials developed
by the Educational Products organizati o n are fi e ld tested and validated in
one or mor e o f Th i ok o l 's training
social Skills
oevelOoment Kil
Through its training experience, Thiokol
has learned that the maj o r problems of
the di sadvantaged are the ir inappropriate and in effective work be havi ors.
Pri o r to trainin g, the majority of the e nro ll ees had histories of failu re and
lacked self-co nfidence an d t he effective mea ns of dea lin g wi th job related
proble ms.
Thi okol appli ed t he principles of
group pro bl em so lvi ng to t he d il e mma
The Kit consists of a complete series
of exercises, games, and simulation
materials design ed to provide hard
co re une mployed trainees w ith the desirabl e behavi ors , and social skills
needed to stay on a job. The Kit contains complete trainer direction , teaching aids, and trainee material s needed
to support a forty hour learning laboratory for fifteen trainees . Each exerci se
is written explicitly to assist t he trainer,
eve n those havi ng onl y marginal experience in leading group discussi on,
in conduct ing th e co urse .
The course outline covers th e following major topi cs:
• Trainee Orientation
• Basic Work Habits
• Interpersonal Skills
• Co mmunicati o n Skills
• Pro blem So lv ing
• Goal Settin g
Punctuality , atte ndance , and personal appearance are also stressed .
Tra in ees are taug ht to gain and accept
respo nsibility, to co mmu nicate and
liste n w ith un de rsta nd in g , to take pride
in perso nal hab its , to look positive ly
at superv isory re lationships, and to
deve lop a pattern of overa ll success
at work, at home , and in the co mmunity.
Instructional Programs
Varying educational levels are inherent in student populations of all
training programs. This fact necessitates g re at emphasis on audi o-visual
techniques for use in individualized
instruction . Although use d e xt en sively , each media is researched completely fo r specific stud e nt impact
and program applicability.
The highly experienced staff of EDO
media specialists ensures proper use
of audio-v isual techniques, which include 16mm motion pictures, 8mm an d
16mm sound and silent continuous
loop singl e topi c films , 35 mm slid e
and film st rips, progra mm ed instructional material , overhead tra nsparencies , au d io t apes , an d e le c tr ica l
transcriptions .
Compl ete photog rap hic, illu strative ,
and so und rep rod uct ion facil ities are
availabl e at EDO, w here eac h phase
of d e v e lo pmen t is ca rr ied to the
" master co py " leve l. Reproduction of
addi tio nal co pi es normall y is subcont racted to establ ished compan ies.
Many trainers fee l th at vocational
progra ms shoul d utili ze t he actual
hard ware appli cable to the desi red ski II
posit ion . Al t ho ug h soun d , th is conce pt is not always pract ical si nce act ual
equi pme nt , besides be in g ex pen sive,
is not always th e most effective way to
d emo n strate ope r ational c once pt s
and prin cipl es.
Work in g mode ls of equi pment that
have proven to be highl y effective in
instructiona l situations have bee n deve loped by Thiokol. These devices,
fabricated of transparen t materials,
all ow students to see pa rts relationship , sequence of ope ration , and flow
of raw materials.
�Economic Development Operations
The world of people is part of the Widening World of Thiokol
Operations and Service Locations
Astra-Met Division
Ogden , Utah 84402
Operation Headquarters
Techn ical Services
and Educational Products
Ogden , Utah 84402
Elkton Division
Elkton Plant
Elkton , Md. 21921
Bri stol Plant
Bristol, Pa. 19007
Georgia Division
Woodbine, Ga. 31520
Huntsville Division
Huntsville, Ala. 35807
Longhorn Di visio n
Marshall, Texas 75670
Reaction Motors Division
Denville, N.J. 97834
Wasatch Division
Brigham City, Utah 84302
District Offices
Washington, D.C. 20006
Huntsville, Ala. 35801
Dayton, Ohio 45402
El Segundo, Calif. 90245
Lancaster, Calif . 93534
HeadquartersTrenton, N.J. 08607
Moss Point Plant
Moss Point, Miss. 39563
Thioko l Chemicals Limited
Coventry, Warwickshire ,
Thiokol Canada Lim ited
Burlington , Ontario ,
Thiokol Australia Pty., Ltd .
Sydney, N.S.W. , Australia
Clearfield Di vision
Clearfield, Utah 84015
Roswe ll Division
Roswe ll , New Mexico 88201
Thiokol Gulfport
Tenant Management Training
Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
Thi okol Texas, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas 78208
The AFA Corporation of Florida
Miami Division
Miami , Florida33147
Owens Division
Palatine , Illinois 60067
Dawbarn Di vision
Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
Delta Corporation
EastGranby,Conn . 06026
Dynastar Laboratories
Denville , N.J. 97834
•Humetrics Corporation
Los Angeles, Cali f. 90064
Logan Division
Logan, Utah 84321
Panelyte Industrial Division
Trenton , N.J. 08604
P.O. Box 27 Bristol , Pa. 19007
839 17th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Additional information about the Economic Development Operations
and its many services can be obtained by contacting : Mr. Bernie R.
Diamond, Director, Program Development, Economic Development
Operations, Thiokol Chemical Corporation , Post Office Box 1619,
Ogden, Utah 84402, Phone : 801 / 399-1191
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FORM 4·H·11
�Department of Planning
Collier Gladin
July 25, 1969
TO: _ _ _D_a_n_S_w_e_a_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIME: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
For your information
Please make necessary reply
Advise status of the attached
Attached for your information 1s the position paper
on the Residential Manpo-.yer Center in Uptown
Atlanta prepared for Buck Benner of OEO.
FORM 30-13
6/2 4 /69
Mayor's Office, City Hall
Mr. Barry J.Argento
Chief, Program Deve lopment Division
Job Corps - OEO
1200 - 19th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C .
The City of Atlanta welcomes the establishment of Inner-City
Resid e n t ial Manpower Center here. It will serve a critical
need for skills training of women fr _o m among the disadvantage d.
Our cooperation with OEO, Labor and other agencies is pledgedo
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Send the above message, subject lo lhe terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to
1269-(R 4-55)
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6 / 24 / 6 9
Mayor's Offie e, City Hall
Mr. Barry J . Argento
Chief, Program Development Division
Job Corps - OEO
1200 - 19th Street, N. W .
Washington, D. C.
The City of Atlanta w
. le ~es the establishment of Inner-City
Residential Manpowe
ereo It will serve a critical need for
skills training of wome from among the disadvantaged. Our
cooperation with OEO and other agencies· is pledged.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Sencl the above message, subject lo the terms on bock hereof, which ore hereby ogreecl lo
1269-(R 4-55)
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TO : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FROM: Da n E . Sweat , Jr.
For y our information
Please r e fe r to the a ttac h e d c orresponde nce and ma k e the
n e c essary re ply .
Adv i se me the sta tu s of th e a ~ta ch e d.
F ORM 2 5 - 4 -S
W1v1 .
IY) , ;Cf
J-& ?- - 3 t::2- -
sr? ~
- ---
FROM: Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
For your information
Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the
necessary reply.
Advise me the status of the attached.
FORM 25 - 4- 5
Name,_ ___L_!..~..../L.....!...
Telephone N o._...,___ __,__"----'""-=~---""--.. . . :. .=--.:..._--+--____e,
Wants you to call
Left the following message:
FORM 23 • 5
Returned your call
TO : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FROM : Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
For your informa tion
Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the
necessary reply.
Advise me the status of the a ttac hed .
' e,v,.,...,:
-- -----
Department of Planning
FROM: _ _Bill
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE: August 22, 1967
TO: _ _ _=-D-=a=n---=:S-"-w-"'e-=a.c:ct__________ TIME: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
For your information
Please make necessary reply
Advise status of the attached
This is to remind you to contact Robert Dobbs with regard
to setting up a meeting between Tom Bane and Peter Labrie
of this department and the civic group in the northwest
FORM 30-13
PHONE 522-4463
Faye Yarbrough
!). . ~
/JL. . Woo~ .
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ants you to call
Returned your call
Left the following message:
Is here to see you
Came by to see you
J~I/~;./.,_______ Time _ _~/ -...,'3........o~ _ a . m. / p. m.
Date: _ _
By------~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FORM 25•5
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_P/ 2 LL Y011 LLZ2 LLZ2
co:-..'. - TEE
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Civ Hall
Roan 1204,
August ll, 1967
orandum Toi M or Allen
Jon s
ction of th Zoning
.LI.l..l.ttee yester
wu.. .
in turning down ths re~oning
Sl. acre tract off Brovnt<mn Rd. (Zoning Petition Z-67-124-D)
and R- 5 to A•l for 'lurnkey dev-elo
very di appoiJlting to those of us
of a
orld.ng .in promotion of housing for low-in.com fomil.ie • ~or s erio'O..S howe'VI
1 tb
scour emcnt. to o ere, sponsors and de lop
of other tr cts undor
consider tion f or inclu ion in the l ow-inc:
tor both Turnkey
and 22.l d (3) d
I rec .ond thtlt yc>u k the Board of Ald~.. ._-....u.. to de.for action on thi
peti.tion, rather than to turn it own, hen it c e before th
· t 21.
This l
colm D. J
HDJ/ sll
of Inepection
1'1AT_, ·~g
�August 9 1 1967
Memorandum To:
Members, Executive Group, Housing Resources Committee
Report on Vacant Land in Atlanta
The attached report (Encl. 1) has been provided by the Planning Department
upon request of HRC (July 6 Executive Group Meeting) for total acerage zoned
Apartments, Commercial, Industrial and Residential.
(Tabulation of vacant acerages
by Land Lot and District which accompanied the report has not been reproduced.)
Totals for each of the above zoning categories have been tabulated in
pencil on first page of the report to facilitate overall comparison ..
The report shows the amount of vacant Industrial land to be approximately
3 times the vacant land zoned for multi-family and 6 tfmes the vacant land zoned ·
This appears to be excessive in view of current immediate needs of
the City, particularly for low income multi-family development.
The report also indicates that vacant land zoned Rl-4 is approximately
3 times that zoned R5-9, The latter category only is applic~ble to low income
families, which apparently constitute the majority of families in Atlanta.
For detailed comparison between the HRC July
5 Analysis
of vacant land
zoned for apartments (tabulated from Zoning Map previously provided by the
Planning lepartment) and the Appendix which accompanied the attached .Planning
Department report, see Encle 2·, attached.,
Encls t
Memorandum from Planning Department dated July 21
Comparative Tabulations
' ..
ATI..A.NTA. OA. a03oa
Ttl. 522·«63 Ar11 Co<le 404
COLLIER 8. GL('DIN, Direccer
July 21, 1967
Housing Resources Committee
Planning · and Development Committee
Planning Department
Preliminary Report - Amount of Vacant Land by Zoning District
In reply to the request by the secretary of the Housing Resources
Com.~ittee for figures showing the total vacant acreage in the City
of Atlanta, the following data is supplied. These figures are based
on computer analysis of the Atlanta CIP Real Property Data Bank,
for use in the land use planning project, and reflect conditions as
of January 19616:
Zo::ng .: t ··::.:•)cant:
... · .. . '
.., ·..·:. ,
': ..
, : :.-' ~.
. ., ' .
· R5
· 632.5
3, 172.0
97i'/, / .
65. 7
17,841.6 .
62.J, 8
9. 76 / ( .7 . ·.·'
9] 328't 'j
5 , 907.1
17.9 '
3~t~ 7. 3
2,308. 2
18 , 048.1 ,
2 7. 3
3,340 .9
· 1,175.~ 138'1'118
These figures reflect all parcels of land in the City as recorded
the Joint Board of Tax As~essors. · However, many vacant parcels
~3 2.,/
.o} JOftJ.O
,I •
! .
214,2 _
l, 117
/0'/2, 2. .
C3 ·
Total Acreage*
"" · -·
..._ _ _ _. . . . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . : ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ __
July 21, 1967
Page 2
are small tracts of less than 1 acre located in otherwise developed
areas. Therefore, a series of maps at 400 scale ~as prepared showing
vacant land and zoning fot use in the City'~ land use planning project.
A ·copy of the data processing listing of · parcel code numbers of vacant
parcels, zoning and acreage data was delivered to Steve Schwartz of
,Cecil Alexander's office during the latter part of April; and, also
during the latter part of April, Mr. Schwartz was given access to the
400 scale maps in the Planning Department showing these vacant parcels.
These maps were copied and delivered to Mr. Alexander's office prior
to May 1.
On June 28 at a meeting of the Planning and Development Coramittee,
a map of vacant and "under-developed" land was shown in connection
with the land use plan progress report. After this meeting, Malcolra
Jones requested that a copy of this map showing zoning of vacant areas .
be provided to the Housing Resources Committee. This map was prepared
by the Planning Department and delivered to Col. Jones.
On July 6 this map and a preliminary analysis of areas zoned A-1 and
vacant was presented to the Housing Resources Committee. The analysis
showed a total ·o f 482 acres "zoned for apartments_". The apparent
discrepancy between this figure and the 802 acres shown in the data
processing analysis can be explained by the fact that the maps used
in both co~putations, although similar, were not really comparable.
The map used in the Housing Resources Committee analysis was at a
scale of 2,000 feet to the inch and the maps used in the data proce ssi ng an9ly§i§ were at a scale of 400 feet t o t he i nch. Due to the
small maps at a s cale of 2 ,000 £eet t o t he inch, accur at e meas urement
i s di ffi cul t, a nd , additiona lly , onl y large parcel s can be s hown.
At 400 scale , more accurate representation a nd measurement a re poss ible.
The r efore, upon rec e ipt by t he Planning Depa r t me nt of the com.~ ittee
request f or addi tiona l data, furthe r detail ed map s a t 400 s ca l e were
prepared showing only significa nt vacant tracts (4 a c res and la~ge~),
s o that a mo re detai l ed listing of vacant l and could be made. A
preliminary analysis has been made by the Planning Department of each
significant tract, a nd the result of this analysis '-is presented in
Appendix A to t his memorandum.
The maps used in the analysis are available in the Planning Departcent
for detailed examination by interested parties.
The Planning Department agrees that the housing problem in Atlanta
is one of the major problems facing the City at this time, and recommends
"""Tt':-- •ir--: - - ~~
r• ·~. - ~ ---=-:=-~ --
�r . -,
... ,· " ,....
·july 21, 1967
Pagc 3
t!1.1t the joint meeting of ti1c l'lann.ing and Development · C0,.--.:.-.ittee
nci the Housing Resources Coii",.mittee which has been rcquc
stcd be held
3S soon as possible.
At this meeting and at other su~sequcnt ~c ctin:;s, the City's housing policy should be examined. For e;{.:J.i,,?12,
a siznificant policy decision must be made on whether the low rcnc
housing to be constructed should be of the garden apart~ent --~cdiu~
dcnsity--outlying location type or whether high rise-high densitycen tra l area housing should oe considered. Another proble~ is the
policy of relocation in urban renewa l and other treatr.,ent activiti.es.
Should the displaced families and individuals be relocated in the
general area of the project or should attempts be made to relocate
then .in outlying areas? These are only a few items on which policy
decisions arc necessary in order to insure that the low-cost housing
program meets the goals set for it at each of the critical tiQe
phases over the next several years.
-· •· 1
�August 9, 1967
Comparison. of c·Jul:}f 5 Analysis by Im.C from Zoning Map and
Appenfu to July 21 Memo. .from Planning Department
Zoning Map was revised April 31, 1967.
Appendix was compiled as of January 1966.
As can be seen, discrepencies exist in both land lots and acreages
between the Zoning Map Analysis and the Appendix.
This may be accounted for
by zoning changes and new: developments which have taken place since the
compilation shown in the Appendix.
However, this reduces the dependency which
can be placed now on the compilation of figures shown in the Appendix.
See Summary at end of the attached Comparative Tabulations for acreages
already connnitted; turned down or rejected; and planned for other uses.
V~ant areas zoned A-L (understood to be generally for a specifically
planned development)
and A-2 (not generally accepted locally as suitable for
low~cost housing, except for the Elderly) have not been generally included
in this comparison.
The vacant land in both categories is relatively small
In any event, from the attached comparison, it is •quite obvious that the
land currently zoned A-1 is both inadequate in quantity and unequitabl.y
distributed throughout the City to meet requirements of the' low-income housing
program ..
Comparative Tabulations
July 'J:.7, 1967
A-1 Zoning (Approx. Acre$)
Comparative Tabulations
17th Di.strict--Fulton County
5 Analysis
Appendix to
· 251
July 21 Memo
Unable to get approval (by FHA)
20 AL
13 Al
Rejected (by HA)
Rejected (by FHA)
Unable to get approval (by FHA)
Rejected {by HUD)
2 \ .
Other Use (No Bridge)
15th,District DeKalb County
Rejected (by HA)
14th District Formerly Fayett
Aj?PendiJc A
Al. & R3
14th District Fulion County
Appendix A
Rejected (by FHA)
31 AL & Al
8 A2.
40 A2 & Ml
Rejected (by HUD)
other Use (Morehouse College)
other Use (Vocational School)
Grand total
Turned down or
Other Use
-~. .
'~2()4 · acres
486 acres
i!Experience to date indicates that not more than 1/3 of suitably zoned vacant
land will actually receive final approval for inclusion in the low-income
housing program.
�HOUsnm RF~ )U C s C . I TTEE
1204, City Ball
cembol"' 26,, 1967
Mr. I
has UWY,M:>6d
Brawnto,m Ro
con t.ruction o£
~?~ ====~- --~~- - -404/351-4325
Mro Hami l ton Doug las 0 Jro , . Attorney
Na ll 0 Miller 0 Cadenhea d & Denn i s
24 J 4 Nati on al Ban k of Georgia Bld g o
Atlan t a 0 Geor g ia
Re :
Brown town Re - z onin g
De a r Earn ,
Unde r separate cover t he Plan nin g De partme nt i s send ing y ou
a c opy of the Nort hwest Brown t own Area Nei g hbor ho od Study Re p or t , and also a t wo pa g e check l ist of which City Depar t ment
is to b e con tact e d re gard i n g the recommenda t i ons in t h e r e porto
I t alked wi th Dan Swea t t h i s mor n i n g 0 and h is b e s t jud g eme n t
is tha t we ha ve a 50- 50 cha n c e of success f u l re -z on i n g. S i nce
y ou will nee d to know the s tatu s a n d pro jec ti on s f or sewer,
schools, and recreati on; he suggests t h a t y ou tak e the prime
responsibility in ge t tin g .u p-t o - d ate -0n wha t commitments can
firmly be made and wha t commitments will ha v e to come in the
next b ond issue. Hopefu l l y t he l att e r will be a reality b y
the time the Brown town pr oje c t is c omp l e te d t wo years from
n ow.
We are in the pr o cess of s etting up a 9 :3 0 A . Mo meeting on
Wednesday, Novemb er 22nd with Dr. Womack and Mr o Satterfield
so that we can get bo t h of t h em t o agree on the school site
and on the Land Use Plan o I will le t you know wh en eveTyone
has committed themselves t o the 2 2nd meeting date , and would
like to suggest t hat you make arrangements to attendo
When you have had an opp ortunity to review the Browntown Study,
I would appreciate your comments.
Sincerely 0
, .,_J I {
• •' r
William Ho Woodward
Mro Matt Bystry
Mr o Bob Couslns
�i . ' ..
Office of General Manager
Atlanta, Georgia
October 30, 1967
Mr. Collier B. Gladin, Director
Department of Planning
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Neighborhood Study for Northwest - Browntown Area
Dear Collier:
My staff and I have read with interest the preliminary study of
community problems in the Northwest-Browntown Area of Atlanta.
Havinq been asked to comment on the contents of this report, our
observations regarding the problems, needs, and recommendations
included in the report are set forth in this lette r.
To beqin with, we would like to comment on the several references
to Gun Club Park. Early in the report it is stated that Perry
Home s has virtually no City recreati onal facilities and programs
and v e ry limited access to those in other areas (Page 5). While
the large Gun Club Park will serve a s a community park for the
entirn study area, it was acq uire d primar ily to serve the r esidents
of Pe1:ry Ho mes and i s located i mme d iately adj acent t o the Perry
Homes Pr oject. Further, t he report make s several references t o
Gun CJ. uh Park o e ing a n · inao.equ a t e and poorly d e v eloped park (l?a9es
§ , 6 ,10 & 11). T'h,~ report st:a 't;es t h at what h a s been bui;l..t: shews
little a ppreci a tion for the p refer e nces o f the loca l re side nt s,
t h a t plans s h ould b e d rawn up in s uch a ma nne r that the l ocal
resident s can hav e a v o ice in sel e c ti n g the t y p es of f a cilities
to be erect ed in the park (Pages 6 & 12) . Befo re c o nstruction
began on any of the development of this par k , a master plan, which
incl uded nearly every facility y ou would fi nd in a community p ark
as wel l as a recreat i on building and s wimming pool , was completed.
The rr.c1ster plan for Gu n Club was d i scu ssed o n two occasio ns with
Perry Homes citizens and o ther area residents.
(This is the procedure! followed prio r to development of any new park. ) The Perry
Homes citizens asked for and endorse d tennis courts. The park will
..,, no)
•I• V
x 1 no
1 • 11,• y
�... ,·,
Mr. Gladin
October 30, 1967
include many facilities such as basketball-multi-use courts , (included
in the present phase of construction now under way) which have not
yet been built. For financial reasons, we must develop all new
parks in stages over a period of years.
In most cases, the first
phase of development includes few facilities above ground that can
be seen. Most of the money goes into preparation of the site, utilities,
sewers, and underground storm drainage during the first phase of
construction. The first phase of constrµction of Gun Club began on
April 11, 1966, and was concluded in February 1967. This phase cost
$83,4!56.00 and included the following items:
Clearing and grubbing
Rough grading - West- area
Utilities - water - sewers - lighting
Drive and parking
Two tennis courts
Fencing and retaining walls
Storage buildings
Concrete benches
Landscaping - trees and shrubs
Finished grading and grassing.
On Auqust 4, 1967, construction began on phase two of development,
estimated to cost $52,206.00, which includes the following items:
In the South portion of the park
1. The remaining portion of the parking lot
2. The addition of landscaping
3. The multi-use court area
4. The play hill and related play area
5. The erection of playground equipment and structures
In the North portion of the park
1. The day ~amp ing areaB and related parking
2. The grading and establishment of an athletic field
with two baseball diamonds and a football field
3. Entrance drive and parking
Phase two development, mile scheduled for completion in December,
1967, is running behind schedule due to technical problems but
should be completed in early 1968 .
This department recently received a windfall of $350,000 . 00 from
the S1:ate to purchase park land and for capital improvements in
exist:Lng parks. On July 26, 1967, the Aldermanic Parks Committee
appro,red the allocation of $75,000.00 (the largest single allocation '
to any one park) for further development of Gun Club Park. Our
original plans were to attempt to secure matching funds from the
Federc1l Government and, if successful, build a major s ize swimming
poo l c1nd bathhouse estimated to cost $ 150 , 000 . 00 .
In the meantime,
howE~v·or, a study group has been organized to prepare a park and
recr ec1tion survey and plan for the entire city with projected needs
(Co nt'd)
( xi- Ao
\'"' (.ll•Y ;
( xi-Qo 1
' ( ' l)" V
�Mr. Gladin
- 3'. -
October 30, 1967
according to population trends, etc. through 1985. This comprehensive study is a joint effort of the Community Council, E.O.A.,
the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Planning Department.
Staff personnel £rem each of these agencies are devoting considerable
time to this project, which should be completed in late December,
1967. We have asked this group to study the Northwest area first and
attempt to determine from the area residents their preference
regarding the swimming pool or a community building. It should be
emphasized that we only have $75,000.00 allocated and our regular
community buildings, which do not include a gym and would not be
adequate for the population, have been costing approximately
$85,000.00. Feder~l assi st ance .i s not ava i lable for thG construction
of a recreation building as such. In order to qualify for Federal
assistance, a building would have to be a complete neighborhood
facil:Lty offering various services other than recreation. Further,
it should be pointed out that the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation is
the only Federal agency that approves grants for swimming pools;
and, B.O.R. funds allocated to the State of Georgia being rather
limite d, we have no assurance of Federal a~iisistance in the construction of a pool. We welcome and solicit comments from citizens•
group:3 in the Northwest - Browntown area concerning their preferences.
In reqard to Center Hill Park, only $20,000.00 has been allocated;
and, ,:1gain, we shall attempt to secure matching Federal funds.
Center Hill Park, being an older park, has no design plan. We intend
to develop a master plan for this park, including the improvements
you have mentioned in the report.
There are references throughout the study of the lack of recreational
services in the public housing projects, to the insufficient
distr:lbution of recreation leadership, and to insufficient recreation
leadei~ship due to poor development of recreat i on facilities in
general (Pages 5,6,10,11 & 12). This Department has realized for
many y ears the need for recreation leadership in public housing
projects and we have never been able to secure funds to pay salaries
of recreation leaders in these projects. However, during the summers
of 1966 and 1967 we were able to provide recrea t ion l ea d ershi p through
our contract with E.O.A . in Perry Homes, Bowen Homes, and Gun Club
P ark. We have provided recre ation leadershi p at Scott School for
appr o ximately th irty years. On a number of occasions, we have
ch ecko d out other schools in the area only to find that none are
des i gned for other agency use .
Several years ago we attempted to p r ovide r ecreation leadership at Whitaker School only to be asked t o
leav e when the p r incipal at Whitaker School objected to our staff
bei n g t h ere a nd even secur ed petitions f r om area residents demand i ng
we wi1:hd r a w our progr am .
In rega r d to poor facilities fo r r ecr eat ion
pro grams , a tremendous i n c r ea s e i n appr opriations to park s and r e crea tio n \Tould .be n eces s a ry be f o r e we c o u l d begin buildi n g a n d sta ffing
needed r e cre a tion c e nte r s . The c o s t o f s ta ff ing o n e r e creatio n center
properly would be a minimum o f $17,29 0 . 00 annua lly.
Thi B :;tudy refer s numero us times t o l a ck of communication b e tween
c itiziins in the Northwest- Browntown area and the Parks Department .
While communications h a v e been l es s than p e rfect, we have on .many
c,c cas ..ons discusse d Gun Club Park, play l ot s , r e cre ation leader ship ,
e t c,, Hi th civic l e ade r s , including one or more listed in the
': .
Mr. Gladin
,·. • '
October 30, 1967
Special Planning Committee, and with Mr. Arthur Smith, Housing Manager
of Perry Homes. I believe I am correct in stating that no community
in Atlanta has had more consultation regarding parks and recreation.
Any suggestions for improving communications would be greatly
We sincerely appreciate the efforts that have gone into the NorthwestBrowntown area study and suggest that copies be sent to each member of
the Parks Committee as well as the Park and Recreation Study Group.
Thanking you for the opportunity to comment on this report, I am
neral Manager of
Parks and Recreation
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Another aspect of this situation is that various city and county service
agencies very rarely plan projects 5-10 years ahead.
Of course, it would be
• I
ideal if they were involved in long-range planning so that they could anticipate problems rather than respond to them as they occur.
But due primarily to
limited funds, the agencies are more or less compelled to respond pragmatically
to community problems.
The value of this report then is that it tends to make up for the lack of
long-range planning for various city services.
Through its assessment of
community needs and its recommendations, it can be of invaluable assistance to
public officials by pointing out what needs to be done to meet existing problems and foreseeing future needs in the Browntown Area.
In order to eliminate existing deficiencies and bring about orderly
growth in the N. W. Browntown Area, it is recommended:
That a vertical addition to Archer High which would increase its
capacity to 2000 students be placed on a bond issue by Spring, 1968.
That an elementary school site be included for any new housing project_s
approaching 300 units or more in size.
That planning be started now for the construction of a new high school
in the area as population increase d~mands it.
( 4)
That plans be started now for the construction of a junior h i gh school
on the already acqu i red site located west of James Jackson Parkway as
popu lat ion incr e a s e demands it.
Parks and Re cre at ion
That a ,. r equest f or a neighbo rhood park fo r Linco ln Homes be p l a ced on
the next bond i ssue.
(2) \That the City find a means of paying all of the .personne l costs needed
t o maint ain recreational services in Perry Romes.
That plans be started for securing funds to build a community club house
and fully equip Gun Club Park as a community park.
That plans be started for the development of a community park to the
west of J _ames Jackson Parkway as population increase demands it.
That plans be started for the development of at least one more neighborhood park in addition to the two already proposed for the area.
That the Parks Department be prepared to expand and improve upon existing
parks and recreational facilities as population increase demands it.
That· the Sandy Creek Improvements Project be :i,nitiated as soon as
possible in order to bring about the major solution to most of the sewage
and flooding problems in the area.
That until the Sandy Creek Improvements Project is initiated whatever
temporary solutions are feasible be implemented to alleviate sewage
conditions before large new housing projects are constructed.
That a plan of action be developed to identify and aid the owners
those homes which are too poorly situated near Proctor Creek for anything
economically feasible to be done about their sewage and flooding problems.
Other Facilities
That a public transportation study be made to specify problems faced by
residents in terms of access to library, health, and employment facilities
and to recommend feasible alternatives for resolving the situation.
That the City make a conce ntrated effort to upgrade street and tr·a ff ic
facilities in the area, including the ere ction of traf f ic facilities at
needed inte rsections, the construction of street lights in unlighted
residential areas, and the general maintenance of clean and well paved .streets.
That efforts b e made to attract to nearby industrial area s firms that ·
would genera t e employme nt opportunities fo r local residents.
That t he Cit y requ i r e that deve lope rs of any publ ic housing p r oj ect s i n
in the area hire local residents first in recruiting workers •
That l ocal community groups es t abl ish t he nec essary organizational
machinery to direct t heir complaints and requests to the appropriate
public agencies and to fo llow through and s_ee that their complaints and
requests are acted upon.
That the public service agencies act upon complaints and requests from
local community groups and give the groups a ~lear explanation if they
are unable to meet a requested service.
That every effort be made to develop a healthier mixture of low and
middle income housing types throughout the City so that public housing d
does not become further overconcentrated in the Northwest Browntown.
.. ,·
Tom Shuttleworth
Peter Labrie and Tom Bane
Rezoning of Northwest Bankhead site for 540
units of public housing
We have examined various factors and issues concerning the rezon~~i
of the Northwest Bankhead site for 540 units of 'turnkey' public housi~ 6
and have · come up with Che following findings and recom.nendations.
Community Facilities and Services Needed
According co our information on the NW area construction of the 540
units at the Bankhead site would probably generate the following needs in
community facilities and services:
One (1) elementary school
One (1) neighborhood park
Public tran$portation improvements provi9ing efficient access
to a library, connnunity park and shopping centers
Book mobile to provide library service within the area
An increase in urgency to resolve high school problems of t he
Construction of the public housing project would brin~
additional high school students into the area.
This would
probably increase the overcrowding at Archer or Fulton High
Schools, but still not justify the construction of a new hi£h
school, thereby further aggravating a deteriorating high scho~l
�- .. . ' -. .
·-- ' ..
Prob l ems in Provision of Needed Facilities .1. nd Se rvic es
One can also expect certain problems to be encountered in Qecting
the needs listed above.
These problems would probably include:
Competition between the Il,:ml~l~ead an_d Browntown public housing
sites for elementary school funds.
as the following:
next bond issue?
both projects?
This brings up such que s t ions
Is it too late to place the schools on t he
Would there be enough funds for schools for
If not, which project would come first?
Reinforcement of already prevailing attitude among N'~ residents
that their area is becoming a 'dumping ground' for public
More over, rezoning of the Bankhead site would
undoubtedly make residents less prone to accept rezoning of
the Browntown site.
Considerable difficulty in making necessary public transportatio.1
From the residents' point of view, efficieat
bus service would be a dire need, but from the point of view
of the bus line, which is privately owned, there would not be
enough people in the project to make the improvements profita~le.
Ad dition al Considerations
In addition to the above problems there are some other highly si &nif-
icant consideration which must be taken into account.
Construction of the Bankhead project would in fact contribut e
to the current trend of an overconcentration of public hous ing
in the NW area.
This in turn would aggravate the develo? in.;
social problems in the area, especially the feelings among the
residents of social isolation and hostility toward city hall about
�.... . . ....
l'agc 3
being 'dumped ' into public housing pro j ects . in t he out!.ki rts
of the city.
· l'
In fa~t, it may very well be that the benefits of
erecting additional public housing projects in the N.,,/ will be
outstripped by the costs of increased soc~al problems.
D ,\
f~ ~f
There is a lack of information on development plans for t he
area surrounding the Bankhead site.
Such factors as compa ta-
J ' bility of nearby ind us tries, potentiality of an employment base ,
' . vi,_~,
possibility of a mixture in types of housing, etc. should be
\~u..f' ~}' ,v. . . carefully examined before ~ decision is - made on rezoning t he
~.,. y·
In light of the above findings it i~ our recorranendation that the
Bankhead site not be considered for rezonin~ for publi~ housing until t he
f ol~?wing conditions are met:
The stu dy on public housing is released which shows that e very
effort is being made to distribute public housing throughout
the city.
Preliminary provisions are made for meeting community faciliti.:~s
and service needs:
schools, parks, public transportation s e=vice,
vrl" .
More information exists on the potential and probable devclo? -
($ .
ment of areas surrounding t he site.
' '<i,,
r/1ti1 ·
We wil~ be glad to discuss the matter with you at your earliest
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Atlanta 3, Georgia
September 29, 1967
c c,r ,.~ TRL.CTI C ' ,
Ct, ief o f Con s tructi on
ASST . CHI E F OF C O NS.TH ' C 1 1.:., · .
Mr. Ross Arnold
At.torney at Law
904 Stand ard Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgi a 30303
Dear Mr. Arnold:
With reference to your letter of Se ptember 26, i.967, the follor.. ing corr.men t s are
offered relati ve to the pr opos ed devel b pme nt of appr oximatel y 65 acre s of l3nd
on the no_rth and south side of Ba nkhead Highway, N.W. at Maynard Drive . l-{r .
Fr a ncis B. Shee t z, Ar chite c t , h a s pr eviou s ly ·a dv i s e d this of f ice of a prop osed
deve lopment in this a r ea and his pl ans for such deve lopment are pre s en tly und er
review from the standpoint of sewer availability. Mr. Sheetz advised us al s o
that a ny development i n this ar ea was a t least 12 to 18 months i n th e fu t ur e
a nd pre s ented no immediate probl em fr om the standpoint of requiring sani ta r •
s ewer s . Thi s offi ce has advised Mr . She e tz i n t he pas t t hat t he pr opos ed
dev elopment i n t h is area would be serv ed wi t h s anit ar y s ewers a t an appropri a t e
time c o pe r mi t deve lopment by s ome means to be deve lope d in cons ultation wi th
t h e devel oper .
At this time, we antic ipate that a sma l l package e j e c t or s ta t ion loc ~ted somc\.J e·· J
near the westerly boundary of th e proposed development will be required to l if t
sanitary s ewer flows t o an existing outfa ll sewe r in Carroll Road. I t is a nticipate d furth er tha t thi s package eje c t or s ta t i on cou l d be e limina t ed wi t hin t h P
next 2 ye ar s by t h e ins t a l lation of a ma jor - s a nitary t r unk s ewer runni ng par3l l e 1
wi th the Chattahoo chee Rive r at a point ne ar this dev e l opment and flow i ng to t h e
Sa ndy Creek Wa t e r Pol l ution Contr ol Pl ant . A firm s chedu l e with r egard to th e
l atter line is impossible t o s e t at t h i s t ime.
The Publ ic Wor ks Comm ittee o f t h e At l anta Board o f Al dermen i s committ ed t o pr ,· i c •'
sanitary s ewer se rvi ce to deve lopmAnt where such deve lopme n t is consid er "d h t ~
desirable and reasona bl e . Th is offi ce con side rs you r devel opmen t at this lrntfrn
as both d esirable ~nd rea s onable a nd will as neces s ary, wor k wi th the dev r l 0~nr
in providinr, f or san i t :iry sewer far.il it i es. Such fa ci.li ties, particul:~rl : ·hrr e
a sewage lift sta t i on i s re quired, mi gh t wel l add to th e proposed cost of d ~v l rment and this factor s hould be consid e red o t t hi s t i me . Thi s office woul d e xp ~ t
the developer to .bear t he cosf of t he ins t a l lation of a l ift station if such n
station were necessarY, and the ass ociated force main, toge t h er with nll s~wer s 0n
the deve lope rs site, as needed for t he deve lopmen t.
Page 2.
September 29, 1967
More detail with r egard to cost and construction problqms in ·this r egar d wi l l be
available shortly, upon the completion of surveys being conducted by thi s o ff ic e .
I trust that this will adequately fulfill t h e ne eds cited in your letter of
September ' 26, and permit you to proceed in this regard.
· Yours very truly~
Water Pollution Control Director
cc: Mr. Tommy Shuttleworth
Planning Department
~• I •
. . .. . •
224 CENTRAL AVE .. 6 .W. '
September 29, 1967
Hr. Ross Arnold
Arnold & Cate
904 Standard Federal Savings Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Re: Banl<l1ead Housing Development-Land Lot 267
Dear Mr. Arnold:
At your request, this is to confirm in writing that the Department of
School Plant Planning and Construction of the Atlanta Public Schools has
been working with you in an attempt to plan for necessary additional school
facilities which will be generated by your proposed housing development on
Bankhead Avenue, N~ W., between Carroll Drive and the Chattahoochee River .
The nearest elementary school is the Mayson School. It is a small
schoo:J., and to make matters worse s two thirds of the building was burned
last spring. Construction is now under way to rebuild the school , and it
· is expected to be completed by February. Its size, however, is such that
no additional students should be assigned to the school. This means that
a new school will be required because of your housing project.
We discussed possible sites adjacent to your proposed development.
We have examined nearby property presently zoned R-4 and feel quite sure
that an adequate school sit e can be purchased ·in that area. The gas main
which runs through som~ of this propertyis of some concern to us. I
believe you have plats sho,ving the exact location of this gas main. I f
you have such information, this department would greatly appreciate a
copy of such a plat.
The high school situation is also overcrowded in this area . The
nearest school t o your propo sed development is Harper High School. This
summer, however, the Douglass High School will open, and this facility
should completely relieve Harp er High School for ne..x:t year. It is
probable, however, that an addition will have to be scheduled for Harper
High School.
This department wishes to eA'J?ress its appreciation for your cooper.1tive spirit and your consideration of school needs of. people .
Sincerely yours,
'U ~"
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1J.1..,-.-•\..-<\.. <:.,,l_
Darwin W. \voma ck
Assistant SupCl.' .i.n t.~ud~~n t
D\v'W: pu
!vl r.
Cecil Thornton
30J 0 .3
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.. ! r: ; .· : .- .
102 City Hall
JACKSON 5-8341
Atlan t a, Georgia 3 03 03
September 29, 1967
!JEL L R .
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OFF l : C:: ' /J.-•,,-..-=,·-
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Mr. Ross Arnol d
Arnold & Cate
904 S-tandard Federal Savings Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ross:
Thank you f or your lette r relative to the availability of water
for a 45_ acre tract of land on Banlchead Highway between the
drive-in theatre and the Chattahoochee River.
We have a 8-inch main in Bankhead Hi ghway, a 12-inch in Carroll
Road, and an 8-inch in Maynard Road.
Atlant a ' s Water Depart~ent is a modern, muqicipally owned
utility valued at $175 , 00 0,000. We have a continuous program of
upda;ing and strengthening t he system to .provide the most reliable
water service possible to all our ci tizen-customers. However,
fa ctors beyond our control such as water m&in breaks, elect ri cal
po~ir fa ilures, et c. can cause a reduction in pressure and volume
or complete suspension of service during tne period of repairs .
We cannot assure any customer of uninterr4pted service during
these e~ergencies.
If a building req ui res a guaranteed minimulTI wat er pressure and
volume, it is the responsibility o f the OWJler to provide adequate
storage and booster pumps.
It will be a pleasure to work with you in providing water service
and fire protection for this proj ect.
Paul Weir
_ __
�----- ---· ----~--
. , ..... .
. '
Office of General Manager.
Atlanta, ·Georgia
October 2, 1967
Mr. Arnold Cate
Arnold ·and Cate ·
Attorneys· at Law
904 Standard Federal Savings Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Cate:
As per your recent request, I am listing all parks and their
development status within a five mile radius of the property
listed in rezoning application No. Z-67-131-E.
.. . :
The parks under development are as follows: Collier Drive, .
.. ,.Wilson Mill Road, Gun Club ( Community Park) , Center Hill -- · ..
, :-:, .. : -.-.and Chattahoochee._.. The older parks already developed are
English and Adamsville Recreation Center. The two undevelo ped
park sites are Peyton .Road and Sandy Creek, a total of . nine
" } ,:....... ".~·/ ,... ~-, ;-- ,_-:~ '·~·- •
~:~.• ~
>'( ...:'~·
The parks we hope to have well developed by the end of 1969
are Collier Drive, Wilson Mill and Gun Club. ·
I hope the ·above information will prove of use to you.
A. P. Brindley
Parks Engineer
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Room 1204, City Hall
August .14., 1967 .
Y.ir . Jim Crawford, Chairman
Atlanta-fulton County J oint Planning Board
Adair Realty & Loan Co .
56 Peachtr0a St. N. W.
Atlanta, Geor gia
Dear Mr. Crawfordi
Reference is made to Zoning p tition #Z-67-lJl~E on the Agenda of the
Atlanta- Fulton County J oint Planning Board for conslderation August 16, 1967.
On August 9 the Executive Group of the Hou.sing ·Resources Committee
considered the proposed re-zoning of this 45 acre tract from M-1 & M-2 t o A-1
for ~onstruction of low-income housing under the Turnkey program for Public
Housing., as part of the City 1_s ac celerated low-income housing program .
The Executive Group of this Committee feels that this prDposcd housing
project ii badly needed in meeting an important portion of the City's critical
houaing needs, unamiously endorsed this proposaJ. and adopted a Resolution
that your Board be requested to recommend favorable a cti on nn t he proposed
r e-zoning of this site for Public Housing under the Turnkey Program.
Reference ia also made to Zoning petition //Z-67-138-E on your agenda for
consideration at your August 16 meeting .
The Executive Group of the Housing Resourceo Committee on August 9 also
considered the proposal for re-zoninz of approximately 69 acres of a larger
tract from R-3 to A-1 for the purpose of construction of approximately 360
dwelling units under · the 221 d (3) co-op program. ·
The Executive Group of this Committee feels that this proposed housing
project is des.Lrable in meeting a special seement of the overall housing requirement
for low and medium income .families in Atlanta and adopted a Resolution that
your Board be requested to also recommend favorable a.ctio~ on the proposed
re-zoning of this site for the purpose stated.
· Cecil A. Alexander~ Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
ec~-,; .J..J M A
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- -
J..J<..c;i '. H~ '--:_ &/_'7._r-t»-<~
~~ t ~ , 12.-.
Room 1204~ City Hall
SeptGmber 1,;~ 1967
Jim Crawford,. Chn.irrnan
Atlant~-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
Adair Realty & Loan Co.
56 Peachtree Sto • Wo
Atlanta, Georaia. 30303
Dear Mr. Crawford:
. Enclosed are copies of l etter to you d.:lted Aueust
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairma."1,
1967, f'rom
O-.lsing Resot,z-ces Committee., advisini
of endorsement by tha Housing o~ources Comtllttco of re-1,oning petitions
Z-67-lJl...E and #Z-67-.138-E proposed for 101-.-inc ome housin~ development
and requesting favorable recom.~endations by th~ Plenning Board.
a Alexnnder has as1-ed me to r equest ~ou to please hav0 transmitted,
with the report of the recommendations of the Planning Board, to the
ZQ.nine Cam.":'.!ittce o.f the Board of Aldermen, co;ios of the above indicated
l.otter shooing the posit ion o.f the Housing Resources Committee i:-rl.th r espect
to the~o t10 petitions .
Sincerel y,
Halcolm D. Jones
Super•Jisor of Inspection Services
Mill/ sp
2 copies of HRC l etter dated August
Y~. Tamrrr:, Shuttloworth
.14, 1967.
�. , . ..
October 23, i967
T h e ~ ,· HRC Conmittee, aild the Land Acquisitio~ Panel ~t the Housing
Resources Comnµ.ttee met jointly with the members of the Plantrl.ng Department
at 11:00 a,m., Octobe~ 23~ 1967, in Committee Room #2 1 City Hall, pursuant
to invitatiortal. notice attached~ The roiiow:1.nt me~bers were present!
Cecii A. Aiexartder~ Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
F.· C. Terrell, rep:t-esenting Mr. Wallace L. Lee, member, Land
Acquisition Panel
Mr •. Cl:.ayton R, Yates, member, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr. J. A. Alston, member, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr. W.W. Gates, Consultant
Also present were invited guests, including:
w. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Chamber o!' Commerce, Housing
and Redevelopment Committee
Mr, Len E. Sweat Jr,, Director of Governmental Liaison
Mr. Ge'orge
Planning Director, Collier Gladin, presided.
Mr, Gladin stated that he and the members of his sta!f were very happy to
have an opportunity to meet with the Housing Resources Committee and discuss
mutual problem~, He stated that every effort.would be made in the future to
work with the Housing Resources Committee.
Mr. Gladin briefly explained the progress being made by his Department in
produeing a new Land.Use map. He presented a map showing progress to date, but .
explained that many changes would necessarily have to be made before the map is
completed and approved by other city officials.
Mr. Gladin also stated that coll8id~ration should be given to higher
densities for low-income housing, including use of high rise.
Mr, Pierce Mahoney of the Planning Department explained the proposed
Land.Use map in detail and also exhibited a second map indieating projections
to 1983. He stated that the locations of the proposed rapid transit •ystem
stations have not been determined ·and this eould be one item that would
involve possible changes,
�- -
- - - - ---
City Planner, J. C. Johnson distributed a list of possible sites for lowincome housing prepared by the Planning Department on October 23, 1967.
He stated that in his opinion a package of 10 to 15 possible low-income
housing sites distributed throughout the City should be submitted at one time
for zoning consideration, rather than individual requests for each property.
He stated that the package approach would hopefully aid in surmounting
neighborhood and Feceral objections such as have been encountered in connection
with individual parcel zoning.
He explained that !fayor Iva., Allen's goal of 16,800 low-cost units in
five years has been slo,re ·:. by obj e ctions of residents and the Federal government,
high land costs and difficulty i n getting zo:ling changes.
Johnson s ~id most of t he sites the plannsrs are considering aren't zoned for
apartment units.
Residents on nu.~erous occasions have appeared before the Aldermanic Zoning
Committee to beat back requests for zoning changes that would permit low-cost
housing in their neighborhoods.
Mr. Johnson s2id that he hoped the Housing Resources Committee, the
Citizens Advisory Committee on Urban Renewal, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Housing Committee or some similar group would pursue the package idea, develope
it and sutmit it to the proper zoning authorities.
He stat ed that the list distributed was incomplete and that probably a
number of additional areas could be added.
Mr. Johnson submitted a proposed development plan, using the old Ball
Park s ite on Pence de Leon Avenue as an illustrat i on of how a site might be
developed f or mixed uses including high rise apartments, shopping areas, etc.
Mr . Gates , HRC Co:;,.rnittee Consult ant, provided :member s of the Pl anning
Department with a list of 22 Proposed Sites, dated October 10, 1967, which
owners or those having control, have voluntarily listed with the HRC for sale
for use i n t he low-income Housing Program. Only 4 of these sites are zoned
A-1 however.
Mr. Cecil Alexander, Chairman of the Housing Resources Committee stated
that there appears to be an excess of l and in the City presently zoned f or
industrial use and suggest ed that study be given to det ermine if some of t his
land should be released fo~ use as apartment sites.
Mr. Alexander also stressed the urgent need for an overall Land-Use plan
nhich would make additional apartment sites available.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
< ,-,
\ .
...;~.'-j~__/ ..jl!--~·-2 -Malcolm D. Jones ( /
Supervisor of Inspection Services
. <.• ••/
(with original
-: • •
Invitational Notice,
Possible Sites for Low-income Housing, dated October 23, 1967.
Proposed Sites offered for the Low-ihcome Housing Program
dated October 10, 1967.
Housing Resources Committee
Executive Group Meeting 10:00 a.m. September 12, 1967
Committe e Rm. No. 2
Call to Order and General Comments - Chairman
Summary Report on Status of Low-income Housing Program - Jones
Low-income Housing Requirements - Extract from GIP - Jones
Action by HRC - Chairman
Consideration of Land Suitably Zoned for Low-income Housing - Jones
Discussion and Determination by HRC of Recommended Procedures
to Assist Program (for Joint Meeting with Planning and
Development Committee Sept. 29) - Chairman
Requests f rom Sponsors for Support on 3 Rezoning Petitions before
Zoning Committee - Jones
Accel er at ed Procedure - Multi-family Processing by FHA - Gates
Panel Reports - Chairman
other &siness (Comments on Urban Ameri ca Seminar) - Chairman
Donation by Nonprofit Sponsors Propos ed for Rent Supplement
Proj e cts - Spe cial Notice from Ur ban Amer ica
¥04£4A4b #§@2#$,!Q(J 4 ;g;_
September 12, 1967
The Executive Group of the Housing Hesources Committee met at 10: 00 a.m.,
September 12, 1967, in Cormu.ttee Room f2, City Hall. The following members
were present:
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, Co-Chairman, Housin1 Reso·....rccs Committee
Mr. Archer D. Smith, representing Mr~ Charles L. Weltner, Acting Chairman,
Legal Panel
Yir. Henry L. PJ.lls, representing Mr. Le e Bur 6 e, Chairman, Finance and
Non-Profit Funds Panel
Hr. John Wilson, member, Finance and Non-Profit Funds Panel
Mr. Charles F. Palmer, representing Mr. Clarence D. Coleman, Chairman,
Public Housing Panel
Mr. F. c. Terrell, representing Mr. Wallace L. Lee, member, Land Acquisition
Dr. 'Vivian Henderson, Acting Chairman, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr. J. A. Alston, member, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr~ Stewart Wight, member, Land Acquisition Panel
~an Williams. Jackson, Chairman, Social Problems Panel
Mr. Edward S, Simon, Vice-Chairman, Business Participation Panel
Mr. Dale Clark, Chairman, Public Information Panel
Mr. Malcolm D. Jones, Director
Also present at the meeting were:
Mr. William S. Holland, Executive Director, CACUR
Mr. Lester A. Persells, Associate Executive Director, Housing Authority
Mr. Alexander opened the meeting with comments pertaining to the program and
then cailed on Nr. Jones to present the current status report of the program.
Mr. Jones stated. that his office was in the process of retyping the low..
income housing inventory report but had only the summary ready for this meeting
(Item 2 on the agenda and document 2 in the folder which had been presented
to Executive Group members) . He explained that included in the inventory
are apartment units bei~ developed under conventional financing which do not
cost more than $10,000 per unit to construct, $12,000 for each side of a du~lex
and $1S,OOO for a single family house. He explained that the last page of the
summary contains notes, ro me of which are especially significant •. He explained
that Item A of the notes gives a comparison of the status of the program on
August Jl, as compared with the previous report of June 28 and stated that on
the whole we have lost ground in this program since the previous report two
months ago.
He then called attention to the extract from the CIP report pertaining
to low-income housing requirements (Item 3 on the agenda and in the folder).
He also pointed out that we are not rec1.lly building low-cost housins in public
housing but low-income housing .
He also explained Item 4(a) on the agenda and the corresponclin:; document
in the folder passed out to Committee members, pertainj_ng to availahle land
sui tabl)r zoned for the low-income housing program.
At this point Mr. Alexander explained that Mr. Jones' office was understaffed to hancUe the statistical data required by the CIP and proposed that
from here on out when someone GOes to the Building Department for a pennit
we should try to r-;et the Per1rdt Desk to list what the rent on the units will
be and number of bedrooms per unit; thc>.t there is no way we can require this
legally; and that another thing that we need to clo is to <1lso go back to the
developers now in the program and get more specific information on their plans.
He proposed for this purpose that the City provide a Clerk to the Committee
for not less than 3 months. He stated that he felt the structures bein5 built
are reasonably r,ood and that his feelin: :s are that a great deal more interes t
should be put in the lowest rental-purchase ranges ; that we can get more in
that price range from the prefabricated housing; th2.t the carrying charges on
these per month is important and we should find out what it is; that to meet
the really tough part of the program misa.as going to the City for additional
help. He also asked for comments f rom members of the Committee.
Mr. Clark said he would sup::_Jort askin.:; f or more help; that he also saw
a news report for housinr, that would rent for 1~50 to fi>70 per month, under the
Farmers Association program; that it is in DeKalb County, and is called City
Mr. Alexander stated that is a good start to ~et low.cost housing in the
Another member stated that the Farmers Association pro,~ram is also a
part of the FHA program.
Mr. Palmer inquired as to the definition of low-cost housing?
Mr . Jones replied that it is essentially a matter of interpretation,
Mr. Alexander stated that is was from $0 to ~55 per month,
Mr. Palmer commented 11 And they want low-income housine built under private
Mr. Alexander replied it is thought of now primarily as a Turnkey
Mr. Jones added "And even Rent Supplement11 •
Mr. Alexander again proposed askin~ the City f or a Clerk and developing
a form for the Building Department to get filled out at the t ime permits are
obtained and. c tated that we will have to talk to Mr. Hoff ord about that.
A motion was made that the matter be left in
seconded it. The matter was drop'.:Jed there.
Jones' hands, ¥ir. Yates
Mr. Alexander then explained that the roll of this Committee in zon.i.ng
matters is not an open ru1d shut case as to how to make 1~ecormnendations to
the Boo.rd of Aldermen; that we have been taking this on as a extracurricular
roll to a ;,sist the developers in this progr am; t hat this has been done in
several instances, but no members of this Committee have been asked to eo
around lookin£s at these sites to r e commend those which we consider r easonable,
Mr. -Jones explained thnt this is what he and Mr. Gates have been attem0tint;
to do; that they have been out with the s-,Jonsors and actually looked at most
of the aites and have only listed ancl encouraa;ed thos e which they felt were
pr actical and desirable, t hat in a several instances they have di scoura~ed
sponsors fr om submittinc: s ites which they f elt were i mpracticable or unsuitable .
Hr. Alexander continued that his f eel inc i s that we should t ry t o aid and
assist the builders in this progr am but that we have no power to chan;:;e what
is going on and that we are hnvin s our pro_)osals turned down one by one f or
various reasons. He stated that t he approach which he f elt we should truce i s
to i ssue a gener al s tatement about t he housing progr am, i t s needs, and t he
shorta~e of l and that is now suitabl y zoned and t o work toward gettin:s a
rezoning of the entire City , with due consi derat ion f or low-income housing
needs; t hat as for working wit h the developer s we should be governed by what
we see i s a ccept able to the Board of Alder men and the Building De~artment i n·
granting permits; and f ur ther to come to some conclusi on about t he probl ems.
He s t at ed t hat we shoul d also hel p the developers arr ange meetings with the
Aldermen, Departments involved and anyone 1>1ho 1-1ants t o talk to t hem about
deficiencies in Communit y Facil ities r el ated t o t he housing program, which in
some instances have been l oeimatc , such as parks, transportation, traffic,
schools etc . He further stated. that at t he same time the ur,'sency of this
program has seemed to es cape s ome ?eopl e; that one thi ng whi ch we also need is
to emphasize the requirement f or additional l ow-income housing in the neighboring
cities and countios and make it clear tha.t we are not trying to create a haven
here in Atlanta for the whole country to come to and move in on this program;
that this may happen, but we should t ry t o avail' it. He st ated that the CIP
requirement is for replacement of houses and apartments that are unfit for
human habitation • . He then called upon Mr . Jones for comments .
Mr. Jones stated he feels tha t it wo do not take a position to actively
sup:iort the cJ.evelopers who have proposed good projects and which ap~ear~ reasonable,
he di d not know who would; that he was personally inclined to feel that we can do
a service if we asa Committee take a -·JOsition on such proj ects; that he docs not
think however that many ar ens will be built in the City which already have
a surplus of cormnunity facilities; that he has hopec:_ that we can supµly
facilities such as parks, nchools, pl aygrounds etc. simultaneous with the development
of the housing proj e cts, by r elying on other Agencies and other Department s;
that those details should be chocked into carefully and coorc;ination made to
provide these services as adequately as we ca1~. He said that he felt personally
that a statement from the Housing rtesources Committee on each of the projects
proposed f or low-income housing would be helpful to the Planning Boa;.~d and. the
Zoning Committee when they make their decisions. He pointed out difficulties
which we have had in gettine sites approved up to that point and e:;~)lained
that he and Hr. Gates (the Committee Consultant) have attempted to look at
each proposed site but have been unable to follow through on aJJ. details such
as checking on the adequacy of community facilities etc.; that in several
instances he and Hr. Gates have discourn:~ed sponsors for this reason or that;
such as ground too rough, facilities not available etc. and that as a result,
sever al of the sites originally proposed have nevP.r come up for rezonin~. He
further stated tha,t he was inclined to feel that on those pronosals for Turnkey
development that it would even be 1-roll for the Planning Board and the Zoning
Committee -to know whether or not the Housing Authority considered the sites
as favorable ~.nd suitable.
One member commented that perhaps the whole City needs to be rezoned.
Mr. Alexander replied it seemed to him that we must create additional
land through purchases for the ci ty-·wide a pproach; that when the individual
developer canes along, there should be a body looking to tho interest of the
whole city and it ap;:>eared to him that these things have thus far been
considered only by the Board of Aldermen; that he wonders whether this is
doing the program the best service? He stated that consulting with the
Planning Board is also very 1~uch in order, presumably.
In referring to Item 4(a) on the agenda and the corresponding marked
docU17lcnt in the fol der, Dr. Henderson inquired if this material is whc>.t his
Committee had asked for?
Mr. Jones s t at ed that this is l1hat the Planning Department pr ovided in
r e:Jponse to his
a zoning ma:9 of
nnd a report of
by Land Lot and
p.'.lilel's request; thnt when ue got it, it crone in t wo f orms:
the City with va cant land areas superimposed on it in orange;
total land in tho various zoning cat aeories and vacant land
Dis trict.
Mr. Jones furth0r explained that the Planning fupartment is now making
a co~prehensive Land-Use s tudy to go before the Board of Aldermen with s ome
proposed chti.Il~es in the overall land-use of the City; that he felt the bes t
thi n3 this Committee could do now is to cct its r e commendations presented to
tho Planning and Development Committee; that we have a Joint Meeting scheduled
for the 29th of Sept ember .
Mr. Alexander then told Dr. Henderson that he s hould meet with Mr. Jones
to go over the mat erial provided by the Planning Department, but that i n trying
to resolve this thing we are s till short on l and and thos e two should cane
up with a proposal , say in Sept ember, as to the number of a cres needed and its
dis tribution.
Dr . Henderson asked approximately how many a cres does tha t involve?
Mr . Jones replied that the maximum 0.ensity authorized f or garden type
.::partments is 16 units per acre, but that the Housing Authority has been trying
to hold that down to about 12 units per acre.
Mr. Pcrsells stated that was correct; that 3, h, Qlld 5 bedroom units, which
t he Housing Authority particularly ne eds, results in reduction of the density
below 16 units per a cre.
Mr. Jones explained we had one project which has been approved by FHA at
16 units per acre , but it is in an Urban Renewal project; that we had a developer
recently dro~ a project becnusc he had bought the land expecting to develope it
at the ma.xir.um authorized density of 16 units per acre and that in preliminary
clis cussions, F"rlA suggested 10 uni ts per acre.
Mr. Alexander stated that it is open to deb~te about how many total acres
would be required.; that our exp8rience to date indicates that no more than
1/3 of the land appropriately zoned actually gets into the low-income housing
program, due to turndovms by HUD, FHA, nei ghborhoods etc.; that to date only
about 1/3 of the land zoned has found its way into this program.
Mr. Alexander stated that there ap:1ears to be a need to r ezone the City
at large; that there wer e 51 zoning petitions on the agenda recently for one
r-.co ·::ing of the Planning Board.
Mr . Jones expl ained that the current z oning was especially planned f or
}ndus1;,ry; that many areas were original ly planned but never used as industrial,
1-;:C.- .ich development will not occur in the f orsecable futur e , and that the same
c_pplies to much of the land now zoned residential ( singl e family development)
t-:hereas tho immediate need of the City now i s for low-income multi-family
Mr. Persells e.xpl ained that the Housing Authority has gone back over the
l anu to cons:i.der addit i onal parcels 1vhich could be used f or the low-income housing
c~tegoriJ where chrin gcs seem to be reasonabl e .
Mr. Alexander stat ed the builders have claimed that FHA procadurea were
hol d.inc them up , that Atlanta is one of the City's in which FHA now clcims that
it can process an application in l ess than 2 weeks; that this i s a change in
nttitude , but the 221 d ( 3) proeram does not come within the direct line of
FHA 1 s principal insuring policy.
Mr . Alexa,~der asked Mr . Clark if the report prepared by Mr. Gat es on the
accelerated procedure for multi-family processing by F1IA could be carried to
the press (Item 6 on the agenda, with co-::iics in the folders ) Mr . Clark indicated
that it would probably be better for this tY}Je of announcement to be made by
the local FHA office rather than f r om this Committee.
Mr. Alexander then referred to Item 7 on the agenda pertaining to the
proposal in the Rent Supplement program to require nonprofit sponsors to put
up 5% equity (in effect a donation); that the reason the attempt to put this
thine; in, is the theory that if nonprofit sponsors 2.re financially imo lved
in the success of their project that they will have more permanent interest
in it; that Urban AmGrica's feeling is, if this is done the Rent Supplement
program will die before it gets nn opportunity to grow; and Urban America has
suGgested that those interested send telegrams to their Senators and to
Senator Warren Magnuson sugGesting th2.t this approach of requiring the 5%
equity will defeat the purpose of the program; that what he would like to do
is to eet an authorization from the Committee to sign a t 8l egram in support of
this position and to urge cons ideration of this matter in the final preparation
of the bill.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded and unanimously adopt ed asking
Mr. Alexander to send. such telegrams to .:i.ppropriate Senators,
Mr. Cl.:i.rk asked if the
Mr. Alexander stated that it i s
nonprofit, s1Jonsor is not sup;iosed to
2.nd it is asking too much of him to
Mr . Alexanuer also said that to give
nonprofit projects one can borrow up
is what you are competing with, in a
is a known step or a new development.
new; that the thinking is that the
be get tin~ any profit back from the project
put up 5%equity donation to the project.
tho other sid0. of it is, that in 221 d (3)
to a 102% of the project coat and this
Mr. Pers ells asked Mr. Alexander to explain the l02_;i .
Alexander explained what the extra
takes care of.
Mr. Alexander again asked for and received unanimous consent to r equest
the City for a GI.erk for at least 3 months.
Mr. Alexander then called for hrief reports from the Panel Chairmen.
Legal Panel - Mr . Archer Smith made a very interes ting presentation of
his case study and the significance of the She.ffer vs. City of Atlanta Housing
Code Case, which he announced was coming up for hearing the next day.
Constructi on and Design Panel - As no one was present to represent this
panel, Mr. Alexander explained a proj e ct which that panel was working on
involving Building Codes and a System s tudy.
Finance and Nonprofit Funds Panel - Mr. Alexander explained that this
panel is working on creation of a Honpr ofit Housing Development Corporntion,
He also mentioned the favorable comment s made at the Urban America Seminar
by a local banker pertaining to loans made through his bank to sponsors of
nonprofit projects.
Business Participation Panel - Hr. Alexander cormnented briefly on his
rec ent conference in Washington with Se.cretary Weaver and FHA Administrator,
Braim.stein, pertaining to bringing "Big Business 11 into the low-income housing
Public Information Panel - Mr •. Clark commented on the ill-fated Browntmm
Road rezoning at tempt and to a nonprof it sponsor proj ect which is being promoted
locally by the Interfaith Group of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
Social Problems Panel - Daan Jackson explained that the avera::,;e annual
income for Negroes in Atlanta is $3600 and that the number one question is the
adequacy of the number of bedrooms in rent8l units .
Mr. Alexander then called on Mr. David T. Edwar ds, sponsor of a rezoning
petition f or an 18 acre site on the \I.Jest side of Atlanta , i'Jorth of Bakers
Ferry Roacl , S. W. (LL 2h, 14th Dist. FF) to present his proposal ( one of three
in Item 5 on the· agenda )~ Ytr. Edwards made a good and convincing presentation.
From questions a ske d mid comments J11ade by some members of the Committee , the
Cornmi ttee ai)poared receptive to Mr. Edwards I propos8l. Formal action by the
Committee however was not called for by the Chairman to endorse this proj ect
to the Zoning Committe e , as had previous ly been re ques ted by Mr. Edwards,
as well a s similar requests from sponsors of t wo other projects which the Committe e
had previously endorsed to the Planning Board. This was for r easons explained
earlier in the mooting . Subsequently however, the Chairman of the Planning
Board. was r eques t ed to pas s on to the Zoning Committee , with the Plannin.r;
Boards' r e commendations, a l etter which had pr eviously been written by the
Committee to the Planning Board endorsing those t wo proj ects.
The mee ting was adjorned nt 12 noon.
l_,. ~ti~ _
,,.,_,,.,,i , ~
Malcolm D. J onefJ
Supervisor of I nspe ction Services
Encls :
Documents contai ned i n fol der provided every member pr esent (wi th
file copy only ) •
City Planning Department
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
October, 1967
ri 11
City Planning Depa ·trne ni"
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
October, 1967
... - - ------
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ACKNOWLEDGMANTS. --··-· ---::---··
The City Planning Department wishes to express its gratitude to area
r e sidents and to the following organizations and departments for their
valuable assistance in this studi,-::
Northwest Perry Homes Citizens N~ighborhood Advisory Council
Atlanta School Sys t""',n · . · .• ·
Atlanta Parks Department
Atlanta Construction Department
Atlanta Public Library~ .
Atlanta Housing Authority
- ""';,-- -·· • .
- 1 ··
Fulton County Health Department
It also wishes to express its gratitude to the following members of the
Special Planning Committee of the North~·1 est Perry Homes Citizens Neighborhood
Advisory Council for their cooperation and patience in working with planne rs
to develop this study:
Mr. Hub e rt Brcwn
Mr. Robert Dobbs
Hrs. Odessa Hill
Mr. Fred A. Morris
Mrs. Mary Sanford
Mrs . Odess a Wheeler
Mrs. Josie Wynn
Acknowl edgements
Table of Contents
I N"T RODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------- l
• l
PROBLE'r-'..S &. NEEDS --------------------- 5
Identific.1.tion of Com:.mmit y Probl ems -------------------- - -------- 5
Discussion of Con·munit y P:.:ob l ems
Needs --------------- - - ··------- 8
Residential Growth in Nor thwest ---------------------------- ~--- - - 17
I mp lications For Community Fac il i t i e s------------------------ - - -- 19
Pr obl ems of Publi~ Housing
----------- ·2
·1 ··
RECOMMENDATIONS---------------------------------------------- - -------- 23
Transitional Nat ure of N. W. Browntown Area -------- - -- :- - - --- - --- - 23
Recommendat ion - - -------------------------- - ------------- - - - --- - - - 24
STUDY YiAP - --- - -------------------- - ---------·· -------------------- - ----
. · ..
This report represents a prelimina ry study of corr~~nity problems in the
Northwest Brm:m town Area of Atlanta.
It is not a comp rehensive p l an , bu t
moreso an assessment of the existing a nd f uture communit y need s brought ab out
by the problems which the area is facing at t his par ticular point in it s
It is hoped that the repo r t and 'its recommenda tions will g ive
both residents and city officials a better sens e of direction in dealing with ·
the growth problems of the area.
- ---··
The area referred to in this repo r t as t he Nor thwest Brmmto~m St udy
Area is bounded by Perry Boulevar d on the north; the Louisville and Nashville
Railway on the west; Bankhead Highway on the sout h; and Bolton and Nash Roads
on the east.
Included within these boundaries are t he Anti-Povert y Ta r get Areas H
and I , and the residential commun ities of Carve r Hil ls , Ho l lywood Hi ll s ,
Lincoln Homes, Bolton Homes, Perry Homes, Scot t s Cros s ing , and Bowen Homes .
The Northwe st Browntown Area is part of the a rea wh i ch wa s annexed t o
the City in 1952.
At t he time of annexat ion i t was one of the rel a ively
- ~ -~- .
- ---· -
undeveloped f ringe areas existing out side the City limi t s a nd cons isting
primarily of s mall semi-rural communities .
Howeve r, not long afte r a nnexa t ion residential growth i n t he area pro ceeded v ery rap i dly.
Perry Home s, a l arge public housing pro jec t o f 1 , 000
unit s , was opened i n 19 55.
Then other r e side ntial projects, l ar~cly in t he
middle to low- i ncome range , f ollowed.
Today t he are.:i cont ains ab out 17 , 00Q
peop le and 4,425 housing units, of which 1 , 650 a re pub l i c and 2, 775 are p r ivate •
-.· 1
�-2The re side nt ial growth ~~1i ch has occur r ed during the past 15 years i n
Nort l:n;1cct Brow ntown h.:i..s generally been unplanned .
Res identia l s ubdivisions
have be en cons tructed without concommitant commun i t y fa cilities.
The deve lo p-
ment and improvement of schools, pa rks, and s ewer s have lagg ed behind r e s idential growth.
The result is that today, despite t he built -up residential concentrations,
the area still retains many characteristics of an undeveloped rural a r e a.
One finds, for example, relatively dense concentrations of public hou sing
units amidst large stretches of heavily wooded areas with unpaved roads and
rough ·terrain.
Most community facilities are eithe r opera ting av~r
c a pacity
or are still not sufficiently developed t o mee t populat i on needs.
Even worse, residential growth occur ring in the are a is by no mcu ns s l owing down.
Several new major housing projects and a ddi tions to exi st i ng
housing totaling about 3,250 units are be ing consid e red for const r uc t io n .
CIP estimates indic ate that the popula t i on of t he a r e a will doubl e i n abo ut
10 years and reach a total of about 40,000 peop l e by 1983.
The dilemma facing Northwest Browntown is h?W to up - g r ade and i mprove
a l ready deficient community facili ties i n l i ght of co nt inuing reside nti a l
g rowth.
Residents i n the area have b egun t o fa ce up to this d ilemma by
organizing against f urther housing const ruction, p a rticularly public housing,
unt i l more attention i s g iven by the Cit y t o scho ols, sewe rs , parks and at e r
corr.rnunit y fac i lit ies and services.
The most r ecent and impo r tant ef f o rt by res i dents t o p revent further
publ ic hous i ng co nstru ct ion concerned the Brownt own. Zoning Issue.
ef f o rt stemmed from an app l i c at ion filed on June 29, 1967 t o change the
zoning of a portion of property covering ab out 50 a cres and located north
�of Brownto'Wll Road and west of Jar:1cs J.:i.ckson rarkuay. ~The application
requested that the proper ty be changed from ~-1 (Light-Industr ial) to A- 1
The purpose of this rezoning was t o allow tL.C constru ct ion of
510 low-cost housing units under the turnkey program for public housing .
Under this program the housing units would be developed privately o.nd then
purchased by the Housing Author ity.
A hearing on the zoning change was held .ugust 10 , 19 6 7, by the Zoning
Committee of the Board o f Aldermen .
At t hat ti~e they recomrr.ended adversely
on the request for a change in zoning
ue to comp laints by residents of the
Browntown Area on grounds that curren
school) park and s ewer facilities in
the area are already inadequate and would be further over- burdened by the
new development .
Since no comprehens ive study had ever been made of Browntown's
community p roblems , this study was initiated to help clarify and .assess
those issues affecting it s f u ture deve lopment so that both residents nnd city
officials might have a more effect ive framework f or dealing with its problens .
As c an be surmised from the above background information, this repor
merely a first st ep in provi ding orderly development of the Northwest :::- ~,: :,town Area.
The approach is to focus on comrr~nity facilities and the attend u.
communit y problems and needs arising from their utilizat ion.
In surveying community needs the report d istinguishes both existing and
future needs.
Existing needs ref er to those it ems needing i mmediate atte ntion;
while future needs refer to those estimated to develop in about 5-10 years ,
when the population is expected t o be about double its present size.
�- --
- 4The approach taken for t hi s study cons i st ~d of t he f0llowi ng st ep s:
identific ;:i.y ion of major cor.miun it y p r oblems b y City pl :rnnc r :; in
conjunction with the s pec ial Pl ann ing Commi tt ee of
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~ ~ - - -
he N. W.
Perry Homes Cit izens Ne i ghbo rhood Advi sory Council
an assessment by the planne rs of exis.ting and future com::nunity
needs generated by the above probl ems and an inqui r y into t he
implications of future reside nt ial grou t h for up g r a ding c ommunity
fa cilities and services
the formulation of a set of r ecommenda tio ns pointing out u h at
needs to be done to meet exis ting deficiencies and anti c ipate
future needs
a final meeting between planners and the sp e cial Planning CorriIJittee
to discuss the findings of the study .
corn-mTI'Y I?ROBLEiv..S
This section itemizes tRc major problems involving corr.munity £aciliti~s
.i.nd sarvic es in the $tudy area.
It doeG no t cover all the problc:t,W ,:.:·:1~:.:csr, d
by the residents or observed by the planners, but coverG only the most signif ·icant one s affecting the general devel opment o f the area .
The Problems Include
(1) · Serious Overcrowding at Ar cher Hi2;h School
With the 10 portable classrooms current l y being con~tructed , this ~cho ol
wi l l have facilities f or an approxi~ate c npnc i~y of 1, 200 students, yet
as of September 11, 1967 it had an actual e1rollment of nearly 1,700
Extended Session at Archer
Due t o the overcrowded cond it ions , Archer is operat i ng on C'tended
session, whi ch means that a large ~roportion o f the students are out of
s chool at 12 o'clock and hence a re without parent al supervision a ra.:ijo r
par-t of the day,
Ove r crowding at Elementary Schools
Al t hough overcrowding at the elcmc nt~ry schools is no t as serious . cit
is at Archer, stil l mos t ol the eleme nt ary s chools are operating near or
at peak capacity. This means they are unable to abs orb any large increase
in populatio n,
-..-4.,,,.."-.;J,.,- ..... ".
No Neighb orhood Parks or Programs for Lincoln Ho~es and Perry Homes
These two important comnunities whi ch cont ai r:. from 7 , 000 to 9,000 peo le
have virtually no City recreational fa ci lities and programs and very
limited access to those in other areas. Lincoln Homes has no neighb orhood
park at all and Perry Homes, while i t has s ome :recreationa l services
rendered through the YMCA and the Girl's Club, has no City rec~~c -i onal
Inadequate and Po orly Developed Parks and Pluylot:
Hill Park and Hol.lywood Hills Playlot
Gun Club Park, Center
�Gun Club I':ir k is th e com1r.unit y pc. r ·( dcsic nccl :::o scr ,c t h e st udy nrccl
po pulation. It i s currcn · ly unde r P 1asc I I of it s construction sched ule
and 6 o:r 7 of the to t .:il !~2 . 9 acre s 11 .::ivc bee d8velopcd. Hm-, eve r, -1h.:1t
has been buil~ _shows lit tle apprec i a tion for the p re~crences o f t he
local r esidents. Fo r example, the ma in re c reationa l faci lity built so
far ha s been t ennis court s. Yet res id enLS ma i ntain that the tennis
courts have been unused be c ause no one in t'1e community plays te-anis and
basketball courts would have been n:ore s ~ i ~.:i.1::lc.
Ce 1ter Hi ll Park , a neighborhood park of 16 ac,:-e s, has i r.s uffic i er:.t
facilities co nsisting only of a baseball diamond and a foot ball f i e l d .
Hollywood Hills Plavlot , loc ated at the s out hern end of Nagnolia Ceme t e ry,
has been the . targe t of cornp L:lints by seve:cal r e3id ents due to its cl os e
proximity to an unsafe and u r,healt fu l floo d pla in.
Ins u ff icie nt Distribution of Re c reational Le adersh ip
The . one recreational l eader working in t he whole st udy area i s stationed
at Sco tt Scho ol ,-, hich me ans none o f the comrnuni ies out s ide t he service
a r e a of Scott School are served by a rec rcctional leader .
Backup and Overflow of Sanit ary and Storm Sewase
Steady rainfall for a d ay or more brings about nurr:e rous c ases of s cuage
overflowing into residents' yards and into vacan t lots and open spa ces.
Flooding of Procto r Cr eek
The flooding of Pr octor Creek during steady rainfa ll is res pons ibl e not
only for mu ch of th e s ewa 6 e overflow, but o.l s o for several rm-:ning
incid e nts tho.~ have occurr ed in t he area .
Ins u ffi c ient Access to Health and Library Facilities
De c entralized health centers in the study a re a arc not conveni e_ tl y
a cc essible to al l r esidents , es pecially those of Carver Homes and Holl ywood Hi lls, and there i s no direct publ ic transportation rout e to ~he
nearest hospital .
The nearest l ibrary, the Dogwood Branch, is located at the·southe rn
periph ery o f the study area and there is no direct acc ess t o it fron
much o f the nort h ern part o f t he area.
Inadequat e Public Transportation
Inadequate bus service is basic to the p rob lc~s of a cc ess to health and
l"ibrary facilities and places of P.mployment. Public transport ation do e s
not provide dir e ct rout e s to these fa c ilities . . · . . -.: '
Hi scellaG~ous T1: .1f{ ic 2nd St:::e ct :t ?roblcms
This r efer s t o su ;b problems .'.l S t he lack of a t_.:i:'..'fic ::; i 0 nul i.l .: J .:::c'.-:s o n
p~1.-:(,.1.:ty .::;nd l\rO'i·m l\G\m Road, a major inte:rscct:f_o r;_ c:;:os ·:cd dv.ily by
school childr-21-:, /.,nd the general neglect to clear rubbis h anc tr i-;.-; 0 r o.s s
along t h e s treet J)
Employ~-nt Probl & s
Host of the res i ~rnts who work rr.ust g o ou ·· sid-2 i:l1e area to their ?l a ce
o £ employment . ·,fnc e they are primarily of mid d le - to - low incor;-.e this
pla c es a h e avy lrr d en on them i n terms of c osts for t ransportation ,
child car e serv i es, etc.
! ii
' 'i
) .I
./ ' 7-: -~--
-·-- ·--·-·
.This se ction expands upon t1e p .oblems i dentified in the p r evious
It exa.'1li ne s what is being done to allevi a te t .c pro l ems ar:.
mo re
i mp ortantly asse·ss es the existing .::md future corr.r;;unity neecL whi ch the p roblEn:s
gene rate .
When possible, cost est inates of selec ted corrmunity needs are
Ove rcrowd ing and Exte nded Session at Ar cher High 3chool
Based upon t he conc ern expressed by resid ents, overc rowd in 6 a t Arche r
repre sent s the sing l e most c ritical probl em in t he study area . T. is
prob l em is fort l:--er complicated by the inadequ at e a creag e of t he school
s i te a nd the ot1tmoded design o r the school build i ng .
West Fult on is another h i gh school located near the study are a which
could serve a smal l part of its population, bu t i~ als o is overcrowded.
Overcrowding at Elereentary Schoo l s
The ~ain p roblem here i s the inab i li y of exi s ting element ary schools t o
absorb signific antly l arge increases in po-~lat·o n .
(3) _ Cu rrent Devel opme nts
Expansion of Arche r and West Fulton Hi 0 h Scbools
Pre s ently th e re are pl ans fo~ t he vc rtic .21 cxp~nsio n of both Arc her and
West Fulton High Schools which would incrc.:isc thei r capa citie s to 2,000
students each . Barring a ny s udde n l .:ir ge in c rccs c ::; in popul a tion, t ·lis
expans i on wou ld do r,mch t o allevi.:it e the ove rcrowded conditions. The
main problems conironting expansion arc I i 3ncin3 end t iming . Fun's fo r
the exp ansion are contingent upon~ possibl e school bond election in t te
spring of 1968 and whether the bond issue pa sses .
It usu a lly ta k es two years t o 3et a s cho ol cons t r ucted f rom th tine a
bond issue passes. However, if an .2rchit e c t c a n be aut ho:: - i zcd t o b~f. in
pl anning the p roject bef ore the bond i ss ue pa3s cs, abo ut G·~ .. i0 ~onths
c an be cut from t"he needed amount of time . If this p;:-o c e.i,i:::c w-:::! r o foll ued
in relat ion to the e xpansion of Archer High School , cons t r u ct i on could
start in the summer of 1968 and be complet e d by the fall of 1969 provid i ng
that the bond issue passes.
New Elementary Schools
�- 9!
Since most clcxcntary sclc o l s arc ope r ating _at pRa~ c~p~city, it will be
desirable for a ny ne,-1 l a r g e l:0usint pr.03 ect s · to include cit2s for
elementary schooli int .cir plans. One of t he major propos e d projects,
Roc'.·dal c Pa rk, includes a site for .:m clerr.enta y school in its p lans, but
some of t h . oth rs do not.
Est i mate of Comr~unity N2eds
Existing Ne eds (Tho se requi ring inuned i ate at ten ·ion.)
Exp.'..l.nsion of Archer 2nd West Fulton ligl Schools by Fal· of 1969
This would r equire t hc t the expansion be pl a c d o. sc~ool ond i c s ue by
Spring of 1968 and t: hc.t an ar ch i tect be au tl- orize' to begin planriing "t· .e
expans ion befo re the bond ele ction.
Inclusion of El2mentary School Sites in any Neu Hous i ng Proj e cts
Appro· ching 300 Units in Size
This has spe c ial referen c e to the B m-1ntm-,n Road publi c hou s ing
which 10 acres s nou ld be se t aside for a elcment.3ry s chool i _
units of publi c housing ;: ·o b constructed.
.. . _. .... !"\
J._ ,_ ~ ,
Future Leeds (T- ose likely to devel op in a pe .. iod o f about 5- 10 years, during whi ch
t i~e the popu lation i s pro jected to double.)
New High Schoo l
Although a rrew high school is not neede nm·, unde r cur-- ent school s anda ds,
increasing population over the r:.ext f ew yc .:n:s wi l l crea " the nee £or a
new facil it y. Plans for t e £.:ic ility shou l d be;s i no¼'.
New Junior High School
Tha construction o f a junior h i gh s chool i n t he fut ur e wi ll help to
alleviate potentia l overcrowd ing i n t he e l e~cn ·ary s chools. T~e Ci y own s
a possible site for su ch a. 3chool. west of J ame s Jackson Par. way a nd north
of Williams Elementary Sc1Lool.
New Elementary Schoo]_:,
Anywhere from 4-8 new el ementary schools wil l be r equi ed to s erve t he
population over the ne~t 5 - 10 years. The s i tes of the s chools will depend
upon future growth patterns.
Cost Estimates of Selected Items
Archer High School
New high s chool
(20CO students )
v erti c al additional
tot ~l cons t ru c t i on
mi nus land co s ts
$2 , 000 , 000
5, 000, 000
L1:ew j r. h i 0 h s chool
( 1200 student s )
New e l eme ntary school
( 1000 stude nts )
tot al c ns truc tio~
n i nus l a :1d c o s ts
3 , 000 , 000
t ot al cons t_u ct io n
mi nus l and co s ts
2, O0O, OC
( 1)
No Parks and Rc crcat i onal Servic es At Linco l:.:1 & Pe.:- r y ::0~;e: ::;
Lincoln Home s
Actua lly t h e n e ed f or a ne i3hb o~hood pa _k in Linc oln Eo ~s was b~ cught
out i n A<ld itio a l P.:i.rk La :1 Su:t y by :: L:-:: P:i..:~nnb g Dc pa r tm2n • T. L:;
s u rvey r e com:-ne nded a s i t e f o r- t t;.; p,1;:-k at the end o _ Fe r ~ Dr ive.
Pre s c n l y , however , t he Pa ·ks Dep a~t m~n · l ac ks f unds t o p u r c h a se ad i tional
pa rk land . So the devel opme n of a neigtb or. ood pr~ fo r Linco ln Horees
wil l h ave t o wait upon the next bond i ssue .
Perrv Horr.cs
The lack of adequat e r e cre at iona l se r vic e ::; i n ? ~ry omes i s du e to a
c onfli ct in regu lati ons be twe en t .e City Pa~ks Dc pa r t ~cnt anG t !1c 3ou s i ng
Au t hority . A prel i min a ry inves · i gat i on int o t he conf lic t 1as rev ea l ed
t he f ol low ing :..:ituat i on . The mn i n i:..:suc c :,tcrs ~1 ou d t he co .., t of
r ec r e a tiona l l e adersh i p an pe r s on ne l . The Hou sing Au t hor i ty cc n ,~c t
the co sts for re cre a t i onal s pi c e and 311 t yp es of physic a l facilit i es ,
bu t it i s prevented b y fe de ra l l aw fro m allo ca t i nr; any expend.i ure s to
r e cr eational perso nnel. _'he P.'.l.i. ks Dep ar t me n t can me e t 5G% o f p 2rs on nel
cos t s , but wants the Hou s i ng Autho rity t o pay t he o the ~ alf . So ur,t il
. the othe r 50% of personnel cos ·s i s me , Pc.1::.. y Homes will be wit hout
recre ationa l se r v ices .
Inadequate and Poo rly Deve l oped Fa c il i t i es
Gun Club Park
( a)
Cu r r e nt Construction
Gu n Club Par k is cur r ent l y unde r constr uct i on throu gh f u ~d s be i n ~ p r ovie2d
f r om fe dera l , st c1te , and l oc al sou r c es . The sit e wa s a cquir ed on Noveu:Je:.:2, 1964 for a purchase pric e o f $55, 000.
The c onstruc t ion i s div i ded int o thre e phases . Phnse I co s t $~3 ;45 6,
b eg an on Ap ril 11, 1966 and wa s co;:;-,plcted in Fcb :cu ary , 196-7 . It c c .~.s.is t e<l
of c learing and grading t he a r e a and buil d ing park ing fac ilities, tennis
courts , fenc e s and r etai ni ng walls, e tc.
Ph ase I I , which co s t $52 ,206 , bega n on Augus t 4, 1967 and i s s cheduled
for comple t ion in De c ember 196 7. I t consi sts o f b u ilt.ling the r emaining
portion of t he parking lot, ~ mu l t i - use court a rea , v ar ious pl ay .:.ree. s ,
c amp ing are ~s and the gr ading o f a t hle t i c fie l ds .
--- ____ .,.__ ""---·-··-......
Pb::.sc _II, whicl co sts $15 0 , 000, is s ch.::clulcd t o t :~ e •'lace du:-:-in::; 1968
and will consist of the co,st uction o f a b .:...t . house aud a n&jor
swir-cruing pooi.
The cor:1;-i lction of -,hasc III, h m-wv2:c, Hi ll not pro ,i.d. . Gun Club P .1.r'c
with c.11 t: c nc ccss.:i:ry ..c .::i.cili~i,~.'.:I for a f u ll y e:quippcd corn:!un ity park .
There will s till te the ncc u for a communit y club house.
Tennis Courts
Rq;arding the unused tennis cour D, the I'arko Dc r :.1rtrncnt has st.:1tcd t h::t
it would be willing to r emove the t cnnlG courtG a~ erect baskc ~ .'.111
courts if the corr. 1unity so d~ s ires. ·1cncc, the sulution of this r,rob lem
simply awnits the ncccs ~2.ry c c::,;:; -nicati on bt.:tween ·he c om:r uni ty g rouns
anc.1 the Parks Department cu rinz which the cor.,munit y g r oups can po int
out exact ly what they want done.
The need to ere ct a footbridge '\-1:,ich (> rovi 'es access £:::err, Pe rry Eonc s
to Gun Club Park is cur ren ly being met by t he At lc: 1: t · :-.:)US ing ,ut· ority ,
which b egan receiving bids for construct··on of t h<:: bridge on Scpterr:ber 21,
Center Ri ll Park
The Parks Department h as allocate $40 ,000 from i~s Supplemen~al ?und
to bring about general i mµ rovcm0nts for Center Hill Pl! .. k during t e
coming year. These ir.:provcmcnt ;; ui ll include ; site p:c~ 1).'.l _atio u:i.d
drainage, drive- uay .:m<l parki n:; spaces, pav ed court area , a c il ren I s
area, and the relighting of the existing ball fi ld .
Hollyyood Hills Playlot
The Parks Department has affir~ed its wi l lingness to meet re sid2nts 1
dissatisfaction with the unsafe l ocat ion of: i: ollywood Hills · 1nyl ot
ne a r a hazardous flood pl ain. The Depar t ment holds th at it crect a the
playlots as temporary, SQa ll-scale play ate2s at the re quest of the
citi zens and at sites sel ct d by the c itiz ns. Th re are no si 6 nifica~t
problems in removing the playlots or chanzing them to a di£f2rent 1 cQtion
since the facili ties are temp or a ry and easily reffiovable.
Insufficient Re creational Le ade rship
The problem of insufficient recreational lca.dcrship is due, in lc...: i; e
part to the ~oor development of re c reational facilities in Bencral. 11
order to provide recreational workers the Pa1+s Dena-::t• .cnt rec:ui:: :s ... h.:::.t
the park or school to which the worker i s assigned have i ndoor f -cilities.
Unfortunately, most of the parks and schools in the are a do not havG su ch
facilities and hence are not manned .
As r ecreational f acil ities are i .. proved, e. 0 • when Gun Club Park is
compl eted, one should expect rr.orc rccreatio r!..::.l lc.:1dc i.·ship. In :: ,1,:; r.:e3ntime , an ef [ort should be made on the par· of eithe r the local corr:nun i ty
�-12or the Parks Department to check out those schools or parks which do
have adequate indoor facilities 60 that recreational leaders can be
as signed to them.
Estimate of Community Needs
Existing .Needs
(Those requiring immediate_ att enti-o.x)·-··-- · ·-· ='
Neighborhood Parks, Preferably With Recreational Leadership, For
Lincoln and Perry Homes Communities.
Lincoln Homes
Since the Parks Department has no funds for additional park land, the
request for a neighborhood park for Lincoln Homes will have to be placed
~n the next bond issue. This matter should receive 'high priority'
attention from the Parks and Planning Departments.
Perry Homes
The physical facilities for a park here can be provided by the Housing Authority. Since the H. A. is prevented by Federal law from meeting
recreational personnel cost, it is recommended that the City find means
of paying total personnel costs instead of the 50% level it is operating
under now.
... .-..
·f -·- ~
Completion of Gun Club Park
•4- ..
While it is true the Gun Club Park is under construction now as a 1 high
pr i ority' project, still it is neces sary that plans be drawn for its
comp l etion beyond the current construction plans. A community park,
fully equipped with a community club house, is sorely needed in the area.
Moreover, the plans should be drawn up in such a manner that the local
resident ~ can have a voice in selecting the types of facilities to be
erected ~n the park.
Establishment of Effective Communication Links Between Loca l
Community Groups and The Parks Department
Many of the park problems, i.e. Hollywood Hills Playlot, appear to be
primarily a result of poor communication b etween the local corr:munity
and the Parks Department . Evidently many of the immediate problems
could be given prop er attention if the local community groups had
organized channels for addressing their grievances to the Parks
Department and if the Parks Department, on the other hand, would keep
the community informed of and give them a voice in its plans for the area.
Future Needs (Those likely to develop in a period of about 5•10 years; during which
time the population is expected to double.).
�~ -- - - - -
r-·- -- ...--- -- -~~--~-----------,......._ ___. . . ,_-_.-~--...._ ....._.. . _,____ _,_-.·,,D...;h,..
..'"~ .•- _: ·\;Cf'·~~'f'.!id~,L.::.i.•:sL..,~1:/~,I:.~~-=/:..
. ..
. -~
7 ,
·.· ·.
Community Park
- ~ r.
•• •
····..~ : .
- ~.·
This pa rk need not necessarily be located within ·the boundaries ·used for·:. ··. · ·. ·: .·_:-,j
t hi s s tudy . Any of the area to the west of James Jackson Parkway from ·. ·. . .:· .: .·!
iloit on Road to the Chattahoochee might be desirable.
·· -~ :
.:;:-:: ··.-: .·:~:]
. ..
of these are already proposed and their tentative ·sites seem
desirable . The possible site for another would depend upon the future ·
growth pattern of the area.
.,··. ·.
,_.:. ~~
... .. .
At Least Three More Neighborhood Parks
.. ..
1. .
•-. ,
....: . .
. :.
.. ·.· ...... -~./
Establishment of a Park Development Program
·,: '.i
This is a program that could be carried out by the Planning and , Parks
Departments in close conjunction with the local community ·for the purpose
of expanding and improving park facilities as population increase demands
it. -
.. .
·... ..
One example of the type of expansion that might be desirable and e~en
ne ces sary in the future concerns Center Hill Park. Although adequate in
size f or existing population, in t he future it would probably be desirable ·
t o extend its northern boundary f _rom Hill Street across the now vacant
land to North Grand Avenue. This would not only increase the space for
the park, but would also facilitate access from a major thoroughfare,
. . ... . .~. - · · ~:: .... ·~Hollywood Road.
_.,. _ ------:-· ·-···
. . . ·:
Co s t Estimates of Selected Items
New neighborhood park
New community park
Recre ation leadership
Perry Home s
Gun Cl ub Pa rk - Third
Community Club House
Total construction minus land costs
Total construction minus land costs
·soo, ooo
6-8 ,000
Total construction minus land costs
Total construct i on minus land costs
(1 )
Explanatio n of Sewage and Flooding Problems
There are severa l r e as ons for the s ewage and flooding problems _i n the
Northwe s t Brownt own Area. The t hree most prominent reasons a re:
-- -
The limited ca pa c i t y of Pr oct or Creek a s a dr ainage system;
Poor sit i ng of several re sidential home s ;
General ly de fic ient and ob s o l e te st orm and· sanitary sewers.
Limit ed Capacity of Proct or Creek
the problems of Proctor Creek are in a sense no more than· a reflection of
the area's general problem of growth imbalance, in which the development
of community facilities have not kept pace with the residential growth.
li" ·-~ . ··.:-·· ... ..---
- - - - -- -- -- -- -- -,
. . ..--#·-.. ...-.....--·],.
· ....
·. :' -
.. .
~--:.·,·: :';"--~~-- ... : :_.·,-- . ·:
Proctor Creek has served as a major dra ina13e bas in for s torm and san{tary:'. ··;._:.<:·, ·:' ·.".
s ewage in the Northwest area long before it _became annexed to t he C_ity.: · .< ·. . :: .·} >-. ·,:\
and developed. As a result, it is not adequately suited now to serve · ·
. ·..\ · ·; .-.--.
the newly built up population. This is the reason for much of the over -. ., . ... ; /~_--:'<;/
f l ow and more specifically is the reason why the worst cases ,of overflow . ..
-· ··-··
occur at residential homes and areas bordering the creek.
·..· ' ·.·· · · · ,·
There is no question that this problem of Proctoi Creek .is a large scale
one which demo.nds a long -term s olution.. The solution prcposed by th e ·· . ._.:_:· . · :-· ;_i_ /:::<'.:~
. :_ ~
Cons truction Department is the Sandy Creek Improvement Program ( Phas es I ·.
t o III) which i s supposed to begin some time in 1969 and will require 15 ·.·
to 20 ye ars for its completion. Up until the time of the i mp le~e nt a t i on ·· ·· ··
. ~of the Sandy Creek Improvement Pr ogram, the Construction Dep art me nt wi ll · · '.__.· · ·
be utili zing whatever temporary solutions are possible. Presently under .
··' .
co nz ideration i s the construction of a small 'package 1_ plant to alleviate · ..~<· ·· - ..,
the l oad on some of the major lines.
·--:--·· .
The_ problem of flooding itself in Proctor Creek can only ·be resolved
. ·..
. --~-'·/ ..
.. .. ·,, ;~-:. -
- ~+
by r e s t ricting children from the floOded portions and by preventing · t l1e · . .. ~-- ('t ... ·:- :__-- · . ··.:
. ·· .
construction of residential homes and play areas at sites near the creek
wh ich are too low. This point leads into the second major recson behind ·. ,.. ;,·,:: )\
the flooding and sewer problems in Northwest Browntown.
Poo r Si ting of Residential Homes
Act ually several homes built ne ar Proctor Creek,· i.e., along Clarissa
Dr ive , never should h ave been built there in the first place bec ause
t he ir sites are too low in rel ation to the creek. It has been s ugges t ed :
that the City purchase these homes since there is no economically feasible
s ol ut ion for h andling their sewage and f looding problems.
·; '
Generally De f i c i ent and Obsolet e Stor.m ~r.d Sanitary $ewers· ·
Undoubtedly, -many ca ses of flood ing i n the a rea a re due to t he ol d ,
obs olet e sewer s throughout the area. Replacement and repairing of these
s ewers , howeve r , a r e minor in comparison t o what needs to be do ne with
Proct or Creek and will be handled by t he Cons t ruction Department as
qu i ckly as it s limit ed funds will · allow.
Initiat ion of the Sandy Creek Improveme nt Pr oj ect As Soo n As
This is the only ultimat e s olution t o t he maj or sewage problem in the
a re a . So its imp lementat i on should be giv en h igh priority.
.,,-- - f -
- ..... . --
Some Planned Action on Poorly Sited Homes
The re is an urgent need for s omething to be done with those homes which
are· t oo poorly situat ed nea r Proctor Creek f or anything economic a l ly
feasible t o be done ab out t hei r flooding and sewage problems. It i s
suggested tha t a study be made, pr obab l y by the Construction Department,
to i dent ify t hose homes which are beyond he l p and t o r e commend a solution
which wou l d satisfy bot h the owners and the Ci t y. The possib i l i ty of .the
City buying the homes shou ld be carefully s t udied.
..a-..;.; - :-- - ' • •
. . . _ ,,
I,. r··
-v· ,
Co s t Estimates of Selected Itema
Sa ndy Creek Improv ements:
Phase I
Pha se II
Phase III
General Storm Sewer Improvements:
The time and scope allocated to this report was not enough to allow f or an indepth s tudy of tho s e pro!)lems associated with library, health, employment and
trans portation faciliti e s. Thus no attempt is made to analyze all the various
r amific ations of these problems or to specify the existing and future community
needs which they might generate. Instead attention was focused on only the
most obvious and general needs in these areas.
The Needs Include:
More Effective Communication Links Between Local Community Groups and
Ci ty Services
An investigation into several traffic and transportation problems r evealed
the ne ed for stroneer co-.:cmunication links between local community groups
a nd the various City agencies furnishing community services. For ex ample,
note the following two cases:
Lack of Traf fic Si gn.?.l at .Jacks on Parkway and Browntown Ro ad
According to :the Traffic Engine e ring Depar tment a study wa s made of this
i nt erse ction 5 or 6 years ago which revealed that no traf fic light wa s
needed at the time. No complaint s had been received about the i nte rsec tion then, so the depart me nt had no way of knowing it was a troub l e
s pot. However, upon request of the Planning Dep a rtment the Tr a ff ic
Enginee r i ng Department will make a no t her s~udy of traffic condit ions at
t he intersection, after which it can de termine what type of t raff ic
f acility can best handle the contlitions.
Poor Care of St r eets
The Sanit at i on Div i sion of t he Co ns truc tion Department confirmed that
it handle s the clear ing of rubbish fr om t he s treet, but that the trimming
of gras s border i ng t he street s is a r e spons i b i l ity of the property
owners. It fur the r s tat ed tha t it had a s hor t ag e of wo r kers to clean the
streets s o that its men a re s pread thin Qv er t he City. However, if
any community f e lt it had been neglected and wanted ·cleaning services f or
its streets , the community should make a request to the Sanitation
Div i sion and the request wi ll be acted upon.
More Effe ctive Communicat i on Links
The ~ain fact or unde rly ing bo t h of t he above traf f i c and Gt.~oet c8re
problems is the need f or mo re effective communication links between l ocal
�-16community groups and the City services. This may sound rather ·trite,
but actually it has important implications for both the local groups
and the City agencies.
On the one hand, the local groups must establish the necessary organizational machinery to direct their complaints to the appropriate agencies ·
and to follow through to see that their complaints are acted upon. One
the other hand, when a public agency receives a complaint or request
from a community group it should act upon the, compl°aint and if unable to ·
do so, should give the community a clear explanation. Also, whenever
possible the agencies should keep local communities informed of the various
projects planned for the area.
II .
- ······--···· .
Pub lie Transport at ion Study an<l Impr"ovements
As mentioned earlier, inadequate bus service underlies the main problems
which residents face in terms of access to needed facilities: libraries,
hea1th centers, places of employments. This clearly demonstrates the need
for a study which pinpoints the improvements which would be necessary to
alleviate the problems and which recommends ways in which the improvements
can be carried out.
Local Employment
Possible Development of Nearby Industrial Areas
According to the zoning map, the N. W. Browntown Study Area is heavily
bordered -by industrial land and thus is better situated to a potential
employment base than roost other areas in the City. However, much of
this industrial land is undeveloped; so the kind of employment it offers / ·.,
to Browntown residents will depend upon its future course of development.
If possible, the City should try to attract those types of industries ·
which would offer employment opportunities to local residents.
- ... ---
. -,. . _
,.-- f ··
., . . .. -
Hire Local Residents First on Government Sponsored Projects
In addition to attracting local employment-generating industries, the
City can utilize whatever other opportunities are available to help
alleviat e local unemployment. A case in point is the additional public
housing units planned for the N. W. Area. It would not onl y help
alleviate the problem of unemployment, but also do away with much local
dissatisfaction if the City required the developers of public housing to
hire local residents first in recruiting work~rs.
' ..
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. ..
. .···; ·~:
·- · .,
The previous twc sections have examined problems "and needs of partic~_lar :·. i>:". ..... . .....
... . .
• :.?~. ~
community facilities. The i;urpose of this section is to look ·into the impact ·_ "' . ,· ..
of future. resi.dcr,tic.l growth on community facilities · in general.
L\ ot!-:::1 wrn::'..,~, it will focus on such <iuestions as:
and housinG \lJ.ll be coming into the N.
how much population
Browntown Area over the next few
years?, what kiT).ds of problems will they create?, 'what community facilities
will they lack? , will this lack put a drain on existing facilities or will ·
- ~- -~-·-
current imprm-e,u~ntc be able lo ·1ii0~t futur2 r',eeds?
These all a4e important questions, for which existing data is too incomplete
to give fully accur.:.tc answers.
Yet they must be answered as accurately as
existing dnta will allov if a start is to be made in planning for the N. W.
Browntown Arce\.
Before looking directly into the impact of future residencial growth, it is
necessary to first recognize the fact of future population and housing growth
in the N.
...,,, ~
,,,-..,.,.. - -·
Area .
Any consideration of the ·area's
dev elopme ot
must recognize firstly that it will be experiencing large increases in popul ation
and housing over the coming years and that some of the housing will be low-income
and public ho~sir.g.
Forces Be hind Growth
The reasons behind such growth are really not too complex for in actuality
t he growth is no more t h an a reflection of metropolit an economic-pop\llation
increases and the need t.o a lleviate i;,ov<;ir-e, housing s hortages in the City as
a whole.
�.,. . --.. -__ . ._ -~ ·-----v- ----- - - - - --------------~---.. .=. ., 01.
·;..:i-=:,.,_~,~-=-.:,":-,;+·..c• _;.,~.;..:...:,,.;,..:.,_i
Economic-Population Increase
The economic and population growth in the Atl anta Metro politan Area
is primar ily a re s ult of its role as the fin ancial and commerc i al
center of the Southeast and as one of the fastest growing metropolitan
r eg ions i n the country. Projections de rived from GIP studies indicate
that current rates of economic growth will continue for at l east the
next 15 yc nrs. The proj ec t io ns f ur ther indicate that t he Cit y of
At lanta will have an increase of over 100,000 people by 1975 and
o~e r 150,000 by 1983.
The areas in the City most likely to absorb this growth are t he
relative ly undeveloped areas outside the central city such as the
Northwest area. .Due to the intensive concentration of people and
activities at the central core and the resultant lack of space,
more and more of Atlanta's population will be dispersing towa r d the
fringe areas.
Housing Needs of Atlanta
In addition to the sheer pressure of economic and population g rowth,
Atlant a is also experienc i ng the prob l em of severe housing shortages .
This i s due no t only to t he lage_of housing supply behind popul ati on
growth, but al s o to the displacement of many resident s th r ough var ious
f orms of governmental act i vity, i.e. urban renewal, highwa y cons t ruction
Accord i ng to the GI P Relocation Report (Septembe r 1966) , during 1956- 60
At l a nta d isp l a ced 21,000 fami lies a nd 67,000 people mostly low- income,
through such a c tiv i t ies and thereby severe ly agg r avat ed the existing
short ag e of housing i n the City. So t he fac t i s that At l ant a does
not have t he housing resourc es t o me e t the needs of it s popu l ation,
particular l y t he low-income segme nt s. Estima tes indicat e that nearly
17, 000 new housing unit s wi ll be r e quired over the next 5 years in order
t o adequately hous e the people .
The ge nera l s hortage of hous i ng in At l a nta is the main factor behind
the bold housing pr ogr am wh i ch the City is curr ent l y pus hing . This
curre nt program s eek s to ge t 16, 800 unit s withi n a f ive-year pe riod
a nd 9,300 of thes e wi t hin the next two ye ars .
GIP Projections f or Nort hwest Brownt own
The t e ndency f or populat io n growth in .Atla nta to disperse t oward the
fr inge are as is one reas on why CIP proj ections indicate such l a rg e s c ale
populat ion increases f or t he Northwest Br ownt own Study Area over t he nex t
15 years. The projections indicate that the population will double· t o
a total of abo ut 33,000 people in a decade and will reach 40,000 by 1983 .
, -
~· ...
. . ;.
·· ~ ,:
�.--- - ......------------------------------------------11.Dt--.. . .,·--~
·-·:-,. . . ---19So the re a l quest ion for. nny in".?,uiry into the future development of the
study nrea is not , ;l;~tl·,·-:..:~ it will gain more people and housing, but what
is the scale oft~~ grow~h likely to be and what will be its probable
impact on cor.:munity facihtios and services.
Projected Housing f:or Br~wntown
A good indictltion c£ scale of residential development that will probably -·
occur in the N. W. Brm,~t:o;"11 Area can be seen in the housing projects
• •
currently being co~sider~d for construction in the area. Seven such
projects are now beiag c~ usidered; four by public housing authorities
ri.nd th;;::ee by private dev.-:1.opers. Some of these prc,jects are definite;
other3 are tc::.tative and s till in the earli~st plenning £tsges. Together .·.
they would b;:ing an estim,-;!ted total of 3,254 housing units and 13,025 people into the area.
., ·
• •
··. :: T.
The table below show how these estimated population and housing - units .-·
are diat ribut;ed amoung the various p-.:ojecta.
· , .. .
N',.,11,mE R OF UNITS
Perry Homes
Magnolia Cem~tery
Bankhead Highway
Browntown Road
700 :
1,000 ·
2, 50Q.
-~- ·: .
PROJF.C~ED 221 (d) (3) and PRIVA!E HOUSING
Rockdale Park 221 (<l.) (3)
Gun Club Park
Hollywood . Road (Lincoln Homes)
660 ·
Implications f or Community Facilities
In or.d;;r to d,~al with the implication _of future residential growth for
co-:mnu:1.ity fa:::l.lities in the Northwest, this report will assume that the
above p7: ojc'..:t:8 wi.ll be carried out an~ completed in the comicg ?ears and
thus di:'. lerm:l.n.= tr, ·~ need in comm,mity facilities that will pro';)ably develop ·:
from tI :e co.::.st ruct:i.on of the p:::ojects.
In ef.foct, the report will be asking two questions: What kinds of
community f.:v::'...lities would be included in the projec ts? What kinds would
not Le inch11Ld? Tl-.e facilities which are not included should then give
an iciea of the community needs that a~ likely to be generated through
construction of the projects.
Facilities Likely to Be Included
According to information from public housing authorities and from
plans of private developers, i.e. Rockdale Park, it appears that
the projects
Jld include such facilities as community buildings
and var ious .l:orms of parks and recreational spaces.
Public housins would allocate space and facilities for community
buildings, child care centers, and enough recreational spaces to
meet the requirements of a neighborhood park. In the case of major
project generating the need for a new school, it might cooperate
with th~ 3chool Department by allocating part of its total land area
-for a school site. Large private or 221 (d) (3) developments , such
as Rockdale Park, would not only provide adequate recreational
facilities, but also an elementary school and a health center.
So in summary one would expect the housing projects to include:
Community center, i.e. central meeting building, child
care centers, etc.
Recreational spaces adequate to meet requirements of
Neigh!:>orhood Parks.
In the case of one large scale project, i.e. Rockdale
Park, an elementary school~- and health center.
Facilities Not Likely To Be Included
From the above discussion it · becomes apparent that except for
Rockdale Park, the proposed housing developments would not
include the following facilities:
Elementary and High School's
Collll!lunity Park
Maj or Sewer Improvements
Other Facilities, such as Librarie s, Health Cent ers, etc • .
•••• 1
... •
· ...:;.·,._.. :
This me;;.ns that if the housing developments are cons truct ed
they will probably be creating a need for these facilities . ..
List of ~equired Items and Conditions
Be 1.ow
• ~
... .
- . -.. , . : ,-(,
a list of the items and con<lttions that will probably be re- ··, ~
, .. - ·}_
(iU"~ r:,~. 'l ~: the hou r;i.1::g ;;i 1:r>jects cur·.rE:ntly considered for Northwest BroHi'\.~ : a
• ·., ,· · .,
tc,1,.11:' .are ,"'.o;:lCt'L·1Kt. !C!, vl1~n possible, cost- estimates of the it ems are :··
gi·-.,,. n, I t sr.0ulo. .h.;;i lt.,::µt. in mind that these required ite ms and conditions
nm <>ri·ty i;;en~r <i.L ,;~.t:L;;;... ~~s designed to give some idea of the sc.:,.le o f
co ..1.1r.1;_~, ;.~~\7 -.~!e<, 6: ,.r.. ohou!.\l not be taken as precise formulations · to apply
to ev~Y-::~, f,c·.rc!.cular situation. Also, these needs do not represent . sotr..e ~ :
•, •
• \
·... · ~· . ·: -: ·:·:
• •
.. ...
• 0
, ...
·,·· .
�-2 i -
thing t ha t must be met at once, but as the ho~sing projec ts will probably
be bu ilt in a gradual fashion over a 3 or 5 year period, so the needs
wil l develop in s uch a fashion.
l high s choo l
To t a l
3 elementary schools
±ot a l
1 complete community pa ~k Total
( A more detailed discussion
seen in the ' Dis cussion of
const ru ction minus land costs $5,000;000
cons truction n1inus land CO $ tS
6,000 , 00 1
construction mi nus i.:lnd co sts
and cxpl;:tni:it:.ion of these items c nn b e
Community Problems 1 13cction of this
( 1)
As cons truction of the hous i ng proj e ct s are undcrway 1 it . is also .
probable that Phase I of the Sandy Creek Sewer Improvements will : be
underway and will begin t o reliev~ many of the sewer probic~s i n the
area. However, it is doub t ful that the fl ooding
Proc t or Creek· . ·
will be relieved any time in t he near future. In thi3 c as ~ it i s
important that future housing be located at safe distances fro~ the
Park Expans i on and Improvement
As population in the a rea be gins to build up, it will be ne cessary
and desirable to i mprove and cKpand s ome of the parks. s~e, for
example , the suggested e xpansion o f Center Hill Park in previous
section of this report.
Traffic and Transportation
The a dditional population in the area would incre a se even· furthe r
t he need f or many traff ic and t r a nspor t ation improvements . Of spcci.s.1
urgency would be reschedul i ng and r outing of bus se rvice more in
tune with transportation needs of the people .
Other Facilitie s
it is quite po ssib le t ha t the need f or other s uch ~acil i t ies as
libraries and hea lth will deve l op .
Disturbing Trend
\.lhi le it is true that N. W. Browntown, like ma ny other areas in the City,
will have t o accommodl)te some of the lcw~income public housing scheduled
to be built over the coming ye ar n, statis tical data indicates that N. W.
Browntown is receiv ing a disproportionate share of the City's public
housing. Although containing only 3% of the total nutnber of housing
units in the City, 1t already con.ta.ins nP.m::ly 20% of th~ total
- - -- --
- - -- -·1
public housing units in the City and about 50% of the housing currently
considered for development in the area is public housing.
Socia~ Implications
Residents of the N. W. Browntown have expressed strong concern about
becoming a "dumping ground" for the City 1 s public housing. Studies of
this city and many others have attested to the danger of concent~Gting
too many public housing projects in one area, showing that concentrati on
of public housing in one area usually means the concentration of all the
social problems commov.ly associated with pub lie housing: family
instability, unemploymP.nt, idle youth, etc. Such concentrations can
me an potentially explosive situations which in turn can only further
aggravate the existingbifu~~at2onbetween low-income and middle to
' upper income areas of the City.
Necessity To Est.~blish Limits
Without a doubt, it would be to the advantage of all segme nts of the
City's population to arrest the trend toward over concentra t i on of
public housing before the accumulation of serious social p r oblems that
could affect the City as a whole. It is difficult to say just where
the line should be drawn as to how much public housing Northwest
Browntown should be expected to absorb. Undoubtedly more information
would be needed on the availability of possible sites throughout th e
City. Yet it is important that residents and public offici a ls beg in
now to make some effort to create a more healthful mixture of housing
types in the Northwest area.
Based upon the
analysis and assessment of coID:IDunity problems
and needs in N. W. Browntown, this section proyides the recommendations designed
to as., _.st public officials in their decisions to meet the problems and needs
of the area.
If carried out, the recommendations should eliminate the ~resent
lag between the developm~r.c of community facilities and residential growth,
they should correct existing deficiences and anticipate major future needs.
before getting directly into the recommendations, it is important
one l ook at the transitional nature of the N. W. Browntown Area.
For it is
only within this context that one can appreciate the real value of the reco mmendations.
Many of N. W. Browntown's problems accrue from the dilemmas which it
fac e s at thi s particv 1,~'t" point in its community development .
N. W. Brownt owri
is a new ly devE:- l oping area which is just at the point where it is t oo large
f or many e~is t ing facilities, but too s mall to justify many i mmed i at e l arge
seal .~ imp rovements.
For exampl e , Arche r High is t oo s ma l l and over crowded f o r the number of
n i gh scho o l students current ly in t he area, yet th i s current h i gh school
? Opulat i on is not l arge enough t o j ust i fy the cons t r uc tion o f an addit~~nal
h i gh schoo l.
Io t he cas e o f s ewers t he mai n l ines are operating near or at
peak capacity and the Pro ct or Creek system is operating ab ove its o r iginally
des i g11 u<l c ap acity.
Yet the needed improvements are necessar~ ly of a long
term nature and al t hough they canno t be comp leted i mmediate l y~ i n all pr obab ility .
they wii.L be comp l et ed i n t i me t o !Support the pOl)U lation of the area when it
becomes heavily deve l oped .
�- 24 ·An~i hcr ~ spcct of this sit u ation ist .at V3r ious city and county 3crv ic e
agencies v e3/
ra re ly plan pr oje ct s 5-10 ye ars ahead .
Of cour se , ic would be
ideal if / ~ ey were involved in long-r ange planning so that they cou ld antici.
pa~,.4~ oblems rather than res.p ond to them as they occur. But due primarily to
_.......,,,-/,? fimit ed funds, the age ncies are more o r l ess compe ll e d t o respond prair.:.:;.tically
to community problems.
The value of this report then is that it tends to ~ake up f o r the lack of
long -range planning for various city services.
Through its asses sment of
co mmunity needs and its recom.~e nd at ions, it can be of inva luab le assistance to
public officials by pointing out wh~t needs to be done to meet existing problems and foreseeing future needs in the Browntown Area .
In ord er to e liminate exi sting deficiencies and bring about ord e rly
growth i n the N. W. Browntown Area, it is reco,mr,e nd ed:
That a vertic al addition to Archer Hig~ wh ich wo uld in crease its
capacity to 2000 students be placed on a bond issue by Spring, 1968.
That an elementary school site be included for any new housing projects ·
approach ing 300 units or mo re in size.
That planning be started now for the cons truction of a new high school in the area as population increase demands it.
That plans be started now for the construction of a juni or high school
on the already a cquired site located west of James Jack.s on Parkway as
population increase demands it.
Parks and Recreation
That a request for a neighborhood park for Lincoln Homes be rlaced on
the next bond issue.
That the City find a means of paying all of the personnel costs needed
to maintain recreational services i~ Perry Homes .
�- 25 (3)
Th~t pl a ns be started for securing funds to build u con-:rr.uQ ity cl ub house
_;_nd iully equip Gun Club Par.c - s a community park .
That p l ans be started for the devel opment of a com:nunit y po . k to the
o f Jame s Jackson Parkway as population increase de:· ,il , GS it.
Tha t plans be s tarted for the development of at least on.i= more neighbor hood park in addition to t he two a lreau.y proposed f or tLe 2.re a .
That the Par ks Department _be prep ared to expand and i Dprcve upon existing
parks and recreational facili ies as population increase dema nds it.
Se·w ers
(1 )
That the Sa ndy Creek I mp rovenc nts Proj e ct be ini tiated as s oon as
po ·sible in order to bring about the major so l ution to most of th e sewage
and flooding problems in the a r e a,
Tha t until the Sandy Creek I mp rov ements Project is ini ti ated wha t eve r
temp orary solutions a re fe.:z.sibl e b e i mple ,ented to a l leviat e sei:rge
condit ions before large new holls;i.._ng_ prc,ject-a a:ci2: <.:u nstrucceci.
~·-- ... ....
Tha t a plan of action be developed t o ident ify and aid th e owners of
those homes which are too poorl y s ituated near Proctor Creek for anyth ing
economically feasible to be done ab out their sewage and fl ooding problems .
Other Facilities
That a public transport a tion study be made to spe c ify problems face::d by
residents in terms of ac cess to library, ,ealth, and employment facili ies
and to r e commend feasible alte4na tives for r esolv ing t he situation.
(2) . That the City make a conccntritcd effor t to upcr3de street and traf f ic
facili t ies in the ar e a, including the erection of traffic faciliti es at
needed int erse ctions, the co nstruction of street l ights in un lighted
r esidential areas, and the general maintenance of cl ean and well _ paved .streets.
.:· • .
That eff ort s be made to attr~ct to nearby industrial areas firns that
would generate employment op portunities for local residents.
That the City requi r e that developers of any pub lic housing projects in
in the area hi re l ocal residents first in recruiting workers .
Ge ner al
That local community group s establish the ne c ess~ry orbani zutionai
~achinery to direct t h eir cox:1p l ai::1ts and reque:;;ts to the ap p rop riate
public .:lgE:ncies and to follow through ar,d see th at their comp laints and
re~uests are acted upon o
- 26-
That t he public service agencies act upon complaints and r e que sts fr o~
l o cal community groups and g ive t he g:.oups a ciear explanation if t h ey
are unable to rr.eet a re quested serv ic e.
That eve ry effort be made to develo~ a health i er mixture of low and
midd le income h ous ing types t h .. oughout the City so that pub lic housing d
does not b e come furt he r overconcent r ated in the Northwest Browntown .
Most ac tion toward im pleme nta t ion of the recommendat io ns o f the N o rthwest Brown town Study
mus t in it iate from the N o rthw e st Brow n town comm uni ty itsel f. As sta ted in o ne o f the re commendati o ns
o f the stu dy the local comm uni ty mus t es tab lish the ne c essa ry or ganiza t iona l mach ine ry to di re ct
th eir conce rn s and requests to the a p pro pr ia te pu bl ic a ge ncies.
The fo llow ing c har t·k ind ica tes the e le c ted poli t ic al bod ie s a nd ad m inistrat ive a gen cies to w h ich
th e communi ty should dire c t its effor ts in ini ti a t ing ac t ion on part icular recomm end a t ions.
At lan ta School Board,
Dr . Ru fus E. Cl eme n t ,
Re presenta t ive from Th ird Wa rd
Bu i ld ing & Grou nds Commi ttee of
School Boa rd,
Fred M. She ll, Cha irman
D ivisi on o f Schoo l Pla nt Planning
& Co nstruc t ion o f Atl an t a Pub li c
Sc hools,
Darw in E. Womac k ,
Assis tan t Su pe r intenden t
A ldermani c Parks Comm i ttee ,
Char les Le ftw ich , Chairman
Pa rks Department,
J a c k De liu s, G ene ral Manager
Re commenda t ions 1,2,3 & 4
Parks & Re creat ion
Re commendati ons 1, 3 , 4 ,5
Re comm e ndati o n 2
Mayo r 1s Offic e ,
Da n Sweat , J r ., Direc tor o f
Gov e rnm e n tal Li aison
Sewe rs
Recomme ndations I, 2 & 3
Alde rman ic Pu b! ic Works C ommittee
G. Ev erett Mi lli can , Chairman
Pub Iic Wo rks Departme nt
Ra y Nix on, Chie f o f Pu b lic Wo rks
Di v is ion o f Wa ter Po ll u tion
Co ntrol,
Rober t H . Morr iss, Eng in eer o f
Wa ter Poll u tion Control
Th is c hart is d esig ned to ac compa ny the re commendations I iste d on pages 24-26 of the N orthw est
Brown town Stud y .
Re commendati o n I
Aldermanic Traffi c, Parking &
Transi t Committee ,
Jack Summ ers, C hai rman
(Atl an ta Transi t System ,
Robert Sommervi l e , Presiden t)
Re com mendat ion 2
A !dermani c Traffi c, Park ing &
Transit Committee ,
Jac k Su mmers , C ha irman
Pu bl ic Works Department ,
Street Di vision , G. F. S teele ,
Engi neer o f Stree ts
Traffic En g in eer in g Department ,
Kar l A . Bevins , Ci ty Traff ic
San itary Depa rtment
Ray N ix o n , C hief o f Public
Re commendatio n 3
(C hamber of Commerce ,
Division of Ur ba n Affairs ,
Cu rtis H . Driskell)
Recommenda t ion 4
Mayor 1s O ffi c e
Dan Swea t , Jr., Di re c tor of
Governmen tal Liaison
Board o f Aldermen ,
Sam Masse 11 , Jr ., Pres ident
Ot her Foci I ities
G eneral
Re commenda t ion 3
Aldermanic Planning & Development
Rodney Coo k , C hairman
Aldermanic Zoning Committee
John M. Flanige n , C hairman
Planning De partment ,
Co llier B. G lad in, Planning
Land Use Con trols Division of
Planning Department,
Tom Shu ttleworth, Div is ion Ch ief
(schools, parks, libraries,
I) O ne community pork to west
of Jomes Jackson Parkwa y
I) New high school
(capac ity 2,000)
2) New junior high school
(ca pac ity 1200)
Sk'lls Trai
uca o ,
and Area evelo men
Experience and capability in innovative programs
with people, government, and industry
�Training and
To respond to opportunity, opportunity must exist. For many Americans the lack of opportunity has
been an awesome reality. Economic
deve lopment of our depressed
areas and natural resources is important; development of our people
is mandatory.
Thiokol has grown in depth of
knowledge and experience through
early commitment of our total
Corporate resources to America's
socioeconomic struggle. Through
an innovative social engineering
system, Thiokol helps convert the
unemployed to motivated taxpayers with a future. Our nation's
growth will be greater tomorrow by
creating employment today.
sk·1 s
Ed calion,a d
ea e . _____ eI
Program experience
demonstrates Thiokol's
unique capabilities
Thiokol training programs are, for the
most part, job placement-oriented. In
some instances, such as the tenant
management training program in Gulfport, Mississippi, jobs are not the
end result. But regardless of the objective , all Thiokol training is based on
the following principles:
1. Every trainee has individual
capabilities and learning rates.
2. Each training program has unique
objectives, trainee population ,
and organization structure.
3. Each training program is a complete system since it is an
assembly of people and materials
unified to meet a common goal.
Programs, designed and conducted
by application of syste ms anal ys is,
provide individ ual ized instructi o n leading to specific objecti ves and invol vin g
all components of the EDO training
Educational Products
Robert L. Marquardt
Vice President
Economic Development
Th iokol Chemical
national socio-economic problems.
The EDO technique of total area
development includes:
1. A thorough systems analysis of
the community or area to be developed or redeveloped.
2. Preparation of a detailed technical plan outlining the tasks required to achieve the objectives
of the program .
3. Implementation and operation of
the program .
Emphasis is placed by the company
on industrial plant location , including
product market analysis and housing
and recreation development . Complete training programs offered in this
total development concept include
curriculum development , housi ng
occupancy, basic educational , vocational , and-social skills training .
Necessary rapport also is established with other private companies,
and with local and federal governmental agencies to coordinate efforts
needed to solve problems.
Area oevelopment
Thiokol's successfu l systems management experience gain ed by Thi okol as
a lead ing aerospace syste ms producer
gives t he compa ny an unmatched
capab ili ty to def ine a nd help so lve
loca l, state , national , and even inter-
Because of the growing general need
for vocational and basic educational
materials, EDO established its Educat io nal Pr oducts organ ization . It i s
staffed by c urric ul um experts from
many academic and technical disci plines. These highl y qualified educators
have ex perience in bot h traditional
and unu sual t raining-educat ion situations . The Educati o nal Pro du ct s
fac il ity , located ,n Ogden , Utah. produces educational material for use in
Th iokol programs an d for distr ibution
through publ ish ers an d ot her marketing fi rms.
�• Basic Education
Basic education must impart to
trainees the academic skills req ui red
for successful job training and placement. The content of Thiokol basic
education courses is geared to individual vocational courses. Both
remedial and advanced courses are
offered, dependent on the needs of
the trainees. Courses currently being
conducted in the various programs
include read ing, mathematics, communication skills, personal development, high school equivalency (GED),
and driver education
vocational Training
Training and
The Components
Thiokol vocational training prepares
trainees for entry level positi ons
within a cluster of job skills. Specific
courses offered in each of Thiokol 's1
many programs are based on the
projected manpower needs in those
fields for the following ten years.
Specific job positions provide the
basis for organization and operation
of the vocational training course. As
a contingency, "step-off" achievement levels are built into each course
to facilitate placement of trai nees
who do not com plete the program. Individualized courses currently being
offered in the various company programs include electronics assembly,
weld ing , surveying, hospital services,
clerical , baking, meatcutting, cooking, farm equipment operation, sheet
metal processing, refrigeration, air
conditioning , plastics patternmaking,
plastics molding, plastics reinforcement, machine shop operation, and
automotive services.
• counseling and
social Skills
Counseling and social ski ll s developme nt are vital compone nts of Th iokol
training . Accep t ab le behav iors
are reinforced and the new attitudes
and perce ptions required for a welladjusted life are developed . Group
counseling techniques are used to
all ow trainees to test their views and
behaviors and to receive critical react ion or su ppo rt from th e i r pee r s.
Wh ere the nee d e x ists , ind ivid ua l
counsel ing procedures are implemented.
Tec hni ques utilized include the use of
ro le playing and simul at io n games
and problem-s o lv in g situations to
provide trai nees with models of real
life experiences.
on-The-Job Training
In addition to the vocational training
component, EDO also can offer t raining in actual job situations. Thiokol
training emphasis is given by demonstration, appl ication , and practice.
On-the-job training avail able includes
such positions as cabinet assembler,
medical assistant, machine shop
operator, teaching aide, metals and
welding technician , offset press
operator, air condition ing and refrigeration technician.
Home Management
Th iokol t rains entire families in the
procedures and skills needed to maintain a home. Subjects taught include
maintenance, housekeeping, landscaping , budgeting, and pu rchasing .
This content provides instruction for
individuals and famil ies experiencing
life in a new home for the first time .
Add itional remedial and en richment
courses also are offered those
trainees having a need or interest in
a particular subject.
• Placement
Several thousand graduates of
Thiokol programs, have been placed
in jobs related to thei r training. Many
others have gone back to high school
or col lege; or have entered the armed
services, for which they had not been
educati o n ally qua lif ied be f ore
train ing .
Thiokol is placing more t han 250
men and women in productive jobs
each month throug h its prog ram graduations and the operation of its job
placement ce nters.
Curric ula and objecti ves of
each Thioko l v ocational tra ining
program have been prepared to
conform to the job descripti o ns
found in th e Department o f Labor
Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
Graduation requirements meet
these descripti o ns, assuri ng jobs
to those who successfully co m p le te the train ing .
Job corns
Urban center
Clearfield, Utah
The Clearfield Job Corps Urban Center
provides a residential program of total
trainin g for economically disadvantaged yo un g men 16-1 / 2 to 2 1 years
of age. The Operation was established
April 1, 1966. Cu rrent trainee e nrol lment at Clearfield is 1,350, 200 of
whom are designated as stu dents of
t he Advanced Corpsman Institute for
Para-Professi onal Train ing.
Academic, basic educatio n, classes
are geared to the vocati onal t rain ing
e ntry level of each indi vidual and include read ing , mathematics, personal
developme nt, language arts, and drive r
ed ucation. Each corpsman is assigned
to a dormitory with 31 othe r corpsmen
and a resident counselor. There he
re cei ve s g roup and i ndividua li zed
counsel ing. Avocational activities are
co nd ucted d uring w ee kdays afte r
classwork and on weekends and holidays.
The average corpsman is enroll ed at
the Ce nter for a peri od of eight to ten
months. While the re, he earns $30 a
month. The federal government sets
aside an additional $50 a month to
provi de the corpsman an adj ustment
allowance betwee n the time he completes his train ing and until he earn s
hi s first regu lar paycheck.
More than 2,500 former unem ployables have completed the program
and have taken jobs, gone back to high
school, or gone into the armed forces.
Many also have gone on to coll ege
Du ring the first two years of operat ion, more than 50 enrollees graduated
from hi gh school wh ile at the Ce nter.
More than 300 earned GED certi ficates and 200 enrolled in college.
Automotive -Automotive and smal l
engine repair and maintenance.
Plastics- Courses in plastics molding, reinforcement, and patternmaking.
Food Services-Complete meatcutti ng, baking, and cooking skills training.
Metals and Welding -Training in gas,
arc, and tungsten inert gas welding
techn iques.
Medical-Personal health, sanitation
and safety , fi r st aid, and hospital
attendant t rainiog.
Agriculture- Training in farm equipment operation and maintenance;
farm landscaping, constructio n, and
maintenance ; and livest ock f arm
Air Conditioning/ Refri gerationSheet metal, refrigeration , and ai r
cond it ioning skills training .
�Trainees get practical experie n ce as para-professio n al teachers , counse lors and recreational assistants.
corpsman 1nsmu1e
for Para-Professional
A need tor well-trained para-professional recreation, teaching, and counsel ing assistants became evident early
in the Clearfield Job Corps Program.
This need, fo und to exist also throughout the ed ucation industry, led directly
to establ ishm e nt of the Clearfield
Advanced Corpsman Institute tor ParaProfessional Training.
Teaching Technique
Th ioko l's systems analysis techn ique
couples social ski ll s developme nt with
job-related skills train ing. Trainees are
c hallenged to develop their potential
by systematically looking inward, assessing their aspirations and goals,
and experime nting with new behaviors.
Simul ated interpersonal confronta6
tions typical of real-life situations force
the trainees to react. These reactions
then are reviewed for their effectiveness in coping with the situation . New
reactions and patterns of behavior are
ex plored and practiced . Thus , enrollees are involved in training that
emphasizes creative ways of solving
problems. This small, group-oriented
program provides a supportive atmosphere in which both social skills exposure and theory are integrated .
Such training techniques as microteaching, closed c irc uit te levision , and
role playing are introduced to the Institute trainees. On-the-job exposure
also offers them the oppo rtun ity to
practice their newly developed ski ll s
in public school c lassrooms and in
other work situati ons. Awareness of
se lf, concern tor others, and helping
others lea rn to d eve lop their ow n
potential are all f oca l points of th e
training .
Several hundred corpsmen have completed the para-professional train ing
at the Clearfi e ld Job Corps Ce nter.
Approximately sixty-five percent of
these young men graduated with high
school diplomas or general equivalency certi ficates. Twenty perce nt of
the graduates have gone on to college,
while another fifteen percent complete
mil itary obli gatio ns before resuming
social services caree rs.
Graduates from Thiokol 's Institute
have been placed as counsel ing, personnel , teaching, and recreati o n aides
in Job Corps, Peace Corps, VISTA
programs, and in other projects and
programs sponsored by the Office of
Economic Opportunity. They also have
accepted employment with t he Utah
State Employment Commission, the
Washington State Social Services
Office, the New York State Board of
Education, Thi okol 's GATE H ouse
(Job Corps p l acement office), th e
Dall as and St. Louis Em ployment
Security. Offices, the Seattle Publ ic
Schools, the Newark Public School
System , the Bellevue Mental Hospital
in New York (chil dren 's recreational
therapy), and the Juvenil e Detention
Office in New York City
Co u nter cl ockwise : N ewly arri ved st udent.and fami ly, gets f i rst m e al at Cente r . S tuden t g overni n g body d isc u sses student projects . T rainees learn w e ld i ng . o the r t rades .
Program concept
Training cenrer
Roswell, New Mexico
A lack of vocational and social skills
has prevented many American Indians
from attain ing proper levels of productivity and social standing . Their
training and adjustment from inadequate or primit ive housing and a state
of unemployment to permanent employabi I ity is th e basic goal at the
Roswell EmploymentTrai ning Center,
where the train ing period averages
nine months. No rmally more than 500
trainees are enrol led continual ly.
An outstanding feature is the moving
of total famil ies for t he fi rst time from
the hogan, pueblo, o r igloo to a single
family house on the Center following
training in how to occupy and maintain
a home.
The Cente r provides vocational, related basic ed ucational. home livi ng
and soc ial skills training to volunteer
sing le adults and entire fami lies from
all the nation 's Indian t ribes. As many
as 3 7 such t ribes from a dozen states
have been represe nted there. We ll
equipped nu rse rie s and structured
train ing are included for pre-schoo l
age ch ild ren.
Training Clusters
The vocational training classes, supported by exten si ve classroom work in
the related basic educational subjects,
inc lude automobi le mechanics, welding , e lectron ic s asse mbly, cl e ri cal
duties, survey ing, high school GED,
drive r trai ning , nu rsing, and personal
�·hiO I exas, Inc
San Antonio, Texas
President's Test Program
Thiokol joined the President's Test program to provide manpower training and new jobs for the hard core unemployed of
San Antonio , Texas. This was one of the five "target" cities
chosen to pilot-test the program that would provide jobs for
individuals economically handicapped by inadequate education or other problems. Thiokol responded by acquiring two San
Antonio businesses, Tex-Wood Cabinet Company and Empress .
Brick Company, with which to establish its training-employment operation.
Thiokol Texas produces kitchen cabinets and manufactures
decorative ceramictile . The two operations have been relocated
at a single 3-1 /2 acre plant site, where training and production
efforts are proceeding.
Training the Hard core unemployed
Thiokol 's Operation Turnkey trains
disadvantaged in normal living
arts and home making .
At least 100 new jobs are being created at Thiokol Texas , Inc.
Thefirstphaseoftraining is designed to build self-confidence.
Trainees are taught to think positively and as winners, attitudes
completely foreign to most. In directed group seminars, the
trainees discuss their thoughts, expectations, and fears . They
define for themselves the meaning of success.
Language laboratories equipped with audio tape recorders
improve the reading and speaking abilities of the trainees ,
many of whom speak mostly Spanish.
Basic job skills training is designed to build further confidence. Trainees visualize, verbalize, and apply what they have
learned during the lesson.
Peace Corp s v o lunteer survey ing for new farm road in Iran .
Training tor Other companies
Gulfport, Mississippi
The Center also will design and conduct similar training programs for other companies and government agencies.
scope 01 Program
Photo : Peace Corps .
Thiokol initiated this first-of-kind training and research projectto help the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in a program designed to assist lower income families
become successful homeowners. Many such families now
occupy homes in Gulfport and have lease pu rchase righ ts to
these structures.
The objective of the training program is to provide tenants
with the organizational and social skills needed to maintai n
the housing . Intensive pre-occupancy and occupancy trai ni ng
designed to meet specific needs of the homeowners incl udes
counseling, budgeting , and financial management. This training increases the likelihood of later successful homeownership. Thiokol research from this pilot prog ram will enable HUD
to institute similar training th roughout the co un try
Manual skills training class leads to
Peace corps
Thiokol 's highly successful Peace
Corps training prepares volunteer
trainees to live and work effectively
in other cultures. Volunteers have
been trained for service in Iran and
The Thiokol training creates immediate and sustained trainee involvement,
presents highly individualized instruction, gives the trainee the responsibility for his own learning , and provides
him with an underlying methodology
that serves to help relate and interrelate all aspects of training .
Language training is based on an
audi o-lingu al technique that also includes ro le playing , sit uational exe rcises, an d cultural simulation . Many of
t he geographi cal reg io n and crosscultural studies also co nsist of role
Thiokol 6UIIPOrl
Tenant Management Irainino
playing and situational exercises. In
addition , the studies include group
discussions or problem solving activitives involving the role, requirements,
expectations, and problems of the
Peace Corps volunteer in his job, his
assigned country , and community .
Training takes place in small group
settings where learning is creative and
participative. Interaction, self-analyses, evaluation of experiences, and
problem solving behaviors of the group
all stress the importance of each member's role as a resource . Each member
compares his reaction to various experiences with the reactions of others
of the group . He also gauges his
understanding of material and concepts, ideas, and opinions with those
of the other members.
Homeowner Association
A Homeowne r Assoc iatio n orga nization will be organized
during the Thiokol training to stress se lf-government of the
tenants of housing develo pme nt as a sig nificant phase of the
prog ram.
�changes necessary to' provide a c lean
Economic Development
computer Technology
The back cover of this booklet locates
Th iokol 's c urre nt ope rati ons and
service lo ca t io ns , devoted to aerosp ace , c he m ic al , indu stria l , and
econom ic developme nt o pe rations. Its
Corporate Headquarters are in Bristol ,
Pennsylvania. Due to remote locales
of some of the pl ant sites, it was necessary to uti li ze systems engin ee ring
techniques in area developme nt.
An example is Thi okol 's Wasatch
Di v i sion (cap it al asset s exceed ing
$1 00,000,000) located 30 mil es west
of Brigham City, Utah , in valleys of
the Promo ntory Mountains and B lue
Sprin gs Hills. Complete area development requ ired techniques identical to
those needed in urban area deve lopment. These incl ude bu ildings, roads,
power transmission sys t ems , potable
wate r supplies, ai r qu ali ty , waste water
treatment an d renovation , disposal of
solid waste s and garbage, neutralizatio n of che mi cal and other industrial
wastes, sanitation , heal th, and safety
Advanced computer pro.grams and
computer capability facilitate the
effectiveness and efficiency of every
training , research , business, and technical service operation under EDO.
Student accountability and progress
data are retrievable on a daily basis.
Statistical programs prov ide rapidly
analyzed data to aid in behavi oral research and training evaluat io n. Employee payroll, accounting , inventory,
and other business operations assist
management in every department.
Computer system s, including the
IBM System / 350 Model 50 , that meet
the needs of varied organizations,
ex pand the capability offered to our
customers. These computerized se rvicesand numerous others are available
and are recomm ended because of
proven valu e in design , impl e mentat ion , and e valuat io n o f any EDO
se rvice .
Environmental Research
Thiokol co nducts research in material
and method systems technology to
provide low-cost h o using m ee ting
essential health an d safety standards.
This techn o logy includes th e important ho usi ng-related social concerns
of lower-in co me famili es. Studi es of
possibl e structural systems utilizing
nat ive reso urces for remote area
housing for Indi ans and Eskimos are
being co ndu cted.
Thi oko l also is participating in researc h studies to develo p improved
eq uipment and syste ms necessary to
m e et t he r eq uire m e nts o f f e d e r al ,
state, and loca l gove rnm e nts in the
co rrectio n of sani tatio n and health
defic ienc ies resul tin g from wate r and
air po llu tio n.
Primari ly , Th iokol promotes the deve lopment and uti li zation of improved
equipment, more effecti ve chemica ls,
and a co mplete systems approac h in
Thiokol 's di rect approach to solving
socioeconomic problems and utilizing
systems techniques in area development has been successful in stimulating economic development in both
urban and rural areas of persistent
unemployment. An e x perienced
Thiokol team works cooperatively
with governmental agencies and community groups in con d ucting market
research , natural resource studies,
personnel and plant location surveys,
transportation studies , financial and
training studies, organizational surveys, and schedules for implementation.
Model Cities Planning
Ec~ omic Development Operations
is consulting with the various levels
of federal , state, and local governments in the application of systems
management and computerized techniques in Model Cities planning programs. The broad aims and objectives
of the Model Cities program are :
1. Rebuild or revitalize large slums
and blighted areas.
2. Expand housing , job, and income
3. Reduce dependency on welfare
4 . Imp rove educ at io nal facilities
and programs.
5. Combat disease and ill health.
6. Reduce incidence of crime and
delinqu ency.
7. Enhan ce recreati o nal and cultu ral
opportun ities.
8. Establi sh better access between
homes and jobs.
9 . Gen e rall y impro ve living condition s fo r peopl e w ho live in such
are as.
Custome rs of EDO
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Dept. of Commerce
Dept. of Labor
Dept. of Health , Education,
and Welfare
Housing and Urban
Office of Economic
State and Municipal
Governments Abroad
Other Industries
of chronic unemployment. Trainees
were placed in group situations where
they tested new behaviors, received
immediate critical reaction or support
from their peers , and planned for
needed change .
Early successes led to the i ncorporation of a social skills development concept in all of Thiokol 's training programs . The resultant increases in
successful training and placement
prompted Thiokol to offer the Social
Skills Development Kit to other companies engaged in training the hard
core for employment.
curriculum oevelooment
Curricula and related teaching materialsdeveloped by EDOand formulated
through the systems approach emphasize and utilize the latest learning
theories and technology. Any of the
following services can be provided by
Thiokol :
• Task analysis to determine curriculum co ntent.
• Curri culum o ut lines.
• Linear prog rams.
• Training kits .
• Models.
• Audio-visual materials designed
for specific applicati ons.
In-service instruction training programs and curriculum implementation .
All curriculum materials developed
by the Educational Products organizati o n are fi e ld tested and validated in
one or mor e o f Th i ok o l 's training
social Skills
oevelOoment Kil
Through its training experience, Thiokol
has learned that the maj o r problems of
the di sadvantaged are the ir inappropriate and in effective work be havi ors.
Pri o r to trainin g, the majority of the e nro ll ees had histories of failu re and
lacked self-co nfidence an d t he effective mea ns of dea lin g wi th job related
proble ms.
Thi okol appli ed t he principles of
group pro bl em so lvi ng to t he d il e mma
The Kit consists of a complete series
of exercises, games, and simulation
materials design ed to provide hard
co re une mployed trainees w ith the desirabl e behavi ors , and social skills
needed to stay on a job. The Kit contains complete trainer direction , teaching aids, and trainee material s needed
to support a forty hour learning laboratory for fifteen trainees . Each exerci se
is written explicitly to assist t he trainer,
eve n those havi ng onl y marginal experience in leading group discussi on,
in conduct ing th e co urse .
The course outline covers th e following major topi cs:
• Trainee Orientation
• Basic Work Habits
• Interpersonal Skills
• Co mmunicati o n Skills
• Pro blem So lv ing
• Goal Settin g
Punctuality , atte ndance , and personal appearance are also stressed .
Tra in ees are taug ht to gain and accept
respo nsibility, to co mmu nicate and
liste n w ith un de rsta nd in g , to take pride
in perso nal hab its , to look positive ly
at superv isory re lationships, and to
deve lop a pattern of overa ll success
at work, at home , and in the co mmunity.
Instructional Programs
Varying educational levels are inherent in student populations of all
training programs. This fact necessitates g re at emphasis on audi o-visual
techniques for use in individualized
instruction . Although use d e xt en sively , each media is researched completely fo r specific stud e nt impact
and program applicability.
The highly experienced staff of EDO
media specialists ensures proper use
of audio-v isual techniques, which include 16mm motion pictures, 8mm an d
16mm sound and silent continuous
loop singl e topi c films , 35 mm slid e
and film st rips, progra mm ed instructional material , overhead tra nsparencies , au d io t apes , an d e le c tr ica l
transcriptions .
Compl ete photog rap hic, illu strative ,
and so und rep rod uct ion facil ities are
availabl e at EDO, w here eac h phase
of d e v e lo pmen t is ca rr ied to the
" master co py " leve l. Reproduction of
addi tio nal co pi es normall y is subcont racted to establ ished compan ies.
Many trainers fee l th at vocational
progra ms shoul d utili ze t he actual
hard ware appli cable to the desi red ski II
posit ion . Al t ho ug h soun d , th is conce pt is not always pract ical si nce act ual
equi pme nt , besides be in g ex pen sive,
is not always th e most effective way to
d emo n strate ope r ational c once pt s
and prin cipl es.
Work in g mode ls of equi pment that
have proven to be highl y effective in
instructiona l situations have bee n deve loped by Thiokol. These devices,
fabricated of transparen t materials,
all ow students to see pa rts relationship , sequence of ope ration , and flow
of raw materials.
�Economic Development Operations
The world of people is part of the Widening World of Thiokol
Operations and Service Locations
Astra-Met Division
Ogden , Utah 84402
Operation Headquarters
Techn ical Services
and Educational Products
Ogden , Utah 84402
Elkton Division
Elkton Plant
Elkton , Md. 21921
Bri stol Plant
Bristol, Pa. 19007
Georgia Division
Woodbine, Ga. 31520
Huntsville Division
Huntsville, Ala. 35807
Longhorn Di visio n
Marshall, Texas 75670
Reaction Motors Division
Denville, N.J. 97834
Wasatch Division
Brigham City, Utah 84302
District Offices
Washington, D.C. 20006
Huntsville, Ala. 35801
Dayton, Ohio 45402
El Segundo, Calif. 90245
Lancaster, Calif . 93534
HeadquartersTrenton, N.J. 08607
Moss Point Plant
Moss Point, Miss. 39563
Thioko l Chemicals Limited
Coventry, Warwickshire ,
Thiokol Canada Lim ited
Burlington , Ontario ,
Thiokol Australia Pty., Ltd .
Sydney, N.S.W. , Australia
Clearfield Di vision
Clearfield, Utah 84015
Roswe ll Division
Roswe ll , New Mexico 88201
Thiokol Gulfport
Tenant Management Training
Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
Thi okol Texas, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas 78208
The AFA Corporation of Florida
Miami Division
Miami , Florida33147
Owens Division
Palatine , Illinois 60067
Dawbarn Di vision
Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
Delta Corporation
EastGranby,Conn . 06026
Dynastar Laboratories
Denville , N.J. 97834
•Humetrics Corporation
Los Angeles, Cali f. 90064
Logan Division
Logan, Utah 84321
Panelyte Industrial Division
Trenton , N.J. 08604
P.O. Box 27 Bristol , Pa. 19007
839 17th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Additional information about the Economic Development Operations
and its many services can be obtained by contacting : Mr. Bernie R.
Diamond, Director, Program Development, Economic Development
Operations, Thiokol Chemical Corporation , Post Office Box 1619,
Ogden, Utah 84402, Phone : 801 / 399-1191
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FORM 4·H·11
�Department of Planning
Collier Gladin
July 25, 1969
TO: _ _ _D_a_n_S_w_e_a_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIME: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
For your information
Please make necessary reply
Advise status of the attached
Attached for your information 1s the position paper
on the Residential Manpo-.yer Center in Uptown
Atlanta prepared for Buck Benner of OEO.
FORM 30-13
6/2 4 /69
Mayor's Office, City Hall
Mr. Barry J.Argento
Chief, Program Deve lopment Division
Job Corps - OEO
1200 - 19th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C .
The City of Atlanta welcomes the establishment of Inner-City
Resid e n t ial Manpower Center here. It will serve a critical
need for skills training of women fr _o m among the disadvantage d.
Our cooperation with OEO, Labor and other agencies is pledgedo
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Send the above message, subject lo lhe terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to
1269-(R 4-55)
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m~ ,. .ath:i.lr-ratt". Mln.!mumcl!:ltb.,;fOrZ~wo..'\!sappllel.
11.,r n,
< t a.11J rrom J.I~ t eC'i.
6 / 24 / 6 9
Mayor's Offie e, City Hall
Mr. Barry J . Argento
Chief, Program Development Division
Job Corps - OEO
1200 - 19th Street, N. W .
Washington, D. C.
The City of Atlanta w
. le ~es the establishment of Inner-City
Residential Manpowe
ereo It will serve a critical need for
skills training of wome from among the disadvantaged. Our
cooperation with OEO and other agencies· is pledged.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Sencl the above message, subject lo the terms on bock hereof, which ore hereby ogreecl lo
1269-(R 4-55)
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TO : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FROM: Da n E . Sweat , Jr.
For y our information
Please r e fe r to the a ttac h e d c orresponde nce and ma k e the
n e c essary re ply .
Adv i se me the sta tu s of th e a ~ta ch e d.
F ORM 2 5 - 4 -S
W1v1 .
IY) , ;Cf
J-& ?- - 3 t::2- -
sr? ~
- ---
FROM: Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
For your information
Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the
necessary reply.
Advise me the status of the attached.
FORM 25 - 4- 5
Name,_ ___L_!..~..../L.....!...
Telephone N o._...,___ __,__"----'""-=~---""--.. . . :. .=--.:..._--+--____e,
Wants you to call
Left the following message:
FORM 23 • 5
Returned your call
TO : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FROM : Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
For your informa tion
Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the
necessary reply.
Advise me the status of the a ttac hed .
' e,v,.,...,:
-- -----
Department of Planning
FROM: _ _Bill
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE: August 22, 1967
TO: _ _ _=-D-=a=n---=:S-"-w-"'e-=a.c:ct__________ TIME: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
For your information
Please make necessary reply
Advise status of the attached
This is to remind you to contact Robert Dobbs with regard
to setting up a meeting between Tom Bane and Peter Labrie
of this department and the civic group in the northwest
FORM 30-13
PHONE 522-4463
Faye Yarbrough
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Returned your call
Left the following message:
Is here to see you
Came by to see you
J~I/~;./.,_______ Time _ _~/ -...,'3........o~ _ a . m. / p. m.
Date: _ _
By------~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FORM 25•5
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_P/ 2 LL Y011 LLZ2 LLZ2
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Civ Hall
Roan 1204,
August ll, 1967
orandum Toi M or Allen
Jon s
ction of th Zoning
.LI.l..l.ttee yester
wu.. .
in turning down ths re~oning
Sl. acre tract off Brovnt<mn Rd. (Zoning Petition Z-67-124-D)
and R- 5 to A•l for 'lurnkey dev-elo
very di appoiJlting to those of us
of a
orld.ng .in promotion of housing for low-in.com fomil.ie • ~or s erio'O..S howe'VI
1 tb
scour emcnt. to o ere, sponsors and de lop
of other tr cts undor
consider tion f or inclu ion in the l ow-inc:
tor both Turnkey
and 22.l d (3) d
I rec .ond thtlt yc>u k the Board of Ald~.. ._-....u.. to de.for action on thi
peti.tion, rather than to turn it own, hen it c e before th
· t 21.
This l
colm D. J
HDJ/ sll
of Inepection
1'1AT_, ·~g
�August 9 1 1967
Memorandum To:
Members, Executive Group, Housing Resources Committee
Report on Vacant Land in Atlanta
The attached report (Encl. 1) has been provided by the Planning Department
upon request of HRC (July 6 Executive Group Meeting) for total acerage zoned
Apartments, Commercial, Industrial and Residential.
(Tabulation of vacant acerages
by Land Lot and District which accompanied the report has not been reproduced.)
Totals for each of the above zoning categories have been tabulated in
pencil on first page of the report to facilitate overall comparison ..
The report shows the amount of vacant Industrial land to be approximately
3 times the vacant land zoned for multi-family and 6 tfmes the vacant land zoned ·
This appears to be excessive in view of current immediate needs of
the City, particularly for low income multi-family development.
The report also indicates that vacant land zoned Rl-4 is approximately
3 times that zoned R5-9, The latter category only is applic~ble to low income
families, which apparently constitute the majority of families in Atlanta.
For detailed comparison between the HRC July
5 Analysis
of vacant land
zoned for apartments (tabulated from Zoning Map previously provided by the
Planning lepartment) and the Appendix which accompanied the attached .Planning
Department report, see Encle 2·, attached.,
Encls t
Memorandum from Planning Department dated July 21
Comparative Tabulations
' ..
ATI..A.NTA. OA. a03oa
Ttl. 522·«63 Ar11 Co<le 404
COLLIER 8. GL('DIN, Direccer
July 21, 1967
Housing Resources Committee
Planning · and Development Committee
Planning Department
Preliminary Report - Amount of Vacant Land by Zoning District
In reply to the request by the secretary of the Housing Resources
Com.~ittee for figures showing the total vacant acreage in the City
of Atlanta, the following data is supplied. These figures are based
on computer analysis of the Atlanta CIP Real Property Data Bank,
for use in the land use planning project, and reflect conditions as
of January 19616:
Zo::ng .: t ··::.:•)cant:
... · .. . '
.., ·..·:. ,
': ..
, : :.-' ~.
. ., ' .
· R5
· 632.5
3, 172.0
97i'/, / .
65. 7
17,841.6 .
62.J, 8
9. 76 / ( .7 . ·.·'
9] 328't 'j
5 , 907.1
17.9 '
3~t~ 7. 3
2,308. 2
18 , 048.1 ,
2 7. 3
3,340 .9
· 1,175.~ 138'1'118
These figures reflect all parcels of land in the City as recorded
the Joint Board of Tax As~essors. · However, many vacant parcels
~3 2.,/
.o} JOftJ.O
,I •
! .
214,2 _
l, 117
/0'/2, 2. .
C3 ·
Total Acreage*
"" · -·
..._ _ _ _. . . . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . : ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ __
July 21, 1967
Page 2
are small tracts of less than 1 acre located in otherwise developed
areas. Therefore, a series of maps at 400 scale ~as prepared showing
vacant land and zoning fot use in the City'~ land use planning project.
A ·copy of the data processing listing of · parcel code numbers of vacant
parcels, zoning and acreage data was delivered to Steve Schwartz of
,Cecil Alexander's office during the latter part of April; and, also
during the latter part of April, Mr. Schwartz was given access to the
400 scale maps in the Planning Department showing these vacant parcels.
These maps were copied and delivered to Mr. Alexander's office prior
to May 1.
On June 28 at a meeting of the Planning and Development Coramittee,
a map of vacant and "under-developed" land was shown in connection
with the land use plan progress report. After this meeting, Malcolra
Jones requested that a copy of this map showing zoning of vacant areas .
be provided to the Housing Resources Committee. This map was prepared
by the Planning Department and delivered to Col. Jones.
On July 6 this map and a preliminary analysis of areas zoned A-1 and
vacant was presented to the Housing Resources Committee. The analysis
showed a total ·o f 482 acres "zoned for apartments_". The apparent
discrepancy between this figure and the 802 acres shown in the data
processing analysis can be explained by the fact that the maps used
in both co~putations, although similar, were not really comparable.
The map used in the Housing Resources Committee analysis was at a
scale of 2,000 feet to the inch and the maps used in the data proce ssi ng an9ly§i§ were at a scale of 400 feet t o t he i nch. Due to the
small maps at a s cale of 2 ,000 £eet t o t he inch, accur at e meas urement
i s di ffi cul t, a nd , additiona lly , onl y large parcel s can be s hown.
At 400 scale , more accurate representation a nd measurement a re poss ible.
The r efore, upon rec e ipt by t he Planning Depa r t me nt of the com.~ ittee
request f or addi tiona l data, furthe r detail ed map s a t 400 s ca l e were
prepared showing only significa nt vacant tracts (4 a c res and la~ge~),
s o that a mo re detai l ed listing of vacant l and could be made. A
preliminary analysis has been made by the Planning Department of each
significant tract, a nd the result of this analysis '-is presented in
Appendix A to t his memorandum.
The maps used in the analysis are available in the Planning Departcent
for detailed examination by interested parties.
The Planning Department agrees that the housing problem in Atlanta
is one of the major problems facing the City at this time, and recommends
"""Tt':-- •ir--: - - ~~
r• ·~. - ~ ---=-:=-~ --
�r . -,
... ,· " ,....
·july 21, 1967
Pagc 3
t!1.1t the joint meeting of ti1c l'lann.ing and Development · C0,.--.:.-.ittee
nci the Housing Resources Coii",.mittee which has been rcquc
stcd be held
3S soon as possible.
At this meeting and at other su~sequcnt ~c ctin:;s, the City's housing policy should be examined. For e;{.:J.i,,?12,
a siznificant policy decision must be made on whether the low rcnc
housing to be constructed should be of the garden apart~ent --~cdiu~
dcnsity--outlying location type or whether high rise-high densitycen tra l area housing should oe considered. Another proble~ is the
policy of relocation in urban renewa l and other treatr.,ent activiti.es.
Should the displaced families and individuals be relocated in the
general area of the project or should attempts be made to relocate
then .in outlying areas? These are only a few items on which policy
decisions arc necessary in order to insure that the low-cost housing
program meets the goals set for it at each of the critical tiQe
phases over the next several years.
-· •· 1
�August 9, 1967
Comparison. of c·Jul:}f 5 Analysis by Im.C from Zoning Map and
Appenfu to July 21 Memo. .from Planning Department
Zoning Map was revised April 31, 1967.
Appendix was compiled as of January 1966.
As can be seen, discrepencies exist in both land lots and acreages
between the Zoning Map Analysis and the Appendix.
This may be accounted for
by zoning changes and new: developments which have taken place since the
compilation shown in the Appendix.
However, this reduces the dependency which
can be placed now on the compilation of figures shown in the Appendix.
See Summary at end of the attached Comparative Tabulations for acreages
already connnitted; turned down or rejected; and planned for other uses.
V~ant areas zoned A-L (understood to be generally for a specifically
planned development)
and A-2 (not generally accepted locally as suitable for
low~cost housing, except for the Elderly) have not been generally included
in this comparison.
The vacant land in both categories is relatively small
In any event, from the attached comparison, it is •quite obvious that the
land currently zoned A-1 is both inadequate in quantity and unequitabl.y
distributed throughout the City to meet requirements of the' low-income housing
program ..
Comparative Tabulations
July 'J:.7, 1967
A-1 Zoning (Approx. Acre$)
Comparative Tabulations
17th Di.strict--Fulton County
5 Analysis
Appendix to
· 251
July 21 Memo
Unable to get approval (by FHA)
20 AL
13 Al
Rejected (by HA)
Rejected (by FHA)
Unable to get approval (by FHA)
Rejected {by HUD)
2 \ .
Other Use (No Bridge)
15th,District DeKalb County
Rejected (by HA)
14th District Formerly Fayett
Aj?PendiJc A
Al. & R3
14th District Fulion County
Appendix A
Rejected (by FHA)
31 AL & Al
8 A2.
40 A2 & Ml
Rejected (by HUD)
other Use (Morehouse College)
other Use (Vocational School)
Grand total
Turned down or
Other Use
-~. .
'~2()4 · acres
486 acres
i!Experience to date indicates that not more than 1/3 of suitably zoned vacant
land will actually receive final approval for inclusion in the low-income
housing program.
�HOUsnm RF~ )U C s C . I TTEE
1204, City Ball
cembol"' 26,, 1967
Mr. I
has UWY,M:>6d
Brawnto,m Ro
con t.ruction o£
~?~ ====~- --~~- - -404/351-4325
Mro Hami l ton Doug las 0 Jro , . Attorney
Na ll 0 Miller 0 Cadenhea d & Denn i s
24 J 4 Nati on al Ban k of Georgia Bld g o
Atlan t a 0 Geor g ia
Re :
Brown town Re - z onin g
De a r Earn ,
Unde r separate cover t he Plan nin g De partme nt i s send ing y ou
a c opy of the Nort hwest Brown t own Area Nei g hbor ho od Study Re p or t , and also a t wo pa g e check l ist of which City Depar t ment
is to b e con tact e d re gard i n g the recommenda t i ons in t h e r e porto
I t alked wi th Dan Swea t t h i s mor n i n g 0 and h is b e s t jud g eme n t
is tha t we ha ve a 50- 50 cha n c e of success f u l re -z on i n g. S i nce
y ou will nee d to know the s tatu s a n d pro jec ti on s f or sewer,
schools, and recreati on; he suggests t h a t y ou tak e the prime
responsibility in ge t tin g .u p-t o - d ate -0n wha t commitments can
firmly be made and wha t commitments will ha v e to come in the
next b ond issue. Hopefu l l y t he l att e r will be a reality b y
the time the Brown town pr oje c t is c omp l e te d t wo years from
n ow.
We are in the pr o cess of s etting up a 9 :3 0 A . Mo meeting on
Wednesday, Novemb er 22nd with Dr. Womack and Mr o Satterfield
so that we can get bo t h of t h em t o agree on the school site
and on the Land Use Plan o I will le t you know wh en eveTyone
has committed themselves t o the 2 2nd meeting date , and would
like to suggest t hat you make arrangements to attendo
When you have had an opp ortunity to review the Browntown Study,
I would appreciate your comments.
Sincerely 0
, .,_J I {
• •' r
William Ho Woodward
Mro Matt Bystry
Mr o Bob Couslns
�i . ' ..
Office of General Manager
Atlanta, Georgia
October 30, 1967
Mr. Collier B. Gladin, Director
Department of Planning
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Neighborhood Study for Northwest - Browntown Area
Dear Collier:
My staff and I have read with interest the preliminary study of
community problems in the Northwest-Browntown Area of Atlanta.
Havinq been asked to comment on the contents of this report, our
observations regarding the problems, needs, and recommendations
included in the report are set forth in this lette r.
To beqin with, we would like to comment on the several references
to Gun Club Park. Early in the report it is stated that Perry
Home s has virtually no City recreati onal facilities and programs
and v e ry limited access to those in other areas (Page 5). While
the large Gun Club Park will serve a s a community park for the
entirn study area, it was acq uire d primar ily to serve the r esidents
of Pe1:ry Ho mes and i s located i mme d iately adj acent t o the Perry
Homes Pr oject. Further, t he report make s several references t o
Gun CJ. uh Park o e ing a n · inao.equ a t e and poorly d e v eloped park (l?a9es
§ , 6 ,10 & 11). T'h,~ report st:a 't;es t h at what h a s been bui;l..t: shews
little a ppreci a tion for the p refer e nces o f the loca l re side nt s,
t h a t plans s h ould b e d rawn up in s uch a ma nne r that the l ocal
resident s can hav e a v o ice in sel e c ti n g the t y p es of f a cilities
to be erect ed in the park (Pages 6 & 12) . Befo re c o nstruction
began on any of the development of this par k , a master plan, which
incl uded nearly every facility y ou would fi nd in a community p ark
as wel l as a recreat i on building and s wimming pool , was completed.
The rr.c1ster plan for Gu n Club was d i scu ssed o n two occasio ns with
Perry Homes citizens and o ther area residents.
(This is the procedure! followed prio r to development of any new park. ) The Perry
Homes citizens asked for and endorse d tennis courts. The park will
..,, no)
•I• V
x 1 no
1 • 11,• y
�... ,·,
Mr. Gladin
October 30, 1967
include many facilities such as basketball-multi-use courts , (included
in the present phase of construction now under way) which have not
yet been built. For financial reasons, we must develop all new
parks in stages over a period of years.
In most cases, the first
phase of development includes few facilities above ground that can
be seen. Most of the money goes into preparation of the site, utilities,
sewers, and underground storm drainage during the first phase of
construction. The first phase of constrµction of Gun Club began on
April 11, 1966, and was concluded in February 1967. This phase cost
$83,4!56.00 and included the following items:
Clearing and grubbing
Rough grading - West- area
Utilities - water - sewers - lighting
Drive and parking
Two tennis courts
Fencing and retaining walls
Storage buildings
Concrete benches
Landscaping - trees and shrubs
Finished grading and grassing.
On Auqust 4, 1967, construction began on phase two of development,
estimated to cost $52,206.00, which includes the following items:
In the South portion of the park
1. The remaining portion of the parking lot
2. The addition of landscaping
3. The multi-use court area
4. The play hill and related play area
5. The erection of playground equipment and structures
In the North portion of the park
1. The day ~amp ing areaB and related parking
2. The grading and establishment of an athletic field
with two baseball diamonds and a football field
3. Entrance drive and parking
Phase two development, mile scheduled for completion in December,
1967, is running behind schedule due to technical problems but
should be completed in early 1968 .
This department recently received a windfall of $350,000 . 00 from
the S1:ate to purchase park land and for capital improvements in
exist:Lng parks. On July 26, 1967, the Aldermanic Parks Committee
appro,red the allocation of $75,000.00 (the largest single allocation '
to any one park) for further development of Gun Club Park. Our
original plans were to attempt to secure matching funds from the
Federc1l Government and, if successful, build a major s ize swimming
poo l c1nd bathhouse estimated to cost $ 150 , 000 . 00 .
In the meantime,
howE~v·or, a study group has been organized to prepare a park and
recr ec1tion survey and plan for the entire city with projected needs
(Co nt'd)
( xi- Ao
\'"' (.ll•Y ;
( xi-Qo 1
' ( ' l)" V
�Mr. Gladin
- 3'. -
October 30, 1967
according to population trends, etc. through 1985. This comprehensive study is a joint effort of the Community Council, E.O.A.,
the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Planning Department.
Staff personnel £rem each of these agencies are devoting considerable
time to this project, which should be completed in late December,
1967. We have asked this group to study the Northwest area first and
attempt to determine from the area residents their preference
regarding the swimming pool or a community building. It should be
emphasized that we only have $75,000.00 allocated and our regular
community buildings, which do not include a gym and would not be
adequate for the population, have been costing approximately
$85,000.00. Feder~l assi st ance .i s not ava i lable for thG construction
of a recreation building as such. In order to qualify for Federal
assistance, a building would have to be a complete neighborhood
facil:Lty offering various services other than recreation. Further,
it should be pointed out that the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation is
the only Federal agency that approves grants for swimming pools;
and, B.O.R. funds allocated to the State of Georgia being rather
limite d, we have no assurance of Federal a~iisistance in the construction of a pool. We welcome and solicit comments from citizens•
group:3 in the Northwest - Browntown area concerning their preferences.
In reqard to Center Hill Park, only $20,000.00 has been allocated;
and, ,:1gain, we shall attempt to secure matching Federal funds.
Center Hill Park, being an older park, has no design plan. We intend
to develop a master plan for this park, including the improvements
you have mentioned in the report.
There are references throughout the study of the lack of recreational
services in the public housing projects, to the insufficient
distr:lbution of recreation leadership, and to insufficient recreation
leadei~ship due to poor development of recreat i on facilities in
general (Pages 5,6,10,11 & 12). This Department has realized for
many y ears the need for recreation leadership in public housing
projects and we have never been able to secure funds to pay salaries
of recreation leaders in these projects. However, during the summers
of 1966 and 1967 we were able to provide recrea t ion l ea d ershi p through
our contract with E.O.A . in Perry Homes, Bowen Homes, and Gun Club
P ark. We have provided recre ation leadershi p at Scott School for
appr o ximately th irty years. On a number of occasions, we have
ch ecko d out other schools in the area only to find that none are
des i gned for other agency use .
Several years ago we attempted to p r ovide r ecreation leadership at Whitaker School only to be asked t o
leav e when the p r incipal at Whitaker School objected to our staff
bei n g t h ere a nd even secur ed petitions f r om area residents demand i ng
we wi1:hd r a w our progr am .
In rega r d to poor facilities fo r r ecr eat ion
pro grams , a tremendous i n c r ea s e i n appr opriations to park s and r e crea tio n \Tould .be n eces s a ry be f o r e we c o u l d begin buildi n g a n d sta ffing
needed r e cre a tion c e nte r s . The c o s t o f s ta ff ing o n e r e creatio n center
properly would be a minimum o f $17,29 0 . 00 annua lly.
Thi B :;tudy refer s numero us times t o l a ck of communication b e tween
c itiziins in the Northwest- Browntown area and the Parks Department .
While communications h a v e been l es s than p e rfect, we have on .many
c,c cas ..ons discusse d Gun Club Park, play l ot s , r e cre ation leader ship ,
e t c,, Hi th civic l e ade r s , including one or more listed in the
': .
Mr. Gladin
,·. • '
October 30, 1967
Special Planning Committee, and with Mr. Arthur Smith, Housing Manager
of Perry Homes. I believe I am correct in stating that no community
in Atlanta has had more consultation regarding parks and recreation.
Any suggestions for improving communications would be greatly
We sincerely appreciate the efforts that have gone into the NorthwestBrowntown area study and suggest that copies be sent to each member of
the Parks Committee as well as the Park and Recreation Study Group.
Thanking you for the opportunity to comment on this report, I am
neral Manager of
Parks and Recreation
r- 1J t •Y
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Another aspect of this situation is that various city and county service
agencies very rarely plan projects 5-10 years ahead.
Of course, it would be
• I
ideal if they were involved in long-range planning so that they could anticipate problems rather than respond to them as they occur.
But due primarily to
limited funds, the agencies are more or less compelled to respond pragmatically
to community problems.
The value of this report then is that it tends to make up for the lack of
long-range planning for various city services.
Through its assessment of
community needs and its recommendations, it can be of invaluable assistance to
public officials by pointing out what needs to be done to meet existing problems and foreseeing future needs in the Browntown Area.
In order to eliminate existing deficiencies and bring about orderly
growth in the N. W. Browntown Area, it is recommended:
That a vertical addition to Archer High which would increase its
capacity to 2000 students be placed on a bond issue by Spring, 1968.
That an elementary school site be included for any new housing project_s
approaching 300 units or more in size.
That planning be started now for the construction of a new high school
in the area as population increase d~mands it.
( 4)
That plans be started now for the construction of a junior h i gh school
on the already acqu i red site located west of James Jackson Parkway as
popu lat ion incr e a s e demands it.
Parks and Re cre at ion
That a ,. r equest f or a neighbo rhood park fo r Linco ln Homes be p l a ced on
the next bond i ssue.
(2) \That the City find a means of paying all of the .personne l costs needed
t o maint ain recreational services in Perry Romes.
That plans be started for securing funds to build a community club house
and fully equip Gun Club Park as a community park.
That plans be started for the development of a community park to the
west of J _ames Jackson Parkway as population increase demands it.
That plans be started for the development of at least one more neighborhood park in addition to the two already proposed for the area.
That the Parks Department be prepared to expand and improve upon existing
parks and recreational facilities as population increase demands it.
That· the Sandy Creek Improvements Project be :i,nitiated as soon as
possible in order to bring about the major solution to most of the sewage
and flooding problems in the area.
That until the Sandy Creek Improvements Project is initiated whatever
temporary solutions are feasible be implemented to alleviate sewage
conditions before large new housing projects are constructed.
That a plan of action be developed to identify and aid the owners
those homes which are too poorly situated near Proctor Creek for anything
economically feasible to be done about their sewage and flooding problems.
Other Facilities
That a public transportation study be made to specify problems faced by
residents in terms of access to library, health, and employment facilities
and to recommend feasible alternatives for resolving the situation.
That the City make a conce ntrated effort to upgrade street and tr·a ff ic
facilities in the area, including the ere ction of traf f ic facilities at
needed inte rsections, the construction of street lights in unlighted
residential areas, and the general maintenance of clean and well paved .streets.
That efforts b e made to attract to nearby industrial area s firms that ·
would genera t e employme nt opportunities fo r local residents.
That t he Cit y requ i r e that deve lope rs of any publ ic housing p r oj ect s i n
in the area hire local residents first in recruiting workers •
That l ocal community groups es t abl ish t he nec essary organizational
machinery to direct t heir complaints and requests to the appropriate
public agencies and to fo llow through and s_ee that their complaints and
requests are acted upon.
That the public service agencies act upon complaints and requests from
local community groups and give the groups a ~lear explanation if they
are unable to meet a requested service.
That every effort be made to develop a healthier mixture of low and
middle income housing types throughout the City so that public housing d
does not become further overconcentrated in the Northwest Browntown.
.. ,·
Tom Shuttleworth
Peter Labrie and Tom Bane
Rezoning of Northwest Bankhead site for 540
units of public housing
We have examined various factors and issues concerning the rezon~~i
of the Northwest Bankhead site for 540 units of 'turnkey' public housi~ 6
and have · come up with Che following findings and recom.nendations.
Community Facilities and Services Needed
According co our information on the NW area construction of the 540
units at the Bankhead site would probably generate the following needs in
community facilities and services:
One (1) elementary school
One (1) neighborhood park
Public tran$portation improvements provi9ing efficient access
to a library, connnunity park and shopping centers
Book mobile to provide library service within the area
An increase in urgency to resolve high school problems of t he
Construction of the public housing project would brin~
additional high school students into the area.
This would
probably increase the overcrowding at Archer or Fulton High
Schools, but still not justify the construction of a new hi£h
school, thereby further aggravating a deteriorating high scho~l
�- .. . ' -. .
·-- ' ..
Prob l ems in Provision of Needed Facilities .1. nd Se rvic es
One can also expect certain problems to be encountered in Qecting
the needs listed above.
These problems would probably include:
Competition between the Il,:ml~l~ead an_d Browntown public housing
sites for elementary school funds.
as the following:
next bond issue?
both projects?
This brings up such que s t ions
Is it too late to place the schools on t he
Would there be enough funds for schools for
If not, which project would come first?
Reinforcement of already prevailing attitude among N'~ residents
that their area is becoming a 'dumping ground' for public
More over, rezoning of the Bankhead site would
undoubtedly make residents less prone to accept rezoning of
the Browntown site.
Considerable difficulty in making necessary public transportatio.1
From the residents' point of view, efficieat
bus service would be a dire need, but from the point of view
of the bus line, which is privately owned, there would not be
enough people in the project to make the improvements profita~le.
Ad dition al Considerations
In addition to the above problems there are some other highly si &nif-
icant consideration which must be taken into account.
Construction of the Bankhead project would in fact contribut e
to the current trend of an overconcentration of public hous ing
in the NW area.
This in turn would aggravate the develo? in.;
social problems in the area, especially the feelings among the
residents of social isolation and hostility toward city hall about
�.... . . ....
l'agc 3
being 'dumped ' into public housing pro j ects . in t he out!.ki rts
of the city.
· l'
In fa~t, it may very well be that the benefits of
erecting additional public housing projects in the N.,,/ will be
outstripped by the costs of increased soc~al problems.
D ,\
f~ ~f
There is a lack of information on development plans for t he
area surrounding the Bankhead site.
Such factors as compa ta-
J ' bility of nearby ind us tries, potentiality of an employment base ,
' . vi,_~,
possibility of a mixture in types of housing, etc. should be
\~u..f' ~}' ,v. . . carefully examined before ~ decision is - made on rezoning t he
~.,. y·
In light of the above findings it i~ our recorranendation that the
Bankhead site not be considered for rezonin~ for publi~ housing until t he
f ol~?wing conditions are met:
The stu dy on public housing is released which shows that e very
effort is being made to distribute public housing throughout
the city.
Preliminary provisions are made for meeting community faciliti.:~s
and service needs:
schools, parks, public transportation s e=vice,
vrl" .
More information exists on the potential and probable devclo? -
($ .
ment of areas surrounding t he site.
' '<i,,
r/1ti1 ·
We wil~ be glad to discuss the matter with you at your earliest
v><j,~;-. -
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Atlanta 3, Georgia
September 29, 1967
c c,r ,.~ TRL.CTI C ' ,
Ct, ief o f Con s tructi on
ASST . CHI E F OF C O NS.TH ' C 1 1.:., · .
Mr. Ross Arnold
At.torney at Law
904 Stand ard Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgi a 30303
Dear Mr. Arnold:
With reference to your letter of Se ptember 26, i.967, the follor.. ing corr.men t s are
offered relati ve to the pr opos ed devel b pme nt of appr oximatel y 65 acre s of l3nd
on the no_rth and south side of Ba nkhead Highway, N.W. at Maynard Drive . l-{r .
Fr a ncis B. Shee t z, Ar chite c t , h a s pr eviou s ly ·a dv i s e d this of f ice of a prop osed
deve lopment in this a r ea and his pl ans for such deve lopment are pre s en tly und er
review from the standpoint of sewer availability. Mr. Sheetz advised us al s o
that a ny development i n this ar ea was a t least 12 to 18 months i n th e fu t ur e
a nd pre s ented no immediate probl em fr om the standpoint of requiring sani ta r •
s ewer s . Thi s offi ce has advised Mr . She e tz i n t he pas t t hat t he pr opos ed
dev elopment i n t h is area would be serv ed wi t h s anit ar y s ewers a t an appropri a t e
time c o pe r mi t deve lopment by s ome means to be deve lope d in cons ultation wi th
t h e devel oper .
At this time, we antic ipate that a sma l l package e j e c t or s ta t ion loc ~ted somc\.J e·· J
near the westerly boundary of th e proposed development will be required to l if t
sanitary s ewer flows t o an existing outfa ll sewe r in Carroll Road. I t is a nticipate d furth er tha t thi s package eje c t or s ta t i on cou l d be e limina t ed wi t hin t h P
next 2 ye ar s by t h e ins t a l lation of a ma jor - s a nitary t r unk s ewer runni ng par3l l e 1
wi th the Chattahoo chee Rive r at a point ne ar this dev e l opment and flow i ng to t h e
Sa ndy Creek Wa t e r Pol l ution Contr ol Pl ant . A firm s chedu l e with r egard to th e
l atter line is impossible t o s e t at t h i s t ime.
The Publ ic Wor ks Comm ittee o f t h e At l anta Board o f Al dermen i s committ ed t o pr ,· i c •'
sanitary s ewer se rvi ce to deve lopmAnt where such deve lopme n t is consid er "d h t ~
desirable and reasona bl e . Th is offi ce con side rs you r devel opmen t at this lrntfrn
as both d esirable ~nd rea s onable a nd will as neces s ary, wor k wi th the dev r l 0~nr
in providinr, f or san i t :iry sewer far.il it i es. Such fa ci.li ties, particul:~rl : ·hrr e
a sewage lift sta t i on i s re quired, mi gh t wel l add to th e proposed cost of d ~v l rment and this factor s hould be consid e red o t t hi s t i me . Thi s office woul d e xp ~ t
the developer to .bear t he cosf of t he ins t a l lation of a l ift station if such n
station were necessarY, and the ass ociated force main, toge t h er with nll s~wer s 0n
the deve lope rs site, as needed for t he deve lopmen t.
Page 2.
September 29, 1967
More detail with r egard to cost and construction problqms in ·this r egar d wi l l be
available shortly, upon the completion of surveys being conducted by thi s o ff ic e .
I trust that this will adequately fulfill t h e ne eds cited in your letter of
September ' 26, and permit you to proceed in this regard.
· Yours very truly~
Water Pollution Control Director
cc: Mr. Tommy Shuttleworth
Planning Department
~• I •
. . .. . •
224 CENTRAL AVE .. 6 .W. '
September 29, 1967
Hr. Ross Arnold
Arnold & Cate
904 Standard Federal Savings Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Re: Banl<l1ead Housing Development-Land Lot 267
Dear Mr. Arnold:
At your request, this is to confirm in writing that the Department of
School Plant Planning and Construction of the Atlanta Public Schools has
been working with you in an attempt to plan for necessary additional school
facilities which will be generated by your proposed housing development on
Bankhead Avenue, N~ W., between Carroll Drive and the Chattahoochee River .
The nearest elementary school is the Mayson School. It is a small
schoo:J., and to make matters worse s two thirds of the building was burned
last spring. Construction is now under way to rebuild the school , and it
· is expected to be completed by February. Its size, however, is such that
no additional students should be assigned to the school. This means that
a new school will be required because of your housing project.
We discussed possible sites adjacent to your proposed development.
We have examined nearby property presently zoned R-4 and feel quite sure
that an adequate school sit e can be purchased ·in that area. The gas main
which runs through som~ of this propertyis of some concern to us. I
believe you have plats sho,ving the exact location of this gas main. I f
you have such information, this department would greatly appreciate a
copy of such a plat.
The high school situation is also overcrowded in this area . The
nearest school t o your propo sed development is Harper High School. This
summer, however, the Douglass High School will open, and this facility
should completely relieve Harp er High School for ne..x:t year. It is
probable, however, that an addition will have to be scheduled for Harper
High School.
This department wishes to eA'J?ress its appreciation for your cooper.1tive spirit and your consideration of school needs of. people .
Sincerely yours,
'U ~"
{ >-<~
{ , '-..) .
1J.1..,-.-•\..-<\.. <:.,,l_
Darwin W. \voma ck
Assistant SupCl.' .i.n t.~ud~~n t
D\v'W: pu
!vl r.
Cecil Thornton
30J 0 .3
• • r
' It ~
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.. ! r: ; .· : .- .
102 City Hall
JACKSON 5-8341
Atlan t a, Georgia 3 03 03
September 29, 1967
!JEL L R .
c.r~ ",j ,'.> _
OFF l : C:: ' /J.-•,,-..-=,·-
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Mr. Ross Arnol d
Arnold & Cate
904 S-tandard Federal Savings Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ross:
Thank you f or your lette r relative to the availability of water
for a 45_ acre tract of land on Banlchead Highway between the
drive-in theatre and the Chattahoochee River.
We have a 8-inch main in Bankhead Hi ghway, a 12-inch in Carroll
Road, and an 8-inch in Maynard Road.
Atlant a ' s Water Depart~ent is a modern, muqicipally owned
utility valued at $175 , 00 0,000. We have a continuous program of
upda;ing and strengthening t he system to .provide the most reliable
water service possible to all our ci tizen-customers. However,
fa ctors beyond our control such as water m&in breaks, elect ri cal
po~ir fa ilures, et c. can cause a reduction in pressure and volume
or complete suspension of service during tne period of repairs .
We cannot assure any customer of uninterr4pted service during
these e~ergencies.
If a building req ui res a guaranteed minimulTI wat er pressure and
volume, it is the responsibility o f the OWJler to provide adequate
storage and booster pumps.
It will be a pleasure to work with you in providing water service
and fire protection for this proj ect.
Paul Weir
_ __
�----- ---· ----~--
. , ..... .
. '
Office of General Manager.
Atlanta, ·Georgia
October 2, 1967
Mr. Arnold Cate
Arnold ·and Cate ·
Attorneys· at Law
904 Standard Federal Savings Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Cate:
As per your recent request, I am listing all parks and their
development status within a five mile radius of the property
listed in rezoning application No. Z-67-131-E.
.. . :
The parks under development are as follows: Collier Drive, .
.. ,.Wilson Mill Road, Gun Club ( Community Park) , Center Hill -- · ..
, :-:, .. : -.-.and Chattahoochee._.. The older parks already developed are
English and Adamsville Recreation Center. The two undevelo ped
park sites are Peyton .Road and Sandy Creek, a total of . nine
" } ,:....... ".~·/ ,... ~-, ;-- ,_-:~ '·~·- •
~:~.• ~
>'( ...:'~·
The parks we hope to have well developed by the end of 1969
are Collier Drive, Wilson Mill and Gun Club. ·
I hope the ·above information will prove of use to you.
A. P. Brindley
Parks Engineer
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Room 1204, City Hall
August .14., 1967 .
Y.ir . Jim Crawford, Chairman
Atlanta-fulton County J oint Planning Board
Adair Realty & Loan Co .
56 Peachtr0a St. N. W.
Atlanta, Geor gia
Dear Mr. Crawfordi
Reference is made to Zoning p tition #Z-67-lJl~E on the Agenda of the
Atlanta- Fulton County J oint Planning Board for conslderation August 16, 1967.
On August 9 the Executive Group of the Hou.sing ·Resources Committee
considered the proposed re-zoning of this 45 acre tract from M-1 & M-2 t o A-1
for ~onstruction of low-income housing under the Turnkey program for Public
Housing., as part of the City 1_s ac celerated low-income housing program .
The Executive Group of this Committee feels that this prDposcd housing
project ii badly needed in meeting an important portion of the City's critical
houaing needs, unamiously endorsed this proposaJ. and adopted a Resolution
that your Board be requested to recommend favorable a cti on nn t he proposed
r e-zoning of this site for Public Housing under the Turnkey Program.
Reference ia also made to Zoning petition //Z-67-138-E on your agenda for
consideration at your August 16 meeting .
The Executive Group of the Housing Resourceo Committee on August 9 also
considered the proposal for re-zoninz of approximately 69 acres of a larger
tract from R-3 to A-1 for the purpose of construction of approximately 360
dwelling units under · the 221 d (3) co-op program. ·
The Executive Group of this Committee feels that this proposed housing
project is des.Lrable in meeting a special seement of the overall housing requirement
for low and medium income .families in Atlanta and adopted a Resolution that
your Board be requested to also recommend favorable a.ctio~ on the proposed
re-zoning of this site for the purpose stated.
· Cecil A. Alexander~ Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
ec~-,; .J..J M A
- ----
- -
J..J<..c;i '. H~ '--:_ &/_'7._r-t»-<~
~~ t ~ , 12.-.
Room 1204~ City Hall
SeptGmber 1,;~ 1967
Jim Crawford,. Chn.irrnan
Atlant~-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
Adair Realty & Loan Co.
56 Peachtree Sto • Wo
Atlanta, Georaia. 30303
Dear Mr. Crawford:
. Enclosed are copies of l etter to you d.:lted Aueust
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairma."1,
1967, f'rom
O-.lsing Resot,z-ces Committee., advisini
of endorsement by tha Housing o~ources Comtllttco of re-1,oning petitions
Z-67-lJl...E and #Z-67-.138-E proposed for 101-.-inc ome housin~ development
and requesting favorable recom.~endations by th~ Plenning Board.
a Alexnnder has as1-ed me to r equest ~ou to please hav0 transmitted,
with the report of the recommendations of the Planning Board, to the
ZQ.nine Cam.":'.!ittce o.f the Board of Aldermen, co;ios of the above indicated
l.otter shooing the posit ion o.f the Housing Resources Committee i:-rl.th r espect
to the~o t10 petitions .
Sincerel y,
Halcolm D. Jones
Super•Jisor of Inspection Services
Mill/ sp
2 copies of HRC l etter dated August
Y~. Tamrrr:, Shuttloworth
.14, 1967.
�. , . ..
October 23, i967
T h e ~ ,· HRC Conmittee, aild the Land Acquisitio~ Panel ~t the Housing
Resources Comnµ.ttee met jointly with the members of the Plantrl.ng Department
at 11:00 a,m., Octobe~ 23~ 1967, in Committee Room #2 1 City Hall, pursuant
to invitatiortal. notice attached~ The roiiow:1.nt me~bers were present!
Cecii A. Aiexartder~ Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
F.· C. Terrell, rep:t-esenting Mr. Wallace L. Lee, member, Land
Acquisition Panel
Mr •. Cl:.ayton R, Yates, member, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr. J. A. Alston, member, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr. W.W. Gates, Consultant
Also present were invited guests, including:
w. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Chamber o!' Commerce, Housing
and Redevelopment Committee
Mr, Len E. Sweat Jr,, Director of Governmental Liaison
Mr. Ge'orge
Planning Director, Collier Gladin, presided.
Mr, Gladin stated that he and the members of his sta!f were very happy to
have an opportunity to meet with the Housing Resources Committee and discuss
mutual problem~, He stated that every effort.would be made in the future to
work with the Housing Resources Committee.
Mr. Gladin briefly explained the progress being made by his Department in
produeing a new Land.Use map. He presented a map showing progress to date, but .
explained that many changes would necessarily have to be made before the map is
completed and approved by other city officials.
Mr. Gladin also stated that coll8id~ration should be given to higher
densities for low-income housing, including use of high rise.
Mr, Pierce Mahoney of the Planning Department explained the proposed
Land.Use map in detail and also exhibited a second map indieating projections
to 1983. He stated that the locations of the proposed rapid transit •ystem
stations have not been determined ·and this eould be one item that would
involve possible changes,
�- -
- - - - ---
City Planner, J. C. Johnson distributed a list of possible sites for lowincome housing prepared by the Planning Department on October 23, 1967.
He stated that in his opinion a package of 10 to 15 possible low-income
housing sites distributed throughout the City should be submitted at one time
for zoning consideration, rather than individual requests for each property.
He stated that the package approach would hopefully aid in surmounting
neighborhood and Feceral objections such as have been encountered in connection
with individual parcel zoning.
He explained that !fayor Iva., Allen's goal of 16,800 low-cost units in
five years has been slo,re ·:. by obj e ctions of residents and the Federal government,
high land costs and difficulty i n getting zo:ling changes.
Johnson s ~id most of t he sites the plannsrs are considering aren't zoned for
apartment units.
Residents on nu.~erous occasions have appeared before the Aldermanic Zoning
Committee to beat back requests for zoning changes that would permit low-cost
housing in their neighborhoods.
Mr. Johnson s2id that he hoped the Housing Resources Committee, the
Citizens Advisory Committee on Urban Renewal, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Housing Committee or some similar group would pursue the package idea, develope
it and sutmit it to the proper zoning authorities.
He stat ed that the list distributed was incomplete and that probably a
number of additional areas could be added.
Mr. Johnson submitted a proposed development plan, using the old Ball
Park s ite on Pence de Leon Avenue as an illustrat i on of how a site might be
developed f or mixed uses including high rise apartments, shopping areas, etc.
Mr . Gates , HRC Co:;,.rnittee Consult ant, provided :member s of the Pl anning
Department with a list of 22 Proposed Sites, dated October 10, 1967, which
owners or those having control, have voluntarily listed with the HRC for sale
for use i n t he low-income Housing Program. Only 4 of these sites are zoned
A-1 however.
Mr. Cecil Alexander, Chairman of the Housing Resources Committee stated
that there appears to be an excess of l and in the City presently zoned f or
industrial use and suggest ed that study be given to det ermine if some of t his
land should be released fo~ use as apartment sites.
Mr. Alexander also stressed the urgent need for an overall Land-Use plan
nhich would make additional apartment sites available.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
< ,-,
\ .
...;~.'-j~__/ ..jl!--~·-2 -Malcolm D. Jones ( /
Supervisor of Inspection Services
. <.• ••/
(with original
-: • •
Invitational Notice,
Possible Sites for Low-income Housing, dated October 23, 1967.
Proposed Sites offered for the Low-ihcome Housing Program
dated October 10, 1967.
Housing Resources Committee
Executive Group Meeting 10:00 a.m. September 12, 1967
Committe e Rm. No. 2
Call to Order and General Comments - Chairman
Summary Report on Status of Low-income Housing Program - Jones
Low-income Housing Requirements - Extract from GIP - Jones
Action by HRC - Chairman
Consideration of Land Suitably Zoned for Low-income Housing - Jones
Discussion and Determination by HRC of Recommended Procedures
to Assist Program (for Joint Meeting with Planning and
Development Committee Sept. 29) - Chairman
Requests f rom Sponsors for Support on 3 Rezoning Petitions before
Zoning Committee - Jones
Accel er at ed Procedure - Multi-family Processing by FHA - Gates
Panel Reports - Chairman
other &siness (Comments on Urban Ameri ca Seminar) - Chairman
Donation by Nonprofit Sponsors Propos ed for Rent Supplement
Proj e cts - Spe cial Notice from Ur ban Amer ica
¥04£4A4b #§@2#$,!Q(J 4 ;g;_
September 12, 1967
The Executive Group of the Housing Hesources Committee met at 10: 00 a.m.,
September 12, 1967, in Cormu.ttee Room f2, City Hall. The following members
were present:
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, Co-Chairman, Housin1 Reso·....rccs Committee
Mr. Archer D. Smith, representing Mr~ Charles L. Weltner, Acting Chairman,
Legal Panel
Yir. Henry L. PJ.lls, representing Mr. Le e Bur 6 e, Chairman, Finance and
Non-Profit Funds Panel
Hr. John Wilson, member, Finance and Non-Profit Funds Panel
Mr. Charles F. Palmer, representing Mr. Clarence D. Coleman, Chairman,
Public Housing Panel
Mr. F. c. Terrell, representing Mr. Wallace L. Lee, member, Land Acquisition
Dr. 'Vivian Henderson, Acting Chairman, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr. J. A. Alston, member, Land Acquisition Panel
Mr~ Stewart Wight, member, Land Acquisition Panel
~an Williams. Jackson, Chairman, Social Problems Panel
Mr. Edward S, Simon, Vice-Chairman, Business Participation Panel
Mr. Dale Clark, Chairman, Public Information Panel
Mr. Malcolm D. Jones, Director
Also present at the meeting were:
Mr. William S. Holland, Executive Director, CACUR
Mr. Lester A. Persells, Associate Executive Director, Housing Authority
Mr. Alexander opened the meeting with comments pertaining to the program and
then cailed on Nr. Jones to present the current status report of the program.
Mr. Jones stated. that his office was in the process of retyping the low..
income housing inventory report but had only the summary ready for this meeting
(Item 2 on the agenda and document 2 in the folder which had been presented
to Executive Group members) . He explained that included in the inventory
are apartment units bei~ developed under conventional financing which do not
cost more than $10,000 per unit to construct, $12,000 for each side of a du~lex
and $1S,OOO for a single family house. He explained that the last page of the
summary contains notes, ro me of which are especially significant •. He explained
that Item A of the notes gives a comparison of the status of the program on
August Jl, as compared with the previous report of June 28 and stated that on
the whole we have lost ground in this program since the previous report two
months ago.
He then called attention to the extract from the CIP report pertaining
to low-income housing requirements (Item 3 on the agenda and in the folder).
He also pointed out that we are not rec1.lly building low-cost housins in public
housing but low-income housing .
He also explained Item 4(a) on the agenda and the corresponclin:; document
in the folder passed out to Committee members, pertainj_ng to availahle land
sui tabl)r zoned for the low-income housing program.
At this point Mr. Alexander explained that Mr. Jones' office was understaffed to hancUe the statistical data required by the CIP and proposed that
from here on out when someone GOes to the Building Department for a pennit
we should try to r-;et the Per1rdt Desk to list what the rent on the units will
be and number of bedrooms per unit; thc>.t there is no way we can require this
legally; and that another thing that we need to clo is to <1lso go back to the
developers now in the program and get more specific information on their plans.
He proposed for this purpose that the City provide a Clerk to the Committee
for not less than 3 months. He stated that he felt the structures bein5 built
are reasonably r,ood and that his feelin: :s are that a great deal more interes t
should be put in the lowest rental-purchase ranges ; that we can get more in
that price range from the prefabricated housing; th2.t the carrying charges on
these per month is important and we should find out what it is; that to meet
the really tough part of the program misa.as going to the City for additional
help. He also asked for comments f rom members of the Committee.
Mr. Clark said he would sup::_Jort askin.:; f or more help; that he also saw
a news report for housinr, that would rent for 1~50 to fi>70 per month, under the
Farmers Association program; that it is in DeKalb County, and is called City
Mr. Alexander stated that is a good start to ~et low.cost housing in the
Another member stated that the Farmers Association pro,~ram is also a
part of the FHA program.
Mr. Palmer inquired as to the definition of low-cost housing?
Mr . Jones replied that it is essentially a matter of interpretation,
Mr. Alexander stated that is was from $0 to ~55 per month,
Mr. Palmer commented 11 And they want low-income housine built under private
Mr. Alexander replied it is thought of now primarily as a Turnkey
Mr. Jones added "And even Rent Supplement11 •
Mr. Alexander again proposed askin~ the City f or a Clerk and developing
a form for the Building Department to get filled out at the t ime permits are
obtained and. c tated that we will have to talk to Mr. Hoff ord about that.
A motion was made that the matter be left in
seconded it. The matter was drop'.:Jed there.
Jones' hands, ¥ir. Yates
Mr. Alexander then explained that the roll of this Committee in zon.i.ng
matters is not an open ru1d shut case as to how to make 1~ecormnendations to
the Boo.rd of Aldermen; that we have been taking this on as a extracurricular
roll to a ;,sist the developers in this progr am; t hat this has been done in
several instances, but no members of this Committee have been asked to eo
around lookin£s at these sites to r e commend those which we consider r easonable,
Mr. -Jones explained thnt this is what he and Mr. Gates have been attem0tint;
to do; that they have been out with the s-,Jonsors and actually looked at most
of the aites and have only listed ancl encouraa;ed thos e which they felt were
pr actical and desirable, t hat in a several instances they have di scoura~ed
sponsors fr om submittinc: s ites which they f elt were i mpracticable or unsuitable .
Hr. Alexander continued that his f eel inc i s that we should t ry t o aid and
assist the builders in this progr am but that we have no power to chan;:;e what
is going on and that we are hnvin s our pro_)osals turned down one by one f or
various reasons. He stated that t he approach which he f elt we should truce i s
to i ssue a gener al s tatement about t he housing progr am, i t s needs, and t he
shorta~e of l and that is now suitabl y zoned and t o work toward gettin:s a
rezoning of the entire City , with due consi derat ion f or low-income housing
needs; t hat as for working wit h the developer s we should be governed by what
we see i s a ccept able to the Board of Alder men and the Building De~artment i n·
granting permits; and f ur ther to come to some conclusi on about t he probl ems.
He s t at ed t hat we shoul d also hel p the developers arr ange meetings with the
Aldermen, Departments involved and anyone 1>1ho 1-1ants t o talk to t hem about
deficiencies in Communit y Facil ities r el ated t o t he housing program, which in
some instances have been l oeimatc , such as parks, transportation, traffic,
schools etc . He further stated. that at t he same time the ur,'sency of this
program has seemed to es cape s ome ?eopl e; that one thi ng whi ch we also need is
to emphasize the requirement f or additional l ow-income housing in the neighboring
cities and countios and make it clear tha.t we are not trying to create a haven
here in Atlanta for the whole country to come to and move in on this program;
that this may happen, but we should t ry t o avail' it. He st ated that the CIP
requirement is for replacement of houses and apartments that are unfit for
human habitation • . He then called upon Mr . Jones for comments .
Mr. Jones stated he feels tha t it wo do not take a position to actively
sup:iort the cJ.evelopers who have proposed good projects and which ap~ear~ reasonable,
he di d not know who would; that he was personally inclined to feel that we can do
a service if we asa Committee take a -·JOsition on such proj ects; that he docs not
think however that many ar ens will be built in the City which already have
a surplus of cormnunity facilities; that he has hopec:_ that we can supµly
facilities such as parks, nchools, pl aygrounds etc. simultaneous with the development
of the housing proj e cts, by r elying on other Agencies and other Department s;
that those details should be chocked into carefully and coorc;ination made to
provide these services as adequately as we ca1~. He said that he felt personally
that a statement from the Housing rtesources Committee on each of the projects
proposed f or low-income housing would be helpful to the Planning Boa;.~d and. the
Zoning Committee when they make their decisions. He pointed out difficulties
which we have had in gettine sites approved up to that point and e:;~)lained
that he and Hr. Gates (the Committee Consultant) have attempted to look at
each proposed site but have been unable to follow through on aJJ. details such
as checking on the adequacy of community facilities etc.; that in several
instances he and Hr. Gates have discourn:~ed sponsors for this reason or that;
such as ground too rough, facilities not available etc. and that as a result,
sever al of the sites originally proposed have nevP.r come up for rezonin~. He
further stated tha,t he was inclined to feel that on those pronosals for Turnkey
development that it would even be 1-roll for the Planning Board and the Zoning
Committee -to know whether or not the Housing Authority considered the sites
as favorable ~.nd suitable.
One member commented that perhaps the whole City needs to be rezoned.
Mr. Alexander replied it seemed to him that we must create additional
land through purchases for the ci ty-·wide a pproach; that when the individual
developer canes along, there should be a body looking to tho interest of the
whole city and it ap;:>eared to him that these things have thus far been
considered only by the Board of Aldermen; that he wonders whether this is
doing the program the best service? He stated that consulting with the
Planning Board is also very 1~uch in order, presumably.
In referring to Item 4(a) on the agenda and the corresponding marked
docU17lcnt in the fol der, Dr. Henderson inquired if this material is whc>.t his
Committee had asked for?
Mr. Jones s t at ed that this is l1hat the Planning Department pr ovided in
r e:Jponse to his
a zoning ma:9 of
nnd a report of
by Land Lot and
p.'.lilel's request; thnt when ue got it, it crone in t wo f orms:
the City with va cant land areas superimposed on it in orange;
total land in tho various zoning cat aeories and vacant land
Dis trict.
Mr. Jones furth0r explained that the Planning fupartment is now making
a co~prehensive Land-Use s tudy to go before the Board of Aldermen with s ome
proposed chti.Il~es in the overall land-use of the City; that he felt the bes t
thi n3 this Committee could do now is to cct its r e commendations presented to
tho Planning and Development Committee; that we have a Joint Meeting scheduled
for the 29th of Sept ember .
Mr. Alexander then told Dr. Henderson that he s hould meet with Mr. Jones
to go over the mat erial provided by the Planning Department, but that i n trying
to resolve this thing we are s till short on l and and thos e two should cane
up with a proposal , say in Sept ember, as to the number of a cres needed and its
dis tribution.
Dr . Henderson asked approximately how many a cres does tha t involve?
Mr . Jones replied that the maximum 0.ensity authorized f or garden type
.::partments is 16 units per acre, but that the Housing Authority has been trying
to hold that down to about 12 units per acre.
Mr. Pcrsells stated that was correct; that 3, h, Qlld 5 bedroom units, which
t he Housing Authority particularly ne eds, results in reduction of the density
below 16 units per a cre.
Mr. Jones explained we had one project which has been approved by FHA at
16 units per acre , but it is in an Urban Renewal project; that we had a developer
recently dro~ a project becnusc he had bought the land expecting to develope it
at the ma.xir.um authorized density of 16 units per acre and that in preliminary
clis cussions, F"rlA suggested 10 uni ts per acre.
Mr. Alexander stated that it is open to deb~te about how many total acres
would be required.; that our exp8rience to date indicates that no more than
1/3 of the land appropriately zoned actually gets into the low-income housing
program, due to turndovms by HUD, FHA, nei ghborhoods etc.; that to date only
about 1/3 of the land zoned has found its way into this program.
Mr. Alexander stated that there ap:1ears to be a need to r ezone the City
at large; that there wer e 51 zoning petitions on the agenda recently for one
r-.co ·::ing of the Planning Board.
Mr . Jones expl ained that the current z oning was especially planned f or
}ndus1;,ry; that many areas were original ly planned but never used as industrial,
1-;:C.- .ich development will not occur in the f orsecable futur e , and that the same
c_pplies to much of the land now zoned residential ( singl e family development)
t-:hereas tho immediate need of the City now i s for low-income multi-family
Mr. Persells e.xpl ained that the Housing Authority has gone back over the
l anu to cons:i.der addit i onal parcels 1vhich could be used f or the low-income housing
c~tegoriJ where chrin gcs seem to be reasonabl e .
Mr. Alexander stat ed the builders have claimed that FHA procadurea were
hol d.inc them up , that Atlanta is one of the City's in which FHA now clcims that
it can process an application in l ess than 2 weeks; that this i s a change in
nttitude , but the 221 d ( 3) proeram does not come within the direct line of
FHA 1 s principal insuring policy.
Mr . Alexa,~der asked Mr . Clark if the report prepared by Mr. Gat es on the
accelerated procedure for multi-family processing by F1IA could be carried to
the press (Item 6 on the agenda, with co-::iics in the folders ) Mr . Clark indicated
that it would probably be better for this tY}Je of announcement to be made by
the local FHA office rather than f r om this Committee.
Mr. Alexander then referred to Item 7 on the agenda pertaining to the
proposal in the Rent Supplement program to require nonprofit sponsors to put
up 5% equity (in effect a donation); that the reason the attempt to put this
thine; in, is the theory that if nonprofit sponsors 2.re financially imo lved
in the success of their project that they will have more permanent interest
in it; that Urban AmGrica's feeling is, if this is done the Rent Supplement
program will die before it gets nn opportunity to grow; and Urban America has
suGgested that those interested send telegrams to their Senators and to
Senator Warren Magnuson sugGesting th2.t this approach of requiring the 5%
equity will defeat the purpose of the program; that what he would like to do
is to eet an authorization from the Committee to sign a t 8l egram in support of
this position and to urge cons ideration of this matter in the final preparation
of the bill.
A motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded and unanimously adopt ed asking
Mr. Alexander to send. such telegrams to .:i.ppropriate Senators,
Mr. Cl.:i.rk asked if the
Mr. Alexander stated that it i s
nonprofit, s1Jonsor is not sup;iosed to
2.nd it is asking too much of him to
Mr . Alexanuer also said that to give
nonprofit projects one can borrow up
is what you are competing with, in a
is a known step or a new development.
new; that the thinking is that the
be get tin~ any profit back from the project
put up 5%equity donation to the project.
tho other sid0. of it is, that in 221 d (3)
to a 102% of the project coat and this
Mr. Pers ells asked Mr. Alexander to explain the l02_;i .
Alexander explained what the extra
takes care of.
Mr. Alexander again asked for and received unanimous consent to r equest
the City for a GI.erk for at least 3 months.
Mr. Alexander then called for hrief reports from the Panel Chairmen.
Legal Panel - Mr . Archer Smith made a very interes ting presentation of
his case study and the significance of the She.ffer vs. City of Atlanta Housing
Code Case, which he announced was coming up for hearing the next day.
Constructi on and Design Panel - As no one was present to represent this
panel, Mr. Alexander explained a proj e ct which that panel was working on
involving Building Codes and a System s tudy.
Finance and Nonprofit Funds Panel - Mr. Alexander explained that this
panel is working on creation of a Honpr ofit Housing Development Corporntion,
He also mentioned the favorable comment s made at the Urban America Seminar
by a local banker pertaining to loans made through his bank to sponsors of
nonprofit projects.
Business Participation Panel - Hr. Alexander cormnented briefly on his
rec ent conference in Washington with Se.cretary Weaver and FHA Administrator,
Braim.stein, pertaining to bringing "Big Business 11 into the low-income housing
Public Information Panel - Mr •. Clark commented on the ill-fated Browntmm
Road rezoning at tempt and to a nonprof it sponsor proj ect which is being promoted
locally by the Interfaith Group of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
Social Problems Panel - Daan Jackson explained that the avera::,;e annual
income for Negroes in Atlanta is $3600 and that the number one question is the
adequacy of the number of bedrooms in rent8l units .
Mr. Alexander then called on Mr. David T. Edwar ds, sponsor of a rezoning
petition f or an 18 acre site on the \I.Jest side of Atlanta , i'Jorth of Bakers
Ferry Roacl , S. W. (LL 2h, 14th Dist. FF) to present his proposal ( one of three
in Item 5 on the· agenda )~ Ytr. Edwards made a good and convincing presentation.
From questions a ske d mid comments J11ade by some members of the Committee , the
Cornmi ttee ai)poared receptive to Mr. Edwards I propos8l. Formal action by the
Committee however was not called for by the Chairman to endorse this proj ect
to the Zoning Committe e , as had previous ly been re ques ted by Mr. Edwards,
as well a s similar requests from sponsors of t wo other projects which the Committe e
had previously endorsed to the Planning Board. This was for r easons explained
earlier in the mooting . Subsequently however, the Chairman of the Planning
Board. was r eques t ed to pas s on to the Zoning Committee , with the Plannin.r;
Boards' r e commendations, a l etter which had pr eviously been written by the
Committee to the Planning Board endorsing those t wo proj ects.
The mee ting was adjorned nt 12 noon.
l_,. ~ti~ _
,,.,_,,.,,i , ~
Malcolm D. J onefJ
Supervisor of I nspe ction Services
Encls :
Documents contai ned i n fol der provided every member pr esent (wi th
file copy only ) •
City Planning Department
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
October, 1967
ri 11
City Planning Depa ·trne ni"
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
October, 1967
... - - ------
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ACKNOWLEDGMANTS. --··-· ---::---··
The City Planning Department wishes to express its gratitude to area
r e sidents and to the following organizations and departments for their
valuable assistance in this studi,-::
Northwest Perry Homes Citizens N~ighborhood Advisory Council
Atlanta School Sys t""',n · . · .• ·
Atlanta Parks Department
Atlanta Construction Department
Atlanta Public Library~ .
Atlanta Housing Authority
- ""';,-- -·· • .
- 1 ··
Fulton County Health Department
It also wishes to express its gratitude to the following members of the
Special Planning Committee of the North~·1 est Perry Homes Citizens Neighborhood
Advisory Council for their cooperation and patience in working with planne rs
to develop this study:
Mr. Hub e rt Brcwn
Mr. Robert Dobbs
Hrs. Odessa Hill
Mr. Fred A. Morris
Mrs. Mary Sanford
Mrs . Odess a Wheeler
Mrs. Josie Wynn
Acknowl edgements
Table of Contents
I N"T RODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------- l
• l
PROBLE'r-'..S &. NEEDS --------------------- 5
Identific.1.tion of Com:.mmit y Probl ems -------------------- - -------- 5
Discussion of Con·munit y P:.:ob l ems
Needs --------------- - - ··------- 8
Residential Growth in Nor thwest ---------------------------- ~--- - - 17
I mp lications For Community Fac il i t i e s------------------------ - - -- 19
Pr obl ems of Publi~ Housing
----------- ·2
·1 ··
RECOMMENDATIONS---------------------------------------------- - -------- 23
Transitional Nat ure of N. W. Browntown Area -------- - -- :- - - --- - --- - 23
Recommendat ion - - -------------------------- - ------------- - - - --- - - - 24
STUDY YiAP - --- - -------------------- - ---------·· -------------------- - ----
. · ..
This report represents a prelimina ry study of corr~~nity problems in the
Northwest Brm:m town Area of Atlanta.
It is not a comp rehensive p l an , bu t
moreso an assessment of the existing a nd f uture communit y need s brought ab out
by the problems which the area is facing at t his par ticular point in it s
It is hoped that the repo r t and 'its recommenda tions will g ive
both residents and city officials a better sens e of direction in dealing with ·
the growth problems of the area.
- ---··
The area referred to in this repo r t as t he Nor thwest Brmmto~m St udy
Area is bounded by Perry Boulevar d on the north; the Louisville and Nashville
Railway on the west; Bankhead Highway on the sout h; and Bolton and Nash Roads
on the east.
Included within these boundaries are t he Anti-Povert y Ta r get Areas H
and I , and the residential commun ities of Carve r Hil ls , Ho l lywood Hi ll s ,
Lincoln Homes, Bolton Homes, Perry Homes, Scot t s Cros s ing , and Bowen Homes .
The Northwe st Browntown Area is part of the a rea wh i ch wa s annexed t o
the City in 1952.
At t he time of annexat ion i t was one of the rel a ively
- ~ -~- .
- ---· -
undeveloped f ringe areas existing out side the City limi t s a nd cons isting
primarily of s mall semi-rural communities .
Howeve r, not long afte r a nnexa t ion residential growth i n t he area pro ceeded v ery rap i dly.
Perry Home s, a l arge public housing pro jec t o f 1 , 000
unit s , was opened i n 19 55.
Then other r e side ntial projects, l ar~cly in t he
middle to low- i ncome range , f ollowed.
Today t he are.:i cont ains ab out 17 , 00Q
peop le and 4,425 housing units, of which 1 , 650 a re pub l i c and 2, 775 are p r ivate •
-.· 1
�-2The re side nt ial growth ~~1i ch has occur r ed during the past 15 years i n
Nort l:n;1cct Brow ntown h.:i..s generally been unplanned .
Res identia l s ubdivisions
have be en cons tructed without concommitant commun i t y fa cilities.
The deve lo p-
ment and improvement of schools, pa rks, and s ewer s have lagg ed behind r e s idential growth.
The result is that today, despite t he built -up residential concentrations,
the area still retains many characteristics of an undeveloped rural a r e a.
One finds, for example, relatively dense concentrations of public hou sing
units amidst large stretches of heavily wooded areas with unpaved roads and
rough ·terrain.
Most community facilities are eithe r opera ting av~r
c a pacity
or are still not sufficiently developed t o mee t populat i on needs.
Even worse, residential growth occur ring in the are a is by no mcu ns s l owing down.
Several new major housing projects and a ddi tions to exi st i ng
housing totaling about 3,250 units are be ing consid e red for const r uc t io n .
CIP estimates indic ate that the popula t i on of t he a r e a will doubl e i n abo ut
10 years and reach a total of about 40,000 peop l e by 1983.
The dilemma facing Northwest Browntown is h?W to up - g r ade and i mprove
a l ready deficient community facili ties i n l i ght of co nt inuing reside nti a l
g rowth.
Residents i n the area have b egun t o fa ce up to this d ilemma by
organizing against f urther housing const ruction, p a rticularly public housing,
unt i l more attention i s g iven by the Cit y t o scho ols, sewe rs , parks and at e r
corr.rnunit y fac i lit ies and services.
The most r ecent and impo r tant ef f o rt by res i dents t o p revent further
publ ic hous i ng co nstru ct ion concerned the Brownt own. Zoning Issue.
ef f o rt stemmed from an app l i c at ion filed on June 29, 1967 t o change the
zoning of a portion of property covering ab out 50 a cres and located north
�of Brownto'Wll Road and west of Jar:1cs J.:i.ckson rarkuay. ~The application
requested that the proper ty be changed from ~-1 (Light-Industr ial) to A- 1
The purpose of this rezoning was t o allow tL.C constru ct ion of
510 low-cost housing units under the turnkey program for public housing .
Under this program the housing units would be developed privately o.nd then
purchased by the Housing Author ity.
A hearing on the zoning change was held .ugust 10 , 19 6 7, by the Zoning
Committee of the Board o f Aldermen .
At t hat ti~e they recomrr.ended adversely
on the request for a change in zoning
ue to comp laints by residents of the
Browntown Area on grounds that curren
school) park and s ewer facilities in
the area are already inadequate and would be further over- burdened by the
new development .
Since no comprehens ive study had ever been made of Browntown's
community p roblems , this study was initiated to help clarify and .assess
those issues affecting it s f u ture deve lopment so that both residents nnd city
officials might have a more effect ive framework f or dealing with its problens .
As c an be surmised from the above background information, this repor
merely a first st ep in provi ding orderly development of the Northwest :::- ~,: :,town Area.
The approach is to focus on comrr~nity facilities and the attend u.
communit y problems and needs arising from their utilizat ion.
In surveying community needs the report d istinguishes both existing and
future needs.
Existing needs ref er to those it ems needing i mmediate atte ntion;
while future needs refer to those estimated to develop in about 5-10 years ,
when the population is expected t o be about double its present size.
�- --
- 4The approach taken for t hi s study cons i st ~d of t he f0llowi ng st ep s:
identific ;:i.y ion of major cor.miun it y p r oblems b y City pl :rnnc r :; in
conjunction with the s pec ial Pl ann ing Commi tt ee of
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~ ~ - - -
he N. W.
Perry Homes Cit izens Ne i ghbo rhood Advi sory Council
an assessment by the planne rs of exis.ting and future com::nunity
needs generated by the above probl ems and an inqui r y into t he
implications of future reside nt ial grou t h for up g r a ding c ommunity
fa cilities and services
the formulation of a set of r ecommenda tio ns pointing out u h at
needs to be done to meet exis ting deficiencies and anti c ipate
future needs
a final meeting between planners and the sp e cial Planning CorriIJittee
to discuss the findings of the study .
corn-mTI'Y I?ROBLEiv..S
This section itemizes tRc major problems involving corr.munity £aciliti~s
.i.nd sarvic es in the $tudy area.
It doeG no t cover all the problc:t,W ,:.:·:1~:.:csr, d
by the residents or observed by the planners, but coverG only the most signif ·icant one s affecting the general devel opment o f the area .
The Problems Include
(1) · Serious Overcrowding at Ar cher Hi2;h School
With the 10 portable classrooms current l y being con~tructed , this ~cho ol
wi l l have facilities f or an approxi~ate c npnc i~y of 1, 200 students, yet
as of September 11, 1967 it had an actual e1rollment of nearly 1,700
Extended Session at Archer
Due t o the overcrowded cond it ions , Archer is operat i ng on C'tended
session, whi ch means that a large ~roportion o f the students are out of
s chool at 12 o'clock and hence a re without parent al supervision a ra.:ijo r
par-t of the day,
Ove r crowding at Elementary Schools
Al t hough overcrowding at the elcmc nt~ry schools is no t as serious . cit
is at Archer, stil l mos t ol the eleme nt ary s chools are operating near or
at peak capacity. This means they are unable to abs orb any large increase
in populatio n,
-..-4.,,,.."-.;J,.,- ..... ".
No Neighb orhood Parks or Programs for Lincoln Ho~es and Perry Homes
These two important comnunities whi ch cont ai r:. from 7 , 000 to 9,000 peo le
have virtually no City recreational fa ci lities and programs and very
limited access to those in other areas. Lincoln Homes has no neighb orhood
park at all and Perry Homes, while i t has s ome :recreationa l services
rendered through the YMCA and the Girl's Club, has no City rec~~c -i onal
Inadequate and Po orly Developed Parks and Pluylot:
Hill Park and Hol.lywood Hills Playlot
Gun Club Park, Center
�Gun Club I':ir k is th e com1r.unit y pc. r ·( dcsic nccl :::o scr ,c t h e st udy nrccl
po pulation. It i s currcn · ly unde r P 1asc I I of it s construction sched ule
and 6 o:r 7 of the to t .:il !~2 . 9 acre s 11 .::ivc bee d8velopcd. Hm-, eve r, -1h.:1t
has been buil~ _shows lit tle apprec i a tion for the p re~crences o f t he
local r esidents. Fo r example, the ma in re c reationa l faci lity built so
far ha s been t ennis court s. Yet res id enLS ma i ntain that the tennis
courts have been unused be c ause no one in t'1e community plays te-anis and
basketball courts would have been n:ore s ~ i ~.:i.1::lc.
Ce 1ter Hi ll Park , a neighborhood park of 16 ac,:-e s, has i r.s uffic i er:.t
facilities co nsisting only of a baseball diamond and a foot ball f i e l d .
Hollywood Hills Plavlot , loc ated at the s out hern end of Nagnolia Ceme t e ry,
has been the . targe t of cornp L:lints by seve:cal r e3id ents due to its cl os e
proximity to an unsafe and u r,healt fu l floo d pla in.
Ins u ff icie nt Distribution of Re c reational Le adersh ip
The . one recreational l eader working in t he whole st udy area i s stationed
at Sco tt Scho ol ,-, hich me ans none o f the comrnuni ies out s ide t he service
a r e a of Scott School are served by a rec rcctional leader .
Backup and Overflow of Sanit ary and Storm Sewase
Steady rainfall for a d ay or more brings about nurr:e rous c ases of s cuage
overflowing into residents' yards and into vacan t lots and open spa ces.
Flooding of Procto r Cr eek
The flooding of Pr octor Creek during steady rainfa ll is res pons ibl e not
only for mu ch of th e s ewa 6 e overflow, but o.l s o for several rm-:ning
incid e nts tho.~ have occurr ed in t he area .
Ins u ffi c ient Access to Health and Library Facilities
De c entralized health centers in the study a re a arc not conveni e_ tl y
a cc essible to al l r esidents , es pecially those of Carver Homes and Holl ywood Hi lls, and there i s no direct publ ic transportation rout e to ~he
nearest hospital .
The nearest l ibrary, the Dogwood Branch, is located at the·southe rn
periph ery o f the study area and there is no direct acc ess t o it fron
much o f the nort h ern part o f t he area.
Inadequat e Public Transportation
Inadequate bus service is basic to the p rob lc~s of a cc ess to health and
l"ibrary facilities and places of P.mployment. Public transport ation do e s
not provide dir e ct rout e s to these fa c ilities . . · . . -.: '
Hi scellaG~ous T1: .1f{ ic 2nd St:::e ct :t ?roblcms
This r efer s t o su ;b problems .'.l S t he lack of a t_.:i:'..'fic ::; i 0 nul i.l .: J .:::c'.-:s o n
p~1.-:(,.1.:ty .::;nd l\rO'i·m l\G\m Road, a major inte:rscct:f_o r;_ c:;:os ·:cd dv.ily by
school childr-21-:, /.,nd the general neglect to clear rubbis h anc tr i-;.-; 0 r o.s s
along t h e s treet J)
Employ~-nt Probl & s
Host of the res i ~rnts who work rr.ust g o ou ·· sid-2 i:l1e area to their ?l a ce
o £ employment . ·,fnc e they are primarily of mid d le - to - low incor;-.e this
pla c es a h e avy lrr d en on them i n terms of c osts for t ransportation ,
child car e serv i es, etc.
! ii
' 'i
) .I
./ ' 7-: -~--
-·-- ·--·-·
.This se ction expands upon t1e p .oblems i dentified in the p r evious
It exa.'1li ne s what is being done to allevi a te t .c pro l ems ar:.
mo re
i mp ortantly asse·ss es the existing .::md future corr.r;;unity neecL whi ch the p roblEn:s
gene rate .
When possible, cost est inates of selec ted corrmunity needs are
Ove rcrowd ing and Exte nded Session at Ar cher High 3chool
Based upon t he conc ern expressed by resid ents, overc rowd in 6 a t Arche r
repre sent s the sing l e most c ritical probl em in t he study area . T. is
prob l em is fort l:--er complicated by the inadequ at e a creag e of t he school
s i te a nd the ot1tmoded design o r the school build i ng .
West Fult on is another h i gh school located near the study are a which
could serve a smal l part of its population, bu t i~ als o is overcrowded.
Overcrowding at Elereentary Schoo l s
The ~ain p roblem here i s the inab i li y of exi s ting element ary schools t o
absorb signific antly l arge increases in po-~lat·o n .
(3) _ Cu rrent Devel opme nts
Expansion of Arche r and West Fulton Hi 0 h Scbools
Pre s ently th e re are pl ans fo~ t he vc rtic .21 cxp~nsio n of both Arc her and
West Fulton High Schools which would incrc.:isc thei r capa citie s to 2,000
students each . Barring a ny s udde n l .:ir ge in c rccs c ::; in popul a tion, t ·lis
expans i on wou ld do r,mch t o allevi.:it e the ove rcrowded conditions. The
main problems conironting expansion arc I i 3ncin3 end t iming . Fun's fo r
the exp ansion are contingent upon~ possibl e school bond election in t te
spring of 1968 and whether the bond issue pa sses .
It usu a lly ta k es two years t o 3et a s cho ol cons t r ucted f rom th tine a
bond issue passes. However, if an .2rchit e c t c a n be aut ho:: - i zcd t o b~f. in
pl anning the p roject bef ore the bond i ss ue pa3s cs, abo ut G·~ .. i0 ~onths
c an be cut from t"he needed amount of time . If this p;:-o c e.i,i:::c w-:::! r o foll ued
in relat ion to the e xpansion of Archer High School , cons t r u ct i on could
start in the summer of 1968 and be complet e d by the fall of 1969 provid i ng
that the bond issue passes.
New Elementary Schools
�- 9!
Since most clcxcntary sclc o l s arc ope r ating _at pRa~ c~p~city, it will be
desirable for a ny ne,-1 l a r g e l:0usint pr.03 ect s · to include cit2s for
elementary schooli int .cir plans. One of t he major propos e d projects,
Roc'.·dal c Pa rk, includes a site for .:m clerr.enta y school in its p lans, but
some of t h . oth rs do not.
Est i mate of Comr~unity N2eds
Existing Ne eds (Tho se requi ring inuned i ate at ten ·ion.)
Exp.'..l.nsion of Archer 2nd West Fulton ligl Schools by Fal· of 1969
This would r equire t hc t the expansion be pl a c d o. sc~ool ond i c s ue by
Spring of 1968 and t: hc.t an ar ch i tect be au tl- orize' to begin planriing "t· .e
expans ion befo re the bond ele ction.
Inclusion of El2mentary School Sites in any Neu Hous i ng Proj e cts
Appro· ching 300 Units in Size
This has spe c ial referen c e to the B m-1ntm-,n Road publi c hou s ing
which 10 acres s nou ld be se t aside for a elcment.3ry s chool i _
units of publi c housing ;: ·o b constructed.
.. . _. .... !"\
J._ ,_ ~ ,
Future Leeds (T- ose likely to devel op in a pe .. iod o f about 5- 10 years, during whi ch
t i~e the popu lation i s pro jected to double.)
New High Schoo l
Although a rrew high school is not neede nm·, unde r cur-- ent school s anda ds,
increasing population over the r:.ext f ew yc .:n:s wi l l crea " the nee £or a
new facil it y. Plans for t e £.:ic ility shou l d be;s i no¼'.
New Junior High School
Tha construction o f a junior h i gh s chool i n t he fut ur e wi ll help to
alleviate potentia l overcrowd ing i n t he e l e~cn ·ary s chools. T~e Ci y own s
a possible site for su ch a. 3chool. west of J ame s Jackson Par. way a nd north
of Williams Elementary Sc1Lool.
New Elementary Schoo]_:,
Anywhere from 4-8 new el ementary schools wil l be r equi ed to s erve t he
population over the ne~t 5 - 10 years. The s i tes of the s chools will depend
upon future growth patterns.
Cost Estimates of Selected Items
Archer High School
New high s chool
(20CO students )
v erti c al additional
tot ~l cons t ru c t i on
mi nus land co s ts
$2 , 000 , 000
5, 000, 000
L1:ew j r. h i 0 h s chool
( 1200 student s )
New e l eme ntary school
( 1000 stude nts )
tot al c ns truc tio~
n i nus l a :1d c o s ts
3 , 000 , 000
t ot al cons t_u ct io n
mi nus l and co s ts
2, O0O, OC
( 1)
No Parks and Rc crcat i onal Servic es At Linco l:.:1 & Pe.:- r y ::0~;e: ::;
Lincoln Home s
Actua lly t h e n e ed f or a ne i3hb o~hood pa _k in Linc oln Eo ~s was b~ cught
out i n A<ld itio a l P.:i.rk La :1 Su:t y by :: L:-:: P:i..:~nnb g Dc pa r tm2n • T. L:;
s u rvey r e com:-ne nded a s i t e f o r- t t;.; p,1;:-k at the end o _ Fe r ~ Dr ive.
Pre s c n l y , however , t he Pa ·ks Dep a~t m~n · l ac ks f unds t o p u r c h a se ad i tional
pa rk land . So the devel opme n of a neigtb or. ood pr~ fo r Linco ln Horees
wil l h ave t o wait upon the next bond i ssue .
Perrv Horr.cs
The lack of adequat e r e cre at iona l se r vic e ::; i n ? ~ry omes i s du e to a
c onfli ct in regu lati ons be twe en t .e City Pa~ks Dc pa r t ~cnt anG t !1c 3ou s i ng
Au t hority . A prel i min a ry inves · i gat i on int o t he conf lic t 1as rev ea l ed
t he f ol low ing :..:ituat i on . The mn i n i:..:suc c :,tcrs ~1 ou d t he co .., t of
r ec r e a tiona l l e adersh i p an pe r s on ne l . The Hou sing Au t hor i ty cc n ,~c t
the co sts for re cre a t i onal s pi c e and 311 t yp es of physic a l facilit i es ,
bu t it i s prevented b y fe de ra l l aw fro m allo ca t i nr; any expend.i ure s to
r e cr eational perso nnel. _'he P.'.l.i. ks Dep ar t me n t can me e t 5G% o f p 2rs on nel
cos t s , but wants the Hou s i ng Autho rity t o pay t he o the ~ alf . So ur,t il
. the othe r 50% of personnel cos ·s i s me , Pc.1::.. y Homes will be wit hout
recre ationa l se r v ices .
Inadequate and Poo rly Deve l oped Fa c il i t i es
Gun Club Park
( a)
Cu r r e nt Construction
Gu n Club Par k is cur r ent l y unde r constr uct i on throu gh f u ~d s be i n ~ p r ovie2d
f r om fe dera l , st c1te , and l oc al sou r c es . The sit e wa s a cquir ed on Noveu:Je:.:2, 1964 for a purchase pric e o f $55, 000.
The c onstruc t ion i s div i ded int o thre e phases . Phnse I co s t $~3 ;45 6,
b eg an on Ap ril 11, 1966 and wa s co;:;-,plcted in Fcb :cu ary , 196-7 . It c c .~.s.is t e<l
of c learing and grading t he a r e a and buil d ing park ing fac ilities, tennis
courts , fenc e s and r etai ni ng walls, e tc.
Ph ase I I , which co s t $52 ,206 , bega n on Augus t 4, 1967 and i s s cheduled
for comple t ion in De c ember 196 7. I t consi sts o f b u ilt.ling the r emaining
portion of t he parking lot, ~ mu l t i - use court a rea , v ar ious pl ay .:.ree. s ,
c amp ing are ~s and the gr ading o f a t hle t i c fie l ds .
--- ____ .,.__ ""---·-··-......
Pb::.sc _II, whicl co sts $15 0 , 000, is s ch.::clulcd t o t :~ e •'lace du:-:-in::; 1968
and will consist of the co,st uction o f a b .:...t . house aud a n&jor
swir-cruing pooi.
The cor:1;-i lction of -,hasc III, h m-wv2:c, Hi ll not pro ,i.d. . Gun Club P .1.r'c
with c.11 t: c nc ccss.:i:ry ..c .::i.cili~i,~.'.:I for a f u ll y e:quippcd corn:!un ity park .
There will s till te the ncc u for a communit y club house.
Tennis Courts
Rq;arding the unused tennis cour D, the I'arko Dc r :.1rtrncnt has st.:1tcd t h::t
it would be willing to r emove the t cnnlG courtG a~ erect baskc ~ .'.111
courts if the corr. 1unity so d~ s ires. ·1cncc, the sulution of this r,rob lem
simply awnits the ncccs ~2.ry c c::,;:; -nicati on bt.:tween ·he c om:r uni ty g rouns
anc.1 the Parks Department cu rinz which the cor.,munit y g r oups can po int
out exact ly what they want done.
The need to ere ct a footbridge '\-1:,ich (> rovi 'es access £:::err, Pe rry Eonc s
to Gun Club Park is cur ren ly being met by t he At lc: 1: t · :-.:)US ing ,ut· ority ,
which b egan receiving bids for construct··on of t h<:: bridge on Scpterr:ber 21,
Center Ri ll Park
The Parks Department h as allocate $40 ,000 from i~s Supplemen~al ?und
to bring about general i mµ rovcm0nts for Center Hill Pl! .. k during t e
coming year. These ir.:provcmcnt ;; ui ll include ; site p:c~ 1).'.l _atio u:i.d
drainage, drive- uay .:m<l parki n:; spaces, pav ed court area , a c il ren I s
area, and the relighting of the existing ball fi ld .
Hollyyood Hills Playlot
The Parks Department has affir~ed its wi l lingness to meet re sid2nts 1
dissatisfaction with the unsafe l ocat ion of: i: ollywood Hills · 1nyl ot
ne a r a hazardous flood pl ain. The Depar t ment holds th at it crect a the
playlots as temporary, SQa ll-scale play ate2s at the re quest of the
citi zens and at sites sel ct d by the c itiz ns. Th re are no si 6 nifica~t
problems in removing the playlots or chanzing them to a di£f2rent 1 cQtion
since the facili ties are temp or a ry and easily reffiovable.
Insufficient Re creational Le ade rship
The problem of insufficient recreational lca.dcrship is due, in lc...: i; e
part to the ~oor development of re c reational facilities in Bencral. 11
order to provide recreational workers the Pa1+s Dena-::t• .cnt rec:ui:: :s ... h.:::.t
the park or school to which the worker i s assigned have i ndoor f -cilities.
Unfortunately, most of the parks and schools in the are a do not havG su ch
facilities and hence are not manned .
As r ecreational f acil ities are i .. proved, e. 0 • when Gun Club Park is
compl eted, one should expect rr.orc rccreatio r!..::.l lc.:1dc i.·ship. In :: ,1,:; r.:e3ntime , an ef [ort should be made on the par· of eithe r the local corr:nun i ty
�-12or the Parks Department to check out those schools or parks which do
have adequate indoor facilities 60 that recreational leaders can be
as signed to them.
Estimate of Community Needs
Existing .Needs
(Those requiring immediate_ att enti-o.x)·-··-- · ·-· ='
Neighborhood Parks, Preferably With Recreational Leadership, For
Lincoln and Perry Homes Communities.
Lincoln Homes
Since the Parks Department has no funds for additional park land, the
request for a neighborhood park for Lincoln Homes will have to be placed
~n the next bond issue. This matter should receive 'high priority'
attention from the Parks and Planning Departments.
Perry Homes
The physical facilities for a park here can be provided by the Housing Authority. Since the H. A. is prevented by Federal law from meeting
recreational personnel cost, it is recommended that the City find means
of paying total personnel costs instead of the 50% level it is operating
under now.
... .-..
·f -·- ~
Completion of Gun Club Park
•4- ..
While it is true the Gun Club Park is under construction now as a 1 high
pr i ority' project, still it is neces sary that plans be drawn for its
comp l etion beyond the current construction plans. A community park,
fully equipped with a community club house, is sorely needed in the area.
Moreover, the plans should be drawn up in such a manner that the local
resident ~ can have a voice in selecting the types of facilities to be
erected ~n the park.
Establishment of Effective Communication Links Between Loca l
Community Groups and The Parks Department
Many of the park problems, i.e. Hollywood Hills Playlot, appear to be
primarily a result of poor communication b etween the local corr:munity
and the Parks Department . Evidently many of the immediate problems
could be given prop er attention if the local community groups had
organized channels for addressing their grievances to the Parks
Department and if the Parks Department, on the other hand, would keep
the community informed of and give them a voice in its plans for the area.
Future Needs (Those likely to develop in a period of about 5•10 years; during which
time the population is expected to double.).
�~ -- - - - -
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. ..
. -~
7 ,
·.· ·.
Community Park
- ~ r.
•• •
····..~ : .
- ~.·
This pa rk need not necessarily be located within ·the boundaries ·used for·:. ··. · ·. ·: .·_:-,j
t hi s s tudy . Any of the area to the west of James Jackson Parkway from ·. ·. . .:· .: .·!
iloit on Road to the Chattahoochee might be desirable.
·· -~ :
.:;:-:: ··.-: .·:~:]
. ..
of these are already proposed and their tentative ·sites seem
desirable . The possible site for another would depend upon the future ·
growth pattern of the area.
.,··. ·.
,_.:. ~~
... .. .
At Least Three More Neighborhood Parks
.. ..
1. .
•-. ,
....: . .
. :.
.. ·.· ...... -~./
Establishment of a Park Development Program
·,: '.i
This is a program that could be carried out by the Planning and , Parks
Departments in close conjunction with the local community ·for the purpose
of expanding and improving park facilities as population increase demands
it. -
.. .
·... ..
One example of the type of expansion that might be desirable and e~en
ne ces sary in the future concerns Center Hill Park. Although adequate in
size f or existing population, in t he future it would probably be desirable ·
t o extend its northern boundary f _rom Hill Street across the now vacant
land to North Grand Avenue. This would not only increase the space for
the park, but would also facilitate access from a major thoroughfare,
. . ... . .~. - · · ~:: .... ·~Hollywood Road.
_.,. _ ------:-· ·-···
. . . ·:
Co s t Estimates of Selected Items
New neighborhood park
New community park
Recre ation leadership
Perry Home s
Gun Cl ub Pa rk - Third
Community Club House
Total construction minus land costs
Total construction minus land costs
·soo, ooo
6-8 ,000
Total construction minus land costs
Total construct i on minus land costs
(1 )
Explanatio n of Sewage and Flooding Problems
There are severa l r e as ons for the s ewage and flooding problems _i n the
Northwe s t Brownt own Area. The t hree most prominent reasons a re:
-- -
The limited ca pa c i t y of Pr oct or Creek a s a dr ainage system;
Poor sit i ng of several re sidential home s ;
General ly de fic ient and ob s o l e te st orm and· sanitary sewers.
Limit ed Capacity of Proct or Creek
the problems of Proctor Creek are in a sense no more than· a reflection of
the area's general problem of growth imbalance, in which the development
of community facilities have not kept pace with the residential growth.
li" ·-~ . ··.:-·· ... ..---
- - - - -- -- -- -- -- -,
. . ..--#·-.. ...-.....--·],.
· ....
·. :' -
.. .
~--:.·,·: :';"--~~-- ... : :_.·,-- . ·:
Proctor Creek has served as a major dra ina13e bas in for s torm and san{tary:'. ··;._:.<:·, ·:' ·.".
s ewage in the Northwest area long before it _became annexed to t he C_ity.: · .< ·. . :: .·} >-. ·,:\
and developed. As a result, it is not adequately suited now to serve · ·
. ·..\ · ·; .-.--.
the newly built up population. This is the reason for much of the over -. ., . ... ; /~_--:'<;/
f l ow and more specifically is the reason why the worst cases ,of overflow . ..
-· ··-··
occur at residential homes and areas bordering the creek.
·..· ' ·.·· · · · ,·
There is no question that this problem of Proctoi Creek .is a large scale
one which demo.nds a long -term s olution.. The solution prcposed by th e ·· . ._.:_:· . · :-· ;_i_ /:::<'.:~
. :_ ~
Cons truction Department is the Sandy Creek Improvement Program ( Phas es I ·.
t o III) which i s supposed to begin some time in 1969 and will require 15 ·.·
to 20 ye ars for its completion. Up until the time of the i mp le~e nt a t i on ·· ·· ··
. ~of the Sandy Creek Improvement Pr ogram, the Construction Dep art me nt wi ll · · '.__.· · ·
be utili zing whatever temporary solutions are possible. Presently under .
··' .
co nz ideration i s the construction of a small 'package 1_ plant to alleviate · ..~<· ·· - ..,
the l oad on some of the major lines.
·--:--·· .
The_ problem of flooding itself in Proctor Creek can only ·be resolved
. ·..
. --~-'·/ ..
.. .. ·,, ;~-:. -
- ~+
by r e s t ricting children from the floOded portions and by preventing · t l1e · . .. ~-- ('t ... ·:- :__-- · . ··.:
. ·· .
construction of residential homes and play areas at sites near the creek
wh ich are too low. This point leads into the second major recson behind ·. ,.. ;,·,:: )\
the flooding and sewer problems in Northwest Browntown.
Poo r Si ting of Residential Homes
Act ually several homes built ne ar Proctor Creek,· i.e., along Clarissa
Dr ive , never should h ave been built there in the first place bec ause
t he ir sites are too low in rel ation to the creek. It has been s ugges t ed :
that the City purchase these homes since there is no economically feasible
s ol ut ion for h andling their sewage and f looding problems.
·; '
Generally De f i c i ent and Obsolet e Stor.m ~r.d Sanitary $ewers· ·
Undoubtedly, -many ca ses of flood ing i n the a rea a re due to t he ol d ,
obs olet e sewer s throughout the area. Replacement and repairing of these
s ewers , howeve r , a r e minor in comparison t o what needs to be do ne with
Proct or Creek and will be handled by t he Cons t ruction Department as
qu i ckly as it s limit ed funds will · allow.
Initiat ion of the Sandy Creek Improveme nt Pr oj ect As Soo n As
This is the only ultimat e s olution t o t he maj or sewage problem in the
a re a . So its imp lementat i on should be giv en h igh priority.
.,,-- - f -
- ..... . --
Some Planned Action on Poorly Sited Homes
The re is an urgent need for s omething to be done with those homes which
are· t oo poorly situat ed nea r Proctor Creek f or anything economic a l ly
feasible t o be done ab out t hei r flooding and sewage problems. It i s
suggested tha t a study be made, pr obab l y by the Construction Department,
to i dent ify t hose homes which are beyond he l p and t o r e commend a solution
which wou l d satisfy bot h the owners and the Ci t y. The possib i l i ty of .the
City buying the homes shou ld be carefully s t udied.
..a-..;.; - :-- - ' • •
. . . _ ,,
I,. r··
-v· ,
Co s t Estimates of Selected Itema
Sa ndy Creek Improv ements:
Phase I
Pha se II
Phase III
General Storm Sewer Improvements:
The time and scope allocated to this report was not enough to allow f or an indepth s tudy of tho s e pro!)lems associated with library, health, employment and
trans portation faciliti e s. Thus no attempt is made to analyze all the various
r amific ations of these problems or to specify the existing and future community
needs which they might generate. Instead attention was focused on only the
most obvious and general needs in these areas.
The Needs Include:
More Effective Communication Links Between Local Community Groups and
Ci ty Services
An investigation into several traffic and transportation problems r evealed
the ne ed for stroneer co-.:cmunication links between local community groups
a nd the various City agencies furnishing community services. For ex ample,
note the following two cases:
Lack of Traf fic Si gn.?.l at .Jacks on Parkway and Browntown Ro ad
According to :the Traffic Engine e ring Depar tment a study wa s made of this
i nt erse ction 5 or 6 years ago which revealed that no traf fic light wa s
needed at the time. No complaint s had been received about the i nte rsec tion then, so the depart me nt had no way of knowing it was a troub l e
s pot. However, upon request of the Planning Dep a rtment the Tr a ff ic
Enginee r i ng Department will make a no t her s~udy of traffic condit ions at
t he intersection, after which it can de termine what type of t raff ic
f acility can best handle the contlitions.
Poor Care of St r eets
The Sanit at i on Div i sion of t he Co ns truc tion Department confirmed that
it handle s the clear ing of rubbish fr om t he s treet, but that the trimming
of gras s border i ng t he street s is a r e spons i b i l ity of the property
owners. It fur the r s tat ed tha t it had a s hor t ag e of wo r kers to clean the
streets s o that its men a re s pread thin Qv er t he City. However, if
any community f e lt it had been neglected and wanted ·cleaning services f or
its streets , the community should make a request to the Sanitation
Div i sion and the request wi ll be acted upon.
More Effe ctive Communicat i on Links
The ~ain fact or unde rly ing bo t h of t he above traf f i c and Gt.~oet c8re
problems is the need f or mo re effective communication links between l ocal
�-16community groups and the City services. This may sound rather ·trite,
but actually it has important implications for both the local groups
and the City agencies.
On the one hand, the local groups must establish the necessary organizational machinery to direct their complaints to the appropriate agencies ·
and to follow through to see that their complaints are acted upon. One
the other hand, when a public agency receives a complaint or request
from a community group it should act upon the, compl°aint and if unable to ·
do so, should give the community a clear explanation. Also, whenever
possible the agencies should keep local communities informed of the various
projects planned for the area.
II .
- ······--···· .
Pub lie Transport at ion Study an<l Impr"ovements
As mentioned earlier, inadequate bus service underlies the main problems
which residents face in terms of access to needed facilities: libraries,
hea1th centers, places of employments. This clearly demonstrates the need
for a study which pinpoints the improvements which would be necessary to
alleviate the problems and which recommends ways in which the improvements
can be carried out.
Local Employment
Possible Development of Nearby Industrial Areas
According to the zoning map, the N. W. Browntown Study Area is heavily
bordered -by industrial land and thus is better situated to a potential
employment base than roost other areas in the City. However, much of
this industrial land is undeveloped; so the kind of employment it offers / ·.,
to Browntown residents will depend upon its future course of development.
If possible, the City should try to attract those types of industries ·
which would offer employment opportunities to local residents.
- ... ---
. -,. . _
,.-- f ··
., . . .. -
Hire Local Residents First on Government Sponsored Projects
In addition to attracting local employment-generating industries, the
City can utilize whatever other opportunities are available to help
alleviat e local unemployment. A case in point is the additional public
housing units planned for the N. W. Area. It would not onl y help
alleviate the problem of unemployment, but also do away with much local
dissatisfaction if the City required the developers of public housing to
hire local residents first in recruiting work~rs.
' ..
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. ..
. .···; ·~:
·- · .,
The previous twc sections have examined problems "and needs of partic~_lar :·. i>:". ..... . .....
... . .
• :.?~. ~
community facilities. The i;urpose of this section is to look ·into the impact ·_ "' . ,· ..
of future. resi.dcr,tic.l growth on community facilities · in general.
L\ ot!-:::1 wrn::'..,~, it will focus on such <iuestions as:
and housinG \lJ.ll be coming into the N.
how much population
Browntown Area over the next few
years?, what kiT).ds of problems will they create?, 'what community facilities
will they lack? , will this lack put a drain on existing facilities or will ·
- ~- -~-·-
current imprm-e,u~ntc be able lo ·1ii0~t futur2 r',eeds?
These all a4e important questions, for which existing data is too incomplete
to give fully accur.:.tc answers.
Yet they must be answered as accurately as
existing dnta will allov if a start is to be made in planning for the N. W.
Browntown Arce\.
Before looking directly into the impact of future residencial growth, it is
necessary to first recognize the fact of future population and housing growth
in the N.
...,,, ~
,,,-..,.,.. - -·
Area .
Any consideration of the ·area's
dev elopme ot
must recognize firstly that it will be experiencing large increases in popul ation
and housing over the coming years and that some of the housing will be low-income
and public ho~sir.g.
Forces Be hind Growth
The reasons behind such growth are really not too complex for in actuality
t he growth is no more t h an a reflection of metropolit an economic-pop\llation
increases and the need t.o a lleviate i;,ov<;ir-e, housing s hortages in the City as
a whole.
�.,. . --.. -__ . ._ -~ ·-----v- ----- - - - - --------------~---.. .=. ., 01.
·;..:i-=:,.,_~,~-=-.:,":-,;+·..c• _;.,~.;..:...:,,.;,..:.,_i
Economic-Population Increase
The economic and population growth in the Atl anta Metro politan Area
is primar ily a re s ult of its role as the fin ancial and commerc i al
center of the Southeast and as one of the fastest growing metropolitan
r eg ions i n the country. Projections de rived from GIP studies indicate
that current rates of economic growth will continue for at l east the
next 15 yc nrs. The proj ec t io ns f ur ther indicate that t he Cit y of
At lanta will have an increase of over 100,000 people by 1975 and
o~e r 150,000 by 1983.
The areas in the City most likely to absorb this growth are t he
relative ly undeveloped areas outside the central city such as the
Northwest area. .Due to the intensive concentration of people and
activities at the central core and the resultant lack of space,
more and more of Atlanta's population will be dispersing towa r d the
fringe areas.
Housing Needs of Atlanta
In addition to the sheer pressure of economic and population g rowth,
Atlant a is also experienc i ng the prob l em of severe housing shortages .
This i s due no t only to t he lage_of housing supply behind popul ati on
growth, but al s o to the displacement of many resident s th r ough var ious
f orms of governmental act i vity, i.e. urban renewal, highwa y cons t ruction
Accord i ng to the GI P Relocation Report (Septembe r 1966) , during 1956- 60
At l a nta d isp l a ced 21,000 fami lies a nd 67,000 people mostly low- income,
through such a c tiv i t ies and thereby severe ly agg r avat ed the existing
short ag e of housing i n the City. So t he fac t i s that At l ant a does
not have t he housing resourc es t o me e t the needs of it s popu l ation,
particular l y t he low-income segme nt s. Estima tes indicat e that nearly
17, 000 new housing unit s wi ll be r e quired over the next 5 years in order
t o adequately hous e the people .
The ge nera l s hortage of hous i ng in At l a nta is the main factor behind
the bold housing pr ogr am wh i ch the City is curr ent l y pus hing . This
curre nt program s eek s to ge t 16, 800 unit s withi n a f ive-year pe riod
a nd 9,300 of thes e wi t hin the next two ye ars .
GIP Projections f or Nort hwest Brownt own
The t e ndency f or populat io n growth in .Atla nta to disperse t oward the
fr inge are as is one reas on why CIP proj ections indicate such l a rg e s c ale
populat ion increases f or t he Northwest Br ownt own Study Area over t he nex t
15 years. The projections indicate that the population will double· t o
a total of abo ut 33,000 people in a decade and will reach 40,000 by 1983 .
, -
~· ...
. . ;.
·· ~ ,:
�.--- - ......------------------------------------------11.Dt--.. . .,·--~
·-·:-,. . . ---19So the re a l quest ion for. nny in".?,uiry into the future development of the
study nrea is not , ;l;~tl·,·-:..:~ it will gain more people and housing, but what
is the scale oft~~ grow~h likely to be and what will be its probable
impact on cor.:munity facihtios and services.
Projected Housing f:or Br~wntown
A good indictltion c£ scale of residential development that will probably -·
occur in the N. W. Brm,~t:o;"11 Area can be seen in the housing projects
• •
currently being co~sider~d for construction in the area. Seven such
projects are now beiag c~ usidered; four by public housing authorities
ri.nd th;;::ee by private dev.-:1.opers. Some of these prc,jects are definite;
other3 are tc::.tative and s till in the earli~st plenning £tsges. Together .·.
they would b;:ing an estim,-;!ted total of 3,254 housing units and 13,025 people into the area.
., ·
• •
··. :: T.
The table below show how these estimated population and housing - units .-·
are diat ribut;ed amoung the various p-.:ojecta.
· , .. .
N',.,11,mE R OF UNITS
Perry Homes
Magnolia Cem~tery
Bankhead Highway
Browntown Road
700 :
1,000 ·
2, 50Q.
-~- ·: .
PROJF.C~ED 221 (d) (3) and PRIVA!E HOUSING
Rockdale Park 221 (<l.) (3)
Gun Club Park
Hollywood . Road (Lincoln Homes)
660 ·
Implications f or Community Facilities
In or.d;;r to d,~al with the implication _of future residential growth for
co-:mnu:1.ity fa:::l.lities in the Northwest, this report will assume that the
above p7: ojc'..:t:8 wi.ll be carried out an~ completed in the comicg ?ears and
thus di:'. lerm:l.n.= tr, ·~ need in comm,mity facilities that will pro';)ably develop ·:
from tI :e co.::.st ruct:i.on of the p:::ojects.
In ef.foct, the report will be asking two questions: What kinds of
community f.:v::'...lities would be included in the projec ts? What kinds would
not Le inch11Ld? Tl-.e facilities which are not included should then give
an iciea of the community needs that a~ likely to be generated through
construction of the projects.
Facilities Likely to Be Included
According to information from public housing authorities and from
plans of private developers, i.e. Rockdale Park, it appears that
the projects
Jld include such facilities as community buildings
and var ious .l:orms of parks and recreational spaces.
Public housins would allocate space and facilities for community
buildings, child care centers, and enough recreational spaces to
meet the requirements of a neighborhood park. In the case of major
project generating the need for a new school, it might cooperate
with th~ 3chool Department by allocating part of its total land area
-for a school site. Large private or 221 (d) (3) developments , such
as Rockdale Park, would not only provide adequate recreational
facilities, but also an elementary school and a health center.
So in summary one would expect the housing projects to include:
Community center, i.e. central meeting building, child
care centers, etc.
Recreational spaces adequate to meet requirements of
Neigh!:>orhood Parks.
In the case of one large scale project, i.e. Rockdale
Park, an elementary school~- and health center.
Facilities Not Likely To Be Included
From the above discussion it · becomes apparent that except for
Rockdale Park, the proposed housing developments would not
include the following facilities:
Elementary and High School's
Collll!lunity Park
Maj or Sewer Improvements
Other Facilities, such as Librarie s, Health Cent ers, etc • .
•••• 1
... •
· ...:;.·,._.. :
This me;;.ns that if the housing developments are cons truct ed
they will probably be creating a need for these facilities . ..
List of ~equired Items and Conditions
Be 1.ow
• ~
... .
- . -.. , . : ,-(,
a list of the items and con<lttions that will probably be re- ··, ~
, .. - ·}_
(iU"~ r:,~. 'l ~: the hou r;i.1::g ;;i 1:r>jects cur·.rE:ntly considered for Northwest BroHi'\.~ : a
• ·., ,· · .,
tc,1,.11:' .are ,"'.o;:lCt'L·1Kt. !C!, vl1~n possible, cost- estimates of the it ems are :··
gi·-.,,. n, I t sr.0ulo. .h.;;i lt.,::µt. in mind that these required ite ms and conditions
nm <>ri·ty i;;en~r <i.L ,;~.t:L;;;... ~~s designed to give some idea of the sc.:,.le o f
co ..1.1r.1;_~, ;.~~\7 -.~!e<, 6: ,.r.. ohou!.\l not be taken as precise formulations · to apply
to ev~Y-::~, f,c·.rc!.cular situation. Also, these needs do not represent . sotr..e ~ :
•, •
• \
·... · ~· . ·: -: ·:·:
• •
.. ...
• 0
, ...
·,·· .
�-2 i -
thing t ha t must be met at once, but as the ho~sing projec ts will probably
be bu ilt in a gradual fashion over a 3 or 5 year period, so the needs
wil l develop in s uch a fashion.
l high s choo l
To t a l
3 elementary schools
±ot a l
1 complete community pa ~k Total
( A more detailed discussion
seen in the ' Dis cussion of
const ru ction minus land costs $5,000;000
cons truction n1inus land CO $ tS
6,000 , 00 1
construction mi nus i.:lnd co sts
and cxpl;:tni:it:.ion of these items c nn b e
Community Problems 1 13cction of this
( 1)
As cons truction of the hous i ng proj e ct s are undcrway 1 it . is also .
probable that Phase I of the Sandy Creek Sewer Improvements will : be
underway and will begin t o reliev~ many of the sewer probic~s i n the
area. However, it is doub t ful that the fl ooding
Proc t or Creek· . ·
will be relieved any time in t he near future. In thi3 c as ~ it i s
important that future housing be located at safe distances fro~ the
Park Expans i on and Improvement
As population in the a rea be gins to build up, it will be ne cessary
and desirable to i mprove and cKpand s ome of the parks. s~e, for
example , the suggested e xpansion o f Center Hill Park in previous
section of this report.
Traffic and Transportation
The a dditional population in the area would incre a se even· furthe r
t he need f or many traff ic and t r a nspor t ation improvements . Of spcci.s.1
urgency would be reschedul i ng and r outing of bus se rvice more in
tune with transportation needs of the people .
Other Facilitie s
it is quite po ssib le t ha t the need f or other s uch ~acil i t ies as
libraries and hea lth will deve l op .
Disturbing Trend
\.lhi le it is true that N. W. Browntown, like ma ny other areas in the City,
will have t o accommodl)te some of the lcw~income public housing scheduled
to be built over the coming ye ar n, statis tical data indicates that N. W.
Browntown is receiv ing a disproportionate share of the City's public
housing. Although containing only 3% of the total nutnber of housing
units in the City, 1t already con.ta.ins nP.m::ly 20% of th~ total
- - -- --
- - -- -·1
public housing units in the City and about 50% of the housing currently
considered for development in the area is public housing.
Socia~ Implications
Residents of the N. W. Browntown have expressed strong concern about
becoming a "dumping ground" for the City 1 s public housing. Studies of
this city and many others have attested to the danger of concent~Gting
too many public housing projects in one area, showing that concentrati on
of public housing in one area usually means the concentration of all the
social problems commov.ly associated with pub lie housing: family
instability, unemploymP.nt, idle youth, etc. Such concentrations can
me an potentially explosive situations which in turn can only further
aggravate the existingbifu~~at2onbetween low-income and middle to
' upper income areas of the City.
Necessity To Est.~blish Limits
Without a doubt, it would be to the advantage of all segme nts of the
City's population to arrest the trend toward over concentra t i on of
public housing before the accumulation of serious social p r oblems that
could affect the City as a whole. It is difficult to say just where
the line should be drawn as to how much public housing Northwest
Browntown should be expected to absorb. Undoubtedly more information
would be needed on the availability of possible sites throughout th e
City. Yet it is important that residents and public offici a ls beg in
now to make some effort to create a more healthful mixture of housing
types in the Northwest area.
Based upon the
analysis and assessment of coID:IDunity problems
and needs in N. W. Browntown, this section proyides the recommendations designed
to as., _.st public officials in their decisions to meet the problems and needs
of the area.
If carried out, the recommendations should eliminate the ~resent
lag between the developm~r.c of community facilities and residential growth,
they should correct existing deficiences and anticipate major future needs.
before getting directly into the recommendations, it is important
one l ook at the transitional nature of the N. W. Browntown Area.
For it is
only within this context that one can appreciate the real value of the reco mmendations.
Many of N. W. Browntown's problems accrue from the dilemmas which it
fac e s at thi s particv 1,~'t" point in its community development .
N. W. Brownt owri
is a new ly devE:- l oping area which is just at the point where it is t oo large
f or many e~is t ing facilities, but too s mall to justify many i mmed i at e l arge
seal .~ imp rovements.
For exampl e , Arche r High is t oo s ma l l and over crowded f o r the number of
n i gh scho o l students current ly in t he area, yet th i s current h i gh school
? Opulat i on is not l arge enough t o j ust i fy the cons t r uc tion o f an addit~~nal
h i gh schoo l.
Io t he cas e o f s ewers t he mai n l ines are operating near or at
peak capacity and the Pro ct or Creek system is operating ab ove its o r iginally
des i g11 u<l c ap acity.
Yet the needed improvements are necessar~ ly of a long
term nature and al t hough they canno t be comp leted i mmediate l y~ i n all pr obab ility .
they wii.L be comp l et ed i n t i me t o !Support the pOl)U lation of the area when it
becomes heavily deve l oped .
�- 24 ·An~i hcr ~ spcct of this sit u ation ist .at V3r ious city and county 3crv ic e
agencies v e3/
ra re ly plan pr oje ct s 5-10 ye ars ahead .
Of cour se , ic would be
ideal if / ~ ey were involved in long-r ange planning so that they cou ld antici.
pa~,.4~ oblems rather than res.p ond to them as they occur. But due primarily to
_.......,,,-/,? fimit ed funds, the age ncies are more o r l ess compe ll e d t o respond prair.:.:;.tically
to community problems.
The value of this report then is that it tends to ~ake up f o r the lack of
long -range planning for various city services.
Through its asses sment of
co mmunity needs and its recom.~e nd at ions, it can be of inva luab le assistance to
public officials by pointing out wh~t needs to be done to meet existing problems and foreseeing future needs in the Browntown Area .
In ord er to e liminate exi sting deficiencies and bring about ord e rly
growth i n the N. W. Browntown Area, it is reco,mr,e nd ed:
That a vertic al addition to Archer Hig~ wh ich wo uld in crease its
capacity to 2000 students be placed on a bond issue by Spring, 1968.
That an elementary school site be included for any new housing projects ·
approach ing 300 units or mo re in size.
That planning be started now for the cons truction of a new high school in the area as population increase demands it.
That plans be started now for the construction of a juni or high school
on the already a cquired site located west of James Jack.s on Parkway as
population increase demands it.
Parks and Recreation
That a request for a neighborhood park for Lincoln Homes be rlaced on
the next bond issue.
That the City find a means of paying all of the personnel costs needed
to maintain recreational services i~ Perry Homes .
�- 25 (3)
Th~t pl a ns be started for securing funds to build u con-:rr.uQ ity cl ub house
_;_nd iully equip Gun Club Par.c - s a community park .
That p l ans be started for the devel opment of a com:nunit y po . k to the
o f Jame s Jackson Parkway as population increase de:· ,il , GS it.
Tha t plans be s tarted for the development of at least on.i= more neighbor hood park in addition to t he two a lreau.y proposed f or tLe 2.re a .
That the Par ks Department _be prep ared to expand and i Dprcve upon existing
parks and recreational facili ies as population increase dema nds it.
Se·w ers
(1 )
That the Sa ndy Creek I mp rovenc nts Proj e ct be ini tiated as s oon as
po ·sible in order to bring about the major so l ution to most of th e sewage
and flooding problems in the a r e a,
Tha t until the Sandy Creek I mp rov ements Project is ini ti ated wha t eve r
temp orary solutions a re fe.:z.sibl e b e i mple ,ented to a l leviat e sei:rge
condit ions before large new holls;i.._ng_ prc,ject-a a:ci2: <.:u nstrucceci.
~·-- ... ....
Tha t a plan of action be developed t o ident ify and aid th e owners of
those homes which are too poorl y s ituated near Proctor Creek for anyth ing
economically feasible to be done ab out their sewage and fl ooding problems .
Other Facilities
That a public transport a tion study be made to spe c ify problems face::d by
residents in terms of ac cess to library, ,ealth, and employment facili ies
and to r e commend feasible alte4na tives for r esolv ing t he situation.
(2) . That the City make a conccntritcd effor t to upcr3de street and traf f ic
facili t ies in the ar e a, including the erection of traffic faciliti es at
needed int erse ctions, the co nstruction of street l ights in un lighted
r esidential areas, and the general maintenance of cl ean and well _ paved .streets.
.:· • .
That eff ort s be made to attr~ct to nearby industrial areas firns that
would generate employment op portunities for local residents.
That the City requi r e that developers of any pub lic housing projects in
in the area hi re l ocal residents first in recruiting workers .
Ge ner al
That local community group s establish the ne c ess~ry orbani zutionai
~achinery to direct t h eir cox:1p l ai::1ts and reque:;;ts to the ap p rop riate
public .:lgE:ncies and to follow through ar,d see th at their comp laints and
re~uests are acted upon o
- 26-
That t he public service agencies act upon complaints and r e que sts fr o~
l o cal community groups and g ive t he g:.oups a ciear explanation if t h ey
are unable to rr.eet a re quested serv ic e.
That eve ry effort be made to develo~ a health i er mixture of low and
midd le income h ous ing types t h .. oughout the City so that pub lic housing d
does not b e come furt he r overconcent r ated in the Northwest Browntown .
Most ac tion toward im pleme nta t ion of the recommendat io ns o f the N o rthwest Brown town Study
mus t in it iate from the N o rthw e st Brow n town comm uni ty itsel f. As sta ted in o ne o f the re commendati o ns
o f the stu dy the local comm uni ty mus t es tab lish the ne c essa ry or ganiza t iona l mach ine ry to di re ct
th eir conce rn s and requests to the a p pro pr ia te pu bl ic a ge ncies.
The fo llow ing c har t·k ind ica tes the e le c ted poli t ic al bod ie s a nd ad m inistrat ive a gen cies to w h ich
th e communi ty should dire c t its effor ts in ini ti a t ing ac t ion on part icular recomm end a t ions.
At lan ta School Board,
Dr . Ru fus E. Cl eme n t ,
Re presenta t ive from Th ird Wa rd
Bu i ld ing & Grou nds Commi ttee of
School Boa rd,
Fred M. She ll, Cha irman
D ivisi on o f Schoo l Pla nt Planning
& Co nstruc t ion o f Atl an t a Pub li c
Sc hools,
Darw in E. Womac k ,
Assis tan t Su pe r intenden t
A ldermani c Parks Comm i ttee ,
Char les Le ftw ich , Chairman
Pa rks Department,
J a c k De liu s, G ene ral Manager
Re commenda t ions 1,2,3 & 4
Parks & Re creat ion
Re commendati ons 1, 3 , 4 ,5
Re comm e ndati o n 2
Mayo r 1s Offic e ,
Da n Sweat , J r ., Direc tor o f
Gov e rnm e n tal Li aison
Sewe rs
Recomme ndations I, 2 & 3
Alde rman ic Pu b! ic Works C ommittee
G. Ev erett Mi lli can , Chairman
Pub Iic Wo rks Departme nt
Ra y Nix on, Chie f o f Pu b lic Wo rks
Di v is ion o f Wa ter Po ll u tion
Co ntrol,
Rober t H . Morr iss, Eng in eer o f
Wa ter Poll u tion Control
Th is c hart is d esig ned to ac compa ny the re commendations I iste d on pages 24-26 of the N orthw est
Brown town Stud y .
Re commendati o n I
Aldermanic Traffi c, Parking &
Transi t Committee ,
Jack Summ ers, C hai rman
(Atl an ta Transi t System ,
Robert Sommervi l e , Presiden t)
Re com mendat ion 2
A !dermani c Traffi c, Park ing &
Transit Committee ,
Jac k Su mmers , C ha irman
Pu bl ic Works Department ,
Street Di vision , G. F. S teele ,
Engi neer o f Stree ts
Traffic En g in eer in g Department ,
Kar l A . Bevins , Ci ty Traff ic
San itary Depa rtment
Ray N ix o n , C hief o f Public
Re commendatio n 3
(C hamber of Commerce ,
Division of Ur ba n Affairs ,
Cu rtis H . Driskell)
Recommenda t ion 4
Mayor 1s O ffi c e
Dan Swea t , Jr., Di re c tor of
Governmen tal Liaison
Board o f Aldermen ,
Sam Masse 11 , Jr ., Pres ident
Ot her Foci I ities
G eneral
Re commenda t ion 3
Aldermanic Planning & Development
Rodney Coo k , C hairman
Aldermanic Zoning Committee
John M. Flanige n , C hairman
Planning De partment ,
Co llier B. G lad in, Planning
Land Use Con trols Division of
Planning Department,
Tom Shu ttleworth, Div is ion Ch ief
(schools, parks, libraries,
I) O ne community pork to west
of Jomes Jackson Parkwa y
I) New high school
(capac ity 2,000)
2) New junior high school
(ca pac ity 1200)