Box 5, Folder 16, Document 1

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Box 5, Folder 16, Document 1

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okills Training, Education,
and Area Development

To respond to opportunity, oppor-
tunity must exist. For many Ameri-
cans the lack of opportunity has
been an awesome reality. Economic
development of our depressed
areas and natural resources is im-
portant; development of our people
is mandatory.

Thiokol has grown in depth of
knowledge and experience through

RANK Ylrgecardy

Robert L. Marquardt

Vice President

Economic Development

Thiokol Chemical

early commitment of our total
Corporate resources to America’s
socioeconomic struggle. Through
an innovative social engineering
system, Thiokol helps convert the
unemployed to motivated tax-
payers with a future. Our nation’s
growth will be greater tomorrow by
creating employment today.

Program experience
demonstrates Thiokol’s
unique capabilities


Thiokol training programs are, for the
most part, job placemenit-oriented. In
some instances, such as the tenant
management training program in Gulf-
port, Mississippi, jobs are not the
end result. But regardless of the objec-
tive, all Thiokol training is based on
the following principles:

1. Every trainee has individual
capabilities and learning rates.

2. Eachiraining program has unique
objectives, trainee population,
and organization structure.

3. Each training program is a com-
plete system since it is an
assembly of people and materials
unified to meet a common goal.

Programs, designed and conducted

by application of systems analysis,
provide individualized instruction lead-
ing to specific objectives and involving
all components of the EDO training

Area Develonment

Thiokol’s successful systems manage-
ment experience gained by Thiokol as
aleading aerospace systems producer
gives the company an unmatched
capability to define and help solve
local, state, national, and even inter-

. | " Big, Fa =

national socio-economic problems.
The EDO technique of total area
development includes:

1.A thorough systems analysis of
the community or area to be de-
veloped or redeveloped.

2. Preparation of a detailed techni-
cal plan outlining the tasks re-
quired to achieve the objectives
of the program.

3. Implementation and operation of
the program.

Emphasis is placed by the company
on industrial plant location, including
product market analysis and housing
and recreation development. Com-
plete training programs offered in this
total development concept include
curriculum development, housing
occupancy, basic educational, voca-
tional, and-social skills training.

Necessary rapport also is estab-
lished with other private companies,
and with local and federal govern-
mental agencies to coordinate efforts
needed to solve problems.

Educational Products

Because of the growing general need
for vocational and basic educational
materials, EDO established its Educa-
tional Products organization. It is
staffed by curriculum experts from
many academic and technical disci-
plines. These highly qualified educators
have experience in both traditional
and unusual training-education situa-
tions. The Educational Products
facility, located in Ogden, Utah, pro-
duces educational material for use in
Thiokol programs and for distribution
through publishers and other market-
ing firms.


The Components

m Basic Education

Basic education must impart to
trainees the academic skills required
for successful job training and place-
ment. The content of Thiokol basic
education courses is geared to in-
dividual vocational courses. Both
remedial and advanced courses are
offered, dependent on the needs of
the trainees. Courses currently being
conducted in the various programs
include reading, mathematics, com-
munication skills, personal develop-
ment, highschool equivalency (GED),
and driver education

Vocational Training

Thiokol vocational training prepares
trainees for entry level positions
within a cluster of job skills. Specific
courses offered in each of Thiokol's
many programs are based on the
projected manpower needs in those
fields for the following ten years.

Specific job positions provide the
basis for organization and operation
of the vocational training course. As
a contingency, “step-off" achieve-
ment levels are built into each course
to facilitate placement of trainees
who do not complete the program. In-
dividualized courses currently being
offered in the various company pro-
grams include electronics assembly,
welding, surveying, hospital services,
clerical, baking, meatcutting, cook-
ing, farm equipment operation, sheet
metal processing, refrigeration, air
conditioning, plastics patternmaking,
plastics molding, plastics reinforce-
ment, machine shop operation, and
automotive services.

m= Counseling and
Social Skills

Counseling and social skills develop-
ment are vital components of Thiokol
training. Acceptable behaviors
are reinforced and the new attitudes
and perceptions required for a well-
adjusted life are developed. Group
counseling techniques are used to
allow trainees to test their views and
behaviors and to receive critical reac-
tion or support from their peers.
Where the need exists, individual
counseling procedures are imple-

Techniques utilizedinclude the use of
role playing and simulation games

and problem-solving situations to

provide trainees with models of real ~

life experiences.

On-The-Job Training

In addition to the vocational training
component, EDO also can offer train-
ing in actual job situations. Thiokol
training emphasisis given by demon-
stration, application, and practice.
On-the-jobtraining available includes
such positions as cabinet assembler,
medical assistant, machine shop
operator, teaching aide, metals and
welding technician, offset press
operator, air conditioning and refrig-
eration technician.

Home Management

Thiokol trains entire families in the
procedures andskillsneeded to main-
tain a home. Subjects taught include
maintenance, housekeeping, land-
scaping, budgeting, and purchasing.
This content provides instruction for
individuals and families experiencing
life in a new home for the first time.
Additional remedial and enrichment
courses also are offered those
trainees having a need or interest in
a particular subject.


Several thousand graduates of
Thiokol programs, have been placed
in jobs related to their training. Many
others have gone back to high school
orcollege; or have entered the armed
services, for which they had not been
educationally qualified before

Thiokol is placing more than 250
men and women in productive jobs
each monththroughits program grad-
uations and the operation of its job
placement centers.

Curricula and objectives of
each Thiokol vocational training
program have been prepared to
conform to the job descriptions
found inthe Department of Labor
Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
Graduation requirements meet
these descriptions, assuring jobs
to those who successfully com-
plete the training.

JOU Corps
Urtian Center

Clearfield, Utah

The Clearfield Job Corps Urban Center
provides a residential program of total
training for economically disadvan-
taged young men 16-1/2 to 21 years
of age. The Operation was established
April 1, 1966. Current trainee enroll-
ment at Clearfield is 1,350, 200 of
whom are designated as students of
the Advanced Corpsman Institute for
Para-Professional Training.

Academic, basic education, classes
are geared to the vocational training

entry level of each individual and in-
clude reading, mathematics, personal
development, language arts, and driver
education. Each corpsman is assigned
to adormitory with 31 other corpsmen
and a resident counselor. There he
receives group and individualized
counseling. Avocational activities are
conducted during weekdays after
classwork and on weekends and holi-

The average corpsman is enrolled at
the Center for a period of eight to ten
months. While there, he earns $30 a
month. The federal government seis
aside an additional $50 a month to
provide the corpsman an adjustment
allowance between the time he com-
pletes his training and until he earns
his first regular paycheck.

More than 2,500 former unemploy-
ables have completed the program
and have taken jobs, gone back to high
school, or gone into the armed forces.
Many also have gone on to college

During the first two years of opera-
tion, more than 50 enrollees graduated

from high school while at the Center.
More than 300 earned GED certifi-
cates and 200 enrolled in college.


Automotive—Automotive and small
engine repair and maintenance.
Plastics—Courses in plastics mold-
ing, reinforcement, and patternmak-

Food Services—Complete meatcut-
ting, baking, and cooking skills train-

Metals and Welding—Training in gas,
arc, and tungsten inert gas welding

Medical—Personal health, sanitation
and safety, first aid, and hospital
attendant training.
Agriculture—Training in farm equip-
ment operation and maintenance,
farm landscaping, construction, and
maintenance; and livestock farm
hand, ;
Air Conditioning/Retrigeration—
Sheet metal, refrigeration, and air
conditioning skills training.

Plastics forming instruction at Clearfield Job Corps Center


Trainees get practical experience as para-professional teachers, counselors and recreational assistants

for Para-Professional

A need for well-trained para-profes-
sional recreation, teaching, and coun-
seling assistants became evident early
in the Clearfield Job Corps Program.
This need, found to exist also through-
out the education industry, led directly
to establishment of the Clearfield
Advanced Corpsman Institute for Para-
Professional Training.

Teaching Technique

Thiokol’s systems analysis technique
couples social skills development with
job-related skills training. Trainees are
challenged to develop their potential
by systematically looking inward, as-
sessing their aspirations and goals,
andexperimenting withnew behaviors.
Simulated interpersonal confronta-

tions typical of real-life situations force
the trainees to react. These reactions
then are reviewed for their effective-
ness in coping with the situation. New
reactions and patterns of behavior are
explored and practiced. Thus, en-
rollees are involved in training that
emphasizes creative ways of solving
problems. This small, group-oriented
program provides a supportive atmos-
phere in which both social skills ex-
posure and theory are integrated.

Such training techniques as micro-
teaching, closed circuit television, and
role playing are introduced to the In-
stitute trainees. On-the-job exposure
also offers them the opportunity to
practice their newly developed skills
in public school classrooms and in
other work situations. Awareness of
self, concern for others, and helping
others learn to develop their own
potential are all focal points of the


Several hundred corpsmen have com-
pleted the para-professional training

at the Clearfield Job Corps Center.
Approximately sixty-five percent of
these young men graduated with high
school diplomas or general equiva-
lency certificates. Twenty percent of
the graduates have gone onto college,
while another fifteen percent complete
military obligations before resuming
social services careers.

Graduates from Thiokol's Institute
have been placed as counseling, per-
sonnel, teaching, and recreation aides
in Job Corps, Peace Corps, VISTA
programs, and in other projects and
programs sponsored by the Office of
Economic Opportunity. They also have
accepted employment with the Utah
State Employment Commission, the
Washington State Social Services
Office, the New York State Board of
Education, Thiokol’s GATE House
(Job Corps placement office), the
Dallas and St. Louis Employment
Security. Offices, the Seattle Public
Schools, the Newark Public School
System, the Bellevue Mental Hospital
in New York (children's recreational
therapy), and the Juvenile Detention
Office in New York City.

Counter clockwise: Newly arrived student,and family,g

Roswell, New Mexico


+. <i

ets first meal at Center. Student governing body discusses student projects Trainees learn welding, ot

Program Concept

A lack of vocational and social skills
has prevented many American Indians
from attaining proper levels of pro-
ductivity and social standing. Their
training and adjustment from inade-
quate or primitive housing and a state
of unemployment to permanent em-
ployability is the basic goal at the
Roswell Employment Training Center,
where the training period averages
nine months. Normally more than 500
trainees are enrolled continually.

An outstanding feature is the moving
of total families for the first time from
the hogan, pueblo, or igloo to a single
family house on the Center following
training in how to occupy and maintain

, "Woe. v

The Center provides vocational, re-
lated basic educational, home living
and social skills training to volunteer
single adults and entire families from
all the nation’s Indian tribes. As many
as 37 such tribes from a dozen states
have been represented there. Well
equipped nurseries and structured
training are included for pre-school
age children.

Training Clusters

The vocational training classes, sup-
ported by extensive classroom work in
the related basic educational subjects,
include automobile mechanics, weld-
ing, electronics assembly. clerical
duties, surveying, high school GED,
driver training, nursing, and personal

her trades.

Peace Corps volunteer surveying for new farm road in Iran.

Thiokol’s highly successful Peace
Corps training prepares volunteer
trainees to live and work effectively
in other cultures. Volunteers have
been trained for service in Iran and

The Thiokol training creates immedi-
ate and sustained trainee involvement,
presents highly individualized instruc-
tion, gives the trainee the responsibil-
ity for his own learning, and provides
him with an underlying methodology
that serves to help relate and inter-
relate all aspects of training.

Language training is based on an
audio-lingual technique that also in-
cludes role playing, situational exer-
cises, and cultural simulation. Many of
the geographical region and cross-
cultural studies also consist of role

playing and situational exercises. In
addition, the studies include group
discussions or problem solving activi-
tives involving the role, requirements,
expectations, and problems of the
Peace Corps volunteer in his job, his
assigned country, and community.

Training takes place in small group
settings where learning is creative and
participative. Interaction, self-an-
alyses, evaluation of experiences, and
problem solving behaviors of the group
all stress the importance of each mem-
ber's role as aresource. Each member
compares his reaction to various ex-
periences with the reactions of others
of the group. He also gauges his
understanding of material and con-
cepts, ideas, and opinions with those
of the other members.

Photo: Peace Corps.

San Antonio, Texas.

President's Test Program

Thiokol joined the President's Test program to provide man-
power training and new jobs for the hard core unemployed of
San Antonio, Texas. This was one of the five “target” cities
chosen to pilot-test the program that would provide jobs for
individuals economically handicapped by inadequate educa-
tionorother problems. Thiokol responded by acquiring two San

Antonio businesses, Tex-Wood Cabinet Company and Empress.

Brick Company, with which to establish its training-employ-
ment operation.

Thiokol Texas produces kitchen cabinets and manufactures
decorative ceramictile. The two operations have been relocated
at a single 3-1/2 acre plant site, where training and production
efforts are proceeding.

Training the Hard Core Unemployed

At least 100 new jobs are being created at Thiokol Texas, Inc.

The first phase of trainingis designed to build self-confidence.
Trainees are taught to think positively and as winners, attitudes
completely foreign to most. In directed group seminars, the
trainees discuss their thoughts, expectations, and fears. They
define for themselves the meaning of success.

Language laboratories equipped with audio tape recorders
improve the reading and speaking abilities of the trainees,
many of whom speak mostly Spanish.

Basic job skills training is designed to build further confi-
dence. Trainees visualize, verbalize, and apply what they have
learned during the lesson.

Training tor Other Companies

The Center also will design and conduct similar training pro-
grams for other companies and government agencies.

Manual skills training class leads to
industrial productivity.
Photo: San Antonio Light.

= ——
Thiokol’s Operation Turnkey trains
disadvantaged in normal living

arts and home making.

Gulfport, Mississippi

Scope of Program

Thiokol initiated this first-of-kind training and research proj-
ecttohelp the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment in a program designed to assist lower income families
become successful homeowners. Many such families now
occupy homes in Gulfport and have lease purchase rights to
these structures.

The objective of the training program is to provide tenants
with the organizational and social skills needed to maintain
the housing. Intensive pre-occupancy and occupancy training
designed to meet specific needs of the homeowners includes
counseling, budgeting, and financial management. This train-
ing increases the likelihood of later successful homeowner-
ship. Thiokol research from this pilot program will enable HUD
to institute similar training throughout the country.

Homeowner Association

A Homeowner Association organization will be organized
during the Thiokol training to stress self-government of the
tenants of housing development as a significant phase of the




The back cover of this booklet locates
Thiokol’s current operations and
service locations, devoted to aero-
space, chemical, industrial, and
economic development operations. Its
Corporate Headquarters are in Bristol,
Pennsylvania. Due to remote locales
of some of the plant sites, it was neces-
sary to utilize systems engineering
techniques in area development.

An example is Thiokol’s Wasatch
Division (capital assets exceeding
$100,000,000) located 30 miles west
of Brigham City, Utah, in valleys of
the Promontory Mountains and Blue
Springs Hills. Complete area develop-
ment required techniques identical to
those needed in urban area develop-
meni. These include buildings, roads,
power transmission systems, potable
water supplies, air quality, waste water
treatment and renovation, disposal of
solid wastes and garbage, neutraliza-
tion of chemical and other industrial
wasies, sanitation, health, and safety


CN ee
Computer Technology

Advanced computer pragrams and
computer capability facilitate the
effectiveness and efficiency of every
training, research, business, and tech-
nical service operation under EDO.
Student accountability and progress
data are retrievable on a daily basis.
Statistical programs provide rapidly
analyzed data to aid in behavioral re-
search and training evaluation. Em-
ployee payroll, accounting, inventory,
and other business operations assist
management in every department.

Computer systems, including the
IBM System/350 Model 50, that meet
the needs of varied organizations,
expand the capability offered to our
customers. These computerized serv-
icesandnumerous others are available
and are recommended because of
proven value in design, implementa-
tion, and evaluation of any EDO

Environmental Research

Thiokol conducts research in material
and method systems technology to
provide low-cost housing meeting
essential health and safety standards.
This technology includes the impor-
tant housing-related social concerns
of lower-income families. Studies of
possible structural systems utilizing
native resources for remote area
housing for Indians and Eskimos are
being conducted.

Thiokol also is participating in re-
search studies to develop improved
equipment and systems necessary to
meet the requirements of federal,
state, and local governments in the
correction of sanitation and health
deficiencies resulting from water and
air pollution.

Primarily, Thiokol promotes the de-
velopment and utilization of improved
equipment, more effective chemicals,
and a complete systems approach in

changes necessary to provide a clean

Economic Development

Thiokol’s direct approach to solving
socioeconomic problems and utilizing
systems techniques in area develop-
ment has been successful in stimu-
lating economic development in both
urban and rural areas of persistent
unemployment. An experienced
Thiokol team works cooperatively
with governmental agencies and com-
munity groups in conducting market
research, natural resource studies,
personnel and plant location surveys,
transportation studies, financial and
training studies, organizational sur-
veys, and schedules for implementation.

Model Cities Planning

Economic Development Operations
is consulting with the various levels
of federal, state, and local govern-
ments in the application of systems
management and computerized tech-
niques in Model Cities planning pro-
grams. The broad aims and objectives
of the Model Cities program are:
1. Rebuild or revitalize large slums
and blighted areas.
2. Expand housing, job, and income
3. Reduce dependency on welfare
4. Improve educational facilities
and programs.
5. Combat disease and ill health.
6. Reduce incidence of crime and
7. Enhance recreational and cultural
8. Establish better access between
homes and jobs.
9. Generally improve living condi-
tions for people who live in such


Curriculum Development

Curricula and related teaching mate-
rialsdeveloped by EDO and formulated
through the systems approach empha-
size and utilize the latest learning
theories and technology. Any of the
following services can be provided by

B Task analysis to determine cur-

riculum content.

® Curriculum outlines.

@ Linear programs.

® Training kits.

® Models.

@ Audio-visual materials designed

for specific applications.

® In-service instruction training pro-

grams and curriculum implemen-

All curriculum materials developed
by the Educational Products organiza-
tion are field tested and validated in
one or more of Thiokol’'s training

Social Skills
Development Kil

Through its training experience, Thiokol
has learned that the major problems of
the disadvantaged are their inappro-
priate and ineffective work behaviors.
Prior to training, the majority of the en-
rollees had histories of failure and
lacked self-confidence and the effec-
tive means of dealing with job related

Thiokol applied the principles of
group problem solving to the dilemma

of chronic unemployment. Trainees
were placed in group situations where
they tested new behaviors, received
immediate critical reaction or support
from their peers, and planned for
needed change.

Early successes led to the incorpora-
tion of a social skills development con-
cept in all of Thiokol’s training pro-
grams. The resultant increases in
successful training and placement
prompted Thiokol to offer the Social
Skills Development Kit to other com-
panies engaged in training the hard
core for employment.



vy @|]

The Kit consists of a complete series
of exercises, games, and simulation
materials designed to provide hard
core unemployed trainees with the de-
sirable behaviors, and social skills
needed to stay on a job. The Kit con-
tains complete trainer direction, teach-
ing aids, and trainee materials needed
to support a forty hour learning labora-
tory for fifteen trainees. Each exercise
is written explicitly to assist the trainer,
even those having only marginal ex-
perience in leading group discussion,
in conducting the course.

The course outline covers the follow-
ing major topics:

@ Trainee Orientation

@ Basic Work Habits

'§ Interpersonal Skills

f@ Communication Skills

@ Problem Solving

© Goal Setting

Punctuality, attendance, and per-
sonal appearance are also stressed.
Trainees are taught to gain and accept
responsibility, to communicate and
listen with understanding, to take pride
in personal habits, to look positively
at supervisory relationships, and to
develop a pattern of overall success
atwork, athome, and in the community.

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Instructional Programs

Varying educational levels are in-
herent in student populations of all
training programs. This fact necessi-
tates great emphasis on audio-visual
techniques for use in individualized
instruction. Although used exten-
sively, each media is researched com-
pletely for specific student impact
and program applicability.

The highly experienced staff of EDO
media specialists ensures proper use
of audio-visual techniques, which in-
clude 16mm motion pictures, 8mm and
16mm sound and silent continuous
loop single topic films, 35mm slide
and film strips, programmed instruc-
tional material, overhead transparen-
cies, audio tapes, and electrical

Complete photographic, illustrative,
and sound reproduction facilities are
available at EDO, where each phase
of development is carried to the
“master copy” level. Reproduction of
additional copies normally is subcon-
tracted to established companies.

Many trainers feel that vocational
programs should utilize the actual
hardware applicable to the desired skill
position. Although sound, this con-
ceptis not always practical since actual
equipment, besides being expensive,
is not always the most effective way to
demonstrate operational concepts
and principles.

Working models of equipment that
have proven to be highly effective in
instructional situations have been de-
veloped by Thiokol. These devices,
fabricated of transparent materials,
allow students to see parts relation-
ship, sequence of operation, and flow
of raw materials.

Economic Development Operations

The world of people is part of the Widening World of Thiokol




Operations and Service Locations


Astro-Met Division
Ogden, Utah 84402

Elkton Division
Elkton Plant
Elkton, Md. 21921

Bristol Plant
Bristol, Pa. 19007

Georgia Division
Woodbine, Ga. 31520

Huntsville Division
Huntsville, Ala. 35807

Longhorn Division
Marshall, Texas 75670

Reaction Motors Division
Denville, N.J. 97834

Wasatch Division
Brigham City, Utah 84302

District Offices
Washington, D.C. 20006
Huntsville, Ala. 35801
Dayton, Ohio 45402
El Segundo, Calif. 90245
Lancaster, Calif. 93534


Trenton, N.J. 08607

Moss Point Plant
Moss Point, Miss. 39563

*Thiokol Chemicals Limited
Coventry, Warwickshire,

*Thiokol Canada Limited
Burlington, Ontario,

*Thiokol Australia Pty., Ltd.
Sydney, N.S.W., Australia

Operation Headquarters
Technical Services

and Educational Products
Ogden, Utah 84402

Clearfield Division
Clearfield, Utah 84015

Roswell Division
Roswell, New Mexico 88201

Thiokol Gulfport
Tenant Management Training
Gulfport, Mississippi 39501

Thiokol Texas, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas 78208

*The AFA Corporation of Florida
Miami Division
Miami, Florida 33147
Owens Division
Palatine, Illinois 60067

Dawbarn Division
Waynesboro, Virginia 22980

*Delta Corporation
East Granby, Conn. 06026

Dynastar Laboratories
Denville, N.J. 97834

*Humetrics Corporation
Los Angeles, Calif. 90064

Logan Division
Logan, Utah 84321

Panelyte Industrial Division
Trenton, N.J. 08604

P.O. Box 27 Bristol, Pa. 19007

839 17th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

Additional information about the Economic Development Operations
and its many services can be obtained by contacting: Mr. Bernie R.
Diamond, Director, Program Development, Economic Development
Operations, Thiokol Chemical Corporation, Post Office Box 1619,
Ogden, Utah 84402, Phone: 801/399-1197

“Wholly-owned subsidiary


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