Box 6, Folder 10, Document 31

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Box 6, Folder 10, Document 31

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AUGUST 5, 1969

The Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid
Transit Authority held its regular meeting on August 5, 1969 at
3:30 P.M. in the Conference Room, 619 Glenn Building, Atlanta,
Ga. Mr. Roy A. Blount, Vice Chairman, presided.


Sanford S. Atwood (DeKalb County)
Roy A. Blount (DeKalb County)

S. Truett Cathy (Clayton County)
Rawson Haverty (City of Atlanta)
K. A. McMillon (Gwinnett County)
Le D. Milton (City of Atlanta)
John C. Wilson (City of Atlanta)

M. C. Bishop (Fulton County)


Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

H. L. Stuart, General Manager

E. W. Nelson, Chief Engineer

King Elliott, Public Information Director
H. N. Johnson, Administrative Assistant


W. O. Salter, PBO&D, San Francisco
J. A. Coil, PBTB, Atlanta
We Stell Huie, Huie and Harland


Jan Richey and George Brown, City of Atlanta Planning Dept.
Andy Springer, Greater Atlanta Traffic & Safety Council
Donald G. Ingram, Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.

William H. Parr, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce

Others (cont'd)

Glenn E. Bennett and J. D. Wingfield, Jr., ARMPC
Edgar E. Schukraft, Southwest Atlanta Association
Newsmen — WSB-TV

Newsmen -— WAGA-TV

Tom Linthicum, The Atlanta Constitution

Aubrey Morris, WSB Radio

Pat Potter, DeKalb New Era

The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman.


Minutes of the July 1 meeting had been forwarded to the
members prior to the meeting. Upon motion by Dr. Atwood,
seconded by Mr. Cathy, they were unanimously approved.


The General Manager reported that administrative and
operating expenses were well within the budget and the fund
balance remained ahead of the budget. Appropriations from the
Local Governments for the third quarter had been received with
the exception of Gwinnett County. After some discussion, the
financial statement was unanimously accepted and is attached and
made a part of these Minutes,


Mr. Blount reported on his recent appearance before the
United States Senate Banking and Currency Committee in Washington
on July 29 in support of the Transit Trust Fund. He noted that he
had urged the passage of this important legislation as a means
of financing mass transit. He was doubtful that the legislation
would pass this year but was hopeful that it would be introduced
for congressional consideration again next January: Following
his appearance before this Committee, he met with Senators Russell
and Talmadge to seek their support in the passage of the bill.


Mr. McMillon reported on a problem that had previously been
brought before the Board but never resolved regarding additional
costs to Cousins Properties Inc. in modifying the construction of
their air rights parking development to accommodate a future
rapid transit line. He said the project in the Spring—Techwood-
Hunter Street Viaduct area was now complete and in operation with
all construction costs finalized. Mr. Cousins had asked that the
Board acknowledge its obligation to pay for the additional cost
of construction amounting to $85,770.00. Adequate documentation
had been received from the contractor to substantiate the addi-
tional costs and the Chief Engineer for the Transit Authority had

reviewed and verified the above figure. Meetings had also been
held with L&N Railroad officials under whose jurisdiction the
construction work was performed, and they felt this cost was
appropriate. Mr. McMillon stated that it was the recommendation

of the Engineering and Design Review Committee that the Board

pass a resolution in which it recommended payment of the $85,770.00,
plus a reasonable interest rate to Cousins Properties Inc. for
extra expenditures on its air rights development in the vicinity

of the Terminal Station, contingent upon a successful referendum

to finance a mass transit system for Metropolitan Atlanta. Upon
motion by Mr. Haverty, seconded by Dr. Atwood, the following
resolution, after being read by the General Manager, was unanimous-—
ly adopted:

WHEREAS, on August 1, 1967, the MARTA Board in its regular
meeting considered the problem of the Air Rights Develop-
ment over the proposed west line right-of-way, and

WHEREAS, the Board authorized the General Manager to
negotiate with Cousins Properties Inc., the developer, with
an indication of intent on the part of the Authority to bear
necessary expenses to which Cousins might be put to accommo-
date a rapid transit line beneath the said Air Rights Develop-
ment, and

WHEREAS, it now appears that the construction has been com-
pleted at a cost to Cousins of $85,770 more than the same
would have cost without special arrangements having been
made for the proposed MARTA lines, and

WHEREAS, it appears that an expenditure considerably in
excess of the aforesaid amount would be required had not
Cousins been willing to make advance provision for said
right of way during construction;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors
of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority hereby
agree and accept as a proper figure the sum of $85,770 for
extra expenditures by Cousins Properties Ine. on its Air
Rights Development to provide a mass transit right of way
and does hereby recommend, contingent upon a successful
referendum financing a mass transit plan for metropolitan
Atlanta approving routes whereby the right of way provided
for mass transit by Cousins Properties Inc. through said
area will be utilized for the benefit of the public, that
the said sum of $85,770 be paid to Cousins Properties Inc.,
its successors or assigns, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board recommend that Cousins
Properties Inc. be reimbursed at a fair and reasonable interest

rate on the aforesaid sum from this date forthwith and until the
same is finally acknowledged and paid as set forth above.

Mr. McMillon further reported that the Engineering and
Design Review Committee had met on July 24th for the purpose of
discussing the progress being made by the staff and consultants
in executing the assignment given them July 1 to compare the
earlier MARTA plan and the Voorhees recommended plan and to pro-
duce a recommendation for a transit system which would include
the best elements of both plans. Mr. McMillon stated that the
Committee felt that work was proceeding along appropriate lines
but was not complete enough to present to the Board at the
current meeting. Mr. Blount suggested that the Committee work
closely with the staff and consultants and report to the Board
regularly as to the progress of this work.


Dr. Atwood presented a new two-year work program and an
application for $718,000.00 in federal funds. The work program
covered the work necessary to prepare a new rapid transit proposal
for submission to the voters, including several new projects, as
well as a revision of earlier work, some of which had been outdated
since failure of the referendum last year. Three broad categories
of work were involved, the first of which concerned concept
studies involving route or hardware adjustments. This work would
amount to about 8% of the total project. Continuation and comple-
tion of the Voorhees work is included in this; also an analysis
of busways.e Second, there would be a refinement of an adopted
system to the same standards of detail and accuracy as the system
proposed by MARTA in 1968. This work would amount to 47% of the
total. Patronage, operations and revenue estimating, and a new
financial plan would be among the projects in this element. Third,
there would be a supporting program which would form a foundation
for public understanding of the plan as finally adopted. This
would be 45% of the total project. Included in this element would
be a cost/benefit analysis and a public information program plan-
ning project. The total budget for the two-year period would be
$1,693,000.00. For 1970, the budget is $732,000.00 and for 1971
$961,000.00. Federal funds would amount to $359,000.00 each year.
State funds would be $73,200.00 in 1970 and $91,600.00 in 1971.
Local participation would be $299,800.00 in 1970, returning to
the pre-1969 level. In 1971 the local participation would be
$465,400.00, a somewhat higher rate than previously. Completion
of the work described would result in a program which could be
submitted to the voters late in 1971 or in 1972.

Dr. Atwood stated that it was the consensus of the Committee
members that the budget, as presented, was appropriate to the work
to be done during 1970 and 1971 and recommended that the Board
adopt the budget framework and plan to approach the Local Govern-
ments about 1970-71 appropriations. In response to questions,

Mr. Stuart stated that the new program is responsive to the resolu-
tion of the AATS Policy Committee; that the program is in keeping
with the Federal guides; that Federal funds are available, and

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that the Federal application can be amended if it is found
desirable to do so after the program is discussed with Local
Governments. Mr. Blount stated it was necessary to have not only
money from the Local Governments, but their full support of the
program as well. Dr. Atwood said it was most important that we
anticipate needs for 1971, going beyond 1970. Mr. Wilson suggest-
ed that the Board take the recommendation to the supporting
governments as early as possible to determine if they will fully
support the program. After discussion of the proposed 1970-71
budget and work program, including the new Federal application,
upon motion by Dr. Atwood, seconded by Mr. McMillon, they were
unanimously adopted, subject to gaining acceptance by the Local


Mr, Stuart stated that one of the Board members had approach-
ed him about setting an earlier meeting time due to heavy traffic
congestion around 4:30 and 5:00 P.M. following adjournment of the
meetings in order to accommodate those members living in adjacent
counties. After a discussion, the members approved moving the
meeting time of future meetings from 3:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.


Mr. Bennett stated he had two items that he would like to
discuss with the Board. The first item was the continuing
planning activities for the Atlanta Area Transportation Study
(AATS) which would amount to practically a new AATS. ARMPC had
passed a resolution at their July 28, 1969 meeting in which they
urged their member governments and other appropriate agencies to
take immediate steps to initiate the continuing, comprehensive
land use/transportation planning program called for by the
Atlanta Area Transportation Study Policy Committee and keyed to
the 1970 census. Mr. Bennett hoped that MARTA would continue
to participate in the AATS work. Mr. Wingfield stated the con-
tinuing planning process was a Federal requirement and ARMPC was
concerned about the State Highway Department of Georgia and MARTA
qualifying for Federal funds. Mr. Blount pointed out that our
proposed Technical Studies Application to the Department of Trans-
portation does have an item for the continuing planning work and
that MARTA does intend to cooperate and participate in future
AATS work.

The second item discussed by Mr. Bennett was the purchase
of the Atlanta Transit System by MARTA. He stated many people
believe MARTA should purchase ATS now as an interim measure to
improve transit service in the Atlanta area. This item was also
discussed at the ARMPC meeting on July 28.

It was Mr. Huie's opinion that the legal problems could be
worked out for this transaction but-the big problem was financial

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support. It was felt that if MARTA bought the Atlanta Transit
System and improved the bus service, it would probably operate
at a deficit, and the deficit would require a subsidy from the
supporting governments which would probably require a referendum

to raise these funds.

Mr. Blount asked about Federal support in such a situation.
Mr. Stuart stated that the Authority could receive up to a two-
thirds grant for buying the Atlanta Transit System, but there
was no Federal provisions at this time for financial assistance

towards an operating subsidy.

Mr. Haverty stated that it was MARTA's function now to do
planning for a mass transit system and that the purchase of ATS
should be part of the implementation when the over-all project
has been approved by the public. Mr. Blount pointed out that our
proposed application to D.O.T. does have an item for the bus
system acquisition investigation and that it was his opinion that
purchase of the Transit System should be initiated by the
participating local governments rather than by MARTA.

Mr. Bennett asked that a representative from MARTA attend
the next ARMPC meeting, which Mr. Blount acknowledged.


The Vice Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:25 P.M.


September 2, 1969 - 3:00 P.M.

Assista ecretary.

# 6c


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