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Box 7, Folder 8, Document 32
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JS Tt b Jali & Cals Li¢ MW] J Federal Bar Building West / 7879 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. / 20006
é g Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell/ | A. Philio Randolph
January 10, 1968 \ (
Dear Mayor:
The response of the nation's cities to The Urban Coalition's
August call for mobilization of community urban coalitions has
been considerable. The number of communities where coalitions
have been mobilized is substantial. A significant number of
additional communities are known to be moving quickly through
the initial organization phase.
The Urban Coalition looks forward to convening in the first
quarter of 1968 a national meeting of representatives from
organized urban coalitions to form a Council of Urban
Coalitions. The Council would not only play a role in the
affairs of the national Coalition but constitute a vehicle for
serving the mutual interests of member urban coalitions in
information dissemination and program development.
In this connection, we would appreciate from you at the earliest
opportunity a status report on coalition mobilization in your
community. In addition, it would assist us greatly if you would
advise the National Coordinators of the name and address of the
most appropriate person in your city with whom they can confer
subsequently on coalition matters.
We look forward to hearing from you.
f ) t wg st
cpr Me fal fatad Ve. “4,
pp wt tka t Wi.
Andrew Heiskell i 4 F Randolph f ‘
Co-chairman Co-chairman
Ta lanhr 707
fefepfhone 293-7
é g Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell/ | A. Philio Randolph
January 10, 1968 \ (
Dear Mayor:
The response of the nation's cities to The Urban Coalition's
August call for mobilization of community urban coalitions has
been considerable. The number of communities where coalitions
have been mobilized is substantial. A significant number of
additional communities are known to be moving quickly through
the initial organization phase.
The Urban Coalition looks forward to convening in the first
quarter of 1968 a national meeting of representatives from
organized urban coalitions to form a Council of Urban
Coalitions. The Council would not only play a role in the
affairs of the national Coalition but constitute a vehicle for
serving the mutual interests of member urban coalitions in
information dissemination and program development.
In this connection, we would appreciate from you at the earliest
opportunity a status report on coalition mobilization in your
community. In addition, it would assist us greatly if you would
advise the National Coordinators of the name and address of the
most appropriate person in your city with whom they can confer
subsequently on coalition matters.
We look forward to hearing from you.
f ) t wg st
cpr Me fal fatad Ve. “4,
pp wt tka t Wi.
Andrew Heiskell i 4 F Randolph f ‘
Co-chairman Co-chairman
Ta lanhr 707
fefepfhone 293-7