Box 7, Folder 8, Document 33

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Box 7, Folder 8, Document 33

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datavery of. services és their community and citizens, af the usually *

cited obstacles to such expansion did not exist (such as budgets).
We would appreciate your answers to the following questions

after consuiting with the heads and personnel chiefs in the types

of agencies listed below, if such a survey has not already been


conducted. y 5
I. Assuming no limitations in budgets and facilities (in-
cluding provisions and requirements for recruiting and training :

new personnel), in which of the following municipal functions do
you believe there is a need for at least a 10% increase in services

and/or personnel? Please answer in col. l.
i 2 3 |

Need for Ideal Staffing Nonprofession- |
Increases? Increases al as°% of
(please check (enter number) CH ae :
partment or Function if need exists) |
ti-pollution enforcement pie, eee ay le ied=, 215 Gaeare cece cee |
ucation sles essen 3 ae Bae. Biss als |
neral administration Seca bykaeah es + Ves lie, ogi ee ea Mer avais WM 0 |
alth and hospitals Sale erst et a aie > elttte lol see Te Seer ey sisi! se |
ghway and/or traffic dept. i ca eek ee tcc Meee SEP abe v
using codes and inspection Haselae <5 a Sais) ss 9
brary eo @ 8 @ se @#@ 8 6 eeeese#s#ereeesst eevee @eeews
lice . ee ee @ ee oe eoeeeetee eae ses ct t#es8@
Tre . oreoeeseeree#eeeevs:. ov eee ee ewe oe @ @ @ eo oe @
ereation and parks Qiageyete ys. 0% oka als ah, ete Bellic (St, % yon |
ban renewal (or rehabilitation)
- including Model Cities sae e eee ae vee bee eae ee oie ih eye
a :
nitation ‘ oer ew te Pees *e es #8 @ =e #@ ewe o* @ ss © oe @ |
lfare . eeeoeee#s eee os @e @ @ oe # 8 eee © #® @ 8 8 .
her? “eT oe @ese@ 8 @#@ 8B se @oeesee et eeeseee# see @etesnree#

(please name)

(please name)
Fie In coltmn 2 could you provide estimates of how many

addi tlonat: personnel would be needed to implement these increased

‘eaweleces Plausible, reasonable estimates are perfectly safisfactory.\:

here. We are not insisting on precise to-the-last-man figures.
IIT. In many of these potentially expanded departments and
functions, there is always the strong probability that new profes-
sional personnel may not be available in the numbers desired.
Partly as a means of solving this type of personnel shortage, some

agencies around the country have recently begun to recruit and train

( Aden and women without the regularly required advanced preparation

to perform those aspects of "professional" jobs which actually
could be performed by such men and women. In other departinents
and functions needing more personnel, the only major ieecs. tO not
hiring them is simply the problem of inadequate funds, ae and
women could be employed in a variety of jobs that are not rigidly
professional in nature (for example, playground aides, urban beauti-
fication personnel, certain kinds of hospital employees, a

In colunn 3, would you indicate what percent of the numbers

Cre! «

cited in column 2 might consist of these two typesyvof new employers?
In answering this question, please do not feel constrained by any
existingg budgetary or entrance-requirement Limitations. Again,
no Ppoh-ctae precise percentajre is requested here -- only your best

estimate as to what proportion of these jobs could conceivably be

filled by nonprofessional personnel.

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JUTRO | tego

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cameleon laceie iar ote ren aad Alayna °C ke = ee



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