Box 7, Folder 9, Document 1

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Box 7, Folder 9, Document 1

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Chicago Conference

Mobilizing Urban Coalitions
Chicago Circle Center, University of Illinois October 17th, 1967


With any new national effort such as that being undertaken by The Urban
Coalition, it may be expected that organizational structure methods will
continue to undergo change. For this reason The Urban Coalition is under-

standably following a flexible course of action. The ideas set forth in
this discussion paper may be expected to undergo further change as they are

subject to continuing review by both national and local leadership. The

views of those interested in The Urban Coalition are invited and welcome.


Based upon the Statement of Principles, Goals and Commitments adopted at the

August Emergency Convocation, The Urban Coalition's program may be restated

as follows:

1. To encourage the Congress to respond affirmatively tc the needs
of the cities.

2. To encourage public concern with the needs of the cities,

3. To stimulate greater private initiative and effort in dealing with
the problems of the cities, including both investment and technical

* ‘
4. To stimulate greater support for and interest in ongcing efforts to

meet such needs as:
--job development and manpower training programs
--open housing efforts

--urban renewal and reconstruction

Page -Two 2
--anti-poverty programs

--programs to overcome educational disparities.


Among the methods that may be followed by The Urban Coalition are the

hie Be supportive, not operational. It is expected that The Urban
Coalition will support ongoing efforts at both the local and national levels.
It may stimulate new undertakings. It will cooperate with such major new
efforts as the $1 billion investment allocation of the insurance industry

for center city development. It will give support to local urban coalitions.

2s Stimulate interest in successful examples of action. Through its
Task Forces The Urban Coalition will identify, work with, and publicize

successful efforts to expand employment, extend lower income housing and
equal housing opportunities, new educational programs and the like. The
Task Forces hope to serve as catalysts and convenors. They will serve as

clearinghouses of local action.

3s Work with the mass media. Through its Task Force on Communications
and Public hispanic’ and through counterpart committees at the local level,

it is hoped that the mass media can be encouraged to focus greater attention
on the needs of cities. Broad public understanding of the need for greater
resources, of the complexities of the problems involved and the need for
urgent action are essential if the goals of The Urban Coalition are to be

Page: Three

4. To coordinate a national legislative campaign. The Urban Coalition
has called upon Congress for action across a broad front to meet the urban
crisis. Interpreting and emphasizing the need for national action is as
much a local obligation as it is a commitment of the National Steering
Committee. Discussions with members of Congress is as much a hometown

affair as are appearances before Congressional committees.


The National Steering Committee at the present time consists of thirty-six
members. They are broadly representative of business, labor, lccal govern-
ment, religion, civil rights and education. It is expected that two addit-
ional members of the Steering Committee will be selected by the Council of
Urban Coalitions. As local coalitions are formed they will be invited to
designate two representatives to serve on the Council and through this
Council provide the National Steering Committee with advice and guidance on
matters of national concern. The National Steering Committee has established
seven Task Forces and it is expected that local coalitions will develop
counterpart units. These are identified and discussed in the attached
guidelines. Under consideration for future development is the establishment
of a Council of Urban Economic Advisors to assist the Coalition in analyzing
the impact of Federal sconces fiscal, tax, and budgetary policies of cities.
A second Council of University Urban Studies Centers is being contemplated as
a means of channeling the best research ideas concerning urban development

into the discussions and plans of both the National Steering Committee and
Page Four

and local coalitions. Further additions and modifications in the organization

and structure of The Urban Coalition may be expected as experience is gained.


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