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Box 7, Folder 10, Document 10
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Summary: The Urban Coalition proposes a national advertising
campaign to promote better understanding of the problems
of the cities and the people who live there, and also
to go the next step toward causes and the possible solutions.
The campaign would seek to maintain the momentum of the
Advertising Council's massive "Crisis In Our Cities"
campaign of 1968. (The Advertising Council estimates _
total space and time donated to this campaign was worth.
approximately $12,000,000.) Importantly, however, the
proposed 1969 campaign would indicate the potential for
meaningful action by a concerned and informed citizenry.
The campaign-would stress the many resources, federal,
state and local, available to a community. However, on
the presumption that an effective grass roots attack on
local problems is not possible unless the important
leadership elements in the community are together, the
campaign would cite the potential of an Urban Coalition to
help achieve coherent dialogue and to help set goals
and priorities.
The campaign would be timed to begin in the Summer of 1969
and would run one year. The Advertising Council would
donate agency services and media time space. The Urban
Coalition requests $128,000 for production costs and
$22,000 for support material. ,
As the year 1969 opened, discussion of the "urban crisis" had
reached an almost unprecedented scale. Magazines, newspapers,
radio and television devoted columns of editorial space and hours
of prime time to the problems of the cities.
Now, however, it is the position of the Urban Coalition that the
time has come to lead the discussion to a new plateau and to begin
the process of education toward a larger citizen involvement, or
at least understanding of the solutions of that crisis. A national
advertising campaign must be a major part of this educational effort.
Progress has been made in some areas. In almost no areas is that
progress enough or has it come fast enough to lead any informed |:
person to believe that the crisis is anything but heightening.
The crisis must be met at all levels--federal, state, and local,
and it must be met both nationally and locally increasingly by
the private sector as well as the public sector.
It is the mobilization of the private sector, particularly at the
local level, that is the special concern of the Urban Coalition
and urban coalitions already established in 42 U. S. cities.
The Urban Coalition, at this point in our nation's history, seems
to be the single organization or movement dedicated to assisting
in the re-establishment of coherent local communities.
Today the typical American community is split into a variety of
different worlds that are often wholly out of touch with one
The suburbs are out of touch with the central city. Business,
labor, and the universities are three wholly separate worlds.
City Hall is usually out of touch with the ghetto and often out
of touch with the ablest and most influential people in the city.
The most ominous rifts, of course, are the rifts involving various
Minority communities, most commonly the black community, but in
some parts of the country the American Indians or Mexican-American
Nothing is more clear than that no major city can or will solve
its problems without first repairing some of those devastating
gaps in communication. Obviously, no single advertising campaign
can accomplish this kind of repair. The reconstruction must be
forged slowly and carefully by citizens working together to under-
stand and solve their problems. But this proposed advertising
campaign, we think, can increase public understanding of an impor-
tant resource to help make a beginning.
The Urban Coalition was formed to re-establish communication.
But to fulfill its potential, it must be used. And before
it will be used, it must be understood. It is important
to emphasize the importance of the coalition principle.
Some people think of the Coalition as just another organization
tackling the rough urban problems of the day. But it is
unique. The distinction is that it brings together segments
of American life that do not normally collaborate in
the solution of public problems.
Because of the need for such collaboration at the local level,
the national organization has helped to form local coalitions.
There are now local coalitions in 42 cities and organizational
efforts are underway in approximately. 30 others. As.in the
case of the national, each local organization includes.
representatives from a variety of leaderwhip segments in
the community--the mayor, business, labor, minority
groups and religion. The participation of other relevant
elements is encouraged--the universities, the schools,
the press, the professions.
There are many substantive problems of the cities--fiscal
and governmental problems, housing, jobs, education,
health services, economic development and.so on. The Urban
Coalition is interested in all those problems, but it is
not free to choose the particular problems to which it
must give its attention. There are priorities which are
thrust upon us all. There are issues so explosive that
if they are ignored, we shall be overtaken by events--and
then every problem on the list will be infinitely harder to solve.
The goal that takes precedence over all others is to begin to heal
those rifts that are now making many American cities quite
incapable of any kind of healthy problem solving. Those rifts
can be healed. ,
We can heal them through the process of coalition, if the most
influential citizens in the community will lend their strength
and their presence, if all significant elements in the community
are fairly represented and if all concerned are unsparingly honest
in facing the toughest issues.
In a number of American cities today those conditions are being
met in local urban coalitions--the most influential citizens have
stepped forward, all significant elements in the community are
represented and the toughest issues are being faced.
* * * *
The Proposed 1969-70 Urban Coalition Advertising Campaign
The foregoing has been an attempt to demonstrate the need and the
potential of the Urban Coalition. What follows is a description
of a specific multi-media advertising campaign designed to make
the Coalition known and understood by a significant segment of
‘the American public so that it will be used.
The first and foremost objective of the 1969-70 campaign is to
establish the Urban Coalition as the focal point of effort by
local business and community groups in solving the crisis in the
The main thrust of the campaign will be to tell in detail the Urban
Coalition story: the coalition principle of collaboration of all
concerned groups in tackling specific problems; its stress on local
initiative and effort; its record of success.
A second, and equally important, objective is to convince both
business and community leaders--as well as the general public--
that the problems don't stop just because the riots are dispersed
or contained; that is, we must counter any idea that the crisis
has passed, or any let-City-Hall-do-it attitude.
The third objective is to create the advertising materials in such
a way that, in addition to their use by the Advertising Council in
national media, they can also be used by Urban Coalition groups in
local media to assist with the national campaign, for organization
and support of new or existing Urban Coalitions.
The primary target audience includes the broad spectrum of opinion
leaders--from corporation presidents to black student militants
to garden club members--from whose ranks the Urban Coalition draws
active participants.
The second audience includes those among the general public whose
understanding and support can assist the efforts of the Urban
Coalition groups.
- Major mass audience magazines
- Major market newspapers
. Pacesetter publications (i.e., HARPERS, THE ATLANTIC,
- Business press
- Network TV and radio
- 3-b/w ads suitable for newspaper and magazines
- 3-adaptations for use by local Urban Coalitions
. 3-b/w ads special for Business Press campaign
- i1-"car card" for transit advertising
- 1-24 sheet billboard ad
- 2-:60 TV commercials, with 230, :20, and :10 adaptations ;
- 2-radio commercials
- Magazines and newspapers $18,000
- Company publications 2,000
. Business Press . ~ 13,000
- 24 sheet billboard ads 9,000
- car card transit ad | 11,000
- Television spots 70,000
- Radio spots 5,000
- All purpose support kit for use by 12,000
local organizations and coalitions
to stimulate placement
- Response booklet "What Can I Do?" 10,000
*Estimated by staff of the Advertising Council
Those of us involved in the formation and operation of the Urban
Coalition believe it represents a great resource for the American
city. We believe it is a resource which should be understood by
as many concerned citizens in as many American communities as
possible. It is for this reason that we propose this advertising
campaign and ask your support in providing funds for operating
and support costs. The Advertising Council estimates that these
costs will amount to $150,000. The Council estimates that this
investment will result in the donation of $20,000,000 worth of
time and space by the media.
Attachments: Advertising Council reprint on Crisis in Cities
List of local coalitions and officers
Annual Report of the Urban Coalition
Summary: The Urban Coalition proposes a national advertising
campaign to promote better understanding of the problems
of the cities and the people who live there, and also
to go the next step toward causes and the possible solutions.
The campaign would seek to maintain the momentum of the
Advertising Council's massive "Crisis In Our Cities"
campaign of 1968. (The Advertising Council estimates _
total space and time donated to this campaign was worth.
approximately $12,000,000.) Importantly, however, the
proposed 1969 campaign would indicate the potential for
meaningful action by a concerned and informed citizenry.
The campaign-would stress the many resources, federal,
state and local, available to a community. However, on
the presumption that an effective grass roots attack on
local problems is not possible unless the important
leadership elements in the community are together, the
campaign would cite the potential of an Urban Coalition to
help achieve coherent dialogue and to help set goals
and priorities.
The campaign would be timed to begin in the Summer of 1969
and would run one year. The Advertising Council would
donate agency services and media time space. The Urban
Coalition requests $128,000 for production costs and
$22,000 for support material. ,
As the year 1969 opened, discussion of the "urban crisis" had
reached an almost unprecedented scale. Magazines, newspapers,
radio and television devoted columns of editorial space and hours
of prime time to the problems of the cities.
Now, however, it is the position of the Urban Coalition that the
time has come to lead the discussion to a new plateau and to begin
the process of education toward a larger citizen involvement, or
at least understanding of the solutions of that crisis. A national
advertising campaign must be a major part of this educational effort.
Progress has been made in some areas. In almost no areas is that
progress enough or has it come fast enough to lead any informed |:
person to believe that the crisis is anything but heightening.
The crisis must be met at all levels--federal, state, and local,
and it must be met both nationally and locally increasingly by
the private sector as well as the public sector.
It is the mobilization of the private sector, particularly at the
local level, that is the special concern of the Urban Coalition
and urban coalitions already established in 42 U. S. cities.
The Urban Coalition, at this point in our nation's history, seems
to be the single organization or movement dedicated to assisting
in the re-establishment of coherent local communities.
Today the typical American community is split into a variety of
different worlds that are often wholly out of touch with one
The suburbs are out of touch with the central city. Business,
labor, and the universities are three wholly separate worlds.
City Hall is usually out of touch with the ghetto and often out
of touch with the ablest and most influential people in the city.
The most ominous rifts, of course, are the rifts involving various
Minority communities, most commonly the black community, but in
some parts of the country the American Indians or Mexican-American
Nothing is more clear than that no major city can or will solve
its problems without first repairing some of those devastating
gaps in communication. Obviously, no single advertising campaign
can accomplish this kind of repair. The reconstruction must be
forged slowly and carefully by citizens working together to under-
stand and solve their problems. But this proposed advertising
campaign, we think, can increase public understanding of an impor-
tant resource to help make a beginning.
The Urban Coalition was formed to re-establish communication.
But to fulfill its potential, it must be used. And before
it will be used, it must be understood. It is important
to emphasize the importance of the coalition principle.
Some people think of the Coalition as just another organization
tackling the rough urban problems of the day. But it is
unique. The distinction is that it brings together segments
of American life that do not normally collaborate in
the solution of public problems.
Because of the need for such collaboration at the local level,
the national organization has helped to form local coalitions.
There are now local coalitions in 42 cities and organizational
efforts are underway in approximately. 30 others. As.in the
case of the national, each local organization includes.
representatives from a variety of leaderwhip segments in
the community--the mayor, business, labor, minority
groups and religion. The participation of other relevant
elements is encouraged--the universities, the schools,
the press, the professions.
There are many substantive problems of the cities--fiscal
and governmental problems, housing, jobs, education,
health services, economic development and.so on. The Urban
Coalition is interested in all those problems, but it is
not free to choose the particular problems to which it
must give its attention. There are priorities which are
thrust upon us all. There are issues so explosive that
if they are ignored, we shall be overtaken by events--and
then every problem on the list will be infinitely harder to solve.
The goal that takes precedence over all others is to begin to heal
those rifts that are now making many American cities quite
incapable of any kind of healthy problem solving. Those rifts
can be healed. ,
We can heal them through the process of coalition, if the most
influential citizens in the community will lend their strength
and their presence, if all significant elements in the community
are fairly represented and if all concerned are unsparingly honest
in facing the toughest issues.
In a number of American cities today those conditions are being
met in local urban coalitions--the most influential citizens have
stepped forward, all significant elements in the community are
represented and the toughest issues are being faced.
* * * *
The Proposed 1969-70 Urban Coalition Advertising Campaign
The foregoing has been an attempt to demonstrate the need and the
potential of the Urban Coalition. What follows is a description
of a specific multi-media advertising campaign designed to make
the Coalition known and understood by a significant segment of
‘the American public so that it will be used.
The first and foremost objective of the 1969-70 campaign is to
establish the Urban Coalition as the focal point of effort by
local business and community groups in solving the crisis in the
The main thrust of the campaign will be to tell in detail the Urban
Coalition story: the coalition principle of collaboration of all
concerned groups in tackling specific problems; its stress on local
initiative and effort; its record of success.
A second, and equally important, objective is to convince both
business and community leaders--as well as the general public--
that the problems don't stop just because the riots are dispersed
or contained; that is, we must counter any idea that the crisis
has passed, or any let-City-Hall-do-it attitude.
The third objective is to create the advertising materials in such
a way that, in addition to their use by the Advertising Council in
national media, they can also be used by Urban Coalition groups in
local media to assist with the national campaign, for organization
and support of new or existing Urban Coalitions.
The primary target audience includes the broad spectrum of opinion
leaders--from corporation presidents to black student militants
to garden club members--from whose ranks the Urban Coalition draws
active participants.
The second audience includes those among the general public whose
understanding and support can assist the efforts of the Urban
Coalition groups.
- Major mass audience magazines
- Major market newspapers
. Pacesetter publications (i.e., HARPERS, THE ATLANTIC,
- Business press
- Network TV and radio
- 3-b/w ads suitable for newspaper and magazines
- 3-adaptations for use by local Urban Coalitions
. 3-b/w ads special for Business Press campaign
- i1-"car card" for transit advertising
- 1-24 sheet billboard ad
- 2-:60 TV commercials, with 230, :20, and :10 adaptations ;
- 2-radio commercials
- Magazines and newspapers $18,000
- Company publications 2,000
. Business Press . ~ 13,000
- 24 sheet billboard ads 9,000
- car card transit ad | 11,000
- Television spots 70,000
- Radio spots 5,000
- All purpose support kit for use by 12,000
local organizations and coalitions
to stimulate placement
- Response booklet "What Can I Do?" 10,000
*Estimated by staff of the Advertising Council
Those of us involved in the formation and operation of the Urban
Coalition believe it represents a great resource for the American
city. We believe it is a resource which should be understood by
as many concerned citizens in as many American communities as
possible. It is for this reason that we propose this advertising
campaign and ask your support in providing funds for operating
and support costs. The Advertising Council estimates that these
costs will amount to $150,000. The Council estimates that this
investment will result in the donation of $20,000,000 worth of
time and space by the media.
Attachments: Advertising Council reprint on Crisis in Cities
List of local coalitions and officers
Annual Report of the Urban Coalition