Box 7, Folder 10, Document 12

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Box 7, Folder 10, Document 12

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House Will Act Soon on Bill
Continuing Urban School Aid

A bill extending for five
years the most important federal
program for urban schools -- the
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act -- is ready for debate in the
House. ~The Education and Labor
Committee of the House approved
the bill (HR 514) March 18.

The cities look to Title I of
the Act for money to support com-
pensatory programs for their dis-
advantaged children. Title I dis-
tributes federal appropriations
directly to school districts that
have large numbers of children
from low-income families, urban
and rural.

In reporting the bill to the
House the Education Committee over
rode the request of HEW Secretary
Robert H. Finch for only a two-
year extension of the Act. He
said the Nixon Administration
needed time to study proposed
changes in the Act and in the
meantime, a two-year extension
through June 1972 would provide
adequate continuity for present
programs. Most committee Repub-
licans supported Finch's request
and promised to fight the five-
year extension when the bill is
debated in the House.

Two changes affecting urban
schools were recommended by the
committee. One would make about
$300 million more a year available
to school districts in which there
is considerable public housing.
The other amendment calls for par-
ticipation by parents and communi-
ty groups in the planning of Title
I school projects.

Inadequate Funding

Throughout the committee
hearings on HR 514, the bill's
sponsor, Committee Chairman Carl
D. Perkins (D Ky.), pointed out
the need for larger appropriations
for Title I of the Act. His com-

Continued on Page 2



March 25, 1969 -- Vol. I, No. 3

States Hold Back Anti-Crime
Funds from Cities, Report Says

Where are crime problems the
most serious? Under the Omnibus
Crime Control Act of 1968, Ameri-
can Samoa gets $3.54 per capita
and Vermont 31¢ per capita, while
New York and California receive 7¢
per citizen. Similarly, a rural
Georgia county gets 14¢ per capita
while the metropolitan Atlanta re-
gion receives less than 3¢.

These are figures produced in
a study of the Crime Control Act
in operation, released by the Na-
tional League of Cities March 18.

When Congress passed the Act
last year, it directed that most
of the funds go to the states in
block grants, to be distributed
according to plans drawn up by a
State agency. Urban groups urged
in vain that most of the money go
directly to the 370 cities with
population over 50,000, where
crime is the most prevalent.

The League of Cities report
says that instead of focusing dol-
lars on the problems of crime in
the streets, planning funds are
thinly spread among rural and ur-
ban areas and "dissipated" among
three levels of bureaucracy.

The Action Council Letter reports legislative developments in the urban field. |t is published by the Urban Coalition
Action Council, which seeks needed urban legislation

Continued from Page 1

mittee is responsible for author-
izing the education programs, but
the amount of money that actually
goes out to the schools is deter-
mined primarily by the separate
Appropriations Committees of the
House and Senate.

Under the present law about
$2.5 billion a year is authorized
for Title I grants but Congress
has appropriated only $1.1 billion.
In fact, last year's appropriation
was $68 million less than the pre-
vious year's, while the number of
children eligible for the programs
was increasing, and so were educa-
tion costs.

Rep. Perkins has pointed out
that in the first three years of
Title I, the appropriations per
child have decreased from $210 to
$170. Some school superintendents
told the House committee that an
effective, comprehensive program
for disadvantaged children would Rep. Carl D. Perkins (D Ky.) and his Education and Labor

need $600 per child. Committee are moving ahead with elementary education,
school lunch and poverty legislation.

A new federal program to
help local school districts pre- ,
vent teenagers from dropping out Bill to Improve School Lunch

of school has proved popular.
In fact, 356 proposals have been Program Is Passed by House

submitted to the Office of Edu-
cation, of which only 5 can be For the second year in a row,
funded. ang: the House is trying to increase
‘There is $30 million au- the number of needy children who
thorized for drop-out preven- _ get free or reduced-price lunches
tion programs, but Congress has through the school lunch program.
appropriated only $5 million. As it did last year, the House
The funds will be granted for passed without opposition March 20
innovative plans that show un- a bill (HR 515) to require all
usual promise of success in pre- states to put some of their tax
venting drop-outs. — money into school lunches. Pre-
_The budget submitted by sently, some states contribute
President Johnson before leav- nothing to the program, requiring
ing office proposes $24 million the children and local schools to
for the program in the next fis- put up all of the money needed to

cal year. The 356 proposals match Faderal @uaas oa :
submitted to the Office of Edu- beecie. nds on a 3 to l

cation would cost $68 million. Last year, spurred by publi-

_. HEW estimates that of cation of a report by the private
children who entered 9th grade Committee on School Lunch Partici-
in, 1967s, 23%, Of 900,000, will pation showing that less than 2
drop out before graduating from million of some 6 million needy
high school. school children got reduced-price
lunches (see chart), the House

Free School Lunches

free or reduced-price lunches

Needy children 2

(Syeteese) exe
Alabama 77,000 165,522
Alaska 7,000 976
Arizona 25,423 39,348
Arkansas 70,213 146,219
California 0 0
Colorado 13,533 51,833
Connecticut 4,914 34,129
Delaware 2,180 4,368
District of Columbia 16,759 0
Florida 117,550 105,249
Georgia 107,847 230,273
Hawaii 4,752 9,583
idaho 1,880 12,764
Ilinois 29,285 230,757
Indiana 15,939 134,061
lowa 8,656 113,650
Kansas 8,564 85,640
___Kentucky 80,000 201,945
Louisiana 69,260 131,830
Maine 6,480 38,520
Maryland 10,294 44,711
Massachusetts 24,911 52,581
Michigan 60,000 129,900
Minnesota 10,000 124,111
Mississippi 34,671 220,232
Missouri 30,000 95,159
Montana? (3) “(3)
Nebraska 8,180 54,456
Nevada 1,750 4,750
New Hampshire 3,245 4,969
New Jersey 7,010 52,835
New Mexico 32,432 30,281
New York 400,000 200,000
North Carolina 163,607 324,068
North Dakota 3,185 22,901
Ohio 33,486 91,571
Oklahoma 25,000 72,779
Oregon 3,614 42,714
Pennsylvania 8,781 247,49)
Rhode Island 3,488 16,886
South Carolina 117,382 179,174
South Dakota 7,200 25,656
Tennessee 71,100 154,129
Texas 88,000 315,216
Utah 14,641 3,559
Vermont 2,600 12,696
Virginia 6,787 182,213
Washington 10,000 40,000
West Virginia 30,525 72,547
Wisconsin 11,000 114,922
Wyoming 752 5,317
Total 1,890,876 4,674,491
1 Number of free or reduced-price lunches
2 Needy children were those of ages 5 to 17, fram homes with less than $3,000
annual income.
a°No figures were available from state school lunch authorities, who supplied
information for the survey. However, a citizens Committee on School Lunch
Participation April 16 reported that Montana had 16.978 school-age children
fram families earning $2,000 a vear or receiving welfare aid, Only 6,160 rec eived

SOURCE: House Education and Labor Committee
survey (H Rept 1590), June 26, 1968.

passed a bill similar to HR 515.

More importantly, the House
also passed a bill to add $100 mil-
lion a year for meals for needy
children. The Senate passed nei-
ther bill, but it did agree to
appropriate an extra $45 million
for free lunches.

This year, the House Educa-
tion and Labor Committee, which
sent HR 515 to the House floor,
also expects to approve again the
$100 million free-lunch bill (HR
516). What will be done by the
Senate Agriculture Committee,
which has jurisdiction over the
school lunch program, remains to
be seen.

Congressional Hearings

Poverty -- The House Educa-
tion and Labor Committee has be-
gun hearings on the Office of
Economic Opportunity and its anti-
poverty programs. Chairman Carl
D. Perkins (D Ky.) has introduced
HR 513, to extend the programs for
five years and authorize $2,180,
000,000 for them in the fiscal
year that begins July 1. For the
current year Congress appropriated

Hospitals -- Hearings on the
Hill-Burton Act, held by the Pub-
lic Health Subcommittee of the
House Interstate and Foreign Com-
merce Committee, are beginning.
Two main bills are before the Sub-
committee. HR 6797, introduced by
Committee Chairman Harley O. Stag-
gers (D W.Va.), proposes major in-
creases in funds for hospital con-
struction and modernization, with
priority to be given, in part, to
outpatient facilities in low-in-
come metropolitan areas. The oth-
er bill, HR 7059, sponsored by
high-ranking members of the Health
Subcommittee, authorizes less
money than Staggers' bill and does
not single out urban medical

Medicaid, WIN Regulations --
Chairman Russell B. Long (D La.)
of the Senate Finance Committee
has said his committee intends to
take "a good hard look" at regu-
lations issued in January concern-
ing Medicaid, welfare eligibility,
the work incentive program (WIN)
and others. Some of these, Long
said, "run counter to Congression-
al intent."

No plans for hearings have
been announced. The regulations
were issued by the Administrator
of HEW's Social and Rehabilitation
Service, Mary E. Switzer. Long
made his statement in introducing
a bill to make the next Adminis-
trator's appointment subject to
confirmation by the Senate. The
Senate passed the bill (S 1022)
March 4 and sent it to the House
Ways and Means Committee.

Hearings Available

Congressional hearings on
two subjects of growing importance
in the urban field -- income main-
tenance and the role of financial

institutions -- were held late in —~

the last session of Congress.
Summaries of these hearings, as
well as the Action Council's pam-
phlet briefly reviewing Urban Af-
fairs Legislation in the 90th
Congress, are available without
charge to anyone who wishes to
write for them to the Action

The summarized hearings are:

Financial Institutions and
the Urban Crisis. Hearings by the
Senate Banking and Currency Com-

Income Maintenance.
by the Joint Economic Committee.

Hearings ~

Minority Business Enterprise
Coordination Is Established

President Nixon signed an
executive order March 5 that
established an Office of Minority
Business Enterprise in the Depart-
ment of Commerce.

The office is to stimulate
business ownership by minority

groups and coordinate -- but not
take over -- existing government
programs. Secretary of Commerce

Maurice H. Stans estimated there
were 116 programs in 20 govern-
ment agencies concerned in one way
or another with helping minority

Directors of the new office
were named March 13. The director
is Thomas F. Roeser, who has been
director of public affairs for the
Quaker Oats Co. and before that,
press secretary for Rep. Albert H.
Quie (R Minn.). The deputy direc-
tor is Abraham S. Venable, a grad-
uate of Howard University and
formerly a conciliation specialist
in black-white relations for the
Community Relations Service, which
was a Commerce Department agency
until moved to the Justice Depart-

In announcing the new office,

.President Nixon said: "Black,

Mexican-American, Puerto Ricans,
Indians and others must be in-
creasingly encouraged to enter the
field of business, both in the
areas where they now live and in
the larger commercial community --
and not only as workers but also
as managers and owners."

The Urban Coalition Action Council
1819 H St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202 293-1530

Chairman: John W. Gardner
Co-Chairmen: Andrew Heiskell
A. Philip Randolph
Executive Director: Lowell R. Beck
Legislative Associates: John P. Lagomarcino
Ronald J. James
Assistant for Legislative Information:
Georgianna F. Rathbun

ofS 23)


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