Box 7, Folder 11, Document 50

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Box 7, Folder 11, Document 50

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Memorandum on Budget Allowances for HEW and OEO

I. HEW Appropriations


Elementary and Secondary Education Act Activities


Title I - Educationally deprived children

Offers financial assistance to state and local public
educational agencies to expand and improve their education
programs to meet the needs of educationally disadvantaged
children in low-income areas; also handicapped, delinquent,
neglected, and foster children; children of migratory
agricultural workers; and American Indian children attending
Bureau of Indian Affairs schools. A wide range of educational
activities is permitted so long as the focus is on services
for educationally disadvantaged children.

1968 Appropriation $1,191 billion
1969 Budget Request L,2) billion
1969 House Allowance 1.073 billion

HEW Appeal to Senate from House Allowance 126.873 million
Dropout Prevention Programs

A grant program direct to local education; agencies for
carrying out programs to prevent dropouts in schools with
a high percentage of dropouts and a high percentage of
poor children.

1968 Appropriation vn S$ =---
1969 Budget Request 30 million
1969 House Allowance oa—s
HEW Appeal to Senate from House Allowance 20 million

Bilingual Education Programs

A federal grant program to local education agencies for

the purpose of establishing and developing bilingual education
programs. It is for public school systems that have schools
with a high concentration of poor children coming from homes
which speak other than the English language.

1968 Appropriation === :
1969 Budget Request 5 million

1969 House Allowance --=-

HEW Appeal to Senate from House Allowance 5 million
Teacher Corps

A program to improve educational opportunities for children
in areas having concentrations of low-income families by
recruiting and training teaching teams for local educational
agencies. The local school district selects corpsmen for
its schools and administers the program locally.

1968 Appropriation $13.5 million
1969 Budget Request ; 31 million
1969 House Allowance 15 million

HEW Appeal to Senate from House Allowance 9.667 million

Ii. OEO Appropriations

The House Appropriations Committee cut $300 million from
the OEO request without indicating specific areas. The educational
programs that would be cut drastically because of this reduction
are Head Start, Upward Bound, and Follow Through.

1. Head Start

A program designed for the economically disadvantaged
pre-school child. The full year Head Start programs
are primarily for children of age 3 up to the age the
child enters the school system. Summer Head Start
programs are’ for children who are eligible for kinder-
garten or first grade, and will be attending school
for the first time in the fall.

2. Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a pre-college program for high school
students from low-income families. Any accredited
institution with residential facilities may submit a
proposal for an Upward Bound program. Youngsters in
their second or third year of high school whose families
have annual incomes below the poverty line are screened
and selected by the educational institution BORG aE ae
the program.

3 Follow Through

To sustain the gains made by children in Head Start
programs funded by OEO and preschool programs funded
by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act, as well as other quality preschool programs, the
U.S. Office of Education in collaboration with the
Office of Economic Opportunity has established the
Follow Through program.

July 18, 1968


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