Box 7, Folder 16, Document 19

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Box 7, Folder 16, Document 19

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Friday, September 1, 1967


Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.
is to be the recipient of the 1967
Abe Goldstein Human Relations
Award at a banquet Saturday
evening, September 23. It was an-
nounced by the Awards Com-
mittee of the Atlanta Division of
the Anti-Defamation League.

Co-chairing the committee,
composed of Atlanta members of
the Southeastern Rezional Ad-
visory Board of the ADL and
other Jewish community leader-
ship, are M. William Breman,
Ben Hyman, Irving K. Kaler and
Ben Massell Jr. The chairmen in
announcing the committee’s
choice cited the Mayor’s “courag-
eous leadership in seeking to

arshal all of Atlanta’s human

resources to confront today’s
pressing social problems.” It is
the feeling of the Committee that
“his determined leadership points
the way for Atlanta to become,
in the eyes of all, a true City of

The committee stated, “The
Mayor’s many contributions to
better human relations in our
community span a number of
years and show his deep concern.
He was the only chief executive
from a Southern city to testify
in behalf of a Federal public ac-
commodations law. He was in-
strumental in the creation of At-
lanta’s Community Relations
Commission, charged with among
other responsibilities, translating

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Atlanta Mayor Will Receive (
Human Relations Award Sept.23

the problems of the city’s de-
pressed areas into corrective ac-
tion. He created the Housing Re-
sources Committee to develop low
income housing through private
enterprise and public housing to
help alleviate slum housing. He
is urging passage of the Presi-
dent’s fair housing bill.”

Mr. Kaler, the ADL Commit-
tee’s spokesman, stated, “We are
pleased to honor Mayor Ivan Al-
len for his creative efforts to
solve our complex urban prob-

The Abe Goldstein Human Re-
lations Award was established by
the Atlanta ADL Committee to
honor Abe Goldstein, president of
Prior Tire Co., who is a member
of the organization’s boara, and
has devoted himself to religious
and racial amity. The award is
presented yearly to an individual
or organization making a contri-
bution to better intergroup rela-
tions in the City of Atlanta. The
1966 recipient was Mayor Em-
eritus William B. Hartsfield.

The award banquet is sched-
uled for 7:00 p. m. at the Stand-
ard Club.

Streve Bat Mitzva

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Streve of
Atlanta cordially invite their
friends and relatives to attend
the Bat Mitzva of their daugh-
ter, Amy Beth, at 8:15 p. m.
Friday, Sept. 8, at Ahavath
Achim Synagogue. No cards.

Alhadeff Bar Mitzva

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Alhadeff
of Atlanta cordially invite their
relatives and friends to attend
the Bar Mitzva of their son, Sam-
uel Jack, at 9:00 a. m. Saturday,
Sept. 9, at Or VeShalom Syna-

gogue. Mrs. H. Wolf is Samuel’s _

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