Box 7, Folder 16, Document 24

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Box 7, Folder 16, Document 24

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Charles Adams

Coca Cola Co.
be _ 310 North Ave., N.W.
bi Atlanta, Georgia

t ee an spe B Lav
Li ; , arvi@l Manager

fel and Tel

W. L. Calloway

f - Calloway Realty Co.

' 193 Auburn Ave., N.E.
. Atlanta, Georgia

Alston, Miller & Gaines
C &S National Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia

; Hewitt Covington, Partner

James H, Davis

Vice President and Treasurer
Beck & Gregg Co...
217 Luckie St., N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Richard J. Grabowski
Personne! Manager

J. M. Tull Metals Co., Inc,
285 Marietta St., N.W,
Atlanta, Georgia

Charles Greene “ nye
Atlanta Life Insurance Co, j
148 Auburn Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgie .

September, 1967

widiaieeh ahead sis ima eo, OR a, oe Oe Sr es’

Rolland A. Maxwell

Bee AE a

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Ralph Hendrix
Personnel Director
Atlanta Gas Light Co.
Atlanta, Georgia

Carroll Jones

Trust Company of Georgia
36 Edgewood Ave., N.E
Atlanta, Georgia

Herbert Megar

Vice President

Fulton National Bank
55 Marietta 2t., N.V/’.,
Atlanta, Georgia

Tohn Miller

Manager, Supply Branch

Retail Credit Co.

1600 Peachtree St., N.W.
. Atlanta, Géorgia :

Richard A, Strauss, Store Manager
Ponce de Leon

Sears Roebuck & Co.

677 Ponce de Leon A:e., N.
Atlanta, Georgia


H,. W. (Bo) Whitman, Jr.
Asst. Vice Pres. Main Office
First National Bank

Atlanta, Georgia

» J. R. Wilson, Jr.
Wilson & Co., Real Estate
905 Hunter St., N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

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-* Pf ‘ a b F i 7 Ip a th : E . : \) : \ * ; '
eT AO eel Ra tak a
Saylots Andte_ pee feet 'R. F.. Clayton (Bon)
. .. General District Manager ‘. | Public Relations Officer
/-'* Georgia Power Co. A : ‘ Citizens & Southern National Bank
270 Peachtree St., N.W. a _. Marietta & Broad
Atlanta, Georgia an ; Atlanta, Georgia

Dual. Crockett > Ina") pe Melville Smiley >
Vice President , Davison's
Lockheed-Georgia Co, i 180 Peachtree St., N.W.

_ Marietta, Georgia } Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Hugh K. Rickenbaker Sota ui . Ben O'Callaghan, President
Asst. V. P. Public Relations Ben O'Callaghan Co.

Life of Georgia 1279 Collier Rd.; N.W.
573 W. Peachtree, N.E. : Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia (Housing Committee)

(Housing Committee) ,
| James W.. Wright ‘

John Smith P.O. Box eazy 9 AO7E7
Advertising Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30320
Atlanta Inquirer; , Inc. (Law & Equal Enforcement)
787 Parsons St., S.W :
Atlanta, Georgia William Merritt
338 Lincoln St., S.W.
Thaddeus Stokes : . Atlanta, Georgia 30315 4
City Editor : (Employment) ss |
; es

Atlanta Daily World,

210 Auburn Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 4

R. O. Sutton, Vice President
Citizens Trust Company ; hed
212 Auburn Ave., N.E. | . iH
Atlanta, Georgia | ]

Otis Thorpe

Vice President : .
Q. V. Williamson & Co. .

855 Hunter St., N.W, 3
Atlanta; Georgia

John Weitnauer

V. P. & Personnel Directot

Rich's ’
45 Broad St., S.W.' :

Atlanta, Georgia,


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September, 1967 ,

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