Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 17, Document 22
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a ila a a a a i lll
August 24, 1967
Mrs. Velma McEwen Strode
Local Government Liaison Officer
U. S. Department of Justice
Community Relations Service
Washington, D. C. 20530
Dear Mrs. Strode:
Thank you very much for your letter of August 22nd
regarding your recent visit to Atlanta.
I am sorry I was not in the city and missed the
opportunity of meeting you. I am most grateful for
the generous comments you made about Atlanta's
Community Relations Commission and its staff.
I certainly appreciate your offer of assistance and
wish to assure you that we are most grateful for
your assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
cc: Mrs. Eliza Paschall
Mr. Irving Kaler
August 24, 1967
Mrs. Velma McEwen Strode
Local Government Liaison Officer
U. S. Department of Justice
Community Relations Service
Washington, D. C. 20530
Dear Mrs. Strode:
Thank you very much for your letter of August 22nd
regarding your recent visit to Atlanta.
I am sorry I was not in the city and missed the
opportunity of meeting you. I am most grateful for
the generous comments you made about Atlanta's
Community Relations Commission and its staff.
I certainly appreciate your offer of assistance and
wish to assure you that we are most grateful for
your assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
cc: Mrs. Eliza Paschall
Mr. Irving Kaler