Box 7, Folder 17, Document 22

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Box 7, Folder 17, Document 22

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a ila a a a a i lll

August 24, 1967

Mrs. Velma McEwen Strode
Local Government Liaison Officer
U. S. Department of Justice
Community Relations Service
Washington, D. C. 20530

Dear Mrs. Strode:

Thank you very much for your letter of August 22nd
regarding your recent visit to Atlanta.

I am sorry I was not in the city and missed the
opportunity of meeting you. I am most grateful for
the generous comments you made about Atlanta's
Community Relations Commission and its staff.

I certainly appreciate your offer of assistance and
wish to assure you that we are most grateful for
your assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.


cc: Mrs. Eliza Paschall

Mr. Irving Kaler


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