Box 7, Folder 19, Document 1

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Box 7, Folder 19, Document 1

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Mr. T. M, Alexander, Sr., Team Chairman, called the meeting to oreer,
Commission Members present:

Mrs, Fred W, Patterson

Archbishoo Paul Hallinan

(Mc Jack Sells, Team Member, was but of town)

Mrs. Eliza Paschall, ‘Executive Director

Commission Member, Mr. C. G. Ezzard and Alderman Q. V. Williamson were

also in attendance. Visiting students from Agnes Scott College were there

to observe.

Mr. Alexander explained the purposes of the Commission, he said, "We didn't
come here to give directicn, we came for you to tell us what has to be cane,

We all know this would not be @ popularity committee."

1. Mrs. Dorothy Bolden Thompson, 643 Delbridge St., N. W., 668-2422

Mes. Thompson served on the Ad Hoc Committee which helped to establish

the Commission, asked about the idea of Advisory Committees from the
various neighborhsods for the Commission. Mrs. Paschall said that
these would be appointed following the neighborhuod hearings, that the
Commission hed in mind trying to use the existing organizations. and
groups}, rather than forming a new and additional organization in the

Mrs. Thompson: "Education, lebor and housing are all important
but the most important is education."

2. Mr. Ron Stirrup, c/o 141 Walnut St., N. W.: “People making
$40.00 a week, not a legal minimum wage, need adequate waces
for hours worked. Will you speak for us? Don't tell us 'to do better'."

3. Mr. Otis Cochran, 227 Walnut St., N. W., 525-1792: "Group
accross the country least represented on various community groups,
boards, etc., 26 he. 18-25 year range; the Atlanta Youth Council,
for example, hes no. "youth" on the board; knows of no policy
making board inthe. City with membership from the 18-25 year range;
urges Commission to ‘provide far participation for this group; —
necessary to stop working 'far' and start working 'with'; need to
get rid of paternalistic point of view; everybody is 'somebody!' -—-
whether they're working or not; the problem is not being heard when
you come honestly and humbly."

4. Mr. George Sims, 161 Bankhead St., N. W.,: “Interested mainly in

5. Mr. Eddie Murphey, 141 Walnut St., N. W., 529-5136,: “Wasn't

going to speak, but would say this for the boys from the Recreaticn
Center present, that they.need a larger building to have a recreation
program; there is a vacant building in the area (Magnolia & Maple Sts,)
a Baptist Center that would do well for a recreation center; present
Center is 3 raoms about f x 7.on 8 x & ft."

6. Mr. Alonzo Caldwell, 263 Mangum St., N.W., 523-3815: “From Liyhtsing,
100 families with about LUGO children playing in the streets; need to
fix up houses, need hot and cold running water."

Mr. Alexander: “If addresses of those without water were given to the Better Housing
Commission at the City Hall, owners would be required to fix them."

Mr, Caldwell: "Sume of the area is zoned for business, but they want to keep it to
live in; some people on welfare, getting $45.00 @ month, can't pay to have re-~
; CG ¥
pairs required by code enforcement, made; can't get into Public Housing because
of long waiting lists."

Mr. Alexander: "Some people in public housing need to move out so others can move in."

Mr. Cochran: "Some restricting policies, such as those about illegitimate children,
keep some out; people in most need, can't get into public housing.”

7. Mr. Clarence Ezzard, Commission Member: "Keep hearing thet public housing
is ali filied up but don't think that is true. Could Commission ask for an

8. : "Lightning has 1 playlot (with 1 besketball goal)
closes: at 7:00 p. m., children are not going to bed then, will play in the
streets; need a shelter where they can dance, etc., and need to have it open
past 7:00 p. m.

9, Brother Charlie Shepard, 400 Mayers St., N.W., Foundation Club, Lightning:
"Many small childrer? playing in the streets, trucks coming through Mangum Street."

10, Mrs. Sylvia Cochran, tO0a, C. 0. Aide: "They have talked to people who own
businesses, and they have agreed for trucks not to use Mangum and Foundry
Signs- (No trucks allowed: Slow, Children) would help."

ll. fir. Gerry Chew, Vista Worker: "Largest problems are obvious ones; Wasn't

Commission established just to ease the conscience of the City; What makes
the Commission think they will be effective?”

Mr. Alexander: "In appointing Commission, the Mayor is trying to get at the bottom
af problems."

12. Archbishop Hallinan, Commission Member: "This was in the back of everybody's
minds —- but at first sign that things are being ‘swept under the rug', I

would resign and know others who would." :
Mr. Stirrup: "It's no accident we have a Vine City; We need new machinery; if Lanclords

won't fix plumbing, etc., the City should take the house and do it."

13. ldermen Q. V. Williamson: "Parks Committee is asking for a + mill or more
tax for recreation; Finance Comm ttee is waiting to see what the Soard of
Sducation will ask for before setting it; The Administration has said that
the City has to replace the EQOA money spent on recreation last year." Mr.
Williamson on Parks Committee last summer and insisted that Vine City get
some of the program, he was raised in Vine City and in that Church.

Mrs. Patterson, Committee Member: "We have no illusion that we can solve all the
problems; We are experimenting with liasion between the City and the people,"

Me. Williamson, City Aldermen: "Authority to pave the streets comes from the Legislature;
Policy has been that 51% of property owners had to sign for paving, etc.,; In
some places in Vine City one person owned more than 51%, they could cantrol.

New lew permits the City to advertise and if 51% don't object, street can be
paved; Once paving is done, the City can re-surface, etc.”

Mr. Ezzard, Commission Member: "How does the City reconcile re-surfacing streets
which are not paved?"

Mrs. Thompson: "Nobody pounds on the word Education. Ware School is in double
session; board of education is a tight little group; Need to strengthen

school attendance,"

Mr. Alexander: "Commission members divide themselves up; Reverend Williams stays
with board of education,"

14. Mr. John Robinson, 645 Beckwitn St., 5. W., Atlanta University: "Need to
work on education; I took a boy back to Washinyton Highschool, said he
couldn't come back in day school." "If out 6& manths olicy not to re-admit

» P y

15. Mr. Fowlkes, Director Nash-Washington E0A Center: "Glad to see the
Commission in our neighborhoud, Can any influence be used to upcate the
plans for changes; At Atlanta Social tlorkers Club, heard that present
schedule will mean Urban Renewal in Vine City in 10 to 11 years; no plans
toiimprove Lightning because it is zoned for Commercial uses; Need to up-
date plans so people can expect abolition of slums more quickly."

Mr, Williamson: "Unless same method is found for more City revenue, can't ca thot;
City has to: match Urban Renewal funds by 1/3 and only place ta get it is
bond issues." 4%
Mr. Fowlkes: "City should include Vine City and Lightning in Model City funds.”
Mr. Chew: "Should make educatian more relevent; Textbooks are outmoc.<; All are 4
' white'and Negro students can't identify with persons in them."
Archbishop Hallinan: Asked about election of School Board Members.
16. Mr. Otis White, Principal of Ware School and Preusident of Gate City Teachers:
His’ organization concerned about textbooks, if children are to identify with
tne good in the U. 5., they must be represented in the textbooks. Ware

School has purchased some new 'intergrated' textbooks with Ford Foundation
money; Negro teachers are ‘concerned with somethings white teachers aren't
concerned with; difference between intergrati:n and assimilation of teacier's
groups." Mr. White has been Principél 11 years in Vine City; Father and

Son programs at Boys Club encouraged.

Mr. Charlie Lowe, 1894 Penelonpe Rd., N.W. 39374. E0A: Commended

Commission for hearings, should all work together, "Need your help in
getting to the people; can't make Truant Officers out of EQA workers,"


Mr. Cochran: Reported on conversation with Dr. Boozer of School Staff that reports
of truancy depend on Principal; "Have compulsory school attendance law, but
it is up to Principal to excuse and report." There are 11 Social Workers =
and 95 Visiting teachers in the whole system.

hamson: "Ware School has Social Worker through Ford Foundation Program;
How many other schools have that?"


Mrs. Thompson: ("Dropouts come because they have problems; there is a reason for
for everything; something wrong and the child is unhappy; children
can be unhappy too; nobody knows what is wrong."


18. : Said he once dropped out, but went back in school;
Not Principal's fault, not parents fault; it's the Community's
fault; the way people are living; if had better places to stay,
wiuld stay in school. ;

1:9, Mr. Charles Hawk, Counceior, Ware School: "Dropouts goes back
to finences; Need jobs with decent salaries; Should recruit for
jobs and for NYC, etc., on streets in Vine City; Waive formal education s2+_.

Mr. Murphey: “EQOA recruits for NYC and Job Corps; Can do some through Recreétion
20. Mr. Charles Bleck, EQOA Extension Manager: "In summer 'Impact' program

Employers may not take people from Vine City Area because of
education and distance from the jobs; Need to have localized train-
ing.” 7

21. : Said that they asked neighbor who had returned
from Juvenile Home if he was glad to get home; He replied "No - not
glad to get home; at Juvenile Home had a clean bed, 3 good meals,
clean clothes, better than at home."

Mr. Williamson: Recommended a Public Hearing on conditions in Public Housing;
Had visited Eagan Homes; bad health conditions; Housing Authority
forbids telephone extensions put in a 2-story apartment; no rodent
control; Housing Projects should meet standards like private
housing 5 Eagan Homes - no lights at front door; tenants forbidden
to put lights; several robberies and rapes.

It was suggested that the Commission invite the Board of Housing Authority to
join in.a Public Hearing on Atlanta Public Housing.


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