Box 7, Folder 19, Document 2

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Box 7, Folder 19, Document 2

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sm 2 ne ale ee otha ee nl Se gS RS eee endee ie

“Dane of Neighborhoods -SUMMEBHELIL-—st—ii t Stret

renneienaseemaesnianpiaitrinien macnn boner eae fp oe aS ate

... Geographic “Bounderies EC WEIT Say Wentnal 7 Ave., S- Vienorial ee oe Tn

Developmental Prograns: Model ‘Gites! = 2.vEsc ote is. tes
oe eee Crassiricstiens: Portion ered Private eesidentiar. —rarue ortion zon ed
ence saneisininet Apartments | ah Ts Commercial. —

Ll bendattons of Straute: Fair, ‘most are narrow, many "One ay’

Condition of Housing: eOuer ag varte., m most. sub-standard yaccording to code.

i ender Bat os

Political Representation: Tree tsetse sf SAT OS EOE i 23
. ‘City “Wara>” wae a ea! Tat wm _ ua County Siti st Fulton .
~ Aldermen ig. hae is... | iGommissionerAldtidge itchell, Brown
State Senate District 36 State Legislative District__124, 127

= Senator Jack Stephens "Representative ‘JohnA-Hood, Cox Dr.

Hs. ‘Se tengreseionel District 4th Congressman_-Ben-Blackburn.

PaieeErornT SErUsceer

Atlanta Public School. alasitiis | “Superintendent Mrs. Ea. Sis “Cook, Dy, GY,

nao . ae Smith
Public Schools_in Area_N wHigh Ss in! area ssidents divided amon

E. P, Johnson Elementary, “Ed Cook anenita, and Capitol Avenue Elementary

Vocational Schools in Area” Hoke=Smith (Admission pestzifted) “Most courses
Oth =.12bh gr: Some fe i ; i

“Nurseries ~ None
Private Schools in Area __ None

Libraries in Area Southside Branch, Atlanta Sune Libra: EY.

—" | i -
ae i: _ ns a — — . =

Profile No. 1 pacemnnys in, sta bah eeetiemels Page - No. 3,

Recreational Services:

Parks in Area m

Recreati nal Centers. in Area 6-4 13 Saahege = 9 abe fh eee

a = ene tee - = 4
— ee aber mane RE en en me

*Parls Serving Area Grany Park:

*Recreational Centers Servine Agea Wesley Hause. Frazier.
Ye M; CoA, :

Social Welfare Services in Area: -

EDA {Summerhill - tiechanicsville ¢ Service Canter).

ot DJitiLgeois DNMiMos

—— - ew ' E 1 )* rie * on ot i 1 < i r
‘Health ~ Soreteae in Area: :
re #_O02bx09 SENGAE boste-due Jseom ..sitev poieuol :pnievol to noisibnol
- oe fanord L205 i 5. j orna! 15 a ab ich - 2. meteattss [sine
Business Enterprises _in Area: :nuitetns2etoon Leaittiod
ae ds So eet =n su onreinemndesigininandeNaietemeiancee te — ee * LY t
wor ip EOA has -or ized erative - Summerhill-Mechanicsville Dévelop-
Tc tr & 4+ : ‘ z 7 +7

i ‘Public. Sdpgigeact Aa} seed. di $5RiGch Eosolbaea

Police Services Patrol, Detective, Juvenille & Crime Cars. 28 mULcRe gaily

eae Sentai

Fire Protection Services Same as all residential areas”

“Schedule for ‘Sanitary’ ‘Colleetions— —Fwice-weekly--schedule | varies in
bd afverent ports sof -area spo footed ol soni oi loo’

=o acted “Housing Inspection: Schedule 2 ae St “

Public. ‘Transportation

to down town.

cides Political and Religious Oraanizations: so « sfooda

nm NGme of OF ganization 2S 20°" “Chaivmane— O°" | “Address

Mechanicsciile Civic Leaque Mrs, i. M. Thompson 223 Bass St., SW

*Facilities not 4%sated in geographic area.


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