Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 19, Document 4
Text Item Type Metadata
Community Relations Commission, 1203 City Hall, Atlanta, Ga.
Name of Neighborhood: Kirkwood "
Description of , Neighborhood: _.N - Memorial Dr. W.=- Wyman St. S.E.
bea gqgeebas E - Rocky Ford Rd. S = Railroad (to Decatur)
Developmental Programs - None , = pine
Zoning Classifications - Residential 4F, commercial
Conditions of Streets = Fair to good.
Condition of Housing - Fair to good, Some deteriorating
Racial Patterns - Negro Areas,. transitional areas (from whité to Negro
= within past 2 years)
Political Representation:
City Ward - 2 o County - DeKalb °
Alderman - Gillian, ’ Flanigen © Commissioner - B. Manning, Chmn.
State Senate District - 43, ~~ "State Legislative District 119
Frank G,. Miller is Representative - Westlake
U.S.Congressional Dist. - 4th. Bd. of Education’- Ward 3 - Mrs.
Congressman - Blackburn Leroy Woodward
Educational Services:
Atlanta Public School Area - 5 Supt. - Dr. G. Y. Smith
Public Schools in Area - Kirkwood Elementary, Murphy High School
East Lake Elementary, Burgess Elementary,
new elementary under construction
Vocational Schools in Area - None
Nurseries - No public nurseries
Private Schools in Area - None
Libraries in Area —- None
Recreational Services:
Parks in Area -— Bessie Branham (Kirkwood Park)
Parks Serving Area - Candler Park
Recreational Centers in Area - left blank
Recreational Centers serving Area - left blank
Social Welfare Services in Area:
Edgewood Service Center, EQOA
Kirkwood Christian Center
Health Services in Area:
Business Enterprise in Area:
Retail, chicken hatchery, lumber company, Southern Iron & Manufacturing Co.
Public Services:
Police Services — Routine patrol
Fire protection service: - Left blank
Schedule for Sanitary Collections ~- twice weekly
Housing Inspection Schedule «= Left blank
Public transportation - Satisfactory. Sunday transportation is poor.
Civic, Political and Religious Organizations:
Names Chairman Address Phone
Confederation of DeKalb
Kirkwood Council on Human Relations
Block Clubs, EQOA
Page 2 Neighborhood Profile No. 3
Churches and Religious Organizations:
Israel Baptist
Turner Monumental A.M.E.
Resource Persons:
Mrs. Eliza Brown
Miss Rosetta Williams
Mr. James Dean 17. East Lake Drive
Mr. James Crowley 50 Mason Ave. N.W.
Mr. Henry W,. Brooks 1312 Dupont Ave. S.E.
Mrs. Georgia Ashe 2170 Boulevard Drive
Mr. Joseph Finch 1628 Foote St. #7
Rev. O. E. Myles 1361 Dupont Ave., S.E.
Prof. John Davis Gaither 1560 Foote St. N.E.
Mr, James Cosby 1424 LaFrance St. N.E.
Mrs. Charity Hill 1514 Foote St.
Mr. J. A. McClain 2079 Delano Dr., N.E.
The Rev. Hosea Williams 8 East Lake Dr. N.E.
April, 1967
Name of Neighborhood: Kirkwood "
Description of , Neighborhood: _.N - Memorial Dr. W.=- Wyman St. S.E.
bea gqgeebas E - Rocky Ford Rd. S = Railroad (to Decatur)
Developmental Programs - None , = pine
Zoning Classifications - Residential 4F, commercial
Conditions of Streets = Fair to good.
Condition of Housing - Fair to good, Some deteriorating
Racial Patterns - Negro Areas,. transitional areas (from whité to Negro
= within past 2 years)
Political Representation:
City Ward - 2 o County - DeKalb °
Alderman - Gillian, ’ Flanigen © Commissioner - B. Manning, Chmn.
State Senate District - 43, ~~ "State Legislative District 119
Frank G,. Miller is Representative - Westlake
U.S.Congressional Dist. - 4th. Bd. of Education’- Ward 3 - Mrs.
Congressman - Blackburn Leroy Woodward
Educational Services:
Atlanta Public School Area - 5 Supt. - Dr. G. Y. Smith
Public Schools in Area - Kirkwood Elementary, Murphy High School
East Lake Elementary, Burgess Elementary,
new elementary under construction
Vocational Schools in Area - None
Nurseries - No public nurseries
Private Schools in Area - None
Libraries in Area —- None
Recreational Services:
Parks in Area -— Bessie Branham (Kirkwood Park)
Parks Serving Area - Candler Park
Recreational Centers in Area - left blank
Recreational Centers serving Area - left blank
Social Welfare Services in Area:
Edgewood Service Center, EQOA
Kirkwood Christian Center
Health Services in Area:
Business Enterprise in Area:
Retail, chicken hatchery, lumber company, Southern Iron & Manufacturing Co.
Public Services:
Police Services — Routine patrol
Fire protection service: - Left blank
Schedule for Sanitary Collections ~- twice weekly
Housing Inspection Schedule «= Left blank
Public transportation - Satisfactory. Sunday transportation is poor.
Civic, Political and Religious Organizations:
Names Chairman Address Phone
Confederation of DeKalb
Kirkwood Council on Human Relations
Block Clubs, EQOA
Page 2 Neighborhood Profile No. 3
Churches and Religious Organizations:
Israel Baptist
Turner Monumental A.M.E.
Resource Persons:
Mrs. Eliza Brown
Miss Rosetta Williams
Mr. James Dean 17. East Lake Drive
Mr. James Crowley 50 Mason Ave. N.W.
Mr. Henry W,. Brooks 1312 Dupont Ave. S.E.
Mrs. Georgia Ashe 2170 Boulevard Drive
Mr. Joseph Finch 1628 Foote St. #7
Rev. O. E. Myles 1361 Dupont Ave., S.E.
Prof. John Davis Gaither 1560 Foote St. N.E.
Mr, James Cosby 1424 LaFrance St. N.E.
Mrs. Charity Hill 1514 Foote St.
Mr. J. A. McClain 2079 Delano Dr., N.E.
The Rev. Hosea Williams 8 East Lake Dr. N.E.
April, 1967