Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 19, Document 3
Text Item Type Metadata
Sduminaty Realetiona Commission, 1203 City Hall, Atlanta Ga.
Name of Neighborhood: Vine City
Description of Neighborhood: © ° :
Geographic Boundaries N - Simpson Sus >) Wo Sunset Ave.
Northside ops S = Hunter St.
Developmental Programs — None
Zoning Classifications - Residential, apartments, some commercial.
Conditions of Streets - Fair to poor AST
Condition of Housing - Dilapidated
Racial Patterns - Negro area~
Political Representation: : £10 O.:
City Ward = '3rd i *~ County = Fulton
Alderman - Williamson, Knight Cou stenor ee Aldredge, Brown,
State Senate District —- 39 Mitchell
Senator - Horace Ward oot State Legianative District - 136, 137
U.S. Congressional Dist. - 5th
REpreSen teres Julian Bond, Grace
Congressman — Fletcher Thompson
Bd. of pcdicatian - Dr. Rufus Clement
Educational Services:
Atlanta Public School Area -, : coe Supt..-,Dr. H. A. Bowen
Public Schools in Area - M.M. Bethune /*E. A, Ware -.one block out of
area (no high school in area, - most students
attend B.1T,. Washington & Central Jr. High.
*Ware School is one of Ed. Improvement Project
(Ford Foundation)
Vocational Schools in Area -. None footie Community School
Nurseries -— Lundy's Day Nursery
Private Schools in Area - None
Libraries in Area - None
Recreational Services:
Parks in Area - None (2 play lots) v2
Recreational Centers in Area - Vine City Recreation Center, Carver Boys!
Parks Serving Area - Washington Park
Recreational Centers Serving rea — None
Social Welfare Services in Area:
NASH = Washington Neighborhood Service Center - Vine City Extension
Health Services in Area:
Neighborhood Union Health Center (fulton County Dept. of Health)
Business Enterprises in Area:
Small grocery stores, wine stores, barber shops, and cafes
Page 2 Neighborhood Profile No. 2
Public Services:
Police Services - Routine patrol and stationary patrol at Vine and
Magnolia Sts.
No fire station - nearest one at Simpson & Troy Sts.
Sechedule for Sanitary Collections - Twice weekly
Housing Inspection Schedule - left. blank
Public transportation - One bus line down Magnolia St.
Civic, Political and Religious Organizations:
Vine City Council Mrs. Helen Howard, Chairman 587 Rock St. Tel. 525-3111
Vine City Improvement Assn. Mrs. Ozella Smith, Chairman Vine St. Tel. ---
Democratic Organization — 3K Otis Cochran, Chmn. .230 Walnut St. 525-1792
The Uplift Club Mrs. Alberta Fletcher - Delbridge St.
Churches and Religious Organizations.
Mt. Gilead Bpt. Rev. Hall, Minister
Vine City Bpt.
2nd Mt. Olive Bpt.
Resource Persons in Area:
Name: Address: Phone:
Mrs. Sylvia Cochran 227 Walnut St. 525-1792
Mrs. Helen Howard: ~ 587 Rock St. 525-3111
Miss Pauline Kindell 141 Walnut St.
Mr. David Burney 580: Magnolia St. No phone
Mr. Otis Cochran 230 Walnut St. 525-1792
Mr. Joe L. Brown 587 Magnolia St. No phone
Mr. Eddie Murphy 141 Walnut St.
Mrs, Ruby Lundy 560 Foundry St.
Mr. Hector Black Magnolia St.
Mrs. Dorothy Bolden Thompson 643 Delbridge St. N.W. MU 8-2422
Name of Neighborhood: Vine City
Description of Neighborhood: © ° :
Geographic Boundaries N - Simpson Sus >) Wo Sunset Ave.
Northside ops S = Hunter St.
Developmental Programs — None
Zoning Classifications - Residential, apartments, some commercial.
Conditions of Streets - Fair to poor AST
Condition of Housing - Dilapidated
Racial Patterns - Negro area~
Political Representation: : £10 O.:
City Ward = '3rd i *~ County = Fulton
Alderman - Williamson, Knight Cou stenor ee Aldredge, Brown,
State Senate District —- 39 Mitchell
Senator - Horace Ward oot State Legianative District - 136, 137
U.S. Congressional Dist. - 5th
REpreSen teres Julian Bond, Grace
Congressman — Fletcher Thompson
Bd. of pcdicatian - Dr. Rufus Clement
Educational Services:
Atlanta Public School Area -, : coe Supt..-,Dr. H. A. Bowen
Public Schools in Area - M.M. Bethune /*E. A, Ware -.one block out of
area (no high school in area, - most students
attend B.1T,. Washington & Central Jr. High.
*Ware School is one of Ed. Improvement Project
(Ford Foundation)
Vocational Schools in Area -. None footie Community School
Nurseries -— Lundy's Day Nursery
Private Schools in Area - None
Libraries in Area - None
Recreational Services:
Parks in Area - None (2 play lots) v2
Recreational Centers in Area - Vine City Recreation Center, Carver Boys!
Parks Serving Area - Washington Park
Recreational Centers Serving rea — None
Social Welfare Services in Area:
NASH = Washington Neighborhood Service Center - Vine City Extension
Health Services in Area:
Neighborhood Union Health Center (fulton County Dept. of Health)
Business Enterprises in Area:
Small grocery stores, wine stores, barber shops, and cafes
Page 2 Neighborhood Profile No. 2
Public Services:
Police Services - Routine patrol and stationary patrol at Vine and
Magnolia Sts.
No fire station - nearest one at Simpson & Troy Sts.
Sechedule for Sanitary Collections - Twice weekly
Housing Inspection Schedule - left. blank
Public transportation - One bus line down Magnolia St.
Civic, Political and Religious Organizations:
Vine City Council Mrs. Helen Howard, Chairman 587 Rock St. Tel. 525-3111
Vine City Improvement Assn. Mrs. Ozella Smith, Chairman Vine St. Tel. ---
Democratic Organization — 3K Otis Cochran, Chmn. .230 Walnut St. 525-1792
The Uplift Club Mrs. Alberta Fletcher - Delbridge St.
Churches and Religious Organizations.
Mt. Gilead Bpt. Rev. Hall, Minister
Vine City Bpt.
2nd Mt. Olive Bpt.
Resource Persons in Area:
Name: Address: Phone:
Mrs. Sylvia Cochran 227 Walnut St. 525-1792
Mrs. Helen Howard: ~ 587 Rock St. 525-3111
Miss Pauline Kindell 141 Walnut St.
Mr. David Burney 580: Magnolia St. No phone
Mr. Otis Cochran 230 Walnut St. 525-1792
Mr. Joe L. Brown 587 Magnolia St. No phone
Mr. Eddie Murphy 141 Walnut St.
Mrs, Ruby Lundy 560 Foundry St.
Mr. Hector Black Magnolia St.
Mrs. Dorothy Bolden Thompson 643 Delbridge St. N.W. MU 8-2422