Box 8, Folder 16, Document 26

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Box 8, Folder 16, Document 26

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“TO: Mrs. Helen Meyers DATE: February 27, 1967

FROM: S. F. cea

SUBJECT: Model Cities Information

Here are the materials that were sent over Friday. Will you please
see that it gets to the proper persons(s) in City Hall.

E - Health Services

I - Social Services - The Day Care and Aging information
should go with this section.

N - Resident Participation includes the material that Mr.
Calhoun and I said we would get to you,

Q - Private Initiative and Enterprise - This information was
given us by Dr. Patterson of the Small Business Develop-
ment Section of our program. Maybe it can be included
under Q.

I hope this is clear, If you have any questions don't hesitate to

Thank you.


cc: Mr. Allison
Mr. Calhoun


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