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Box 8, Folder 16, Document 32
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Young Ben of the lower area of Pryor Street along with Representative John
Hood came to the Extension Manager's Office with a community problem. This
problem was centered around a place of business known as "Murray's Liquor
Store, Wine and Beer Super-rett" and "Carrol's Drive-in Tavern, all
located on the corner of Pryor and Ridge. There have been numerous counts
of disorder over the years‘at this location. Very little was done to
correct the situation until a sixteen year old young man was killed by
Security Guards of scurrilous nature.
The Extension Manager called a meeting of the comuunity to get more informae
tion as to the reason of the young man's death and the vice of the business
corner, The meeting at the Church of God brought forth more information.
Young men, young ladies and adults expressed the following information
which proved to be facts. The management of the liquor store, beer and
wine store and Tavern was selling alcoholic beverages to minors. The
Security Guard beat up numerous and septuagenarian citizens who were not on
Murray's or Carrol's property, and the ones who were, were beaten into sub~
mission. There was talk of rape but no facts provided. Activities of all
kinds are done in cars on the lot and behind the tavern,
The Extension Manager was told of a plot to burn down the corner by many
young men and women of the neighborhood, The group was found,. an appeal
was made by the =xtension Wanager, Representative Hood and Lir. Peters, CHA
Chairman to let us try to use the avenues of the law and refrain from
violence. After hours of talking, the young people agreed to use the
courts of law to close the corner but assured-us if the court did not close
the three businesses, the neighborhood would without regard to life or
The following action vas put into operation: The investigation of the
young maa's death; proof was established from the coroner's report that the
bullet came fro; a .22 calibre gun carried secretly on one of the Security
Guards. The Guard claimed one of the young men in the group shot the young
wan. The Guard has been bound over to the State for murder. With what
information the citizens had, a committee was sent to the Police Committee
at City Hall.
Extension anager Fron Ix
August, 1966
Page 2
After hearing the complaint, the Police Committee booked the case for
August 31, at which time the owners would be present to show cause as to
why their license should not be revoked.
The Extension Maneger Cee. information that the owner, Mr. Murray has
unusual power in the city stxucture. His long arm reaches very deeply- into
the ranks of the poldee”! force and some of the city officials. Reports
show that many charges haye been brought asainst his business but never seem
to get to court. The conwunity citizens were organized into groups to
produce evidence that could not be thrown out of court. The Citizens
couwnittee feels sure iir, irray cannot control every alderman of the Police
Comaittee chaired by Alderwan Richard Freeman,
The Extension ilanager was visited by Captain Mullens of the Atlanta Police
Department. Captain iullens assured se this would be a very hard case to
win due to lack of evidence. The ixtension Manager called on City officials
whom he had worked with before and obtained the following evidence from |
police reports: Over 87 serious accounts of disorder this year, an average
£ 34 people are arrested each weekeend., Sots of all kinds are forever
present in and around the area. The Guard who shot the young man had a
police record in Florida and Georgia.
With this evidence city officials who attended the next meeting said this
was enough to declare the, corner a "Public Nuisance." Wow the citizens
ceeply hope that the Police Committee will vote to close this corner for the
improvement of the community, and prevent the violence of the young people,
who are tired of waiting for the results of the court August 31, 1°56.
Not only are the young people of the area a problem alone, the Vine City
agitators plus the Black Power Organization are standing by to move in on
‘the action,
Hood came to the Extension Manager's Office with a community problem. This
problem was centered around a place of business known as "Murray's Liquor
Store, Wine and Beer Super-rett" and "Carrol's Drive-in Tavern, all
located on the corner of Pryor and Ridge. There have been numerous counts
of disorder over the years‘at this location. Very little was done to
correct the situation until a sixteen year old young man was killed by
Security Guards of scurrilous nature.
The Extension Manager called a meeting of the comuunity to get more informae
tion as to the reason of the young man's death and the vice of the business
corner, The meeting at the Church of God brought forth more information.
Young men, young ladies and adults expressed the following information
which proved to be facts. The management of the liquor store, beer and
wine store and Tavern was selling alcoholic beverages to minors. The
Security Guard beat up numerous and septuagenarian citizens who were not on
Murray's or Carrol's property, and the ones who were, were beaten into sub~
mission. There was talk of rape but no facts provided. Activities of all
kinds are done in cars on the lot and behind the tavern,
The Extension Manager was told of a plot to burn down the corner by many
young men and women of the neighborhood, The group was found,. an appeal
was made by the =xtension Wanager, Representative Hood and Lir. Peters, CHA
Chairman to let us try to use the avenues of the law and refrain from
violence. After hours of talking, the young people agreed to use the
courts of law to close the corner but assured-us if the court did not close
the three businesses, the neighborhood would without regard to life or
The following action vas put into operation: The investigation of the
young maa's death; proof was established from the coroner's report that the
bullet came fro; a .22 calibre gun carried secretly on one of the Security
Guards. The Guard claimed one of the young men in the group shot the young
wan. The Guard has been bound over to the State for murder. With what
information the citizens had, a committee was sent to the Police Committee
at City Hall.
Extension anager Fron Ix
August, 1966
Page 2
After hearing the complaint, the Police Committee booked the case for
August 31, at which time the owners would be present to show cause as to
why their license should not be revoked.
The Extension Maneger Cee. information that the owner, Mr. Murray has
unusual power in the city stxucture. His long arm reaches very deeply- into
the ranks of the poldee”! force and some of the city officials. Reports
show that many charges haye been brought asainst his business but never seem
to get to court. The conwunity citizens were organized into groups to
produce evidence that could not be thrown out of court. The Citizens
couwnittee feels sure iir, irray cannot control every alderman of the Police
Comaittee chaired by Alderwan Richard Freeman,
The Extension ilanager was visited by Captain Mullens of the Atlanta Police
Department. Captain iullens assured se this would be a very hard case to
win due to lack of evidence. The ixtension Manager called on City officials
whom he had worked with before and obtained the following evidence from |
police reports: Over 87 serious accounts of disorder this year, an average
£ 34 people are arrested each weekeend., Sots of all kinds are forever
present in and around the area. The Guard who shot the young man had a
police record in Florida and Georgia.
With this evidence city officials who attended the next meeting said this
was enough to declare the, corner a "Public Nuisance." Wow the citizens
ceeply hope that the Police Committee will vote to close this corner for the
improvement of the community, and prevent the violence of the young people,
who are tired of waiting for the results of the court August 31, 1°56.
Not only are the young people of the area a problem alone, the Vine City
agitators plus the Black Power Organization are standing by to move in on
‘the action,