Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 16, Document 34
Text Item Type Metadata
Sanitation Department
Motorized Street Sweepers = The City's Sanitation Department, has
assigned four motorized street sweepers to the Sum-Mec area. These
machines are used on all paved streets with some degree of regularity.
Garbage Collections = Garbage collection increased from no pick-up
or one pick-up a week to two or more times a week.
Trash Pick-Up - Trash pick-ups increased from forty-five loads a
week to one hundred or more loads a week.
Abandoned Automobiles - Tickets are placed on automobiles that have
been abandoned on vacant lots, streets, and occupied areas. These
cars are to be moved as soon as storage space is available.
At present, approximately ninety cars have been moved from
the area.
Litter Baskets = Litter baskets were requested for some areas.
Eight litter baskets have been placed to date.
City Work Crews = City work crews were sent to some areas to cut
grass from sidewalks and vacant lots, and to remove trees and ‘roots
from walking areas.
Sanitation Inspectors are now giving tickets and notices to
citizens in the area who continue to neglect and litter their
Housing Code Enforcement and Inspection
Building inspectors are working in the area on a limited basis and
in response to calls from area citizens. A great number of tickets
have not been given perhaps due to the lack of adequate housing to
accomodate the displaced families.
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B. Approximately forty unfit dwellings which received tickets from
the Coding Inspector have been demolished.
School Improvements
A. Peter James Bryant is adding portables to accommodate its over-
flowing student body.
B. The Community School Program is underway and is doing a very fine
job in its adult programs.
A. Capitol Avenue School has added a full program in recreation to its
playground facility for the young people in the area.
B. Sum-Mec Center's Recreation Room is a much enjoyed facility for
some of the area's teen-agers and adolescence.
C. The Connally Play hot carried a capacity crowd until school opened
and is still doing big business after school hours.
Street and Traffic Improvements
A. The area citizens are very proud of the following streets which
were paved: Terry Street from Georgia Avenue to Bass; Bass Street
from Martin to Capitol Avenue; Glenn Street from Reed to Connally;
Terry Street from Glenn to Crumley; Little Street, Crumley Street
from Fraser to Martin.
B. Partially paved streets are Rawson, Formwalt, Windsor, Cooper,
Eugenia and Fulton.
Side walks are being repaired and replaced in Census tracts
45 and 46.
Crosswalks and school zone control lights placed on the corner
of Martin Street and Memoria] Drive, Census Tract 48,
-~ 3 «=
This effort was a real echievement on which area citizens had
been working for ten or more years. They had had meetings with
City officials, had written letters with Signatures of organizations
attached, had protested to the Board of Education. Finally, one of
the area groups, "The Friendly Citizens", protested on the corner
of busy Memorial Drive with radio, television, and some City
officials present. After the demonstration, these much needed
items were installed.
A group of citizens in Census Tract 46 registered a complaint
about the poor lighting on Bass Street between Pryor and Formwalt.
The group wrote a protesting letter concerning these conditions,
stating that people leaving the trolley at Bass and Cooper Streets
had great fear of this unlit area, particularly in both directions
on Bass Street, The City responded with lights in both directions
on Bass Street.
Sanitation Department
Motorized Street Sweepers = The City's Sanitation Department, has
assigned four motorized street sweepers to the Sum-Mec area. These
machines are used on all paved streets with some degree of regularity.
Garbage Collections = Garbage collection increased from no pick-up
or one pick-up a week to two or more times a week.
Trash Pick-Up - Trash pick-ups increased from forty-five loads a
week to one hundred or more loads a week.
Abandoned Automobiles - Tickets are placed on automobiles that have
been abandoned on vacant lots, streets, and occupied areas. These
cars are to be moved as soon as storage space is available.
At present, approximately ninety cars have been moved from
the area.
Litter Baskets = Litter baskets were requested for some areas.
Eight litter baskets have been placed to date.
City Work Crews = City work crews were sent to some areas to cut
grass from sidewalks and vacant lots, and to remove trees and ‘roots
from walking areas.
Sanitation Inspectors are now giving tickets and notices to
citizens in the area who continue to neglect and litter their
Housing Code Enforcement and Inspection
Building inspectors are working in the area on a limited basis and
in response to calls from area citizens. A great number of tickets
have not been given perhaps due to the lack of adequate housing to
accomodate the displaced families.
- 2 -
B. Approximately forty unfit dwellings which received tickets from
the Coding Inspector have been demolished.
School Improvements
A. Peter James Bryant is adding portables to accommodate its over-
flowing student body.
B. The Community School Program is underway and is doing a very fine
job in its adult programs.
A. Capitol Avenue School has added a full program in recreation to its
playground facility for the young people in the area.
B. Sum-Mec Center's Recreation Room is a much enjoyed facility for
some of the area's teen-agers and adolescence.
C. The Connally Play hot carried a capacity crowd until school opened
and is still doing big business after school hours.
Street and Traffic Improvements
A. The area citizens are very proud of the following streets which
were paved: Terry Street from Georgia Avenue to Bass; Bass Street
from Martin to Capitol Avenue; Glenn Street from Reed to Connally;
Terry Street from Glenn to Crumley; Little Street, Crumley Street
from Fraser to Martin.
B. Partially paved streets are Rawson, Formwalt, Windsor, Cooper,
Eugenia and Fulton.
Side walks are being repaired and replaced in Census tracts
45 and 46.
Crosswalks and school zone control lights placed on the corner
of Martin Street and Memoria] Drive, Census Tract 48,
-~ 3 «=
This effort was a real echievement on which area citizens had
been working for ten or more years. They had had meetings with
City officials, had written letters with Signatures of organizations
attached, had protested to the Board of Education. Finally, one of
the area groups, "The Friendly Citizens", protested on the corner
of busy Memorial Drive with radio, television, and some City
officials present. After the demonstration, these much needed
items were installed.
A group of citizens in Census Tract 46 registered a complaint
about the poor lighting on Bass Street between Pryor and Formwalt.
The group wrote a protesting letter concerning these conditions,
stating that people leaving the trolley at Bass and Cooper Streets
had great fear of this unlit area, particularly in both directions
on Bass Street, The City responded with lights in both directions
on Bass Street.