Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 16, Document 44
Text Item Type Metadata
Es fat ee spencers a Community Council =o
{ ( valte
Ae Recruit’“and train’residents to do a survey on social problems in Summerhill,
Mechanicsville, Peoples Town, Pittsburgh, and Grant Park
Be Organize’ meetings of residents of the( target a area) model cities}for the purpose
Or Oyen “Sa is
of obtaining information for the CIP Report and the. Re ta Commissions. Report.
Gast “Le oh,
eg Citizens also- Barticipated in the development of the Legal Aide Program and the
proposal to curb absenteeism from school.
ds ae Lov 7 Oy Dr breed vesé LAS
eo, ‘Technical assistance and registration and get-out-to-vote campaigns: and where
and how to obtain services.
; et
J5. In_the--process-of Davetopite a directory of neighborhood organizations, their
purposes and _their programs.
. } t i 0 SY chy wanes '
d,s \ee te “2 ganized—Netghborhood-Groups——
Se PTA \way Shron, Oe \ou i Sas “ Walag Carre Gu Cucts ux Wrewiag has
= ch et OS Ste ads eet ines Cur \
a.--Do- fund raising for Community Chest, Cancer Drive, March of Dimes. Sponsor
welfare fund to benefit less fortunate children.
b. Aid in sponsoring boy scout and girl scout troops not present in every school.
Cc. ne Caltucal enrichment program ‘for children.
d. Support a city-wide PTA council.
KH Orctnine ( Neitboluad Grau
~TI.~.Social- and- Hettese=Gtoups
B305S Orcas reed, 0 Trp hh OR Wes is A a
a. Do Felendly visiting to the aged, aiek, and shut-in, Ac ote On SOcia 0 af
a de we eae
b. Support community projects’ wera AcAe Wikies walk,
; a AL Vou, rae Y~ pre Tons
fo es VaQnnted + +o Lo VARY 9 OA vital
d. Support the Summerhill YMCA ;
c. Entertainment
e. Donate flowers at desk and comfort neighbors in bereavement
£. Emergency assistance to less fortunate families
g. Give campships and scholarships
h. Savings co-op
i. Out-of-town trips and outings
je Conmunity Improvement
III. Churches
a. Spansor scout troops
b. Support Community projects ane
d. Aid less forevaate residents’ of /the communi 4y
d. Ceeitaa meeting facility for neighborhood groups
e. Spiritual’ and salvation influence ,/
| es Cota d Vp OW Opera tof SHO ,
=~ a
Es fat ee spencers a Community Council =o
{ ( valte
Ae Recruit’“and train’residents to do a survey on social problems in Summerhill,
Mechanicsville, Peoples Town, Pittsburgh, and Grant Park
Be Organize’ meetings of residents of the( target a area) model cities}for the purpose
Or Oyen “Sa is
of obtaining information for the CIP Report and the. Re ta Commissions. Report.
Gast “Le oh,
eg Citizens also- Barticipated in the development of the Legal Aide Program and the
proposal to curb absenteeism from school.
ds ae Lov 7 Oy Dr breed vesé LAS
eo, ‘Technical assistance and registration and get-out-to-vote campaigns: and where
and how to obtain services.
; et
J5. In_the--process-of Davetopite a directory of neighborhood organizations, their
purposes and _their programs.
. } t i 0 SY chy wanes '
d,s \ee te “2 ganized—Netghborhood-Groups——
Se PTA \way Shron, Oe \ou i Sas “ Walag Carre Gu Cucts ux Wrewiag has
= ch et OS Ste ads eet ines Cur \
a.--Do- fund raising for Community Chest, Cancer Drive, March of Dimes. Sponsor
welfare fund to benefit less fortunate children.
b. Aid in sponsoring boy scout and girl scout troops not present in every school.
Cc. ne Caltucal enrichment program ‘for children.
d. Support a city-wide PTA council.
KH Orctnine ( Neitboluad Grau
~TI.~.Social- and- Hettese=Gtoups
B305S Orcas reed, 0 Trp hh OR Wes is A a
a. Do Felendly visiting to the aged, aiek, and shut-in, Ac ote On SOcia 0 af
a de we eae
b. Support community projects’ wera AcAe Wikies walk,
; a AL Vou, rae Y~ pre Tons
fo es VaQnnted + +o Lo VARY 9 OA vital
d. Support the Summerhill YMCA ;
c. Entertainment
e. Donate flowers at desk and comfort neighbors in bereavement
£. Emergency assistance to less fortunate families
g. Give campships and scholarships
h. Savings co-op
i. Out-of-town trips and outings
je Conmunity Improvement
III. Churches
a. Spansor scout troops
b. Support Community projects ane
d. Aid less forevaate residents’ of /the communi 4y
d. Ceeitaa meeting facility for neighborhood groups
e. Spiritual’ and salvation influence ,/
| es Cota d Vp OW Opera tof SHO ,
=~ a