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Box 8, Folder 17, Document 4
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To: Collier ee George Aldridge, Pierce Mahony, Dan Sweat Ege ee
Distribute {_j
From: Eric. Bob < Ap Hold (]
: Co / ot Filo (4
Subject: Info. Only J
Southern Railway's Planned Expansion of Storage Facilities in the
DATE Pittsburgh Neighborhood
November 18, 1969
On Tuesday, November 4, Stan Martin of the Parks & Recreation Department
informed Eric that Southern Railway was planning to acquire a portion of Pittman Park
_ incorder fo expand their storage facilities which are now located just to the east of
McDaniel Street,
Previous to this date, representatives of Southern Railway met with Mr.
Charles Leftwich to explain their expansion plans. They told Mr. Leftwich that they
wanted to acquire approximately 4.2 acres of the northern section of Pittman Park
for the storage of railroad cars. In return they will purchase approximately 4.8 acres
to the southeast of the park and give it to the Parks Department and build new
facilities for any facilities which they acquire. In addition to the park, Southern
Railway also plans to expand southwesterly into the Pittsburgh Neighborhood and
will acquire 50 structures between McDaniel Street and Pittman Park.
On Wednesday, November 5, the day after Stan Martin informed Eric,
Reinald Dersch of the Parks Department brought a map of the park and showed Eric
and Bob Southern Railway's plans with regard to the park (but not Southern's complete
plans). At this time, Eric telephoned Jim Wright to inform him of what the Planning
Department had learned, Eric requested that a meeting be held as soon as possible
with representatives of Southern Railway, Model Cities, Parks and Recreation
Department, Housing Authority and the Planning Department. This meeting was
set by the Parks Department for the following Monday,
On Monday, November 10, a meeting was held in the conference room of
the City Hall Annex to discuss Southern Railway's plans. People attending the
meeting included:
Howard Grigsby - Housing Authority
Lou Orosz & Jim Wright = Model Cities
Jimmy Mimms, Virginia Carmichael, Betty Yarborough, Molly Waggoner =
Recreation Staff i
A. P. Brindley, Reinald Dersch = Parks Staff
Stan Martin = Parks & Recreation Department
November 18, 1969
Page Two
Horace Ward = City Attorney's Office
Bob Helget - Planning Department
C, Richard McQueen ~ (attorney from Grenne, Buckley, DeRienx & Jones)
representing Southern Railway
J, R,. Oglesby - Southern Railway
At this meeting Reinald Dersch of the Parks and Recreation Department discussed
the Railway's plan, the effect on Pittman Park, and some solutions to this problem, The
land that Southern Railway wishes to give the Parks Department in return for what they
purchase includes a portion of the brick yard east of the present Park and the block
bounded by Delevon Street, Fortress Avenue, Fletcher Street and West Avenue. This
biock contains 30 structures (residential).
The greatest concern of the Porks and Recreation Department is that the park
proposed by Southern Railway would be long and fairly narrow. The block with 30
structures is quite isolated from the majority of Pittsburgh residents and therefore,
the resulting park would not well serve the residents, These problems were discussed
and then the Recreation Staff members left.
Mr. McQueen, representing the Railway, then presented Southern Railway's
entire plan to the remaining members. The total plan extends from McDaniel Street
on the west to Fortress Street on the east, Fifty structures would be acquired west
of the park and thirty structures would be acquired for the new Pittman Park, for a
total of 80 structures (all residential), Approximately ten structures have already
been acquired west of the park on scattered sites.
Lou Orosz told Mr. McQueen what Model Cities is trying to accomplish
and stressed the importance of citizen involyement. Mr. McQueen stated that
Southern Railway needs this storage yard immediately. They do not wish to get
invelved with court suits nor are they fond of meeting with the citizens.
Bob Helget stated that maps would be needed by the Planning Department
and Model Cities showing the planned acquisition so that the full impact of the
proposed could be studied.
The above mentioned maps were received on Thursday, November 14, We
are now proceeding to put this information on Model Cities maps. Model Cities
and the Planning Department will obtain information on the condition of structures
involved, number of families to be located, and other pertinent information,
November 18, 1969
Page Three
On Monday, Nobember 17, Johnny Johnson is meeting with the legal
representatives of Southern Railway fo get firsthand information. At this time
no additional meetings are scheduled.
To: Collier ee George Aldridge, Pierce Mahony, Dan Sweat Ege ee
Distribute {_j
From: Eric. Bob < Ap Hold (]
: Co / ot Filo (4
Subject: Info. Only J
Southern Railway's Planned Expansion of Storage Facilities in the
DATE Pittsburgh Neighborhood
November 18, 1969
On Tuesday, November 4, Stan Martin of the Parks & Recreation Department
informed Eric that Southern Railway was planning to acquire a portion of Pittman Park
_ incorder fo expand their storage facilities which are now located just to the east of
McDaniel Street,
Previous to this date, representatives of Southern Railway met with Mr.
Charles Leftwich to explain their expansion plans. They told Mr. Leftwich that they
wanted to acquire approximately 4.2 acres of the northern section of Pittman Park
for the storage of railroad cars. In return they will purchase approximately 4.8 acres
to the southeast of the park and give it to the Parks Department and build new
facilities for any facilities which they acquire. In addition to the park, Southern
Railway also plans to expand southwesterly into the Pittsburgh Neighborhood and
will acquire 50 structures between McDaniel Street and Pittman Park.
On Wednesday, November 5, the day after Stan Martin informed Eric,
Reinald Dersch of the Parks Department brought a map of the park and showed Eric
and Bob Southern Railway's plans with regard to the park (but not Southern's complete
plans). At this time, Eric telephoned Jim Wright to inform him of what the Planning
Department had learned, Eric requested that a meeting be held as soon as possible
with representatives of Southern Railway, Model Cities, Parks and Recreation
Department, Housing Authority and the Planning Department. This meeting was
set by the Parks Department for the following Monday,
On Monday, November 10, a meeting was held in the conference room of
the City Hall Annex to discuss Southern Railway's plans. People attending the
meeting included:
Howard Grigsby - Housing Authority
Lou Orosz & Jim Wright = Model Cities
Jimmy Mimms, Virginia Carmichael, Betty Yarborough, Molly Waggoner =
Recreation Staff i
A. P. Brindley, Reinald Dersch = Parks Staff
Stan Martin = Parks & Recreation Department
November 18, 1969
Page Two
Horace Ward = City Attorney's Office
Bob Helget - Planning Department
C, Richard McQueen ~ (attorney from Grenne, Buckley, DeRienx & Jones)
representing Southern Railway
J, R,. Oglesby - Southern Railway
At this meeting Reinald Dersch of the Parks and Recreation Department discussed
the Railway's plan, the effect on Pittman Park, and some solutions to this problem, The
land that Southern Railway wishes to give the Parks Department in return for what they
purchase includes a portion of the brick yard east of the present Park and the block
bounded by Delevon Street, Fortress Avenue, Fletcher Street and West Avenue. This
biock contains 30 structures (residential).
The greatest concern of the Porks and Recreation Department is that the park
proposed by Southern Railway would be long and fairly narrow. The block with 30
structures is quite isolated from the majority of Pittsburgh residents and therefore,
the resulting park would not well serve the residents, These problems were discussed
and then the Recreation Staff members left.
Mr. McQueen, representing the Railway, then presented Southern Railway's
entire plan to the remaining members. The total plan extends from McDaniel Street
on the west to Fortress Street on the east, Fifty structures would be acquired west
of the park and thirty structures would be acquired for the new Pittman Park, for a
total of 80 structures (all residential), Approximately ten structures have already
been acquired west of the park on scattered sites.
Lou Orosz told Mr. McQueen what Model Cities is trying to accomplish
and stressed the importance of citizen involyement. Mr. McQueen stated that
Southern Railway needs this storage yard immediately. They do not wish to get
invelved with court suits nor are they fond of meeting with the citizens.
Bob Helget stated that maps would be needed by the Planning Department
and Model Cities showing the planned acquisition so that the full impact of the
proposed could be studied.
The above mentioned maps were received on Thursday, November 14, We
are now proceeding to put this information on Model Cities maps. Model Cities
and the Planning Department will obtain information on the condition of structures
involved, number of families to be located, and other pertinent information,
November 18, 1969
Page Three
On Monday, Nobember 17, Johnny Johnson is meeting with the legal
representatives of Southern Railway fo get firsthand information. At this time
no additional meetings are scheduled.