Box 8, Folder 17, Document 5

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Box 8, Folder 17, Document 5

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Ape] eTryisre he AO Ee Tee Trif

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Attencance: “rs, Posa LL. Burney. “rn. Willian Com. *'r. Joe
Whittley, ‘r. Calvin Crata, rs. “. TL. Yeems. Mr.
Pobert Dokson re. C. B. Wrtaht. “ns. Ida Yrtakt
“rp. Levts Peters “rs. “attie Aneleu, Mr. down Hood.

The hoard of Directors met on the above date with the chotrman
Deacon Peters nrestcine tn a call saaston te talk an the 1, 1, P
activities areas for 1970 | Aqency ITnveottaatian also Senior
Ctttzens of Atlanta and Salary for Day Care Pmployees.

Poetor Cor vas aske’ to lead us tn prayer.
The ehairman Deacon Peters asked that tie agenda be apnroved.

‘yp, Johnny Johnson the @xecutive Director of Atlanta “odel Cittes
program diseussed the i. DP. PP. for 1970 he showed us the

clearence and relocation site for the sim (*) Modet Cittes areas.

Ye were also gtven a ltet wit the eomonet priorities wit" a
pattern for prooress. Ne atated thet acttvittes that weren't
accomplisher in 1962 will ave to %e ecomnlete” in 1970. "hey were
not indteated on the vortority list. ‘mn. Johnson spoke ahout

tie Southern Pattroad whteh has purehase’ homes & anartment

tn the Pittsburgh area and has eompletety overlooked the “odel
Cities citizens & the !PP plan for thie in the Pittsburg community.

He also spoke of the Aandqer of the “adantel erossing, he satd the
restdents of “odel Ctttes vill not receive any assistance from ~ .«
Southern "atlroad such as moving cost. and other thinas that they
would have recetva from “odel Cities.

He also stated that we need leaal advise on Emient Domain to see
where we stand in this matter.

Dveaeon Peters requested that all stim (¢€) Netaqhkbortoods untte

hehind ‘odel Cittes in votetng disapproval of Southern Pailvay
im vurshase of land tn Pitteburah for railroad exvansion.

le said that we need to call alt the residents of Pittsburgh and
“echantesvitle together to stand up for their rtightea because

the Model Cittes office received nonotification about what was
happening in their area.

The report from the Housing # Pelocation committee vas presented
by Representative John Hood. It was approved for aetton by
the Executive Board. (See attached revort)

Mrs, Bunnie Jackson from EQOA discussed the tratning proposal from
a Se "odel Cittes Mass Convention, Ine,: ts the
delegate agency for this program.

A motton was made & seconded & approved that a letter be sent to ail
agenates funded by “odel Cities requesting the qualifications of
thetr employees & the number of residents an thetr staff.

It was motioned & seconded & approved that two (2) cttizens,

‘ry, Dokson, & “vy, Seott attend a Housing conference in "Yashington
on Necember &,

Deacon Lewis Peters, Chairman


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