Box 8, Folder 17, Document 30

Dublin Core


Box 8, Folder 17, Document 30

Text Item Type Metadata



Generel Policy

Section 14 {21 of the Demormtrelinn

Miu «5

Metropolited Davetopuer t

Aet of 1666 rerufres the wacel ebties to presi Wares Liusiy ops tunities
for evployiing esiderts of tne arco Gnoall pucses of the prose and
on leraed eseer unttics For work and treduing ' and co dev slon preg rams whiea


will rvresett in Shoarled

propzvets in

This CpA L
provision. Tt
gencrated by t
model neighbor
employment pon:
including the

a forth JD requdr ens
sic policy objective A
Ive city denencstas

Tre reper ais

a. Enployucnt gencrated by Medel Citic
by other types of Federal assistenc:
privately sponseved activitios,

b, Exployoent gonuvet by othor finds
activi cites iueluded in the ceusrehei


og irenents--Genreral

Tt is the respdusibility of the city Cor
a comprehensive city dev
implementation af, these requirements,
impleucntation is
funding and such information shall be consol
of the application. This section shalt discr
by the comprechenstve city demonstration pro;
training systaus whith will assure the place
resicents in these jobs. The section
resident enpleyment oresgravs to ather
demonstration progran, such as health or
economic developarnt, Lransportation, ete,


All applications requastings Model

evidence thet:

e. It is the policy of the city, as co.
by the tod

el Cities citizen partici:

ec, both in publicly or

required in epplications for

“be al!

ELA -€. iy
‘s OF the conprehansive cil
ot j wy


cuvrec in by
endfor the city council of

gaderenploynuent and enforced

‘Lion of this
ene MPT opportuntt ics
ion urogran be Filled by
= oF this letter apply to

Wy conenslr program,

Vii Ds wile: Mees



el reseurees
ive city dex


i) ]

county) sovernacnt submittine

sanstration progran to implement, or Lo assuve the

iled infovaation on such

secel Cities supplemental

idated within a single section

enploynent te be senérates

are the hiring end

went cf model neighborhood

Iso sta the relationship of


suyportive services,

supplemental funds must show

body and


me . + * “ aa
county governing

wtton unit thet preference

will be siven to resicents of the mocel neighborhood in

Move Upear


Filling all jobs senerated threuah Cue coiaprehensive city
dewons.ration rain The Full tex. of such policy shail ho

included ix: eppliceation,

juts BE *

Vhe city policy has basa pu
suffice ent time For public reaps
the carprehepsive city demonstra
availa le theresiter for publie

and private agenctes which ha
ibility, and employr.cnt Oppox
resident eaploynent poliey Tha


4 tks diss oma ne.

‘rior to eer, submission of
progren, and will be

'e the
“unities toa implement the


‘o beer

involved in planning and coordinatin,, the rodel city enrloy-
ment art training plan, Such agencics have agreed to set
goals end to establish ‘quankheaetive omattnents relating to
those ponls in terus of training and placsien opportunities,
upprading op portuhi td ies, union meshecship, cte., as neecssary
in order lo weet the statutory requi cements quoted above,

The triining and esployaent system ov systems are workable and
enforecable and that they will assur: preference in employment



include provisions for the reerud tre:

mocel neizhborhood residents, Sue



&h a system or systens
iL, selection and placer

of nodel neighborhoad residents in jobs gencrated by the comprehensiv
city deaonstration program, on-the-job training and upgrading oppon bie

nities in both public and privete oeenetus, ineluding the transfer-
ability of quilifications and credits for cxporienes belween such
agencies; the removal of ideatifies ioepedivents te the hiring ane
upgrading of Jisacvantened model nefehtinahcod residents and the
provision of trade unten partliciration and maborship en alternctive
methods of assuring continued or inproved eaployment epportunity

in construction or other omplovient within or beyond the model

neighborhood srea,
appropriate utilization will
to the degree that there is
the poals and objectives of

be mode


eqjate and workable

aly povermient

There is ad
the CDA and/or
the provision of atequate Funds
syslenes effectively with other
Lion and ve; wil’ bes

orcinkg systen


capability anc
conprehensive city demonstration

to coordinate
resident ciployuent and training policies
and stati, and
propraw systems.


In implenenting these chjectives, full and

of existing Institutions

comuitment to meet

implement the
systems, including
to link these
A workeble eva
the cdministrat

stvative machinery


luc -
in Pari


structire, and a nrogedyrs for resolving pitewences erising aut of
the rusberport cian oF of Che progres:
The city has tevelon a speeifie procr fo prayvide persons
* t } G 1 :
entering subi cofessional or other eners aden el job cateuories
i= J 1

(z) Mstlieions. ‘eintas and othr,
do into increasingly higher
(b) assurances that there will be no
such mobility inherent in the a>


eerviec s to

ol Teed

enable thea toa
level positions enc
unnecessary dupedivaants te

le merit ar other prouotion


Role of


city poiey and program must include srocccures to enable nodod

neighborhood res’dents to (1) review the equity and affeetiveness of the

city policy and smployeent progran tha

has beon developed, cad €2) negotiate

for adjustments “n the policy and -(3) participate in the resolution of


grievances orisiw out of the tmplewutation cf the progran.

The roles o° nadel neishborhoad residents in wonitoringe, evaluating,
resolving gyicva ces and assisting in the oper ition of the system shall
be clearly celirn ated,

Subsission Requi te

s--Construction and Rehenilitation Enployiwent


In addition to the foregoing requireacnts, each application will
shoy, in regard ‘9 construction eanloyuent:



Theat th: city resident caploynent and ‘Lraining policy covers

all craits and positions related to construction and rehabilita- -
tion, ircluding Foresen, superintendcat: and construction truck
drivers, as well as such occunations as erchitects, enginecrs,
draftsman, ete, The policy should ireluce provision for establish
ing sperifie and quantifiable poals end comvitments for hiring
and training residents in each construction craft and other
relevant occupations and provision fer preference for all

building contractors (a) based in, or substantially doing business
in, the model neighborhoad or (b) employing, a sipnificant pro-
portion of model neighborhood residents at all levels in their
work foree. Similar preference sliall bo piven to other area
construction-related firsis such as de signcis, planners, architects anc
surveyers whith come within the above cate: ories,

That a specific recruitnvent, training and hiring program ta

prepare neislborhood residents for work on all projected con-
struction projects in the motic] neishtorhood Fas been developed by the
city in concet with residents and all othur velevant groups. And
agrecaent ertered into pursuant ta the propran must in no way

limit hiring or treining opportunitizs for residents to certain
crafts or categorics of construction, nor be otherwise inconsistent
with the cits prosran,

That the cits resident esployment policy will be reflected in
a ejly Lid specificstions andin r-quirerents for sponsors of
any FIA insured prejects included in the comprehensive city
denenstration prograia, ced that successful sidders must meee. to
cooperate with the city ciployment policy and traintng prozra
and meat sueh quantified mininun hiring an! training onl. in
each craft aud related occupation as are deteriainad by iDEA s Pts
consultation with the city, for eich coocurditv, The city is
expected to omplement the eaployuent polic; dilirently and t
utilize all wwojected construction activity a5 a basis of a
comprehensive: training and hiving svetem. Failure to meet the


moris esteiliaked cente result in giarsenrton or teriinatton of


HUD so) ype Sth eiry “s Co ote Ser rditee gos: sbrak bow Prenkaty
Ve. Applicability


Ae Where e city's analiestion has beer anproved for Lunding or
where the city's eroltcatio: hie boon filed er ia expected to be
Filed by 9 RV69, theeity ghsl suboit te MN in , L979
A supe acntal appli eation shoving mwiderae that its ch ployaent
progr. conuformia Gn ctl vespeets te Chaise requircacsents
deser bing the adninistrvatlive machinery that has been es
to gmolenent. the presreca,

b, A ecomorchensive city dei9onstration srogram which is expected to


aclude these requirewents es

be fied after 4.1970, must

part of

the initial subniscsion,

aprehensive City Denanstrat} Propreta

The city poalicy vequired to be acapted puvsuent to section LI of this
Letter must be ineerocorated into the coprebensive city demonstration pres ren
when jt is appcaved by the soeverning body.

a. In th: case of cities poverned by section Va}, Failure of
he elty to subait an anprovable supploueat to ite application
the city to sulsait an aporovable supple cat to its applicatic
shall be a basis far suspension or termination of the grant


os n th: cese of all other citics failure of the city ta subai

t In th fall ot! t fail c ttl Ex bait
an aporrovab.e application which conforns to these requirenents
shall be a basis for disapproval of the comprehensive city

denoustration prosrat, ;

Cc. Failure of any city to cerry aut an apporeved pl

lan shall be a
basis for suspension er teraination of the prant



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