Box 8, Folder 17, Document 31

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Box 8, Folder 17, Document 31

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Personnel Evaluation Report


Name of employee to be rated For promotion to PLANNER IT


Section | — Performance on present job



Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo | [a 2 | [Ls | Ls ls | [10 |
Frequently tardy or absent Tardy oc absent more Tardy or absent no more Seldom tardy or absent. Almost never tardy or
without good cause. than others. than most. absent.

Quality of work Consider neatness, accuracy and general quality of his work. How much follow-up is needed.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo | fa 2 | L | [s 9 | [10 |
Below minimum standards. Barely meets minimum Above minimum Well above minimum Among the very best.
Requires close check. standards. standards. standards.

Quantity of work Consider speed and general efficiency of his work.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
[o | a 2 hn As | Ls Ls | [io
Low volume of work. Somewhat slower than Rapid, productive Well above the average Among the very best
others. worker. in production. producers.

Reliability Consider the amount of supervision that is required. Does he do what he says he will do?

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo | [a 2 | Ls | [s lL» | Lo
Needs constant super- Requires close super- Less than average Little supervision No supervision required.
vision. vision. supervision required. required.

Attitude toward work Consider the attitude with which he approaches his work, the interest and enthusiasm shown.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo [fa tz | fs | Ls Ls | Lo |
Appears to have no Takes some interest in More than average High interest in the Absorbed in the work.
interest in work. the work, interest in work. work.

Section Il — Promotional Potential — In this rating section keep in mind the demands of the position to which the man
would be promoted. An employee may be above average to outstanding in his present position but lack potential for



Initiative Consider his ability to act on his own responsibility in the absence of instructions. Can he start needed
work and can he react to deviations from routine?

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo | rE | fs | [s Lo | [10

Must be pushed. Relies on others too Will act independently Assumes leadership Very alert. Has
much. in most cases.. when needed. introduced berrermethods.

Aptitude and ability to learn Consider how quickly he learns new work, retains what he has learned, and the ease
with which he follows instruction.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo I ja 2 Lt | Ls 9 | [10
Very slow to learn. Requires too much Learns quickly with Unusually quick to Among the very best in
instruction. Learns Minimum inscruction. learn. learning abilicy.

Judgment Does he have the ability to think and act calmly, logically, and rapidly under all conditions.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo | Ila L2 | os | Ls L9 | Lo
Poor sense of values. Jumps to conclusions. Judgment dependable Unusually sound Does the correct thing
in most cases, judgment. almost always.

Personal Qualities Consider emotional stability, temperament, personal appearance, and habits.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo | La [2 | JE | [8 [9 | Le
Unstable. Some personal weaknesses Well adjusted, stable, Unusually well adjusted Well liked; makes

of significance. — makes good impression. and stable. Outstanding impression.

Supervisory ability
train and lead.

Consider ability to get others to cooperate and produce; ability to plan and assign; and to

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
E |e 2B J Ls | Ls 9 | Lao |
Generally weak. Weak in some areas. Shows reasonable Unusually competent. Highly competent in all
porential. areas.

Training and education
has done.

Unsatisfactory Needs to improve


Consider general educational level, special schooling or course work, and self training he

Very good Superior

| o ‘| la [2 | Ls

Poorly trained. Limited education and More than adequare

J Ls 9 | Lae

Unusually well trained. Among the best qualified.

training. schooling
Experience Consider the length, variety, quality and appropriateness of the man’s work experience.
Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory Very good Superior
Lo } L 2 es } Ls 9 | Lio

Needs more experience
in some areas.

Lacks experience.

More than adequate

Among the most

Very experienced in
MOSCt areas.

Based on the factors which you have evaluated above and on others not necessarily covered by this form, give your
estimate of the individuals chances for success in the position for which he has applied.










Very Good

Do you recommend that this employee be promoted to the position he seeks?

(.) Recommend with

() Highly recommend


Signature of Rater



FORM 6*7T-28 REV. 10/65

() Recommend (.) Do not recommend.


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