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Box 8, Folder 18, Document 12
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University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, Tennessee
The Model Cities Training Program, one of the first of its
kind in the country, is a ten session course to be conducted in
seminar form under the direction of the University of Tennessee
at Chattanooga. The major objective of the Model Cities Training
Program is the enablement of the fifty members of the C.D.A.
Board of Directors to function as a Bohesive policy-making body
while simultaneously encouraging the attainment or retention of
individual identity with those various sponsoring groups whom it
is the board members' responsibility to’‘représent. This objective
can best be achieved by enabling the participants to: (1) acquire
knowledge of the. actual structure of the Model Cities opganizatson
and the objectives of the program; (2) develop an awareness of the
decision~making process in terms of selecting acceptable alterna-
tives ia recognized problems confronting the CDA Board; and, (3)
establishing and maintaining an seuaaibacaonss esprit' de corps'
which ah one hand will enable each CDA Board participant to
Aenea his identity and ties within his own sphere of the
community, and yet permit him to make decisions based on a total
committment to an overall achievement of the organizational goals.
This series of seminars utilizing consultants, applying
dynamic and innovative educational techniques, and involving
expertise from as many pertinent sources as are available is,
like the Model. Cities..Program itsel£, a demonstration project. .
Because there is little national experience in training programs
such as the one described, the emphasis in the Chattanooga program
will be on experimentation and innovation. As might be expected
of an experimental undertaking, it will be subject to regular
observation, monitoring, and evaluation of its effectiveness in
terms of the goals it seeks to fulfill. It should be understood
that this continuous evaluative process is a testing process of
the training program and its staff, as well as of the participants.
The first session of the spogeeh will meet Saturday,
August 9, 1969, at the campus of U.T.C. as will the following
nine sessions on the following nine consecutive Saturdays. A
suggested structure and content of each session is found in
Appendices I thru X. Each consultant, however, may modify or
restructure the seminar to achieve the objectives as outlined.
Funding for eis training program has been secured under
the provisions of Title 1 of the Higher Education Act from the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Institutional monies
of U.T.C.; and funds from the Model Cities Planning Grant.
The expectation is that the experience and information
derived from the program will contribute significantly to the
effectiveness of the CDA Board as a decisive administrative body «
It is hoped, alzo,. that from thie Model eis Training pena)
there will emerge a body of knowledge and experience which will
be of. value not only in Chattanooga, but in other cities as well.
The success of the Model Cities Program to a large degree
depends upon the ability and willingness of the CDA alo.
Bi acts Seccctiveiy its responsibility as chief policy-making
body of the Chattanooga Model Cities Program. As administrators
who. are responsible for the planning and implementation of the
total Model Cities Program, CDA Board members must be sufficiently
equipped (1) with the necessary skills, tools, and information
related ne a aspects of the Model Cities Program; : (2) with an
understanding of the Model Cities Program and its relationship to
city government and Sune agencies in the urban are--both private
and public; and (3) with methodology and dynamics of decision-
TG this ae the Model Cities Training and Orientation
Seminar Program is designed:
1. To. insure that. the CDA Board members will be aware of
their roles in the Model Cities Program
2s!) “TO provide CDA Board members with sufficient and rele-
vant information concerning the Model Cities concept
and method.
3, To insure that CDA Board members are familiar with the.
Model Cities structure, both nationally and locally.
4, To provide CDA Board members with pertinent data
concerning the HUD guidelines as related to the
Model Cities Program. :
5. To provide CDA Board members with relevant information
concerning epuckete problems and program areas to be
dealt with in the Model Neighborhood area.
Further, this program is designed to foster competency and
sound judgment on the part of the Board members by providing
them with training exercises and experiences in problem-solving
and meta tiar ine No Board with a membership so varied as that
of the CDA Board can effectively discharge its duties and responsi-
bilities unless its members develop a oneness SE mind and purpose,
It is the intent of this program to provide structured experiences
for the fifty participating CDA Board members-—-members with varied
backgrounds, wide ranges of experiences, different Levels GE
educational attainment, and diverse i keke siolomicion will enable
the Board to function as a cohesive unit with mutual interests
and common goals; one dedicated to solving the problems of the
Model Neighborhood and its people.
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, Tennessee
The Model Cities Training Program, one of the first of its
kind in the country, is a ten session course to be conducted in
seminar form under the direction of the University of Tennessee
at Chattanooga. The major objective of the Model Cities Training
Program is the enablement of the fifty members of the C.D.A.
Board of Directors to function as a Bohesive policy-making body
while simultaneously encouraging the attainment or retention of
individual identity with those various sponsoring groups whom it
is the board members' responsibility to’‘représent. This objective
can best be achieved by enabling the participants to: (1) acquire
knowledge of the. actual structure of the Model Cities opganizatson
and the objectives of the program; (2) develop an awareness of the
decision~making process in terms of selecting acceptable alterna-
tives ia recognized problems confronting the CDA Board; and, (3)
establishing and maintaining an seuaaibacaonss esprit' de corps'
which ah one hand will enable each CDA Board participant to
Aenea his identity and ties within his own sphere of the
community, and yet permit him to make decisions based on a total
committment to an overall achievement of the organizational goals.
This series of seminars utilizing consultants, applying
dynamic and innovative educational techniques, and involving
expertise from as many pertinent sources as are available is,
like the Model. Cities..Program itsel£, a demonstration project. .
Because there is little national experience in training programs
such as the one described, the emphasis in the Chattanooga program
will be on experimentation and innovation. As might be expected
of an experimental undertaking, it will be subject to regular
observation, monitoring, and evaluation of its effectiveness in
terms of the goals it seeks to fulfill. It should be understood
that this continuous evaluative process is a testing process of
the training program and its staff, as well as of the participants.
The first session of the spogeeh will meet Saturday,
August 9, 1969, at the campus of U.T.C. as will the following
nine sessions on the following nine consecutive Saturdays. A
suggested structure and content of each session is found in
Appendices I thru X. Each consultant, however, may modify or
restructure the seminar to achieve the objectives as outlined.
Funding for eis training program has been secured under
the provisions of Title 1 of the Higher Education Act from the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Institutional monies
of U.T.C.; and funds from the Model Cities Planning Grant.
The expectation is that the experience and information
derived from the program will contribute significantly to the
effectiveness of the CDA Board as a decisive administrative body «
It is hoped, alzo,. that from thie Model eis Training pena)
there will emerge a body of knowledge and experience which will
be of. value not only in Chattanooga, but in other cities as well.
The success of the Model Cities Program to a large degree
depends upon the ability and willingness of the CDA alo.
Bi acts Seccctiveiy its responsibility as chief policy-making
body of the Chattanooga Model Cities Program. As administrators
who. are responsible for the planning and implementation of the
total Model Cities Program, CDA Board members must be sufficiently
equipped (1) with the necessary skills, tools, and information
related ne a aspects of the Model Cities Program; : (2) with an
understanding of the Model Cities Program and its relationship to
city government and Sune agencies in the urban are--both private
and public; and (3) with methodology and dynamics of decision-
TG this ae the Model Cities Training and Orientation
Seminar Program is designed:
1. To. insure that. the CDA Board members will be aware of
their roles in the Model Cities Program
2s!) “TO provide CDA Board members with sufficient and rele-
vant information concerning the Model Cities concept
and method.
3, To insure that CDA Board members are familiar with the.
Model Cities structure, both nationally and locally.
4, To provide CDA Board members with pertinent data
concerning the HUD guidelines as related to the
Model Cities Program. :
5. To provide CDA Board members with relevant information
concerning epuckete problems and program areas to be
dealt with in the Model Neighborhood area.
Further, this program is designed to foster competency and
sound judgment on the part of the Board members by providing
them with training exercises and experiences in problem-solving
and meta tiar ine No Board with a membership so varied as that
of the CDA Board can effectively discharge its duties and responsi-
bilities unless its members develop a oneness SE mind and purpose,
It is the intent of this program to provide structured experiences
for the fifty participating CDA Board members-—-members with varied
backgrounds, wide ranges of experiences, different Levels GE
educational attainment, and diverse i keke siolomicion will enable
the Board to function as a cohesive unit with mutual interests
and common goals; one dedicated to solving the problems of the
Model Neighborhood and its people.