Box 8, Folder 18, Document 13

Dublin Core


Box 8, Folder 18, Document 13

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Resident Involvement During Planning Process

In December 1967 the residents of the Model Neighborhood Area
selected the structure that they. felt would be the most work-
able and representative of the six neighborhoods that make up
the Atlanta Model Cities Program. (see figure on community,

Mass Convention

The Mass Convention is open to all Model Neighborhood Area resi-
dents. Here the citizens have an opportunity to hear the pro-
gress made to improve their community and to voice their views
on the Model Cities Program. The Mass Convention also guaran-
tees to every Model Neighborhood Area resident that all elec-
tions that relate to the organization of the Model Neighborhood
Area will be conducted in an orderly and democratic manner.

The Mass Convention also symbolizes the idea that the Model
Neighborhood Area is a unified community with many similar

“assets and liabilities in each of the six concerned neighbor-

Executive Board

The 14 member Executive Board is the policy making body in the
Model Cities organization. It is composed of six neighborhood
residents. (One elected representative from each of six - ©
neighborhoods within the Model Neighborhood Area). In addition
to the six citizens, it includes the following: Mayor of the
City of Atlanta, one citizen representing the Atlanta Negro
community, one citizen from the general Atlanta Community, one
representative from the Atlanta Board of Education, one repre-
sentative from the State of Georgia, two Aldermen from the

City of Atlanta, and the Fulton County Commission Chairman.

Steering Committee

The 16 member citizen's Steering Committee serves as the Mass
Convention when it is not in session. It accepts recommenda-
tions and proposals from each of the six neighborhoods. It
Will bring thesc recommendations and proposals to the Mass
Convention and the Executive Board. The Steering Committee is
also responsible for developing an effective citizen organi-
zation in each of the six neighborhoods.

It is composed of the four Mass Convention officers, six
neighborhood vice chairmen (one elected from each of the six
neighborhoods) and six residents who serve on the Executive

Neighborhood Advisory Councils

The Neighborhood Advisory Council structure is designed to
organize citizens at the neighborhood level..The residents
decided to use three basic structures of organization. Adair
Park elected its representatives on an area-wide basis.

Grant Park and Peoplestown elected their representatives on a
district basis. Mechanicsville, Pittsburgh, and Summerhill
elected its representatives through the block structure.
The basic function of the councils is to coordinate all acti-
vity in the neighborhood and to be sure that all operating and
standing committees are functioning at maximum efficiency.

Operating Committees

Each of the six neighborhoods has 11 operating committees for
the following program areas: Health, Education, Welfare and
Social Services, Housing, Relocation, Design and Preservation
Physical Improvements, Public Facilities, Emplcyment, Crime
Prevention and Recreation. These committees played a valuable
role in the planning phase of Model Cities Programs through
working with planners in identifying problems and suggesting
solutions to solve these problems.

The Operating Committees work closely with the Neighborhood
Advisory Council so that all proposals from the community. will
be coordinated through the council. Membership on the Opera-
ting Committees is open to any resident of the neighborhood.

Standing Committees

‘The Standing Committees serve as the organizational arm for
the Mass Convention and the six neighborhoods within Atlanta’s
fodel Neighborhood Area. There are seven committees (Boundary,
Credentials, Nominations, Program, Or@nization, Resolutions,
and Constitution and By-Laws). Each neighborhood has three
representatives on each committee.

Technical Adviscry Board

The purpose of the Technical Advisory Board is to review the
plans of the residents and planners, and to offer technical
advice. Members are representatives of various community
organizations. Total membership is open-ended, allowing the
Model Cities Program Director to appoint anyone who might aid
the program.


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