Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 19, Document 10
Text Item Type Metadata
123 Vanira Avenue, Southeast .
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
September 2, 1%9
Dear Comrades:
It is with deep regret that the program that was conceived for the
purpose of motivating more resident participation and training has taken
on the pattern of not more, but a fewer number of residents taking part
in the program.
The possibilities of helping the citizens of the Model Cities
comunity grow in stature has been placed behind a painted wall by a few
of the residents that were elected to serve without bias for the better-
ment of a total community with funds funneled into the target area for
that purpose.
As of now the residents have the chance to do for themselves a job
that was long needed - to be able to think of expansion areas and the
correct way to expand. It is within this structure I pray the Model
Cities Mass Convention, Incorporated will operate in the future. The
juvenile acts that are taking place in the operation of the Board of
Directors at this time can only lead to a state of dictatorship that can
impede the growth of any worthwhile organization.
At the time of the election for officers of the Model Cities Mass
Convention, Incorporated, I was elected treasurer, but find I cannot, nor
will not, assume the responsibility of that office under the conditions
listed herein:
1. When advanced funds were received from EOA to take care of the
community workers payroll, the Chairman of the Board, Deacon
Peters, instructed the secretary to make the bank deposit,
secure checks and pay off the workers.
2. The aforementioned assignment was later delegated to Mr. John
Hood; a Board Member.
3. Mr. Hood stated that he was requested, but refused to pay fram
these monies the salary of a secretary that is not officially
on the payroll of Model Cities Mass Convention, Incorporated.
September 2, 1969
Page 2
All of these transactions took place without the benefit of vouchers,
drafts, etc., that would enable the treasurer to keep accurate records.
Under the existing conditions the need for a treasurer is nil. There-
fore, before more valuable time is lost by the Board, certain guidelines
should be studies and become a workable pattern.
I recognize the fact that no individual or group can exist without
making errors, and the experiences gained by such means should prove of
value for future operations.
I hold no animosity toward anyone in the organization and shall con-
tinue my support for the total program, but with the slovenly methods
used to date, I have no alternative other than tender my resignation as
treasurer effective immediately.
Respectfully, )
Vb flere, K CL Laces
(Mrs.) Martha L. Weems =
CC: Deacon lewis Peters, Chairman, Board of Directors
Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director, Model Cities .
Mr. William W. Allison, Executive Administrator, EQOA
Mayor Ivan Allen
123 Vanira Avenue, Southeast .
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
September 2, 1%9
Dear Comrades:
It is with deep regret that the program that was conceived for the
purpose of motivating more resident participation and training has taken
on the pattern of not more, but a fewer number of residents taking part
in the program.
The possibilities of helping the citizens of the Model Cities
comunity grow in stature has been placed behind a painted wall by a few
of the residents that were elected to serve without bias for the better-
ment of a total community with funds funneled into the target area for
that purpose.
As of now the residents have the chance to do for themselves a job
that was long needed - to be able to think of expansion areas and the
correct way to expand. It is within this structure I pray the Model
Cities Mass Convention, Incorporated will operate in the future. The
juvenile acts that are taking place in the operation of the Board of
Directors at this time can only lead to a state of dictatorship that can
impede the growth of any worthwhile organization.
At the time of the election for officers of the Model Cities Mass
Convention, Incorporated, I was elected treasurer, but find I cannot, nor
will not, assume the responsibility of that office under the conditions
listed herein:
1. When advanced funds were received from EOA to take care of the
community workers payroll, the Chairman of the Board, Deacon
Peters, instructed the secretary to make the bank deposit,
secure checks and pay off the workers.
2. The aforementioned assignment was later delegated to Mr. John
Hood; a Board Member.
3. Mr. Hood stated that he was requested, but refused to pay fram
these monies the salary of a secretary that is not officially
on the payroll of Model Cities Mass Convention, Incorporated.
September 2, 1969
Page 2
All of these transactions took place without the benefit of vouchers,
drafts, etc., that would enable the treasurer to keep accurate records.
Under the existing conditions the need for a treasurer is nil. There-
fore, before more valuable time is lost by the Board, certain guidelines
should be studies and become a workable pattern.
I recognize the fact that no individual or group can exist without
making errors, and the experiences gained by such means should prove of
value for future operations.
I hold no animosity toward anyone in the organization and shall con-
tinue my support for the total program, but with the slovenly methods
used to date, I have no alternative other than tender my resignation as
treasurer effective immediately.
Respectfully, )
Vb flere, K CL Laces
(Mrs.) Martha L. Weems =
CC: Deacon lewis Peters, Chairman, Board of Directors
Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director, Model Cities .
Mr. William W. Allison, Executive Administrator, EQOA
Mayor Ivan Allen