Box 8, Folder 21, Document 14

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Box 8, Folder 21, Document 14

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the resolution of our urban problems. We have aleo heard expressed

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January J, 1969

Mr. Tom R. May

a Company
» Georgia
Dear Tom:

The City of Atlanta today was announced as America's second city
to receive a grant for execution of ite Model Cities Program in 1969.

There are so many reasons why our city was able to submit and
receive approval of its program ahead of the other major cities - the
support and concern of the residents of the area, the cooperation of
public and private agencies in preparing the planning document, the
help of the federal agencies and the cooperation and backing of the
Board of Aldermen.

Another significant and important reason for our success was the
direct assistance we received from you and the Lockheed-Georgia

We have heard much talk about the involvement of private industry in

the need to provide for the transference of the technologies of modern
private industry to our urban governments in order that these problems
can be met.

The involvement of Lockheed-Georgia in the planning and development
of Atlanta's Model Cities Planning document does both. Without the
expert professional and technical capability and the logistical support
of Lockheed-Georgia, I think I can safely say that the City could not
and would not have been able to complete and submit its planning grant
request before well into 1969.

Particular thanks are due not only for the most cooperative manner in
which the assistance was offered, but also for the personal abilities
and interest of the staff members provided.

lI. TT NT FT ee A a ee Ee

Mr. May |
Page Two |
January |7, 1969

Mr. Haugh Gordon and Mr. Oz Adams recognized and understood the
value to the City of Lockheed's participation.

Mr. Richard D. Henderson and Mr. Sheldon R. Dickstein were
particularly effective in scheduling and coordinating the overall Model
Cities staff effort and providing, through their own technical proficiency,
2 direction and organization which substantially contributed to the
completehess and quality of the planning document and the timeliness
with which it was completed.

Many other fine Lockheed citizens contributed in the preparation of
graphics and printing of the final document.

And, of course, your support and encouragement of everyone who had
a hand in this effort was essential to ite final high achievement,

Again, my personal thanks to you and the Lockheed-Georgia Company |
for demonstrating the civic-minded attitude and sense of overall |
community responsibility which has long been associated with your |
fine company. |
Sincerely, |


Ivan Allen, Ir.

IAS rify |


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