Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 21, Document 15
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January 16, 1969
Mr. Edward H. Baxter
Regional Administrator
Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Peachtree Seventh Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ed:
May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of
January l4th notifying the City of Atlanta of
the grant of $7,175, 900 for the Comprehensive
Demonstration Program.
I wish to thank you and your Department in
| assistimg us in obtaining these important funds,
and assure you of our complete cooperation in
carrying out the program.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
cc: Mr. Jdmmyy Johnson
a aie Ee DT i a ee oe. We 2 Oo
Mr. Edward H. Baxter
Regional Administrator
Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Peachtree Seventh Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ed:
May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of
January l4th notifying the City of Atlanta of
the grant of $7,175, 900 for the Comprehensive
Demonstration Program.
I wish to thank you and your Department in
| assistimg us in obtaining these important funds,
and assure you of our complete cooperation in
carrying out the program.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
cc: Mr. Jdmmyy Johnson
a aie Ee DT i a ee oe. We 2 Oo