Box 8, Folder 22, Document 40

Dublin Core


Box 8, Folder 22, Document 40

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Memo to: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Me. Earl Lenders, Mr. Bob Lyle,
Mr. Collier Giedin, Dr. John Letson

Prom: FP. Baker

Subject: Mareh 28th Forum on Sendy Springs, sponsored by the
Sandy Springs Businesamen's Association, formerly the
Greater Sandy springs Association
7:39 p.m., Sandy Springs High School Auditorium

Pormat will be as follows:

“pro” side will have fifteen minutes (will split 5 minutes
per mon, alternating with “Con” side, our speakers will be?

Howard Starks, Co-Chairzen, Sandy Spr. fAtianta
Team for Tomorrow C& oe
Don Rutherford, Committee Member (Retail Credit)
Jim Golden, Committee Member Ford Motor Co.)

"Con" side will also fifteen winutes, same arrangement as
above. Their speakers will be: ;

Tom J. Wesley, Jr. ceneaports Realty)
a. 5 immons titecraes

Hunter some research firm)
Then each side will have @ 7 1/2 min. rebuttal.

Following this, questions will be posed from the audience

in writing so i understand, and the person posing the question

will go to single mike to address his question to one of the
or to @ wenber of the source panel, which consists of

e following:

Goo Ga. ch arehie Lindsey
Zarl Landers


Dr. John

Dr. Paul West

Collier Gladin

Diek Forbes

Member of Joint Tax Assessors Bd.
Rep. from SE Underwriters Bureau

Members of the SS/A TFT will be mt and pr to

questions to Set’ tarot and “Cont siaes for Sot comeecae

See aaa aniek af ne te ai an If you have any ml

ee Saco aah noes Oo noe eee in
answer Gro See ee Bill Parr prior to
Forum tonight. ii's number is 521 + Howard's is


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