Box 8, Folder 22, Document 41

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Box 8, Folder 22, Document 41

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Memo to: Mayor Iven Allen, Jr., Mr. Zarl Lenders, Mr. Bob Lyle,
Mr. Collier Gledin, Dr. John Leteon

Prom: . Beker

Subject: Mareh 26th Forum on Sandy Springs, sponsored by the
Sandy Springs Businessmen's Aoscociation, formerly the
Greater Sandy Springs Association
7:30 p.m., Sendy Springs High Seheal Auditorium

Pormat will be as follows:

"Pro" side will have fifteen minutes (will split 5 minutes
per men, siternating with “Con” side, cur speakers will be?

Howard Starks, Co-Chairman, Sendy Springs /Atlanta
Team for Tomorrow Cas )
Don Rutherford, Committee Member ({(Keteil credit)
Jim Golden, Committee Member Fora Motor Co.)

"Gon" side will also fifteen winutes, same arrangement es
ebove. Their speakers will be:

Tom J. Keeley, Jr. Allen-Greyson Realty)
AS. Hunter some research firm)

Then each vide will heve e 7 1/2 min. rebuttal.

Following this, questions will be posed from the sudience,

in writing so 1 understend, and the person posing the question

wili go to single mike to address his question to one of the

s a or to a member of the source panel, which consists of


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