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Boulder Park Referendum
May 11, 1966
The facts and figures in this booklet have been thoroughly checked and approved by the City of Atlanta.
In the referendum to be held May 11, 1966, the people of Boulder Park are
being offered an opportunity to join the City of Atlanta and to help make a
great city even greater, It will be the first time this question has been
considered by the Boulder Park voters.
This booklet contains questions and answers dealing with the main issues
involved in the referendum. The information was compiled by the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, with the full cooperation of the City of Atlanta.
All the facts herein have been thoroughly checked by the City of Atlanta
and their accuracy confirmed.
Ad Valorem ‘Taxes: 24 inieeoe deadaes Sint oie ected as 1
A Comparison Of Taxes: 6 oie 6 6 seca ee pigs ewe ole ek dine lets 3
Representation in Local Government ..-.-.....--....-, 5
Growth and Zon ois. series oe ee le we a ea 6
Fire Protection and Fire Insurance .................. 8
Polite PORGHON. <0 c ec sce kee lee ee es Pb ech 5 8 ah 3
Sauiitation: Service waa ied ss eee ed aes ade Ma a 10
Water Service: <i gs ha tee hE ES whe cals: eiag edna 11
SCROMIS 5 ose OL Eee ee 08 Gnas ee ele oiciard dee aa leg 12
BOWER ea 4 Kone aera dpe ay ee le lee anaiayate yp pa aie bae & Gupe 13
Street Lights and Traffic Signals ...........-2..0000.. 14
ptreets and Sidewalks. <2 .30 034. c ea OOo ene HE Sh ee 15
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-- What would happen to my tax bill? How much more would it cost me
to receive the improved services inside the city ?
The ad valorem taxes on your home and personal property would be
higher inside the city, but the increase in taxes would be largely off-
set by reductions in other charges. In almost every case, the net
result would be only a moderate increase in the total. In some cases,
the homeowner would pay less inside the city.
As an example, consider the effect on one of the homes taken from a
random survey of Boulder Park residences. The example is a single-
family frame dwelling. Its value, for tax purposes, is $14,920. The
1965 Fulton County real estate tax bill on this property was $107. 35,.
and the personal property tax was $32.33 -- a total tax of $139.68.
If the home had been inside the city, the county and city real estate
tax would have been $191.63 and the personal property tax would have
been $33.25 for a total tax of $224.88. The increase inside the city
would have been $85. 20. @
This increase in ad valorem taxes would have been largely offset by
lower charges in two areas: Water and fire insurance. The actual
water bill for this residence last year was $80.02, which is very
close to the average bill shown in a survey of some 25 homes in the
Boulder Park area. Inside the city, the water bill would have been
$40.30, a decrease of $39.72,
It is more difficult to arrive at the exact saving possible in lower
insurance rates for the homeowner, because of the several different
types of insurance he might choose. But a good estimate can be
obtained by comparing the rates for "straight fire insurance" on his
dwelling. Since the value of his lot makes up part of the total value
of his property, assume that his dwelling is valued at $12, 000 of
the $14, 920 total. Straight fire insurance on this amount would be
_$120.60 in Boulder Park, which has a Class 10 rating. Inside
Atlanta, which has a Class 3 rating, the same fire insurance would
cost $25. 20, a difference of $95.40.
The sanitary service charge for this home is $21.00 at present. Ih
the city the charge would be $22.00 for greatly improved service.
Thus, in the example, an ad valorem tax increase of $85.20 and an
increase of $1.00 in sanitary service charge would be offset by
savings of $39.72 (water) and $95.40 (fire insurance). The net
difference would be a saving of $48. 92 if the home were inside the
city. ==
Another "intangible" saving will work to the benefit of homeowners
when they file federal and state income taxes. Both federal and state
income tax procedures allow local tax payments to be claimed as a
"deduction". Payments for such items as water and insurance are
not "deductible.'' This means that the homeowner inside the city —
whose property taxes are higher and other charges lower -- can
deduct a greater portion of his total payments for income tax
The net effect on his income tax bill would vary, depending on the
income bracket and other factors. But a conservative estimate is
that the typical homeowner could reduce his combined federal and
state income taxes by about 20 per cent of the additional amount
deductible for ad valorem taxes.
In other words, the taxpayer in the example shown above could
deduct $85.20 more if he were inside the city, and the estimated
saving on his income taxes would be $17.04. Considering all
aspects of his taxes and charges, the homeowner cited in the
example would actually save almost $70.00 by being inside the
city, while enjoying improved services.
In the following examples - all of which are actual residences in a random survey of Boulder Park homes - the
ad valorem taxes, water bill and sanitation charges paid in 1965 are compared with what the same items would
(Boulder Park - City of Atlanta)
have been if the homes had been inside the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta. The "net change’ shown does
not reflect the saving in fire insurance, which would range from a few dollars to a substantial amount, depending
on type of dwelling, its value, location, type of insurance, etc.
federal and state income tax deductions.
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
See page 1 and 2.
The change also does not include the savings on
of Home Assessment
$14, 800 Co. $3,700
City 5,180
17, 120 Co. 4,280
City 5,990
19.760 Co. 4,940
City 6,920
11,600 Co. 2,900
City 4,050
17, 200 Co. 4,300
City 6,020
Real Estate Personal
Tax Property Tax Water Bill Sanitation Net Change
$105.76 $19.61 $60. 31 $21.00
189.67 20.17 30.31 22.00
+ 83.91 + ,56 - 30.00 + 1.00 + 55.47
136.50 28.09 248.17 21.00
228.64 28.89 132.68 14,00
+ 92.14 + .80 -115.49 - 7.00 - 29.55
171.48 46,64 77.83 21.00
273.25 47.96 39.19 22.00
+101.77 + 1,32 - 38.64 + 1.00 + 65.45
63. 36 21.73 53.74 21.00
135.51 22.35 26,98 18.00
+ 72.15 + £62 - 26.76 - 3.00 + 43.01
137.56 57.77 50.82 21.00
230.05 59.41 25.50 18.00
+ 92.49 + 1.64 - 25.32 - 3.00 + 65.81
Value Real Estate Personal
of Home Assessment Tax Property Tax Water Bill Sanitation Net Change
Example #6 18, 280 Co. 4,570 151.87 29.15 69.80 21.00
City 6,400 248.29 29.98 35.12 22.00
+ 96.42 + .83 - 34.68 + 1.00 + 63.57
Example #7 14, 920 Co. 3,730 107.35 32.33 80.02 21.00
City 5,220 191.63 33,25 40.30 22.00
+ 84.28 fo 9 OF - 39.72 + 1.00 + 46.48
Example #8 7,800 Co. 1,950 15.27 4,24 95.35 21.00
City 2,720 72.58 4,36 48.07 14.00
+ 57.31 + .12 - 47.28 - 7.00 + 3.15
Example #9 20, 040 Co. 5,010 175.19 63.07 160. 32 21.00
City 7,010 277.70 64.86 81.00 22.00
+102.51 + 1.79 - 79.32 + 1.00 + 25.98
Example #10 19, 400 Co. 4,850 166.71 23.32 38.41 21.00
City 6,780 266.75 23.98 19.21 22.00
+100. 04 + .66 - 19.20 + 1.00 + 82.50
Q. -
What representation would I have in local government? Other than being
able to vote in elections involving city offices and city issues, how would
my voice in local matters be increased ?
You would have more representation in local government, and you would
have a greater voice in matters affecting your community because you
would be closer to your representatives.
The legislative act which provides for the referendum in Boulder Park
spells out that the area would join the city as part of the present Seventh
Ward. The ward is represented by two members of the Board of Aldermen
and one member of the Board of Education, plus two members of the City
Executive Committee. All of these are elected. Residents of Boulder
Park could vote in the next city election in 1969 for these and other offices.
The Boulder Park area presently is governed by, and participates in the
election of, a three-man county commission. County commissioners
must be responsive to the citizens of all areas of the county, and rightly
so, since they represent all the county. The five members of the Fulton
County Board of Education, each representing a school district, are
appointed by the Grand Jury for five-year terms. The county school
superintendent is elected by county-wide vote.
By having two aldermen, both residing in their ward, Boulder Park
citizens would have a stronger voice in matters of local government
and, in effect, would be closer to their elected representatives. In
future elections they would vote in the election of Atlanta's mayor, the
president of the Board of Aldermen, all members of the Board of
Aldermen and Board of Education, and two members of the City
Executive Committee from their own ward. Their ward also would
be represented on other boards, such as the Atlanta Public Library
Board of Trustees. Additionally, the area's representation would be
enhanced by the appointment of its aldermen to various aldermanic
committees which would deal with matters pertaining specifically to
the Boulder Park area, as well as those affecting the city as a whole.
What would happen in the field of zoning and future development of the
Boulder Park area?
You could expect the Boulder Park area to continue to develop as primarily
a low density single-family community. Future apartment and commercial
development could be expected to take place along portions of the major
thoroughfares with emphasis on strong neighborhood commercial centers
at appropriate intervals as opposed to continuous strip commercial
Property would be reclassified into the City of Atlanta zoning district
which most closely resembles the classification under which it is pre=
sently zoned in the Fulton County Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning designations as established and use permits as approved by Fulton
County prior to January 1, 1967 will be honored by the City of Atlanta,
and will remain in effect.
Public hearings for consideration of proposed zoning changes in the area
would be held only four times a year, following the area system as is
presently being used in Atlanta. These hearings are held only by the
Zoning Committee after receiving recommendations by the staff of the
Planning Department and the Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning
Board. The decision of the Zoning Committee receives final action
by the full Board of Aldermen and Mayor.
The Atlanta Zoning Ordinance contains district classifications which
closely relate to those in the Fulton County Ordinance, although similar
classifications in Atlanta generally contain more restrictive require-
ments. In addition to these similar districts the Atlanta Ordinance
contains several new classifications which permit only a highly se-
lective number of uses with regulations which permit and encourage
high development standards, These classifications provide for a
reasonable use of certain properties while permitting only the best
development for the community.
A brief description of these new districts follows:
1. The "R-9 Single-Family Dwelling Group District" provides
for the construction of townhouse units for individual unit
sale under condominium ownership. Units may not be rented
under this district. The district provides for a maximum of
twelve dwelling units per acre and a maximum ground coverage
of thirty-five percent including buildings, parking and drives.
Several fine townhouse developments are presently under
construction in Atlanta under the provisions of this district.
2. The "A-L Apartment-Limited Dwelling District" provides for
low-density, high-standard apartment developments generally
compatible with substantial single-family residential areas.
The district permits garden apartments (two story units) ata
maximum of twelve dwelling units per acre and permits only
thirty-five percent ground coverage including buildings,
parking and drives.
3. The 'C-L Commercial Limited District" permits primarily
office and institutional uses and a few selected retail studios
and shops. Signs must be attached to the wall of the building
and be only twenty square feet in size. This district provides
often for a reasonable use of portions of the major thorough-
fare while discouraging all the inherent ill effects of continuous
strip commercial retail zoning. It has been found to be generally
compatible with certain residential uses as well.
Work would begin immediately to include the Boulder Park area in the
comprehensive planning process now underway in the City of Atlanta.
This comprehensive planning process is made up of four elements as
1. Projected future land use needs and their location as a guide to
future rezoning evaluations.
2, Designation of Major Thoroughfares and their future effect on
the adjacent use of land.
3. Plans for needed community facilities such as parks, schools
and libraries along with general locations.
4, The programming of improvements and source of funds necessary
to implement these future plans.
Q. - How would my fire protection be affected? What would this mean in regard
to what I pay for my fire insurance ?
Your fire insurance rates would be reduced substantially, but, even more
important, better fire protection would be afforded to your home or business.
Fire protection and fire insurance rates go hand in hand. The better the
protection available to you, the less you must pay for fire insurance.
Ratings are assigned to particular areas on the basis of fire protection
facilities and other factors. Fire insurance rates, in turn, are deter-
mined by a formula based on the rating.
The City of Atlanta has a Class 3 rating, which compares very favorably
with other cities of similar size across the nation. Atlanta has kept well
within the requirements of its Class 3 rating by building, equipping and
maintaining fire stations at key points throughout the city, and by assuring
an ample water supply in every area. Fire protection, in short, is excellent
and fire insurance rates are as low as the rates in all but a few major cities,
The Boulder Park area, on the other hand, has no fire protection available
at the present time. Asa result, the area has a Class 10 rating. Rates
for straight fire insurance under the Class 10 rating are enormously
higher than the rates under Class 3 -- as much as five and a half times
greater in the case of a frame dwelling,
The Fulton County Commission has passed a resolution declaring a new
fire district, known as the Fulton Industrial Fire District, which en-
compasses the Boulder Park area. The county has petitioned the City
of Atlanta to contract the justified fire protection services for the new
district to earn a Class 6 rating, Those in the Fulton Industrial Fire
District would pay a special fire tax levy of seven mills to satisfy this
contract. It is expected that the contract will be realized during 1966.
Should the citizens of the Boulder Park area voice their desire in the
May 11 referendum to become part of Atlanta, thus separating them-
selves from the Industrial Fire District, they would become part of
Atlanta's Class 3 rating and would realize the same fire protection as
similar portions of the city.
The City of Atlanta already has plans to construct a new fire station
in the Adamsville area during 1966. This station, as well as other
city fire units in the surrounding area, would respond to fire calls
in the Boulder Park area, thus meeting the requirements of the
Southeastern Underwriters.
Thus, by voting to become part of Atlanta, Boulder Park residents
could expect their fire insurance rates to be reduced at the time they
joined the city (January 1, 1967) and they would not pay the proposed
seven-mill fire tax for the additional protection.
Q. - What changes would occur in police protection? Would the city builda
new precinct station in Boulder Park?
Police protection would be expanded and improved -- and the basic
concept would change from the type of service provided in rural areas
to the "full-service" protection afforded in a heavily populated urban
area. No additional stations are contemplated in any area of the city,
at present.
Boulder Park presently receives its police service from the City of
Atlanta under a contract arrangement with Fulton County. The only
laws enforceable are state laws, which are designed, for the most
part, for rural areas. Anyone arrested as a violator of a state law
must be turned over to the Fulton County sheriff for trial in a state
If the area chooses to join the city, it would be necessary to increase
immediately the radio patrol service now provided, add foot patrolmen
for duty in business districts, and add motorcycle patrolmen for traffic
and patrol duty. In addition, the citizens of the Boulder Park area would
receive the benefit of all the services and facilities of the Juvenile Crime
Prevention Squad and the special squads in the Detective Department,
which are not now available to the area. Policemen would enforce city
ordinances, as well as state laws, the same as they are enforced in the
rest of Atlanta at present.
The City of Atlanta presently has approximately 1.5 policemen for every
1,000 population, The city is striving not only to maintain that ratio but
to improve it for the increased protection of all its citizens.
As for adding precinct stations, the trend is away from the precinct
concept in these days of two-way radio communications and other modern
facilities. A radio patrol car, manned by two officers or even just one,
is literally a "traveling precinct station."' With radio communications,
the patrolman can call for assistance and have other officers at his side
within moments. The city has no plans for adding precinct stations, and
the emphasis will continue to be on mobility and close communications
by radio.
Q. - How would my garbage pickup and other sanitation services be affected
if Boulder Park joins the city? Would I have to pay more?
Your sanitation service would be expanded and improved, and many
residents actually would pay less than they pay now. The maximum
increase would be a dollar a year, or just two cents a week more.
As a resident of Atlanta, you would begin receiving several services
which are not now available to you -- rubbish pickup, street cleaning,
dead animal removal, sanitary inspection, and "guttering, '"' which
means periodic removal of grass and other obstructions from street
gutters. It is the city's responsibility to bring all these services to
its citizens, as well as providing two garbage collections each week.
You are presently receiving only one garbage pickup each week.
For these additional services, your sanitation charge would be a
maximum of $22.00 a year, as compared to the $21.00 a year you
are now paying for far less service. The $22.00 charge is figured
on a base charge of $6.00, plus $4.00 for each 25 feet of lot frontage
or fraction thereof, but not to exceed the $22.00 a year maximum for
residences. Some residents would pay as little as $14.00 a year.
Business establishments throughout the area now pay for garbage
collection on the basis of the actual cost of rendering the service.
Most businesses would realize a substantial saving by being a part
of the city -- and would receive improved service as well.
An estimated 800 homes in Boulder Park are getting garbage collection
service (one pickup each week) at this time, according to the City of
Atlanta Department of Sanitary Engineering. Full service would be
extended to these residents immediately after their area became part
of the city. The maximum charge for even the most remote residence
would be only $22,00 per year.
A survey of city sanitary services is being conducted at this time
by the Public Administration Service. The findings of the survey,
which will be available soon, will result in improved services.
Any change in rate schedules will apply to both city residents and
county residents receiving city services under contract with the
county government.
Q. -
A, -
What difference, if any, would there be in the way water is supplied
to my home or business? Would my water bill be affected?
The only difference would be on your water bill, which would be
cut in half.
Virtually all the existing homes and businesses in the Boulder Park
area already receive their water from the City of Atlanta Water
Department under an arrangement between the city and Fulton
County. Users outside the city, however, are billed for water at
a double rate. The minimum monthly water bill for the City of
Atlanta users is $1.57; for those outside the city, the minimum
is $3.14 per month. Thus, the annual savings for water users
inside the city is at least $18.14,
In reality, savings run much higher than the minimum, however.
Atlanta people are accustomed to having a plentiful supply of good
water at low rates, and they use it in quantity. Experience has
shown that very few homes, inside or outside the city, use little
enough water to be billed for the minimum.
An actual survey of some 25 homes in the Boulder Park area,
chosen at random, showed that the average water charge paid
during 1965 was $78.32. Only one of these homes was within
a dollar of the minimum bill, and three of the larger users paid
bills of $131.12, $160.32 and $248.17.
If these same homes had been inside the city, their water bills
for 1965 would have averaged $39.78. The average savings would
have been $38.53 per home.
>a§ Tic
Q. -
What changes would occur in the schools my children attend? What would
be done about school bus transporation, since the Atlanta system does not
have free transportation ?
Several major differences would occur in the way of advantages: Kinder-
gartens in the Atlanta system schools; a greater emphasis at the high
school level on vocational programs, in addition to the college preparatory
and general programs; and the benefit of more specialized programs and
more technical specialists.
In general, the curricula of the Atlanta system and the Fulton County system
are similar, as are the personnel policies, overall operational procedures
and financial structures.
However, the salary schedules for teachers are somewhat higher in the
Atlanta system. In general, Atlanta teachers are paid 8.9 per cent more
than Fulton County teachers. Any teachers who become a part of the
Atlanta School System would transfer directly to the city's pension plan
without loss of any money or benefits. Atlanta and Fulton school officials
agree that pension benefits of both systems are practically the same.
A survey by the Atlanta School System showed that there are 380 pupils
in the area included in the May 11 referendum -- 270 elementary school
children and 110 in high school, Of these, 69 already are attending
Atlanta schools: 54 elementary pupils in Fain, Oglethorpe, Stanton,
Towns and West Haven schools, and 15 high school students in Harper,
Turner and West Fulton schools. The remaining 216 elementary pupils
attend East Point Elementary School, and the other 95 high school
students attend South Fulton (in East Point), Thomas (in College Park)
and Lakeshore (in College Park).
A 14-room elementary school is under construction in the Boulder Park
area and will be available for occupancy in September, 1966. School
officials say it is possible this school could help relieve some of the
overcrowding in adjacent schools, such as Fain and Towns, Additionally,
two other sites in the area have been secured for future construction of
an elementary school and a high school.
As for the loss of bus transportation, officials say this problem would be
dealt with right away. The Fulton County system provides free bus trans-
portation for pupils who live further than 1-1/2 miles from school, and
this expense is covered by local and state funds. On the other hand, the
Atlanta Transit System provides bus transportation for Atlanta system
pupils on routes determined by pupil need and with pupils paying as they
ride. Robert Sommerville, president of Atlanta Transit System, has
given assurance that school bus routes would be provided for pupils in
areas joining the city.
- Would there be any major changes in the system of sewer service?
Would I be assessed any sewer charges before sewer service is
extended to my home?
If your home is already on a sewer line, or if you have a working
septic tank, you probably would see no immediate changes that
would affect you. Certainly, there would be no sewer assessment
charged until sewer service is provided.
The city already has made a preliminary study of the probable needs
of the area, and it would undertake to make the necessary improve-
ments and additions as soon as possible. However, your present
situation would largely govern the effect on you and your home,
For example, if your home already is served by a sewer line, you
would see nothing different. You would continue receiving the
service with no special charges or other changes, except where
such might be applied city-wide. If your home is served by a
working septic tank in good condition, then you would not be
affected until a sewer line is extended to your street. Even
when this occurred, you could be granted as long as six years
to pay the assessment which is always made for this service.
If sewer service were brought to your neighborhood for the first
time -- this is always by petition of the residents -- then your
property would be assessed on a front-footage basis for the sewer
line in front of your property. This assessment is set by law at
$3.50 per front foot. The connection to your home from the sewer
line, if the line were laid on a street that is already paved, would
be between $80 and $120, And again, if you already have a satis-
factory septic tank, you could be allowed up to six years to pay the
This policy exists in the case of already existing residences and
does not apply to vacant property, however.
Q. - Would the city provide street lights in my neighborhood right away ?
What would be done about traffic signals ?
A. - Asa general policy, the City of Atlanta provides street lights in areas
as requested by the residents, and it has kept up with demands since
the 1952 Plan of Improvement.
No wholesale program of street light installation is anticipated in any
part of the city, because of budget limitations. In other words, a
neighborhood that has not expressed a positive desire for this service
need not fear that street lights would be forced on them. However,
the city, through its Traffic Engineering Department, has been at-
tentive to the requests of those who do want lights and is currently
right on schedule in meeting these demands. Additionally, a program
of upgrading street lights on major thoroughfares is in progress to
bring these facilities up to the latest recommended standards.
A preliminary survey in the Boulder Park area has shown that some
18 street lights are currently in use, all on local streets. The estimated
needs for arterial streets include 80 lights, which, obviously, could not
be installed all at once. The estimated needs for local streets are for
some 221 additional lights, which would be undertaken by the city on the
basis of requests by the residents.
In general, the city installs traffic signals at intersections where traffic
conditions satisfy the "warrants" set out by uniform national standards,
as adopted and prescribed by the Georgia Highway Department. However,
Atlanta citizens on occasion have shown a desire for and have provided
the necessary funds to have signals installed at some intersections
where the "warrants" are not fully met. This can be accomplished at
intersections where signals are a help to traffic movement and a con-
venience to the citizens.
No traffic signals are now in service in the Boulder Park area, but one
new signal may be needed in the next two to three years, according to
the city survey.
Q. - What could Boulder Park expect in the way of street and sidewalk
improvements, now and in the future? How can we get sidewalks
or streets paved, and how much would it cost?
A. - A survey by the City of Atlanta Department of Construction found
two streets in the Boulder Park area in "below average" condition
-- Fairburn Road and part of Boulder Park Drive. Both of these
will require resurfacing in the very near future, the Construction
Department said. The city has pledged to assign a high priority
to these projects. The other streets in the area are in "good" or
"average" condition and will not require immediate work.
Paving of streets and sidewalks in the City of Atlanta, with two
exceptions, requires a petition signed by more than 50 per cent
of the property owners involved. Property owners are assessed
for the cost of the paving on a front-footage basis. The average
assessment for sidewalks in residential areas (six-foot sidewalks)
is about $2.60 per front foot, and property owners are allowed up
to four years to pay. Charges for street paving vary with the size
of the project, but the assessment generally is between $6.50 and
$7.50 per front foot for paving and curbing. Property owners are
allowed up to 10 years to pay the assessments for street paving and
up to four years to pay for curbing.
The two exceptions to the petition method are for sidewalks which
are deemed necessary for reasons of safety, and for sidewalks in
front of schools. If a sidewalk is required for public safety, the
city may put one in without being petitioned and then assess property
owners on a front-footage basis. Sidewalks in front of schools are
built at city expense, with no petition required.
In line with its policy on school sidewalks, the City of Atlanta would
move as quickly as possible to install sidewalks in front of the new
elementary school now under construction in the Boulder Park area.
Boulder Park Referendum
May 11, 1966
The facts and figures in this booklet have been thoroughly checked and approved by the City of Atlanta.
In the referendum to be held May 11, 1966, the people of Boulder Park are
being offered an opportunity to join the City of Atlanta and to help make a
great city even greater, It will be the first time this question has been
considered by the Boulder Park voters.
This booklet contains questions and answers dealing with the main issues
involved in the referendum. The information was compiled by the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, with the full cooperation of the City of Atlanta.
All the facts herein have been thoroughly checked by the City of Atlanta
and their accuracy confirmed.
Ad Valorem ‘Taxes: 24 inieeoe deadaes Sint oie ected as 1
A Comparison Of Taxes: 6 oie 6 6 seca ee pigs ewe ole ek dine lets 3
Representation in Local Government ..-.-.....--....-, 5
Growth and Zon ois. series oe ee le we a ea 6
Fire Protection and Fire Insurance .................. 8
Polite PORGHON. <0 c ec sce kee lee ee es Pb ech 5 8 ah 3
Sauiitation: Service waa ied ss eee ed aes ade Ma a 10
Water Service: <i gs ha tee hE ES whe cals: eiag edna 11
SCROMIS 5 ose OL Eee ee 08 Gnas ee ele oiciard dee aa leg 12
BOWER ea 4 Kone aera dpe ay ee le lee anaiayate yp pa aie bae & Gupe 13
Street Lights and Traffic Signals ...........-2..0000.. 14
ptreets and Sidewalks. <2 .30 034. c ea OOo ene HE Sh ee 15
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-- What would happen to my tax bill? How much more would it cost me
to receive the improved services inside the city ?
The ad valorem taxes on your home and personal property would be
higher inside the city, but the increase in taxes would be largely off-
set by reductions in other charges. In almost every case, the net
result would be only a moderate increase in the total. In some cases,
the homeowner would pay less inside the city.
As an example, consider the effect on one of the homes taken from a
random survey of Boulder Park residences. The example is a single-
family frame dwelling. Its value, for tax purposes, is $14,920. The
1965 Fulton County real estate tax bill on this property was $107. 35,.
and the personal property tax was $32.33 -- a total tax of $139.68.
If the home had been inside the city, the county and city real estate
tax would have been $191.63 and the personal property tax would have
been $33.25 for a total tax of $224.88. The increase inside the city
would have been $85. 20. @
This increase in ad valorem taxes would have been largely offset by
lower charges in two areas: Water and fire insurance. The actual
water bill for this residence last year was $80.02, which is very
close to the average bill shown in a survey of some 25 homes in the
Boulder Park area. Inside the city, the water bill would have been
$40.30, a decrease of $39.72,
It is more difficult to arrive at the exact saving possible in lower
insurance rates for the homeowner, because of the several different
types of insurance he might choose. But a good estimate can be
obtained by comparing the rates for "straight fire insurance" on his
dwelling. Since the value of his lot makes up part of the total value
of his property, assume that his dwelling is valued at $12, 000 of
the $14, 920 total. Straight fire insurance on this amount would be
_$120.60 in Boulder Park, which has a Class 10 rating. Inside
Atlanta, which has a Class 3 rating, the same fire insurance would
cost $25. 20, a difference of $95.40.
The sanitary service charge for this home is $21.00 at present. Ih
the city the charge would be $22.00 for greatly improved service.
Thus, in the example, an ad valorem tax increase of $85.20 and an
increase of $1.00 in sanitary service charge would be offset by
savings of $39.72 (water) and $95.40 (fire insurance). The net
difference would be a saving of $48. 92 if the home were inside the
city. ==
Another "intangible" saving will work to the benefit of homeowners
when they file federal and state income taxes. Both federal and state
income tax procedures allow local tax payments to be claimed as a
"deduction". Payments for such items as water and insurance are
not "deductible.'' This means that the homeowner inside the city —
whose property taxes are higher and other charges lower -- can
deduct a greater portion of his total payments for income tax
The net effect on his income tax bill would vary, depending on the
income bracket and other factors. But a conservative estimate is
that the typical homeowner could reduce his combined federal and
state income taxes by about 20 per cent of the additional amount
deductible for ad valorem taxes.
In other words, the taxpayer in the example shown above could
deduct $85.20 more if he were inside the city, and the estimated
saving on his income taxes would be $17.04. Considering all
aspects of his taxes and charges, the homeowner cited in the
example would actually save almost $70.00 by being inside the
city, while enjoying improved services.
In the following examples - all of which are actual residences in a random survey of Boulder Park homes - the
ad valorem taxes, water bill and sanitation charges paid in 1965 are compared with what the same items would
(Boulder Park - City of Atlanta)
have been if the homes had been inside the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta. The "net change’ shown does
not reflect the saving in fire insurance, which would range from a few dollars to a substantial amount, depending
on type of dwelling, its value, location, type of insurance, etc.
federal and state income tax deductions.
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
See page 1 and 2.
The change also does not include the savings on
of Home Assessment
$14, 800 Co. $3,700
City 5,180
17, 120 Co. 4,280
City 5,990
19.760 Co. 4,940
City 6,920
11,600 Co. 2,900
City 4,050
17, 200 Co. 4,300
City 6,020
Real Estate Personal
Tax Property Tax Water Bill Sanitation Net Change
$105.76 $19.61 $60. 31 $21.00
189.67 20.17 30.31 22.00
+ 83.91 + ,56 - 30.00 + 1.00 + 55.47
136.50 28.09 248.17 21.00
228.64 28.89 132.68 14,00
+ 92.14 + .80 -115.49 - 7.00 - 29.55
171.48 46,64 77.83 21.00
273.25 47.96 39.19 22.00
+101.77 + 1,32 - 38.64 + 1.00 + 65.45
63. 36 21.73 53.74 21.00
135.51 22.35 26,98 18.00
+ 72.15 + £62 - 26.76 - 3.00 + 43.01
137.56 57.77 50.82 21.00
230.05 59.41 25.50 18.00
+ 92.49 + 1.64 - 25.32 - 3.00 + 65.81
Value Real Estate Personal
of Home Assessment Tax Property Tax Water Bill Sanitation Net Change
Example #6 18, 280 Co. 4,570 151.87 29.15 69.80 21.00
City 6,400 248.29 29.98 35.12 22.00
+ 96.42 + .83 - 34.68 + 1.00 + 63.57
Example #7 14, 920 Co. 3,730 107.35 32.33 80.02 21.00
City 5,220 191.63 33,25 40.30 22.00
+ 84.28 fo 9 OF - 39.72 + 1.00 + 46.48
Example #8 7,800 Co. 1,950 15.27 4,24 95.35 21.00
City 2,720 72.58 4,36 48.07 14.00
+ 57.31 + .12 - 47.28 - 7.00 + 3.15
Example #9 20, 040 Co. 5,010 175.19 63.07 160. 32 21.00
City 7,010 277.70 64.86 81.00 22.00
+102.51 + 1.79 - 79.32 + 1.00 + 25.98
Example #10 19, 400 Co. 4,850 166.71 23.32 38.41 21.00
City 6,780 266.75 23.98 19.21 22.00
+100. 04 + .66 - 19.20 + 1.00 + 82.50
Q. -
What representation would I have in local government? Other than being
able to vote in elections involving city offices and city issues, how would
my voice in local matters be increased ?
You would have more representation in local government, and you would
have a greater voice in matters affecting your community because you
would be closer to your representatives.
The legislative act which provides for the referendum in Boulder Park
spells out that the area would join the city as part of the present Seventh
Ward. The ward is represented by two members of the Board of Aldermen
and one member of the Board of Education, plus two members of the City
Executive Committee. All of these are elected. Residents of Boulder
Park could vote in the next city election in 1969 for these and other offices.
The Boulder Park area presently is governed by, and participates in the
election of, a three-man county commission. County commissioners
must be responsive to the citizens of all areas of the county, and rightly
so, since they represent all the county. The five members of the Fulton
County Board of Education, each representing a school district, are
appointed by the Grand Jury for five-year terms. The county school
superintendent is elected by county-wide vote.
By having two aldermen, both residing in their ward, Boulder Park
citizens would have a stronger voice in matters of local government
and, in effect, would be closer to their elected representatives. In
future elections they would vote in the election of Atlanta's mayor, the
president of the Board of Aldermen, all members of the Board of
Aldermen and Board of Education, and two members of the City
Executive Committee from their own ward. Their ward also would
be represented on other boards, such as the Atlanta Public Library
Board of Trustees. Additionally, the area's representation would be
enhanced by the appointment of its aldermen to various aldermanic
committees which would deal with matters pertaining specifically to
the Boulder Park area, as well as those affecting the city as a whole.
What would happen in the field of zoning and future development of the
Boulder Park area?
You could expect the Boulder Park area to continue to develop as primarily
a low density single-family community. Future apartment and commercial
development could be expected to take place along portions of the major
thoroughfares with emphasis on strong neighborhood commercial centers
at appropriate intervals as opposed to continuous strip commercial
Property would be reclassified into the City of Atlanta zoning district
which most closely resembles the classification under which it is pre=
sently zoned in the Fulton County Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning designations as established and use permits as approved by Fulton
County prior to January 1, 1967 will be honored by the City of Atlanta,
and will remain in effect.
Public hearings for consideration of proposed zoning changes in the area
would be held only four times a year, following the area system as is
presently being used in Atlanta. These hearings are held only by the
Zoning Committee after receiving recommendations by the staff of the
Planning Department and the Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning
Board. The decision of the Zoning Committee receives final action
by the full Board of Aldermen and Mayor.
The Atlanta Zoning Ordinance contains district classifications which
closely relate to those in the Fulton County Ordinance, although similar
classifications in Atlanta generally contain more restrictive require-
ments. In addition to these similar districts the Atlanta Ordinance
contains several new classifications which permit only a highly se-
lective number of uses with regulations which permit and encourage
high development standards, These classifications provide for a
reasonable use of certain properties while permitting only the best
development for the community.
A brief description of these new districts follows:
1. The "R-9 Single-Family Dwelling Group District" provides
for the construction of townhouse units for individual unit
sale under condominium ownership. Units may not be rented
under this district. The district provides for a maximum of
twelve dwelling units per acre and a maximum ground coverage
of thirty-five percent including buildings, parking and drives.
Several fine townhouse developments are presently under
construction in Atlanta under the provisions of this district.
2. The "A-L Apartment-Limited Dwelling District" provides for
low-density, high-standard apartment developments generally
compatible with substantial single-family residential areas.
The district permits garden apartments (two story units) ata
maximum of twelve dwelling units per acre and permits only
thirty-five percent ground coverage including buildings,
parking and drives.
3. The 'C-L Commercial Limited District" permits primarily
office and institutional uses and a few selected retail studios
and shops. Signs must be attached to the wall of the building
and be only twenty square feet in size. This district provides
often for a reasonable use of portions of the major thorough-
fare while discouraging all the inherent ill effects of continuous
strip commercial retail zoning. It has been found to be generally
compatible with certain residential uses as well.
Work would begin immediately to include the Boulder Park area in the
comprehensive planning process now underway in the City of Atlanta.
This comprehensive planning process is made up of four elements as
1. Projected future land use needs and their location as a guide to
future rezoning evaluations.
2, Designation of Major Thoroughfares and their future effect on
the adjacent use of land.
3. Plans for needed community facilities such as parks, schools
and libraries along with general locations.
4, The programming of improvements and source of funds necessary
to implement these future plans.
Q. - How would my fire protection be affected? What would this mean in regard
to what I pay for my fire insurance ?
Your fire insurance rates would be reduced substantially, but, even more
important, better fire protection would be afforded to your home or business.
Fire protection and fire insurance rates go hand in hand. The better the
protection available to you, the less you must pay for fire insurance.
Ratings are assigned to particular areas on the basis of fire protection
facilities and other factors. Fire insurance rates, in turn, are deter-
mined by a formula based on the rating.
The City of Atlanta has a Class 3 rating, which compares very favorably
with other cities of similar size across the nation. Atlanta has kept well
within the requirements of its Class 3 rating by building, equipping and
maintaining fire stations at key points throughout the city, and by assuring
an ample water supply in every area. Fire protection, in short, is excellent
and fire insurance rates are as low as the rates in all but a few major cities,
The Boulder Park area, on the other hand, has no fire protection available
at the present time. Asa result, the area has a Class 10 rating. Rates
for straight fire insurance under the Class 10 rating are enormously
higher than the rates under Class 3 -- as much as five and a half times
greater in the case of a frame dwelling,
The Fulton County Commission has passed a resolution declaring a new
fire district, known as the Fulton Industrial Fire District, which en-
compasses the Boulder Park area. The county has petitioned the City
of Atlanta to contract the justified fire protection services for the new
district to earn a Class 6 rating, Those in the Fulton Industrial Fire
District would pay a special fire tax levy of seven mills to satisfy this
contract. It is expected that the contract will be realized during 1966.
Should the citizens of the Boulder Park area voice their desire in the
May 11 referendum to become part of Atlanta, thus separating them-
selves from the Industrial Fire District, they would become part of
Atlanta's Class 3 rating and would realize the same fire protection as
similar portions of the city.
The City of Atlanta already has plans to construct a new fire station
in the Adamsville area during 1966. This station, as well as other
city fire units in the surrounding area, would respond to fire calls
in the Boulder Park area, thus meeting the requirements of the
Southeastern Underwriters.
Thus, by voting to become part of Atlanta, Boulder Park residents
could expect their fire insurance rates to be reduced at the time they
joined the city (January 1, 1967) and they would not pay the proposed
seven-mill fire tax for the additional protection.
Q. - What changes would occur in police protection? Would the city builda
new precinct station in Boulder Park?
Police protection would be expanded and improved -- and the basic
concept would change from the type of service provided in rural areas
to the "full-service" protection afforded in a heavily populated urban
area. No additional stations are contemplated in any area of the city,
at present.
Boulder Park presently receives its police service from the City of
Atlanta under a contract arrangement with Fulton County. The only
laws enforceable are state laws, which are designed, for the most
part, for rural areas. Anyone arrested as a violator of a state law
must be turned over to the Fulton County sheriff for trial in a state
If the area chooses to join the city, it would be necessary to increase
immediately the radio patrol service now provided, add foot patrolmen
for duty in business districts, and add motorcycle patrolmen for traffic
and patrol duty. In addition, the citizens of the Boulder Park area would
receive the benefit of all the services and facilities of the Juvenile Crime
Prevention Squad and the special squads in the Detective Department,
which are not now available to the area. Policemen would enforce city
ordinances, as well as state laws, the same as they are enforced in the
rest of Atlanta at present.
The City of Atlanta presently has approximately 1.5 policemen for every
1,000 population, The city is striving not only to maintain that ratio but
to improve it for the increased protection of all its citizens.
As for adding precinct stations, the trend is away from the precinct
concept in these days of two-way radio communications and other modern
facilities. A radio patrol car, manned by two officers or even just one,
is literally a "traveling precinct station."' With radio communications,
the patrolman can call for assistance and have other officers at his side
within moments. The city has no plans for adding precinct stations, and
the emphasis will continue to be on mobility and close communications
by radio.
Q. - How would my garbage pickup and other sanitation services be affected
if Boulder Park joins the city? Would I have to pay more?
Your sanitation service would be expanded and improved, and many
residents actually would pay less than they pay now. The maximum
increase would be a dollar a year, or just two cents a week more.
As a resident of Atlanta, you would begin receiving several services
which are not now available to you -- rubbish pickup, street cleaning,
dead animal removal, sanitary inspection, and "guttering, '"' which
means periodic removal of grass and other obstructions from street
gutters. It is the city's responsibility to bring all these services to
its citizens, as well as providing two garbage collections each week.
You are presently receiving only one garbage pickup each week.
For these additional services, your sanitation charge would be a
maximum of $22.00 a year, as compared to the $21.00 a year you
are now paying for far less service. The $22.00 charge is figured
on a base charge of $6.00, plus $4.00 for each 25 feet of lot frontage
or fraction thereof, but not to exceed the $22.00 a year maximum for
residences. Some residents would pay as little as $14.00 a year.
Business establishments throughout the area now pay for garbage
collection on the basis of the actual cost of rendering the service.
Most businesses would realize a substantial saving by being a part
of the city -- and would receive improved service as well.
An estimated 800 homes in Boulder Park are getting garbage collection
service (one pickup each week) at this time, according to the City of
Atlanta Department of Sanitary Engineering. Full service would be
extended to these residents immediately after their area became part
of the city. The maximum charge for even the most remote residence
would be only $22,00 per year.
A survey of city sanitary services is being conducted at this time
by the Public Administration Service. The findings of the survey,
which will be available soon, will result in improved services.
Any change in rate schedules will apply to both city residents and
county residents receiving city services under contract with the
county government.
Q. -
A, -
What difference, if any, would there be in the way water is supplied
to my home or business? Would my water bill be affected?
The only difference would be on your water bill, which would be
cut in half.
Virtually all the existing homes and businesses in the Boulder Park
area already receive their water from the City of Atlanta Water
Department under an arrangement between the city and Fulton
County. Users outside the city, however, are billed for water at
a double rate. The minimum monthly water bill for the City of
Atlanta users is $1.57; for those outside the city, the minimum
is $3.14 per month. Thus, the annual savings for water users
inside the city is at least $18.14,
In reality, savings run much higher than the minimum, however.
Atlanta people are accustomed to having a plentiful supply of good
water at low rates, and they use it in quantity. Experience has
shown that very few homes, inside or outside the city, use little
enough water to be billed for the minimum.
An actual survey of some 25 homes in the Boulder Park area,
chosen at random, showed that the average water charge paid
during 1965 was $78.32. Only one of these homes was within
a dollar of the minimum bill, and three of the larger users paid
bills of $131.12, $160.32 and $248.17.
If these same homes had been inside the city, their water bills
for 1965 would have averaged $39.78. The average savings would
have been $38.53 per home.
>a§ Tic
Q. -
What changes would occur in the schools my children attend? What would
be done about school bus transporation, since the Atlanta system does not
have free transportation ?
Several major differences would occur in the way of advantages: Kinder-
gartens in the Atlanta system schools; a greater emphasis at the high
school level on vocational programs, in addition to the college preparatory
and general programs; and the benefit of more specialized programs and
more technical specialists.
In general, the curricula of the Atlanta system and the Fulton County system
are similar, as are the personnel policies, overall operational procedures
and financial structures.
However, the salary schedules for teachers are somewhat higher in the
Atlanta system. In general, Atlanta teachers are paid 8.9 per cent more
than Fulton County teachers. Any teachers who become a part of the
Atlanta School System would transfer directly to the city's pension plan
without loss of any money or benefits. Atlanta and Fulton school officials
agree that pension benefits of both systems are practically the same.
A survey by the Atlanta School System showed that there are 380 pupils
in the area included in the May 11 referendum -- 270 elementary school
children and 110 in high school, Of these, 69 already are attending
Atlanta schools: 54 elementary pupils in Fain, Oglethorpe, Stanton,
Towns and West Haven schools, and 15 high school students in Harper,
Turner and West Fulton schools. The remaining 216 elementary pupils
attend East Point Elementary School, and the other 95 high school
students attend South Fulton (in East Point), Thomas (in College Park)
and Lakeshore (in College Park).
A 14-room elementary school is under construction in the Boulder Park
area and will be available for occupancy in September, 1966. School
officials say it is possible this school could help relieve some of the
overcrowding in adjacent schools, such as Fain and Towns, Additionally,
two other sites in the area have been secured for future construction of
an elementary school and a high school.
As for the loss of bus transportation, officials say this problem would be
dealt with right away. The Fulton County system provides free bus trans-
portation for pupils who live further than 1-1/2 miles from school, and
this expense is covered by local and state funds. On the other hand, the
Atlanta Transit System provides bus transportation for Atlanta system
pupils on routes determined by pupil need and with pupils paying as they
ride. Robert Sommerville, president of Atlanta Transit System, has
given assurance that school bus routes would be provided for pupils in
areas joining the city.
- Would there be any major changes in the system of sewer service?
Would I be assessed any sewer charges before sewer service is
extended to my home?
If your home is already on a sewer line, or if you have a working
septic tank, you probably would see no immediate changes that
would affect you. Certainly, there would be no sewer assessment
charged until sewer service is provided.
The city already has made a preliminary study of the probable needs
of the area, and it would undertake to make the necessary improve-
ments and additions as soon as possible. However, your present
situation would largely govern the effect on you and your home,
For example, if your home already is served by a sewer line, you
would see nothing different. You would continue receiving the
service with no special charges or other changes, except where
such might be applied city-wide. If your home is served by a
working septic tank in good condition, then you would not be
affected until a sewer line is extended to your street. Even
when this occurred, you could be granted as long as six years
to pay the assessment which is always made for this service.
If sewer service were brought to your neighborhood for the first
time -- this is always by petition of the residents -- then your
property would be assessed on a front-footage basis for the sewer
line in front of your property. This assessment is set by law at
$3.50 per front foot. The connection to your home from the sewer
line, if the line were laid on a street that is already paved, would
be between $80 and $120, And again, if you already have a satis-
factory septic tank, you could be allowed up to six years to pay the
This policy exists in the case of already existing residences and
does not apply to vacant property, however.
Q. - Would the city provide street lights in my neighborhood right away ?
What would be done about traffic signals ?
A. - Asa general policy, the City of Atlanta provides street lights in areas
as requested by the residents, and it has kept up with demands since
the 1952 Plan of Improvement.
No wholesale program of street light installation is anticipated in any
part of the city, because of budget limitations. In other words, a
neighborhood that has not expressed a positive desire for this service
need not fear that street lights would be forced on them. However,
the city, through its Traffic Engineering Department, has been at-
tentive to the requests of those who do want lights and is currently
right on schedule in meeting these demands. Additionally, a program
of upgrading street lights on major thoroughfares is in progress to
bring these facilities up to the latest recommended standards.
A preliminary survey in the Boulder Park area has shown that some
18 street lights are currently in use, all on local streets. The estimated
needs for arterial streets include 80 lights, which, obviously, could not
be installed all at once. The estimated needs for local streets are for
some 221 additional lights, which would be undertaken by the city on the
basis of requests by the residents.
In general, the city installs traffic signals at intersections where traffic
conditions satisfy the "warrants" set out by uniform national standards,
as adopted and prescribed by the Georgia Highway Department. However,
Atlanta citizens on occasion have shown a desire for and have provided
the necessary funds to have signals installed at some intersections
where the "warrants" are not fully met. This can be accomplished at
intersections where signals are a help to traffic movement and a con-
venience to the citizens.
No traffic signals are now in service in the Boulder Park area, but one
new signal may be needed in the next two to three years, according to
the city survey.
Q. - What could Boulder Park expect in the way of street and sidewalk
improvements, now and in the future? How can we get sidewalks
or streets paved, and how much would it cost?
A. - A survey by the City of Atlanta Department of Construction found
two streets in the Boulder Park area in "below average" condition
-- Fairburn Road and part of Boulder Park Drive. Both of these
will require resurfacing in the very near future, the Construction
Department said. The city has pledged to assign a high priority
to these projects. The other streets in the area are in "good" or
"average" condition and will not require immediate work.
Paving of streets and sidewalks in the City of Atlanta, with two
exceptions, requires a petition signed by more than 50 per cent
of the property owners involved. Property owners are assessed
for the cost of the paving on a front-footage basis. The average
assessment for sidewalks in residential areas (six-foot sidewalks)
is about $2.60 per front foot, and property owners are allowed up
to four years to pay. Charges for street paving vary with the size
of the project, but the assessment generally is between $6.50 and
$7.50 per front foot for paving and curbing. Property owners are
allowed up to 10 years to pay the assessments for street paving and
up to four years to pay for curbing.
The two exceptions to the petition method are for sidewalks which
are deemed necessary for reasons of safety, and for sidewalks in
front of schools. If a sidewalk is required for public safety, the
city may put one in without being petitioned and then assess property
owners on a front-footage basis. Sidewalks in front of schools are
built at city expense, with no petition required.
In line with its policy on school sidewalks, the City of Atlanta would
move as quickly as possible to install sidewalks in front of the new
elementary school now under construction in the Boulder Park area.