Box 9, Folder 1, Document 40

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Box 9, Folder 1, Document 40

Text Item Type Metadata



6/9/69 6/23/69
Gross Pay CWSP Share Received . / Gross Pay CWSP Share Received
University of Pennsylvania 105.60 — 84, 48
SREB for University of Georgia 193, 60 154, 88
Southwestern at Memphis 158, 40 126.72 126.72
Lake Forest College 29.70 23.70
Ga. College at Milledgeville 211,20 168.96
Oglethorpe 105, 60 84, 48
Brandeis University 86. 40 69.12 144, 00 115.20
Brown 144, 00 115.20 115.20
Emory University 105. 60 84,48 84. 48
Indiana University 105. 60 84, 48 BI.48
Mercer 158.40 126.72 126.72
Georgia Institute of Technology , 1, 074.80 859. 84
Clark College 70, 40 56, 32 1,296, 00 1, 036, 80
Spel man - .0%_ 50 46,00 688.70 550.96
Morris Brown College 105, 60 84, 48 84, 48 (5)1,502.80 (6)1,202.24 1,191.68
Yeshiva :
West Georgia College 2,027.20 1, 621. 76 1, 621.76
Morehouse College 21, 60 17,28 866. 80 693.44
Vassar 144, 00 115,20 115,20
Georgia State (1)28, 00 (2) 22.40 | (3) 1,072.00 (4) 857.60 742,40 |
Dekalb Junior College 99.90 79.92 79.92 1, 058, 40 846,72 846.72
4249, 4/0 Serr ey oks If) 1G.2.40 $9 ey 92

(1) $28.00 was paid to Susie Lindsey who was not certified for C.W.S.P.
(2) We cannot collect this due to non-certification.

(3) $1,072.00 - $144. 00 (Susie Lindsey) = $928.00.

(4) 80% of $928. 00 = $742.40.

(5) $1,502. 80 - $13.20 (See appendage #1) = $1, 489. 60.

(6) 80% of $1,489.60 = $1,191. 68.

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