Dublin Core
Box 9, Folder 4, Document 32
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July 30, 1969
Dr. John Hogarty
Director, Co-op Program
Antioch College
Yellow Springs, Ohio
Dear Dr. Hogarty:
I am sorry all our efforts did not bear fruit in bringing Antioch students to
the Atlanta Urban Corps this first year. However, we may yet aleviate the ;
As you,know, the Urban Corps is a college intern program. This summer, more
than 220 students from 433colleges participated. Cur main emphasis is
building a program whose primary purpose is an educational experience for
the intern. This summer, our staff of fifteen is composed almost entirely
of students. We also have five professors serving as educational consultants.
We are presently planning a yeer-round program that will include academic
eredit for interns through three cooperating Atlanta colleges.
Our centrai.problem is the need for a director. I am leaving in September for
Harvard Business Sehool. Ideally, we would like a young graduate student type
with experience in working with students and administrative problems. The
director will be jointly working with the Southern Regional Education Board
and The Office of The Mayor for program administration. Possibilities for
faculty status of a director at Georgia State College ara good through
thelr Urban Studies program. Salary level is in the $600 per month range
and above, depending upon expetienee. The job is full-time and minimum
obligation of a year,
If you know of anyone that might be interested in serving as director, would
you please have them call me collect? The enclosed information will supplement
this Letter in explaining the Urban Corps.
Sam Williams 5 338
Director ie
SW : kar
‘ae: Mr. Dan Sweat